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Ultimate UNRAID Dashboard (UUD)

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1 hour ago, LTM said:

Ah. I am still on the latest stable version of unraid.


Yeah I'm on 6.8.3 and will be staying put until 6.9.0 is stable. The UUD has only been tested on 6.83 and prior. Once we get the next release, I'll make sure the UUD is compatible.


Edited by falconexe
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Does anybody know how/where InfluxDB gets the host name?  I chnged my unraid server name from the default "Tower" and the new name shows in unraid and when I browse Windows network, but in Grafana it still shows as Tower.  Just wondering how to get it to change to the new name.  I had assumed it would do so automatically.

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13 minutes ago, RockDawg said:

Does anybody know how/where InfluxDB gets the host name?  I chnged my unraid server name from the default "Tower" and the new name shows in unraid and when I browse Windows network, but in Grafana it still shows as Tower.  Just wondering how to get it to change to the new name.  I had assumed it would do so automatically.

You can change it the telegraf config file

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Okay.  But nowhere in there is it currently set to Tower so it seems like it's actually polling something to retrieve the name (maybe I'm wrong though).  I assumed the reason for having the Host variable was that it would dynamically list all available hosts.  If you just manually specify them then no need for a variable, right?



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9 hours ago, RockDawg said:

Okay.  But nowhere in there is it currently set to Tower so it seems like it's actually polling something to retrieve the name (maybe I'm wrong though).  I assumed the reason for having the Host variable was that it would dynamically list all available hosts.  If you just manually specify them then no need for a variable, right?



It may be in the Telegraf config.


Line 94 on my config, just above Output Plugins section.

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19 hours ago, RockDawg said:

That's where I was looking per GilbN's post.  Here is mine:


## Override default hostname, if empty use os.Hostname()
  hostname = ""


So where does os.Hostname() derive the host name?

It should be pulling it from the host.


Have you tried running 'hostname' from the Unraid console?


In Grafana, at the top of the page under the Host dropdown, does it only show the old host name?


A somewhat simple way to see what data Influx has, is a container called Chronograf.

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1 hour ago, RockDawg said:

When I type hostname in the unraid console it returns "Anton" which is the new name.  If I type hostname in the Grafana-Unraid-Stack container console, it returns Tower.  In Grafana under the host dropdown it only shows Tower.

Search your Telegraph config for “Tower”, and if found, replace it with “Anton”, then save.


You can also export your Grafana dashboard into a JSON file, do the same find and replace, and re-import it into Grafana.


In both cases, stop all related dockers, make the changes, and restart them.


Finally, for good measure, you can also perform a full reboot of the UNRAID server.


Edited by falconexe
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27 minutes ago, RockDawg said:

I did search the telelgraf config file and nothing came up.  I'll try the JSON export trick.  Am I correct is assuming that as long as nothing is epcifying that name that Telegraf should dynamically detect the correct name?

Correct. Sounds like something is stuck in memory or hard coded somewhere. I would try a full reboot first. Restarting the 3 dockers (Grafana, Telegraf, & InfluxDB) after a host name change would be required for it to pick up the change.

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2 minutes ago, falconexe said:

Correct. Sounds like something is stuck in memory or hard coded somewhere. I would try a full reboot first. Restarting the 3 dockers (Grafana, Telegraf, & InfluxDB) after a host name change would be required for it to pick up the change.

Thanks.  I'll try a reboot when people are done streaming from the server.  You have to stop the array to change the unraid server name which stops all Dockers so they did restart after the host name change.  I manually restarted them again for good measure with no luck.

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17 minutes ago, RockDawg said:

Thanks.  I'll try a reboot when people are done streaming from the server.  You have to stop the array to change the unraid server name which stops all Dockers so they did restart after the host name change.  I manually restarted them again for good measure with no luck.

I thought that might be the case (I’ve never changed my host name). Welp, check your dash JSON next.

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7 hours ago, RockDawg said:

Did find it in the JSON:


"templating": {
    "list": [
        "allValue": null,
        "current": {
          "selected": false,
          "text": "Tower",
          "value": "Tower"


Do I just remove the text and leave empty quotes?

You can either hard code it here, or leave it blank and it should dynamically pick it up. Save the JSON, and re-import the dash.

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5 hours ago, falconexe said:

You can either hard code it here, or leave it blank and it should dynamically pick it up. Save the JSON, and re-import the dash.

Nothing seems to work.  I think the issue lies outside the dash and it's code or configuration because, like I said, if I go to the console of the GUS container and type hostname it returns Tower.  Even after rebooting unraid.  

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1 hour ago, RockDawg said:

Nothing seems to work.  I think the issue lies outside the dash and it's code or configuration because, like I said, if I go to the console of the GUS container and type hostname it returns Tower.  Even after rebooting unraid.  

Ah, didn’t realize you were using GUS. You can try completely removing it, blow away the appdata related folders (make a copy first), snd reinstall it from scratch. That might do it.


I use the 3 dockers natively. You can also post in that support thread. The developer @testdasimight have some ideas since GUS is his creation.


Edited by falconexe
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 The Ultimate UNRAID Dashboard Version 1.5 is here! This is another HUGE 😁 update adding INTEGRATED PLEX Monitoring via Varken/Tautulli. This update is loosely derived from the official Varken dashboard, but I stripped it down to the bolts, modded the crap out of it, and streamlined it with a straight Plex focus. Honestly, the only code that sill remains from their official dash is the single geo-mapping graph, as it is not actually an editable panel, but rather straight JSON code. I wanted to say thank you to that team for providing a great baseline to start from, and all of their previous work!


The UUD Version 1.5 adds 50 new Panels within 3 new sections. I have placed these strategically within the UUD right below the Overwatch section, as this is the second data set that I would want to see, right after my overall server health. As always, with greater features, comes a greater need for plugins and dependencies. I have provided links and resources below to help you along.



New Dependencies:

  • Install Guides/Tutorials:
  • Dockers:
    • Varken (Install With Default Setup / Follow Current Project Install Guide)
    • Tautuilli (Install With Default Setup / Follow Current Project Install Guide)
  • Docker AppData:
    • Varken Config (Follow Varken Install Guide)
  • New Grafana Data Source:
    • "Varken"
  • New Grafana Plugins
    • Pie Chart Panel

      • Run Following Command in Docker: grafana-cli plugins install grafana-piechart-panel

    • World Map

      • Run Following Command in Docker: grafana-cli plugins install grafana-worldmap-panel

  • Third Party:
    • FREE GeoLite2 License Registration (Follow Varken Install Guide)
    • Without this, the MAP WILL NOT WORK.


Please Note: This release is an example tailored to MY Plex setup/library. The intent here is that you will take this and modify it for your Plex Library/Setup. You have everything you require to template new panels and to add new media sections as needed!




  • Real Time Plex Monitoring
    • Extremely Detailed Breakdown of All Current Streams
    • Current Number of Streams
    • Internal and External Streaming Bandwidth Breakdown
    • Stream Origination (Geo Location) With Interactive Map
    • Streaming Types
    • Streaming Devices
    • Detailed User Monitoring
    • Current Library Statistics Broken Out By Library Sections
  • Plex Library Growth
    • Plex Library Growth Over Time (Day/Week/Month/Year)
      • Currently Templated For Following Media Sections
        • TV Shows
        • Movies
        • Documentary TV Shows
        • Documentary Movies
        • Anime Shows
        • Music
        • You Can Add More...
  • Historical Plex Monitoring
    • Heat Maps to See Your Overall Streaming Saturation (Last Day/Week/Month/Year)
    • Device Types (Last Month)
    • Stream Types (Last Month)
    • Media Types (Last Month)
    • Media Streaming Qualities (Last Month)
    • Stream Log (Last Week with Limit of Last 1,000 For Performance Reasons)
      • Log Captures All Streaming Activity Via 10 Minute Intervals



Screenshots (With Personal Info Redacted):






I am very pleased that I could still get this out to you all in 2020 (my time), so hopefully this will ease us into a better 2021! As always, I'm here if you need me. ENJOY and Happy New Year!



See Post Number 1 For the New Version 1.5 JSON File!


Edited by falconexe
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I'll echo others thanking you for making this beautiful set of metrics and panels. My inner monitoring child is going bonkers.


Now, forgive me for asking these questions:


1. Where is the install guide? I've combed through several pages and I only see the dockers that I need to install and some config files. Is there a step by step guide/wiki on how to impliment this wonderment?


2. What is the json file for? What does that do? Where does it go.


If I missed a page that had the install instructions and full configs that would be wonderful.  I'm a bit lost and don't want to go willy/nilly installing all the dockers and come back with "Well now what?"


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15 hours ago, CyrixDX4 said:

I'll echo others thanking you for making this beautiful set of metrics and panels. My inner monitoring child is going bonkers.


Now, forgive me for asking these questions:


1. Where is the install guide? I've combed through several pages and I only see the dockers that I need to install and some config files. Is there a step by step guide/wiki on how to impliment this wonderment?


2. What is the json file for? What does that do? Where does it go.


If I missed a page that had the install instructions and full configs that would be wonderful.  I'm a bit lost and don't want to go willy/nilly installing all the dockers and come back with "Well now what?"


Thanks for your positive feedback. My Wife got a kick out of your “Wonderment” comment. You don’t hear that word every day 😂.


1. Please read the first 3 posts of this topic. There is a link to @GilbN’s tutorial website with detailed instructions. Alternatively, you can go install the “Grafana UNRAID Stack” (GUS) made by a fellow developer @testdasi. He took the 3 base dockers (Grafana/Telegraf/InFluxDB) and combined them into a single docker. Some people find that easier. You can find it in Community Apps. I gave testdasi permission to bundle the UUD into it, but I think he still has version 1.3 in there. If all else fails, we can figure out a virtual meeting and get you up and running. Many of your fellow users in the UUD family would also be happy to assist you as well, I’m sure.


2. The JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) file is the Dashboard. So when you get Grafana up and running, you import the JSON from post #1 into it, and you’ll have the Ultimate UNRAID Dashboard installed. If you don’t need PLEX monitor, I would suggest sticking with version 1.4.


Let me know how your doing after reviewing the above. Welcome to the UUD community!


Edited by falconexe
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24 minutes ago, Stupifier said:

I'm excited to get the v1.5 but I use @testdasi grafana stack...hopefully he gets some time to update it to the latest UUD version.

Why wait for testdasi to integrate UUD json? You can download the json and import it yourself as a dashboard into Grafana in GUS.  That's how we all did it before testdasi integrated UUD in as a dashboard option.

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