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23 minutes ago, spacezmonkey said:

Hello, I am not sure if unraid recognize my nvidia card. the gpu load is showing NA. Is it normal?

Yes, this is a common thing.

The problem is that the GT730 is a pretty old card that is based on the Kepler architecture.

Nvidia often breaks compatibility for older cards in nvidia-smi so the values doesn't show up when a new generation of graphics card is released.


Your card is maybe capable of reporting those values but nvidia-smi can't display it because they actually broke compatibility in some kind of way for this card.


Another example would be that even some GTX1050Ti's won't report power draw or other values like in your case.

May I ask what you do with the GT730? If you are using it for HW transcoding in Plex keep in mind that this card can't handle h.265


You can also search this thread for "N/A" and you will find more posts about this but there is nothing I can do about that.

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Hey all, got a question regarding my setup.


Had been doing a bit of research on which card to get just for Plex/Tdarr/HandBrake and decided on a Quadro P400.


I did want to get a 1050Ti but they're scarce and the Pascal Quadro's are still in stock.


The numerous threads and questions on Reddit I'd found said I shouldn't need anything more than a P400.


Just finished setting it up and it's definitely working but the 4K files I've tested throw a Playback Error: An error occurred trying to play "$MOVIE". Error code: h3 (Decode). This can vary from 10 seconds to 5 minutes.


Looking at the GPU stats, memory is fine but load is maxed out. With Plex, I've set the transcode directory to RAM using the path option. I did have the 

--mount type=tmpfs,destination=/tmp,tmpfs-size=8000000000 entry in Extra Parameters (and set the transcode directory to /tmp) but found it wasn't reliable, was testing this with Live TV & DVR using Telly and it would error most of the time.


Could this be an issue with Plex or is the card not up to task. I'm on the latest version ( of Plex and the latest nVidia driver (470.74).

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6 minutes ago, Akshunhiro said:

Quadro P400.

Why not a Nvidia T400 (Turing based), the should be basically the same price if you buy it new...


6 minutes ago, Akshunhiro said:

Just finished setting it up and it's definitely working but the 4K files I've tested throw a Playback Error: An error occurred trying to play "$MOVIE". Error code: h3 (Decode). This can vary from 10 seconds to 5 minutes.

Where did you get such a message?


7 minutes ago, Akshunhiro said:

Could this be an issue with Plex or is the card not up to task.

The card should be more then up to the task because I used to have the same card...

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Thanks for the prompt responses!


18 minutes ago, ich777 said:

Where did you get such a message?


19 minutes ago, alturismo said:

when i see $MOVIE ... where is this error from ? plex logs ... ?


Ah, sorry. Was just trying to give the examples of 4K movies. The error is during playback. It'll pop-up and I get the option to retry.


I'm testing on the web as other devices will direct play, just wanted to see if transcoding was working properly when/if needed.


18 minutes ago, ich777 said:

Why not a Nvidia T400


Unfortunately they're still ~$100 more than the P400 in Australia. I paid $179 for the P400.



Edited by Akshunhiro
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1 minute ago, Akshunhiro said:

I'm testing on the web as other devices will direct play, just wanted to see if transcoding was working properly when/if needed.

How many simultaneous transcodes are you running and what is the input format?

Can you please be a bit more specific, how much VRAM is free, does this happen with one stream only?


Have you already tried another file?


May I ask if you are willing to test Jellyfin with HW transcoding if is the same?

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Just the one transcode, not tried simultaneous.


Tried with The Matrix and The Lord of the Rings. TLotR plays for a little bit longer but still gives the same error.


The Matrix;


Codec HEVC

Bitrate 30704 kbps

Bit Depth 10

Chroma Subsampling 4:2:0

Coded Height 1600

Coded Width 3840

Color Primaries bt2020

Color Range tv

Color Space bt2020nc

Color Trc smpte2084

Frame Rate 23.976 fps

Height 1600

Level 5.1

Profile main 10

Ref Frames 1

Width 3840

Display Title 4K (HEVC Main 10 HDR)

Extended Display Title 4K (HEVC Main 10 HDR)




Codec HEVC

Bitrate 67944 kbps

Bit Depth 10

Chroma Subsampling 4:2:0

Coded Height 2160

Coded Width 3840

Color Primaries bt2020

Color Range tv

Color Space bt2020nc

Color Trc smpte2084

Frame Rate 23.976 fps

Height 2160

Level 5.1

Profile main 10

Ref Frames 1

Width 3840

Display Title 4K (HEVC Main 10 HDR)

Extended Display Title 4K (HEVC Main 10 HDR)


Here are the stats during playback;




19 minutes ago, ich777 said:

May I ask if you are willing to test Jellyfin with HW transcoding if is the same?



Sure, I could give it a try tomorrow.

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3 minutes ago, Akshunhiro said:

Okay, so seems the card isn't up to task and I'm an idiot for wanting to transcode 4K HEVC

Why? This is a 4K HEVC movie and the card is well capable of transcoding it becaus I did it too.


You can of course transcode one or two 4K HEVC movies at the same time with this card without having a issue, have you throttle transcode on in Plex?

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This is what a 4K HEVC HFR file looks like:

Tue Oct  5 18:27:50 2021
| NVIDIA-SMI 470.74       Driver Version: 470.74       CUDA Version: 11.4     |
| GPU  Name        Persistence-M| Bus-Id        Disp.A | Volatile Uncorr. ECC |
| Fan  Temp  Perf  Pwr:Usage/Cap|         Memory-Usage | GPU-Util  Compute M. |
|                               |                      |               MIG M. |
|   0  NVIDIA T400         On   | 00000000:04:00.0 Off |                  N/A |
| 40%   49C    P0    N/A /  31W |   1156MiB /  1876MiB |     42%      Default |
|                               |                      |                  N/A |

| Processes:                                                                  |
|  GPU   GI   CI        PID   Type   Process name                  GPU Memory |
|        ID   ID                                                   Usage      |
|    0   N/A  N/A      1254      C   /bin/ffmpeg                      1152MiB |


Keep in mind this is a T400 but it would make not much of a difference to a P400.


You can also look here: Click

(Click on the first "Show All" to deselect all GPUs and then select "GP107 - Pascal" and you will see what the card is capable of)

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Appreciate all the help.


I did see others recommend deleting/renaming the Codecs folder as I did get a Codec error when trying TLotR but seemed okay after restarting.


I had played with the buffer as well (increased it to 5 minutes) but it's back on 60 seconds.


Definitely seems like a buffer issue though as I can see it catch-up on the playback bar and that's when it errors. But usage on the GPU is only ~600MB.

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I've purged the Codecs folder and increased the buffer to 300 seconds again.


Passengers and TLotR seem better but The Matrix still crashes soon after starting playback.


Also, not sure if you noticed from the screenshot but I'm only in an 8x slot. Did see that bandwidth on the P400 is only 32GB/s but should still be okay on an 8x slot, yeah?

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3 hours ago, Akshunhiro said:

Definitely seems like a buffer issue

Have you still set up the RAM cache as described above?

Can you try to disable it for testin purpouses and let it write to a disk instead?


3 hours ago, Akshunhiro said:

But usage on the GPU is only ~600MB.

That's dependent on the input format, in my case that's a HEVC file with HFR (this is the biggest file I use for testing if everything is working).


2 hours ago, Akshunhiro said:

I'm only in an 8x slot.

I'm running my T400 in a x4 slot with no issue at all.


I think that something is wrong with your settings, can you try Jellyfin for testing purpouses?

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Thanks guys


Yes, I have setup RAM cache via 2 different methods to test


Just worked out that /tmp for some reason wouldn't work (I swear it used to) so used /transcode


--mount type=tmpfs,destination=/transcode(tried /tmp as well),tmpfs-size=8000000000 --no-healthcheck (path was definitely matched in Plex transcoder settings)


Also found the alternate method last night which I was testing by mapping /tmp to /transode via path (no issue with that either as I have quite a lot of RAM)


Tried disabling RAM cache and playback was even worse erroring almost immediately


Will try Jellyfin and report back

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The Matrix is being weird (not transcoding and glitching back and forth) but I've noticed TLotR is using a lot more VRAM!


| NVIDIA-SMI 470.74       Driver Version: 470.74       CUDA Version: 11.4     |
| GPU  Name        Persistence-M| Bus-Id        Disp.A | Volatile Uncorr. ECC |
| Fan  Temp  Perf  Pwr:Usage/Cap|         Memory-Usage | GPU-Util  Compute M. |
|                               |                      |               MIG M. |
|   0  Quadro P400         Off  | 00000000:08:00.0 Off |                  N/A |
| 34%   46C    P0    N/A /  N/A |   1565MiB /  2000MiB |     86%      Default |
|                               |                      |                  N/A |
| Processes:                                                                  |
|  GPU   GI   CI        PID   Type   Process name                  GPU Memory |
|        ID   ID                                                   Usage      |
|    0   N/A  N/A     39146      C   ...ib/jellyfin-ffmpeg/ffmpeg     1563MiB |


Will keep playing with it

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4 hours ago, Akshunhiro said:

The Matrix is being weird (not transcoding and glitching back and forth) but I've noticed TLotR is using a lot more VRAM!

Is this a new or a used card?


Something seems very strange here to me... Never had a problem using my P400 and playing such files.

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