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  • Dockers wanting to update, but don't in the end?

    • Closed Minor

    So I appear to be having a problem with dockers, Specifically Linuxserver ones, but they said to me it is an unRAID issue and it is "not just us." I chatted with someone from Linuxserver in private and they said it is an issue with "Update all containers."


    The dockers will say there is an update ready, but when updated, it does not do anything.


    Tried manually updating a docker, same result. 


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    2 hours ago, bonienl said:

    This issue results in many false positives, but still containers which have a true update, are updated.

    The -rc release of version 6.8 is imminent, just a little bit more patience 😊


    I guess I was meaning for those of us with servers in production :) and not wanting to go to release candidates.


    At least we'll have updated dockers every day :)

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    11 hours ago, ljm42 said:

    Thanks for the fix @bluemonster !


    Here is a bash file that will automatically implement the fix in 6.7.2 (and probably earlier, although I'm not sure how much earlier):


    It is meant to be run using the User Scripts plugin, although that isn't required.

    Note that you need to re-run the script after every reboot.

    Remember to uninstall the script after you upgrade to Unraid 6.8

    More details in the script comments. 

    also thanks from here to @bluemonster for the fix and @ljm42 for the script

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    18 hours ago, bonienl said:

    This issue results in many false positives, but still containers which have a true update, are updated.

    The -rc release of version 6.8 is imminent, just a little bit more patience 😊


    how will one download the RC? will it be on the main download page?


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    21 hours ago, ljm42 said:

    Thanks for the fix @bluemonster !


    Here is a bash file that will automatically implement the fix in 6.7.2 (and probably earlier, although I'm not sure how much earlier):


    It is meant to be run using the User Scripts plugin, although that isn't required.

    Note that you need to re-run the script after every reboot.

    Remember to uninstall the script after you upgrade to Unraid 6.8

    More details in the script comments. 

    Thanks @bluemonster and @ljm42


    That fix and User Script worked to fix my Unraid 6.7.2 Docker Update issue

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    Well done on finding and fixing this guys.


    Moving forward - is it worth putting things like these outside of the full build (ie, into settings/config files)?  Having to push a new version because a third party rolls out tweaks sounds like a pain (although I dare say that a 6.7.3 could be rolled fairly swiftly were 6.8 not on the horizon).


    Edit: Probably not a practical thought.  Sod's law states that there will always be something hard-coded that needs changing, and you could have 100's of configs that are never altered.  I was just trying to think through permanent solutions where full OS updates aren't needed.

    Edited by Cessquill
    Thinking it through
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    Hi please may i have a little more help on this what command or where do i locate the file i need to update please thanks in advance 

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    @coblck You have to edit the DockerClient.php (/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/include)



    change it like it's shown on the post I've linked you


    nano /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/include/DockerClient.php

    Scroll down until you see "DOCKERUPDATE CLASS". Below it you should find "Step 4: Get Docker-Content-Digest header from manifest file" Change the following



    'Accept: application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json',


    'Accept: application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.list.v2+json,application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json',



    With a server restart that file will be reset. If you don't feel confident with editing a file, wait for the next Unraid update and ignore the docker update hints. If there is a real update for a docker container and you run the update, it will install.

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    You should never paste random code from the Internet into your computer without understanding what it does... but that aside, if you open up a terminal and paste in the following line:

    wget https://gist.githubusercontent.com/ljm42/74800562e59639f0fe1b8d9c317e07ab/raw/387caba4ddd08b78868ba5b0542068202057ee90/fix_docker_client -O /tmp/dockfix.sh; sh /tmp/dockfix.sh

    Then the fix should be applied until you reboot.

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    • Haha 1
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    11 minutes ago, coblck said:

    @Simon Thanks for this... i take it its safe. 

    It's just two commands. One to download @ljm42's shell script and another to run it. So really your're trusting @ljm42here 🙂

    Edited by Simon
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    11 hours ago, Simon said:

    You should never paste random code from the Internet into your computer without understanding what it does... but that aside, if you open up a terminal and paste in the following line:

    wget https://gist.githubusercontent.com/ljm42/74800562e59639f0fe1b8d9c317e07ab/raw/387caba4ddd08b78868ba5b0542068202057ee90/fix_docker_client -O /tmp/dockfix.sh; sh /tmp/dockfix.sh

    Then the fix should be applied until you reboot.


    Thanks Player

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    On 8/31/2019 at 9:02 PM, dalben said:

    I made the change suggested above and my containers are now updating as expected.  Thanks



    This worked for me as well, thanks.

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    The fix suggested by bluemonster appears to invert the selection of which dockers always show update ready. For instance, prior to the edit, on my system duckdns (LSIO) and pihole always showed update ready whereas binhex-delugevpn and PlexMediaServer (plexinc) showed up-to-date. After I made the edit, binhex-delugevpn and PlexMediaServer show update ready while the other two are up-to-date.


    Seems like some containers require the 'list' keyword to get the right info and other containers don't.


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