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Everything posted by Squid

  1. This is the key https://forums.unraid.net/topic/57181-docker-faq/?tab=comments#comment-566086
  2. You will have to reboot. If the flash drive dropped offline, there's no recovery unless you've had the Flash Remount Plugin installed prior to it happening
  3. The entire problem is that ad blockers don't actually block ads. Rather, they change the contents of certain elements on any webpage based upon their name, and that name may or may not be caught by the ad blocker even though it's not an actual ad. (From a programming aspect of CA, anything that actually changes the code or html elements without my knowledge or permission etc is something to be avoided) When this was a rather severe problem, the name of an element "Shares" was being caught by all the adblockers out there and they were preventing display of the Shares tab FCP has a blatant test to see what the adblocker does with an item named "adsitem". It's definitely not an ad, but if the adblocker changes that element, FCP tosses up an issue because there is absolutely zero reason for the adblocker to have blocked that item. Every single adblocker out there (piHole operates differently) has the ability to whitelist a particular site (your server), because they realize that their algorithms are full of false positives.
  4. You need a VM running on the server with the video card passed through to the VM and running Kodi there.
  5. What was the problem? There no real difference between any of them, and all of them would do as I described
  6. You've got Netdata installed. The error is normal when starting up the app
  7. Temperature overrides on the individual disks, extra smart attributes monitored etc. You can set them all back up again. Keep an eye on it though. Hard to say what exactly happened, but if stuff keeps going down hill then you'll have to replace the flash drive (make another copy of the flash right now).
  8. Edit the file /config/docker.cfg on the flash drive and change dockerEnabled from yes to be no and reboot and try again. And close all tabs open to the server
  9. Probably your best bet would be to delete /config/smart-one.cfg and /config/smart-all.cfg on the flash drive. You *could* have corruption. It's hard to tell exactly. You'll have to reboot and then we'll go from there.
  10. Remount Flash Drive This is a simple plugin that will remount your flash drive if it happens to drop offline due to flakey USB ports, flakey drive, evil cats and/or children etc. The OS itself does not recover very gracefully if the flash drive for one reason or another happens to drop offline and then becomes available again. This plugin will automatically remount the flash drive if that happens, and everything will be back to the way that it was. It will also automatically run a filesystem check on the flash drive to ensure that everything is good. A call trace when this happens will appear in the system log (completely normal under the circumstances) and then the system will log that it's remounting the flash drive. At that point your system has completely recovered. Note that there is a situation where the server cannot recover from the flash drive dropping offline. Namely if the array is stopped. This is due to how certain files are mounted from the flash drive with the array stopped. If the array is stopped when the flash drive drops and reconnects, then this plugin will ignore the situation altogether and won't attempt a remount until the array is started and the flash drops and reconnects again. But, in that circumstance you're probably going to have issues anyways because those files which prevent proper operation of this plugin running won't be correctly written in the first place. You're best off there to reboot if you notice the problem. Display Glitch: With the Unassigned Devices plugin installed, the remounted flash will appear in the UD section on Main showing that it's mounted. DO not unmount it. This is a display glitch with UD because it thinks that a new drive is installed because Linux automatically assigns a new drive letter to it.
  11. Do you have an expander? On a quick glance, it looks like everything attached to it dropped and then reconnected...
  12. I'm not going to recommend a particular fan, because I do not have that case (and only because it's no longer manufactured). However, one thing to bear in mind when selecting fans (and a very common mistake) is thinking that CFM actually means something. It does mean something in that it is a measure of how much air it can move when there are no obstructions. However, when there are obstructions the rating becomes meaningless because a high CFM does not mean that the fan can pull any air through the small gaps that the case allows for intake. What you're looking for are fans with high static pressure. These fans have the ability to pull air through very small gaps. They are also unfortunately usually very loud. The actual outlet fans in this case aren't anywhere near as important as the intake fans. To actually address your question, if the Dynamix System Temp / Autofan doesn't recognize your sensors, then there isn't much that you can do, short of finding a fan that gives you the temperature vs sound that you're looking for.
  13. Just share the applicable folder on the drive within Windows, then mount that share with Unassigned Devices (SMB). Then you can pass that share to any container by adding another path mapping of /mnt/remotes/.... mapped to something like /WIN10SHARE and add /WIN10SHARE to the library in Plex
  14. @SpencerJ @ljm42 Possibly something down with the key server. IDK. If you desperately need something now, set up a trial key otherwise wait.
  15. How did you go about attempting to get it? The MyServer's plugin is designed to completely automate the process. Also bear in mind that if manual intervention is required on this then it is a long weekend in the US.
  16. The docker page for that container explicitly states to add another mapping for persistence Additionally if you also running IPFS, then it states Whenever doing a dockerHub search, there is the additional link that goes to the dockerHub page for it which will (hopefully) have some instructions on how you use the container. Additionally, when you actually install it you can click on the icon for it and select support which takes you to the dockerHub page.
  17. Don't believe those are the correct diagnostics, since they're from Aug 18 and only continue to Aug 19. We'd need you to upgrade back to 6.10 and if the VM fails to start then post a set of diagnostics
  18. Next time there's an update to MyServers I'll check it out
  19. Does it show blacklisted elsewhere (eg: Tools - Registration)? Can you start the array?
  20. Hardlinks cannot span mount points. Which means no partitions etc
  21. Explicitly specify https when accessing via the ip address
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