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Everything posted by itimpi

  1. Although not a 'fix' it is worth pointing out that if you boot in UEFI mode you need the latest version of memtest from memtest86.com which supports booting in UEFI mode as the version provided with Unraid will only work if booting in legacy mode.
  2. The version of memtest provided with Unraid will only run if booting in legacy mode. If you boot in UEFI mode then you should download the latest version from memtest86.com which will also boot in UEFI mode.
  3. Unfortunately not. It has been suggested quite a few times as being desirable but nothing has materialized..
  4. The screenshot for the ‘books’ share does not seem to correspond to its .cfg file on the flash drive. Suggest making any change and hitting Apply to cause it to be rewritten.
  5. No idea - I have no trouble formatting the drives on my system. It might be worth looking into the VirtualBox logs to see if that gives a clue.
  6. According to your diagnostics that share DOES reference a pool called ‘cache’. I would check through all your shares to make sure they reference the correct pool. There also seem to be a lot of .cfg files in the config/shares folder on the flash drive that reference shares that no longer exist. Deleting these would tidy up the diagnostics by removing irrelevant information.
  7. Probably better to refer to this section of the online documentation accessible via the ‘Manual’ link at the bottom of the GUI or the DOCS link at the top of each forum page. The Unraid OS->Manual section in particular covers most features of the current Unraid release. It is better to use the documentation for the current release rather than legacy documentation that may no longer be valid.
  8. No idea I am afraid. Not sure if you can pass through the controller rather than individual drives in VirtualBox which I think would be required to get SMART info.
  9. There have been reports that the Mover Tuning plugin can cause the Mover button to not work. Not sure about the other issue but you could try booting in Safe Mode to see if any other plugin is causing an issue.
  10. You are likely to get better informed feedback if you attach your system’s diagnostics zip file to your next post in this thread.
  11. That looks like the standard screen if the array is not started. Have you enabled Autostart under Settings->Disk Settings? If you have you should post your system's diagnostics zip file so we can see what is happening.
  12. If you have the Unassigned Devices plugin installed then it has the option to run a script when the device is mounted. This script can be the required rsync command (or anything else you want to include).
  13. Do you have a lost+found folder on the drive that is full of folder/files with cryptic names (which will result in a share of that name showing up on the Shares tab)? That is where the repair process puts any folders/files for which it cannot find the directory entry to give the correct name. Unfortunately sorting these out is a manual process, although the Linux file command can be useful to at least give you the likely extension for each file. You have to decide if the effort is worth it, but if you have decent backups it is normally easier to restore from them.
  14. Replacing a disabled disk is not sufficient to remove the disabled state. To do this you need to rebuild them as if described here in the online documentation accessible via the Manual link at the bottom of the Unraid GUI. In addition every forum page has a DOCS link at the top and a Documentation link at the bottom. The Unraid OS->Manual section covers most aspects of the current Unraid release. Note that a drive being disabled does not necessarily mean there is a problem with the drive. More often than not it is a problem with the power or SATA cabling to the drive.
  15. Ok, but that would not fix anything as the -n (no modify) flag has been used so it would be a read only check.
  16. That is actually incorrect and should not work. The correct device name needs to include the partition (e.g /dev/sdx1).
  17. A vdisk is a file that is emulating a single physical drive and it stores whatever whatever would be the case on a physical drive on a physical machine.
  18. As far as I know they do. You can control the start times to be exactly when you want using the Custom option.
  19. That is not an option using standard Unraid as the files cannot exist in more than one place so mover would not do what you want. What you CAN do is write a script that runs at scheduled intervals (e.g. overnight) to backup from pool to a location on the array. This is in effect what the appdata backup plugin does for the appdata share.
  20. Just to be clear - any particular file can exist EITHER on a pool OR on the array - not both. If you want new files to go to a pool and later get moved to the array then set up the pool as primary storage and the array as secondary storage, and the mover direction to be pool->array.
  21. Yes you are covered for both cases. The license limit is checked each time you start the array and as long as the total drives are within the limit it does not matter when or how you got to that point.
  22. Never heard of such an issue before, and cannot think what might cause it.
  23. It is quite likely that this is a symptom of the start of the write being buffered to RAM and then it slowing when it actually has to start flushing the data to the physical drives. Have you tried enabling Turbo Write mode to see if that makes a difference?
  24. That strongly suggests there is some sort of hardware issue with slot1 (likely power or SATA connections) as there is no software related reason it should work in one slot and not another.
  25. Have you followed the process here for handling unmountable disks in the online documentation accessible via the Manual link at the bottom of the Unraid GUI. In addition every forum page has a DOCS link at the top and a Documentation link at the bottom. The Unraid OS->Manual section covers most aspects of the current Unraid release.
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