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Everything posted by itimpi

  1. This tends to be true if they only occur during system startup. More likely to be of concern if they start occurring later during normal running.
  2. Only some of them: If a pool contains different size disks BTRFS will try and use all the available space (RAID level permitting). You can add new drives to the pool at any time and their space will be utilised (RAID level permitting). You can remove drives from the pool as long as the pool is redundant. A point that I do not think ZFS supports (could be wrong about this) but BTRFS does is that you can dynamically switch between RAID levels.
  3. Your syslog contains Apr 8 10:49:10 ffs2 shfs: shfs: ../lib/fuse.c:1450: unlink_node: Assertion `node->nlookup > 1' failed. which is the process that supports User Shares going wrong. Quite what can cause that I have no idea but when it happens losing User Shares is a normal symptom.
  4. If a file already exists on the cache it will not be moved. Have you checked for duplicate filenames? If there are any then you will have to manually sort out which is the copy you wish to keep.
  5. It may well be a permissions issue if you did not take care to keep them correct to the Unraid standard when using rsync or Krusader. Try running Tools->New Permissions on the share in question to see if that fixes things. As far as the cache drive is concerned it appears to have dropped offline. You may have to power cycle the system to get it back online.
  6. It does NOT do this. I just means that case is preserved rather than all filenames being treated as case independent within samba
  7. Please post diagnostics taken after the array has been started so we can see what happens then.
  8. If you want the share settings intact then also copy the content of the ‘shares’ folder.
  9. @CallOneTech have you tried switching to using case sensitive file names? This made a big difference for me in folders with lots of files in them.
  10. Write speed to the array is always limited due to the overheads of updating parity in real time. This is described in more detail here in the online documentation.
  11. The easiest thing to do will be to make sure that the Cache pool has a Minimum Free Space setting that is larger than the largest file you intend to transfer (we normally recommend 2 x to give some headway). When the free space on the cache pool falls below this value then Unraid will start by-passing the cache for new files.
  12. You are likely to get better informed feedback if you attach your system’s diagnostics zip file to your next post in this thread.
  13. I suspect you may well have to redo your docker containers. Many of them have specific requirements around permissions and running the commands you did against the appdata share would have messed these up.
  14. You never NEED to pre-clear a drive unless you want to stress test it. Unraid will Clear it (if necessary) when you add the drive. The Clear operation is faster than pre-clear (albeit still non-trivial elapsed time).
  15. Not sure what your problem is, but I see that you have the 'system' share where docker is installed set to Use Cache=Yes which means that mover will be trying to move its contents to the array. Not sure if this can affect docker when using a folder for the docker images. The 'appdata' share also has part of its contents on the array despite it being set to Use Cache=Prefer. You should probably get all of that share moved to the cache as well. The diagnostics would not show any SMART information for the ache drive so cannot check its status. It might be worth running a scrub on it to check that there is no file system level corruption. It looked as if the diagnostics posted are just after a reboot, so after tidying up the points mentioned above if the problem still persists then post new diagnostics taken at that point the problem occurs so we can see the failure you are getting.
  16. For the first problem I would suggest deleting the config/network.cfg file from the flash drive and rebooting to get a new default one generated as it looks as if there are remnants of when you had 2 active NICS in there. Regarding problem 2 the ASM1166 does not appear to be showing up at the hardware level. You should check if your motherboard has any restrictions on where it can be plugged in, and if not check it is properly seated.
  17. This is expected! When adding drives to an array the drives first have to be cleared (zeroes written to every sector) so that they do not impact parity. Once that has completed then you will be able to format them (which is very quick).
  18. You are likely to get better informed feedback if you attach your system’s diagnostics zip file to your next post in this thread.
  19. The instructions here in the online documentation accessible via the ‘Manual’ link at the bottom of the GUI or the DOCS link at the top of each forum page will work, although as was mentioned with 6.12 it needs to be done on another machine.
  20. Does it happen if you boot in Safe Mode? If so that almost certainly means that it is a plugin that is doing this.
  21. This is not a hard limit - it is quoted due to the fact that the flash drive needs to be formatted to FAT32 and Windows cannot format drives larger than 32GB to FAT32. You can do this using third party software if you have a larger drive, but Unraid itself only needs about 2GB of space so more is a waste.
  22. I would think the most likely culprit is the power supply as that is when the current draw is likely to be at its max.
  23. Checking parity does not affect performance (except while the check is running). It is a housekeeping task to confirm the array is in a healthy and consistent state. While a parity check is running array performance is degraded so you do not want to run it too frequently. Probably the commonest frequency chosen is once a month, but others go for something less frequent like every 2-3 months. If you have large drives you may find the Parity Check Tuning plugin is worth installing to give you more control over the process.
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