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Everything posted by itimpi

  1. It I worth checking your drives to see if you have an ‘appdata’ folder with same spelling but different capitalisation (e.g. Appdata). Linux is case sensitive for file names while Samba (shares) is not. In the case of there being folders with the same spelling but different capitalisation at the Linux level then only one of them will be visible at the samba (share) level.
  2. Because that ‘yes’ refers to where NEW files are put, not to where existing files are located. Reading the GUI Help text for this option might make that clearer.
  3. For this purpose ignore the /mnt/user* variants as they are just different views of the files on the physical disks being seen via the User Share layer in Unraid. I think the 'cache' variant of the file takes precedence at the User Share level. If /mnt/cache is not working then try the /mnt/disk1 path in case that is the one that contains your docker images.
  4. You can also get that type of indication on the Dashboard if the CRC error count has increased. CRC errors do not show up when you run a SMART test as they indicate connection issues rather than disk failures. In such a case clicking the Orange icon and selecting the Acknowledge option will make the icon turn green until another error occurs. The CRC count never resets to 0 so Unraid only notifies you again if it increases.
  5. If you think about it the mount must happen before the 'go' file executes as otherwise the 'go' file would not be found in the first place In fact the mount must happen very early in the boot sequence as the flash needs to be mounted to enable Unraid to read all its configuration information.
  6. Why bother? You can always use the 'go' file to copy the scripts to a location from which they CAN be executed.
  7. That was what I was thinking. It might be worth making a note of the current point reached as that could act as a guide to which section of the DiskSpeed graphs are most likely to be relevant.
  8. On the cache XFS is only an option if you just have a single drive. The moment you want the cache to be multi-drive then BTRFS becomes the only option available.
  9. That is not going to help much as the rebuild cannot happen faster than the slowest disk. Using something like the DiskSpeed docker container would be one way to check out the performance of individual drives.
  10. This is probably not (currently anyway) an issue for Unraid as sudo is not used as only the root user has the ability to login and access the command line.
  11. I have the 1500AV version of that. I DO get notifications when in is triggered. I do not think I had to do anything special to make that happen.
  12. I am guessing that this problem is caused by the following change from the release notes (which was made to increase security): This probably means that Unassigned Devices can no longer find the pass phrase and is going to need some rework before in can support encrypted disks again using the API mentioned
  13. Yes, as long as you keep the licence key file from the old USB drive in the config folder.
  14. The licence is tied to the USB stick and not the machine it is used on so simply using the USB stick in the new server is enough if you want to keep the same licence level.
  15. Have you checked that all fans are working. Random restarts can happen if the CPU is overheating. Other common causes are power supply and RAM issues.
  16. itimpi

    Turbo write

    You cannot usefully use this plugin for shares that are on the array that are being constantly updated. As you have noted it will keep all disks spun up if any array file is updated.
  17. During a rebuild the system is rewriting the replaced drive so that it’s contents agree with what the combination of the other drives plus the parity drive say it should be. UnRaid will detect the case of the disk drive reporting a write error, but what it will NOT detect is the case of the write appearing to be error free but a subsequent read returning the wrong data. In theory this should never happen, but it is always a possibility if the new drive is faulty in any way. Doing a parity check after the rebuild is just a confidence check that this (remote) possibility has not happened.
  18. You need to check all hardware related settings for the VM. The 6.8 release uses a much more recent Linux kernel so something may have changed at that level that affects passed through hardware.
  19. If the rebuild was error free then parity should be correct so I would think that non-correcting was better!
  20. After upgrading to 6.8 rc1, every time I tried to run a command on a User Share file of the form: ln filename newfilename I was getting a "function not implemented" error back. I checked Settings->Global Share Settings and the option for hard links was displayed as "Yes". I stopped the array and toggled this setting to No, hit apply, toggled it back to Yes, hit apply, and restarted the array. The command to create the hard link now worked as expected. This suggests that the system is not correctly picking up the default for this setting. Setting it explicitly seems to work so it is probably only a once off issue on any particular system, but it may catch unwary users.
  21. As far as I can see that CPU does not support any sort of hyper-threading, so you ARE seeing 8 cores as the number of threads is equal to the number of cores.
  22. A failed drive is not simply calculated from parity! It is calculated using the combination of all the ‘good’ data drives plus the parity drive. This is why you need reliable drives in the array. The wiki has a good description of how parity works so reading that might clarify things.
  23. It is inherent in the design of SATA connectors unfortunately.
  24. They are support files for docker and VMs. If you have not been using these you can delete either (or both) of them. They are normally located on the cache for performance reasons.
  25. I find it easy enough to work out how much space I want left on each drive before I get both the notification. You really want it set up so that you do NOT ignore notifications as you might easily end up ignoring one that tells you there is some sort of failure on the drive rather than it merely getting full so that you know you need to take action before it gets worse.
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