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Everything posted by JonathanM

  1. Probably not helpful for your situation, but both of my VM's with video and audio passthrough are using the HDMI audio. For the projection screen, the output goes through an Onko amp that drives the projector and the theatre speakers. For the whole house VM, the hdmi first feeds into a monoprice 10251 to split out optical audio that feeds another input on the Onkyo for whole house audio, then goes to a monoprice 18786 that feeds 4 monitors around the house. For keyboard and mouse, the whole house VM has a passed through USB that is connected to a powered hub, which has 4 USB ports extended with monoprice 6042. So, with 2 cat5e runs to each station, I have 4k hdmi, keyboard and mouse. It's working quite well. The monoprice 10251 should solve your specific issue.
  2. Don't see how, since RAID0 tries to spread the data across all the devices for speed. Normally you would need to tell btrfs you intended to remove the device and allow it to remove the data from the device you want to remove.
  3. Licenses don't apply across multiple machines, one license per machine, drive limit on that specific box. Each USB Unraid stick must have a unique license.
  4. Finally, someone calling out TDP for the ONLY correct reason. I get so tired of seeing posts about people thinking it will reduce energy consumption wanting a low TDP processor, it's refreshing to see it being brought up for the actual purpose TDP is specified. I think TDP may be the single most misunderstood specification a processor has.
  5. Go to your motherboard BIOS and make sure your Unraid USB stick is first in the boot order while the windows hard drive is installed. Many BIOS try to "help" you by setting newly installed drives as the first boot device.
  6. Unraid identifies disks by serial number, so as long as the controller passes the disk through unmolested unraid will just assign them back in the same logical slots, and if you remove the disks, unraid will see that you have more missing disks than you have parity disks, and not start. If you have 2 parity disks and remove 2 disks, unraid will emulate their content so you can replace the disks. To change the logical slot numbers for your disks, you will need to do a new config. If you select the option to keep all assignments, when you go to the main GUI tab all the disks you transferred over will still be assigned to their original slot numbers, and you can rearrange however you want. The only disks that will be overwritten are the parity slots, so just don't accidentally assign a data disk to a parity slot and you should be fine. Do NOT select the parity is valid option, because it isn't.
  7. The disk in parity slot 1 remains valid IF the drives you remove are overwritten fully with zeroes. The disk in parity slot 2 would have to be rebuilt regardless. Given the time and risk involved in overwriting an array drive with all zeroes, I'd be inclined to just bite the bullet and rebuild parity.
  8. There are multiple different deluge containers, you need to look in the support thread for your specific version. Click on the icon in the unraid GUI and select the support link.
  9. "prefer" moves share files TO the cache from the array, "yes" moves them to the array FROM the cache. So your results make perfect sense. Also, mover won't move open files, so to get all the files moved you will have to disable the docker and VM services, not just the individual containers and VM's. There should be no Docker or VMS tab on the GUI when the services are disabled, then you can manually trigger the mover.
  10. I wouldn't call it "dangerous", but it might not be in your best interest. Sometimes when a file system gets corrupted the file system utility program may need some free space to operate, and if you are ever in the position to copy the entire content of a single disk to another single disk, you can run into a situation where file system overhead on a newer or different format may make what fit on one disk not fit on another of the same size. As an aside, why did you choose to reply to a two and a half year old thread to ask the question?
  11. Don't link to outside sites like that. Just attach the file to the post.
  12. Sure, when you make changes to a container in the GUI and apply them you can see the docker run command that is issued by Unraid. You can certainly run that same command in a script to start that container.
  13. Anything above 2667 is likely to be a waste, as the CPU may become unstable. I'm aware this chart is for Ryzen, but the CPU the OP lists in the part picker is also rated at 2667 maximum. Overclocking a server can jeopardize data integrity, and since most people rely on their server to accurately store their data, overclocking a server is NOT recommended.
  14. What do you use the GUI for? It's supposed to only be used for server management, it's not meant for general website browsing.
  15. That shouldn't be necessary, next time it acts up type diagnostics at the command line and it should collect the diagnostics zip file.
  16. They are packaged by different people. That could mean different base OS, different update philosophies, and it definitely means different levels of support for those options. The program itself is identical, and not supported by the packager, but by the program authors. I think what you mean to ask is how do I choose between them, and the answer is complicated. If you have other containers by the same people, they will likely share the base OS, possibly reducing the space taken by in the docker image file. Most important is probably the level of support, I suggest reading the support page(s) linked to each one to get a feel for how you will be treated if you have an issue.
  17. That card may be too old. Have you found any examples of people passing through that specific GPU chipset successfully?
  18. Are you sure you have the correct SATA breakout cables?
  19. Because typical gamer type nvidia cards are limited by the manufacturer to 2 streams. To decode more simultaneous streams, you need one of the pro level cards that sell for more money.
  20. Wow, that's low. I know it's a matter of perspective, but my annual power spend is typically around $4,800 USD, and I'm in the southeastern US.
  21. Since I don't know which functions of encryption you are testing, I don't know what would be easiest. A VM with a trial version is certainly an option, I'm pretty sure Spaceinvaderone has a tutorial on youtube for that.
  22. When you remove a logical drive slot, parity must be rebuilt completely from scratch. However, since you say it would probably be better just to do the normal disk replacement procedure instead of removing and adding. However, USB is notorious for dropping connections, which if you were to have one of your other hard drives fail while the USB was included could cause data loss when the other drive was rebuilt. I would rethink how you go about this.
  23. Why not just copy them across the network? It would probably be faster than moving the date twice across a USB connection.
  24. Since there is a cache drive, one possibility would be to disable docker and vm services, set all shares to cache prefer, run mover, then deal with the array reconfiguration.
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