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Everything posted by JonathanM

  1. Do you have the cache_dirs plugin installed?
  2. I opened it in a private window in firefox, disabled ublocker and reloaded, but nothing popped up. Are you sure your system isn't infected with something? It does have ads down the side when I turned of ublock, but nothing out of the ordinary I could see.
  3. That board doesn't have a thunderbolt controller chip, you would need a card like this. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08ZS3D6JY/ You can't convert C to thunderbolt with just a cable. Think of it like USB 1.1 and 2.0. The devices on both ends of the cable must agree on what language to speak, even if the cable ends are the same. Thunderbolt 3 is a language that is spoken using a USB-C connector and cable. If the port can't talk TB, then a cable won't fix that.
  4. No. The parity disk(s) only act on the disks assigned with them. Pools are traditional RAID levels, with whatever level of duplication you assign.
  5. IF no writes happen, it will be detected as precleared. That means attaching it to any other machine is likely to invalidate it. However, there is no need for a REPLACEMENT disk to be clear, because it will be overwritten with all the parity emulated bits that were on the drive it is replacing. The only time preclear saves time is when you are ADDING an additional disk slot to a parity protected array. Preclear just happens to also be a pretty good stress test to hopefully weed out DOA drives, so your process of preclearing it before shelving it for a rainy day is a good practice even if it's not technically needed for a replacement process.
  6. Have you already contact support? Did you get the automated response?
  7. Short answer, the "cache" nomenclature is a holdover from very early in Unraid's history, but it was never a full "cache" in the classic sense. The preferred term nowadays is pools, since there can be multiple types and purposes for these groupings of single or multiple disks. The mover tuning plugin may provide some of the functionality you are looking for.
  8. Do you have any other UPS's on machines around the house? If you do, you can set the server to slave, run apcupsd or nut on the other machine and set your Unraid machine to shut down after a couple minutes of power loss.
  9. Pure speculation, but most likely it's updates to the base OS that the container uses. Think of containers like miniature virtual machines, they have an OS layer as well as the application or whatever script it's running.
  10. The diagnostics say that whatever is at the OTHER end of the cable is most likely the issue.
  11. Then something is wrong, it normally starts them from top to bottom, and you can insert a delay after each one if you wish. To change the order you click the green padlock to unlock sorting, to set delays you toggle advanced view. The delay for a container is AFTER that container is started, not before, so there is no way to delay the start of the first container.
  12. Wireless seldom achieves rated speeds in real world environments. Too much ambient radio noise and attenuation. If you are doing speed testing with wireless, best to be in the same room within a few feet of the access point.
  13. Depends on the USB implementation of both the motherboard and the drive. Some seem to be stable, others flake out and disconnect on a whim. No way I know of to tell the difference without trying it. It's not recommended simply because it's unstable more often than not, and there are other issues with USB in the array itself, which you aren't doing, so if it works for you in this specific instance, great. I wouldn't expect a whole lot of speed though.
  14. 640K blah blah blah 🤣
  15. So, the parity check completed, then the server locked up and you replaced the drive? I'm confused. If something got lost in translation, I was asking when the last error free parity check happened prior to the drive change. You can't assign a smaller drive to a slot. Once you removed the old drive and replaced it with a larger one it expanded the partition to fill the larger drive. The parity emulated bits that were on the old drive were written to the new drive. The reason I'm asking about the last parity check is if parity was NOT valid when the drive was removed, what was written to the new drive is corrupted. What you can do is operate on the old drive using the Unassigned Devices plugin, see if it mounts, and if not, run the file system check there.
  16. When was the last parity check with zero reported errors?
  17. Try running the file system repair in the GUI on the rebuilt drive. Can't hurt at this point.
  18. Couple issues that I need to work through. I'd like to make a little something from my hours of design work, however, it's using registered trademarks, so I'm not comfortable asking for money, or even releasing it without Limetech's ok. The Limetech team is super busy with way more important stuff, so I haven't even had the discussion with anyone that has the authority to discuss it. I don't want to add more distractions to the mix, it's bad enough that they are dealing with the premature announcement of the license restructuring.
  19. This is all answered on the page linked in the pinned post at the top of this thread. https://unraid.net/blog/pricing-change
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