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Everything posted by plantsandbinary

  1. For some reason in the last few hours none of my devices can read samba shares. The files DO exist on the drive and can be seen in the terminal or by apps in Docker, but in Samba? Some show up and some are not accessible at all. For example in my: //TOWER/tank DIR I have the following files: DIR1, DIR2, DIR3, FILE1, FILE2, FILE3 etc. DIR1, DIR2 give an error, which is different depending on which app I use. FILE1, FILE2, also don't work but DIR3 and FILE3 are fine for some reason... The error when trying to open the folder/file has been: r2 resource not available, unable to find requested file or directory, file/directory not available etc. Here are my /etc/smb/ .conf files (as attachments) They look fine to me. I haven't done anything or changed anything. Why has this suddenly happened? I rebooted and ran a full parity check and got no errors either. How do I get samba working fine again? smb.conf smb-names.conf smb-shares.conf
  2. Is this even updated anymore? Getting error now on my devices "Current version 10.6.4 but requires 10.7.0, please update your server to connect"
  3. As JorgeB said, start with the basics. Leave it running spun down. If it doesn't crash, spin the array up, but keep Docker disabled. If it still doesn't crash, enable Docker. If it crashes then, start with eliminating some of the containers. You've got a lot of different things connected and from my own experience, in such a situation there can always be one piece of hardware that doesn't properly display temperatures etc. I had one device on my own machine that reported no temp in the UI but when I inspected it myself physically I burned the s**** out of my finger touching it for even a second. After removing it I didn't have any issues.
  4. It seems to me like you're definitely having hardware issues here. Faulty PSU or some overheating maybe or something? No reason why it should shut anything down unless the system is being told to do so either due to user command or to prevent damage to hardware. Do the basics: 1. Update BIOS 2. Check temperatures 3. RAM test 4. Replace any possibly faulty drive etc 5. Stress test the machine (read/write, CPU etc) If I was you I'd basically put my machine through hell to see if I can get it to fail on a specific task etc. monitor temps etc. This smells like a temperature issue to me, especially if everything was working fine before.
  5. Figured it out. On the unraid server: cat /etc/exports There's the actual full path of the nfs share. nfs:// >> works fine
  6. Hi, I want to use nfs:// instead of smb:// on my server. I was following these instructions: I've disabled SMB and enabled NFS I have gone to the shares tab and "exported" the locations I want but eg. nfs:// doesn't work In Pop_OS! I get "Unable to access location, mount point does not exist" How am I supposed to use this?
  7. Thanks so much for making this. How often is it updated? It seems to be quite a few versions behind the latest version.
  8. The latest update just killed my entire Pinry. Every single one of my images is gone. The page loads but there are no pins anymore at all.
  9. So if I am using Cloudflare-DDNS container. If I give it a subdomain eg. www It will update the IP of but it will not update Why is this? I need both to update. Especially as all my connected services are at etc.
  10. This does not seem possible at all. Basically my containers update automatically (or manually when I press the button) but it is not possible to prevent the container from updating EVER. I tried to remove the link to the repository from the "edit container" page but it demands a value there and there does not seem to be any other way to turn off updates for a container. Even in the advanced view. This is important because I have one container in particular that updates so often that it actually kills the connection to many of my other containers, which causes them all to shut down. I would like to disable updates for this container in particular, or reduce the update interval to something like bimonthly etc. How is this not a feature already?
  11. Why does MariaDB keep rebooting on its own? It's kicking my Ghost blog offline all the time...
  12. Why is this still happening? This container has had this issue for months and months now...
  13. Ok I figured out what the problem has been. So first of all, I was trying to install the synapse-admin container, thinking that it actually contained Matrix along with it. So naturally I couldn't add the admin user I wanted etc. I initially had some problems with the Matrix container also because it's missing so many things, like the config file etc. So how I installed Matrix was like this: 1. Download the official image from Docker Hub and run it with the generate argument to generate a config. 2. It'll make 3 files. Copy them to some DIR and add your matrix server URL etc. 3. Install A75G's Matrix container and make sure you set an extra "data" DIR like "/data/". I mapped it to "/appdata/matrix" 4. Dump the config files there. 5. Run the container and go to eg. and it'll tell you that Matrix is working You'll need to edit the config to eg. allow registration so you can actually register on your own server etc. After that you can install the synapse admin container. Make an admin account (on the previous Matrix instance) following the instructions in the container description and then use the WebUI to login and admin it. I blame Matrix for being pretty vague about the steps of getting synapse installed and the constant name changes they have made. It also could be clearer on A75G's side regarding the container descriptions like "synapse-admin - requires a running matrix server!" and so on. In any case, it's working for me now. There are additional steps to set up a federation but I don't care about that.
  14. Could you please provide it again. It's expired and what container are you using to run synapse? Just the admin one of yours, that comes with actual synapse for making accounts that work via Matrix right?
  15. Problems with the Cloudfare DDNS docker image. If I set a subdomain like 'www' and a zone like "" It will only update the A record for the 'www' (aka the subdomain) but it won't add and update a second A record for the actual domain itself. This means if my IP changes: works fine, but simply does not, and neither does any This needs to be fixed asap. All of my subdomains break when my IP changes. I can fix this by removing the 'www' subdomain and making the subdomain option in the docker config empty. However then I lose the 'www' subdomain updating automatically when my IP updates.
  16. Bump, still having trouble with the above. Nothing is working. EDIT: Figured it out, my ISP died for 6 hours and I got a new IP address for the first time in about 12 months and this container doesn't work any more :
  17. Everything stopped working after a reboot. All I get in the logs are this: [8/12/2021] [1:17:41 PM] [Migrate ] › ℹ info Current database version: none [8/12/2021] [1:17:41 PM] [Setup ] › ℹ info Logrotate Timer initialized [8/12/2021] [1:17:41 PM] [Setup ] › ℹ info Logrotate completed. [8/12/2021] [1:17:41 PM] [IP Ranges] › ℹ info Fetching IP Ranges from online services... [8/12/2021] [1:17:41 PM] [IP Ranges] › ℹ info Fetching [8/12/2021] [1:17:41 PM] [IP Ranges] › ℹ info Fetching [8/12/2021] [1:17:41 PM] [IP Ranges] › ℹ info Fetching [8/12/2021] [1:17:41 PM] [SSL ] › ℹ info Let's Encrypt Renewal Timer initialized [8/12/2021] [1:17:41 PM] [SSL ] › ℹ info Renewing SSL certs close to expiry... [8/12/2021] [1:17:41 PM] [IP Ranges] › ℹ info IP Ranges Renewal Timer initialized [8/12/2021] [1:17:41 PM] [Global ] › ℹ info Backend PID 2679 listening on port 3000 ... [8/12/2021] [1:17:43 PM] [Nginx ] › ℹ info Reloading Nginx [8/12/2021] [1:17:43 PM] [SSL ] › ℹ info Renew Complete `QueryBuilder#allowEager` method is deprecated. You should use `allowGraph` instead. `allowEager` method will be removed in 3.0 `QueryBuilder#eager` method is deprecated. You should use the `withGraphFetched` method instead. `eager` method will be removed in 3.0 QueryBuilder#omit is deprecated. This method will be removed in version 3.0 Duplicate relation "access_list" in a relation expression. You should use "a.[b, c]" instead of "[a.b, a.c]". This will cause an error in objection 2.0 [8/12/2021] [1:18:59 PM] [Nginx ] › ℹ info Reloading Nginx [8/12/2021] [1:19:01 PM] [Nginx ] › ℹ info Reloading Nginx [8/12/2021] [1:19:02 PM] [Nginx ] › ℹ info Reloading Nginx [8/12/2021] [1:19:04 PM] [Nginx ] › ℹ info Reloading Nginx [8/12/2021] [1:19:05 PM] [Nginx ] › ℹ info Reloading Nginx [8/12/2021] [1:19:06 PM] [Nginx ] › ℹ info Reloading Nginx [8/12/2021] [1:19:08 PM] [Nginx ] › ℹ info Reloading Nginx [8/12/2021] [1:19:09 PM] [Nginx ] › ℹ info Reloading Nginx [8/12/2021] [1:19:10 PM] [Nginx ] › ℹ info Reloading Nginx [8/12/2021] [1:19:11 PM] [Nginx ] › ℹ info Reloading Nginx [8/12/2021] [1:19:12 PM] [Nginx ] › ℹ info Reloading Nginx [8/12/2021] [1:19:13 PM] [Nginx ] › ℹ info Reloading Nginx [8/12/2021] [1:20:50 PM] [Nginx ] › ℹ info Reloading Nginx [8/12/2021] [1:20:57 PM] [Nginx ] › ℹ info Reloading Nginx [8/12/2021] [1:21:02 PM] [Nginx ] › ℹ info Reloading Nginx [8/12/2021] [1:21:07 PM] [Nginx ] › ℹ info Reloading Nginx [8/12/2021] [1:21:14 PM] [Nginx ] › ℹ info Reloading Nginx [8/12/2021] [1:21:18 PM] [Nginx ] › ℹ info Reloading Nginx [8/12/2021] [1:21:23 PM] [Nginx ] › ℹ info Reloading Nginx [8/12/2021] [1:21:29 PM] [Nginx ] › ℹ info Reloading Nginx [8/12/2021] [1:22:37 PM] [Nginx ] › ℹ info Reloading Nginx [8/12/2021] [1:22:44 PM] [Nginx ] › ℹ info Reloading Nginx [8/12/2021] [1:22:52 PM] [Nginx ] › ℹ info Reloading Nginx [8/12/2021] [1:22:58 PM] [Nginx ] › ℹ info Reloading Nginx [8/12/2021] [1:23:03 PM] [Nginx ] › ℹ info Reloading Nginx [8/12/2021] [1:23:09 PM] [Nginx ] › ℹ info Reloading Nginx [8/12/2021] [1:23:17 PM] [Nginx ] › ℹ info Reloading Nginx [8/12/2021] [1:23:24 PM] [Nginx ] › ℹ info Reloading Nginx [8/12/2021] [1:23:30 PM] [Nginx ] › ℹ info Reloading Nginx [8/12/2021] [1:23:34 PM] [Nginx ] › ℹ info Reloading Nginx [8/12/2021] [1:23:39 PM] [Nginx ] › ℹ info Reloading Nginx [8/12/2021] [1:23:45 PM] [Nginx ] › ℹ info Reloading Nginx [8/12/2021] [1:23:49 PM] [Nginx ] › ℹ info Reloading Nginx [8/12/2021] [1:23:54 PM] [Nginx ] › ℹ info Reloading Nginx [8/12/2021] [1:24:00 PM] [Nginx ] › ℹ info Reloading Nginx [8/12/2021] [1:24:05 PM] [Nginx ] › ℹ info Reloading Nginx Cloudfare says it's working but all of my sites are giving a host error.
  18. After rebooting my server today all of my docker repo links are broken so I cannot check for or get updates. How do I fix this? Please see the screenshot below.
  19. I'm pretty sure the shield was overheating. The non-pro version of the shield has really terrible cooling. I moved it to a bit more of a cooler area and generally it has performed pretty well. In addition to this, I think having subtitles (of any kind) just makes Emby/Jellyfin et al. freak out.
  20. Got it fixed thanks to the above comment. I messed up creating the config. However I am now getting the exact same issue with the Synapse/Matrix container as this guy:
  21. The container seems completely broken. I've done everything I can to get it to work myself and I can't seem to do it. No idea what the problem is at all but I suspect it's misconfigured by default.
  22. My shield direct plays absolutely everything. What hardware are you actually using to store the files though? I guess the stuff in your signature, which I think is quite a bit more powerful than mine (at least the CPU is). I'm not transcoding anything, and the shield should decode everything flawlessly. I seem to get the problem more often with subtitles, even if they are just basic .srt format. Though it does also happen without them. When I use Emby sometimes i get the error "Read speeds are not high enough to play this format natively". If I use Plex it's a nightmare. It just crashes half the time and I don't even recognise Plex these days because it's basically spyware.
  23. Yo, I've the Gen8 and it it recognised my SSD for cache no problem. I'm using an older 250GB 850 EVO drive as cache and can say that it works fine. How's the Gen10+ going? I was considering upgrading my Gen8 to that but I was looking at maybe the AMD Opteron version because the later Xenons don't seem to come with Hyper-threading which is bull***. I bought my Gen8 totally barebones with no CPU or RAM and got it really cheap, unfortunately if I upgraded I'd have to buy RAM all over again and I'm thinking I should maybe just buy 4x 2TB SSDs to make my current system silent. Main thing is that I am suffering with slow read speeds for UHD streaming even using WD Red drives. Part of me wants to maybe custom build this time and try and save some on the power consumption. The i3-10100 4.3Ghz performance is huge compared to my current Xeon® CPU E31265L @ 2.4GHz, and i3 uses less than 20W more. The Xenons that come with the Gen10+ are pretty old and are rated at 95W which is more than double my current Xenon. I could get the 10100F with no integrated graphics for less heat and cost.