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Everything posted by Frank1940

  1. Read here: https://docs.unraid.net/unraid-os/faq/licensing-faq/#what-happens-if-my-usb-fails-do-i-have-to-repurchase-a-license
  2. Basically, ask this question in the Jellyfin Docker support thread. You can find this by going to the DOCKER tab on the GUI. Then click on icon for Jellyfin and pick 'Support' from the dropdown list. You did double check that the files were actually missing off of the array and not from the Jellyfin database? (I would recommend installing the Dynamix File Manager plugin using the builtin APPS feature...)
  3. Bu the Diagnostics file begins on Dec 10th and the last entry is on Jan17th. The ZIP file itself has today's date embedded in the file name. What are you defining as a power outage and when did it occur? Is your server on a UPS? Did the server actually shutdown? (From your description, I would have expected that the syslog would have started when you powered your server backup, it would contain recent bootup entries, and would show some recent events--- such a login from the GUI.) Since you are using a RAID controller, there are no SMART reports on any of your drives. (A common issue with RAID controllers...)
  4. What happens when you click on the 'View' icon for disk6? (Circled in the quote above...) Do you have a recent backup of your Boot (Flash) drive?
  5. I export my flash drives but they are 'Private' and normally read-only (This setting allows for reference reading as I do a lot of support help here on the forum). If I require a write operation, I go in via the GUI and make the share read-write to do any necessary operation. Then back to read-only! You really don't want to over-expose your boot drive!
  6. An off-the-wall question. You have 19+ disks in your server. Does it have a single-rail power supply that can provide 45-50 amps of +12volts for those drives?
  7. NO!! At this point, it appears that disks 5 and 6 are being emulated and all of their contents are available. Be patient and work through the questions and steps that you are being asked about and how to proceed. (In fact, those old disks may well be intact with all of their data safe! There are are a lot of things that can cause a disk to become disable that are not related to the actual disk itself!)
  8. If you are using SMB, you can set the following parameter: You then have to 'know' the path to the share to be able to access it. (If you set the share to Private and use a reasonably strong password, you will have done more than to secure the share than trying to 'hide' it.)
  9. I think the default setting was 'Yes' until relatively recently. (I can't remember when this was changed but it could not have been too far in the past as there have been several cases of this problem recently and I don't recall this being the case in the distant past. I also seem to recall that I actually went into all of my shares on both of my servers and turned off access to NFS and SMB to any share that was not being accessed via those protocols!) I suspect that this new default applies only to 'new' shares. Any existing shares were not affected-- a 'Grandfather' situation.
  10. @JorgeB, if @jkwaterman did this, how could it be a browser issue...
  11. Stop all Dockers and VM's and prevent them from starting automatically. Reboot the server to the 'Safe Mode' (an option in Unraid's Boot Menu) and see if that works.
  12. Are you following this procedure? https://docs.unraid.net/unraid-os/manual/storage-management/#normal-replacement (Make sure that you are not missing step 6...) Oh, yes. You should not have lost any data as you have dual parity. The data of those two missing disks is actually available as these two disks are being emulated using the parity disks and the remaining data disks. That means you can both read and write data to them! When the disks are rebuilt, that emulated data will be written onto the new disks.)
  13. How are you trying to rename these files? (If using command line, show the actual command that you are using to rename a specific file that fails.)
  14. I would like to suggest that you post this request for help in the support thread for the Emby plugin/Docker that you are using. If it is a Docker, goto the DOCKER tab on the GUI and left-click on the Emby icon. In the dropdown menu, you should find a 'Support' link. For a plugin, goto the PLUGIN Tab and the link to the 'Support Thread' will be found within the Plugin's listing.
  15. Also try booting up in the Safe Mode (An option on the Unraid Boot Menu during bootup)...
  16. Post up screenshots of these two commands run in the GUI Terminal: ls -al /mnt ls -al /mnt/user If you are concerned about privacy, you can crop the directory names off of the second one when you do the screenshot.
  17. I am not sure what you are attempting to do but the syslog is stored here: /var/log/syslog
  18. See the following screenshot from the GUI: Once you have gotten filtered out the lines you don't want, you can print it out. I doubt if a request was made to actually stop adding these lines into the syslog, I would not think such a request would even be considered. The Developers and Gurus (who assist folks on the forum) often use those entries to figure out what is going. Occasionally, there are some errors that introduce so many error messages that finding another problem becomes difficult because of all the 'noise'. That usually requires addressing the 'noise' problem not hiding it! Remember that messages that some process or device has started successfully is often useful when troubleshooting...
  19. I hope your access to your Unraid server from WAN is through a VPN. (Unraid is not harden to survive more than a few minutes on the WAN without being hacked!) Now about the Ubiquiti network problem. This would be better addressed on the Ubiquiti user forum than here. (Personal note from a former Ubiquiti user--- Good Luck!)
  20. Try setting the UMASK to 000 rather than 022 EDIT: And you will probably have to run the New Permissions Tools on the share(s) to which this Docker writes.
  21. Make sure that you have set the following parameter: Otherwise, the copy may fail if the file won't fit into the space available on the disk chosen as the target. This setting is available for both Disk Shares and User Shares. Set the parameter for the type of transfer being done. (Most likely--- User Share...)
  22. I am in much the same boat as @JorgeB. But here is a laundry list of things to look at and try... Is the WIN11 computer giving any sort of error message? What are the symptoms of the "crash"? (In my experience, Windows generally goes into a definite routine and 'calls home' to report what it consists 'true' crashes.) After a crash, try a Ctrl-Alt-Del and pick Task Manager from the dropdown menu. Look and see what is going on with the program that crashed. (Is it stopped or is it pegged at high percentage for example?) Have you tested the RAM in your WIN11 computer? How many clients do you have on this network? How many of these clients have this issue and are they all running WIN11? Are you overclocking any WIN11 computers? Can you arrange to get another WIN11 computer to test on your network to see if it has the same problem? Have you rebooted everything involved with the network? (Router, switches, etc.) Are you using Jumbo frames as these can cause problems?
  23. A few years back, I had a brand new PS failed in the first two weeks after I installed it. As I remember, it was either spontaneously rebooting the server or shutting it down. Luckily, I was only doing an upgrade of the PS at the time. So it being the last thing I had changed, it became the prime suspect! (As a retired Engineer, I had learned in my career in that profession to make one change at a time and look for any problems that the change might introduce!) Thinking that a new component will always be good is not a justifiable assumption. Google infant mortality bathtub curve for insight into the failure modes of complex assemblies of components.
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