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[Support] Machinaris - Chia cryptocurrency farming + Plotman plotting + Unraid WebUI

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5 hours ago, Einsteinjr said:

Has anyone successfully farmed a chive currency on here? I can't see anything wrong with the logs, but I'm still sitting at zero after at least 8 weeks of farming 90TB of plots.

Curiously, when I tried doing a pool with chives, the pool summary (I tried 2 different pools) always thought I had zero plots.

The pool is good but you need to plot the new NFT k29 plots. (they are pretty easy to plot so you can spit out loads with any old pc)

I have a 200tb farm and only have room for 100 Chive plots so I was only winning once every 2 months until I joined the pool

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One thing i've noticed is that my server reports 100% CPU usage basically all the time. I took a look at `top`, and notice that it always seems to be the chia full node process thats eating CPU. The other coins are hovering at a handful of %, with occasional spikes, but chia always seems to be eating CPU.



Is this likely to be some side-effect of the fact i'm not actually farming any plots for Chia? Some busy-loop thing happening in the Chia side?


  PID USER      PR  NI    VIRT    RES    SHR S  %CPU  %MEM     TIME+ COMMAND                               
17076 root      20   0  878384 466924   7392 R  98.0   2.9   1:35.00 chia_full_node           



Edited by mungler
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7 hours ago, mungler said:



One thing i've noticed is that my server reports 100% CPU usage basically all the time. I took a look at `top`, and notice that it always seems to be the chia full node process thats eating CPU. The other coins are hovering at a handful of %, with occasional spikes, but chia always seems to be eating CPU.



Is this likely to be some side-effect of the fact i'm not actually farming any plots for Chia? Some busy-loop thing happening in the Chia side?


  PID USER      PR  NI    VIRT    RES    SHR S  %CPU  %MEM     TIME+ COMMAND                               
17076 root      20   0  878384 466924   7392 R  98.0   2.9   1:35.00 chia_full_node           



You're gonna need to provide more information for something like this.  


Are you confident that the chia fork has completed all the synching?  It will eat up a lot of CPU as it is synching.

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3 minutes ago, Einsteinjr said:

You're gonna need to provide more information for something like this.  


Are you confident that the chia fork has completed all the synching?  It will eat up a lot of CPU as it is synching.


Hi, you're right, turns out I hadn't opened the chia port and it was stuck at:


Current Blockchain Status: Syncing 0/1412351.


I'll open the port and wait for full sync, I guess! 



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17 hours ago, mungler said:


In the unriad settings page you'll see CPU Pinning, there you can limit the amount of cores/threads an app or vm is allowed. (You could limit Machinaris to %80 of the cores for example)


It is highly recommended to leave thread 0 free so only unraid can use it.

It's important to do this so unraid can perform It's tasks in the background.

If you have any vm's you can add there cores to the cpu isolation if you want (optional)

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Hey, thanks for the tip. In fact, the unraid box in question is fairly underpowered - the CPU is listed as: "AMD Turion™ II Neo N54L Dual-Core @ 2200 MHz" - but is also dedicated to Machinaris and hpool. It does literally nothing else, so I think I can get away with not bothering pinning. I actually have two of these boxes, HP N54L microservers, each running unraid - one for farming and one for everything else 😁 both stuffed with disks. 



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I have machinaris-maize up and farming: `Active` for quite some time already until today I discovered that there is no wallet DB synced for this crypto at all. 

Blockchain DB is fully synced, showing Farming status. Wallet process  is up and I can see active traffic for Wallet entry within Connections tab, but sqlite file timestamp in ../wallet/db/ folder gets only updated with container boot time and then no changes at all. Even `Wallet height` shows just 0

Wallet height: 0
Sync status: Not synced

I restarted docker couple of times - same result.

Does anyone had similar issue?

This is first time for me, all other fork works just fine.



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Machinaris - Chia wallet showing Zero Balance when actual is 0.00000278091 XCH

My Balance can be seen here: https://www.chiaexplorer.com/blockchain/address/xch1yyv0nrm4nncskesmurty0hed20cypuvha8wxzhf295tx7cyqm99syng7rn


I've done a transaction SINCE getting synced. my wallet status below:


Wallet in Machinaris

I can't find a command to force a recheck. Please advise.


Also, should I have the plotter auto start on launch and how do I do that? Can someone send me a link telling me about the difference between plot types too? I'm just starting to learn about this and I feel like I'm drowning. Thanks

2022-01-13 09_02_37-Window.png

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27 minutes ago, Andrew255 said:


I have machinaris-maize up and farming: `Active` for quite some time already until today I discovered that there is no wallet DB synced for this crypto at all. 

Blockchain DB is fully synced, showing Farming status. Wallet process  is up and I can see active traffic for Wallet entry within Connections tab, but sqlite file timestamp in ../wallet/db/ folder gets only updated with container boot time and then no changes at all. Even `Wallet height` shows just 0

Wallet height: 0
Sync status: Not synced

I restarted docker couple of times - same result.

Does anyone had similar issue?

This is first time for me, all other fork works just fine.




Sorry to hear that.  Some recent updates to blockchains have required some users (not all) to reset the config.yaml file they may have from an older version of the blockchain, to the latest version (default).  Try this quick fix first.  If that doesn't work, you may need to remove the wallet folder entirely and restart.  This should perform a wallet resync.  Details for both fixes are on the wiki.

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6 minutes ago, eagle470 said:

Machinaris - Chia wallet showing Zero Balance when actual is 0.00000278091 XCH

My Balance can be seen here: https://www.chiaexplorer.com/blockchain/address/xch1yyv0nrm4nncskesmurty0hed20cypuvha8wxzhf295tx7cyqm99syng7rn


I've done a transaction SINCE getting synced. my wallet status below:


Wallet in Machinaris

I can't find a command to force a recheck. Please advise.


Also, should I have the plotter auto start on launch and how do I do that? Can someone send me a link telling me about the difference between plot types too? I'm just starting to learn about this and I feel like I'm drowning. Thanks

2022-01-13 09_02_37-Window.png


Hi, I suspect you have an issue that requires the back and forth Discord affords. However, the wiki has lots of good information as well.  In your particular case, this feels like you may have loaded more than one Chia mnemonic/key?  I would recommend opening the Docker Console to Machinaris from the Unraid Admin UI | Docker tab.  Then you can enter commands such as: 

chia farm summary
chia plots show
chia wallet show
chia keys show


Ideally, those commands return neither errors or input prompts.  Hope this helps!

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24 minutes ago, guy.davis said:


Hi, I suspect you have an issue that requires the back and forth Discord affords. However, the wiki has lots of good information as well.  In your particular case, this feels like you may have loaded more than one Chia mnemonic/key?  I would recommend opening the Docker Console to Machinaris from the Unraid Admin UI | Docker tab.  Then you can enter commands such as: 

chia farm summary
chia plots show
chia wallet show
chia keys show


Ideally, those commands return neither errors or input prompts.  Hope this helps!

On discord now

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8 hours ago, guy.davis said:


Sorry to hear that.  Some recent updates to blockchains have required some users (not all) to reset the config.yaml file they may have from an older version of the blockchain, to the latest version (default).  Try this quick fix first.  If that doesn't work, you may need to remove the wallet folder entirely and restart.  This should perform a wallet resync.  Details for both fixes are on the wiki.

thanks for getting back on my issue @guy.davis Forgot to mentioned. I already deleted `db` subfolder within /wallet/, but still only new blockchain_wallet_v1_mainnet files created and they are not growing in size after boot at all. how i can reset config.yaml file to the latest version?

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8 hours ago, Andrew255 said:

thanks for getting back on my issue @guy.davis Forgot to mentioned. I already deleted `db` subfolder within /wallet/, but still only new blockchain_wallet_v1_mainnet files created and they are not growing in size after boot at all. how i can reset config.yaml file to the latest version?


Please see this section of the wiki:




For a fork on Unraid the path is: /mnt/user/appdata/machinaris-FORK/FORK/mainnet/config/config.yaml


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Quick question:


I once installed the Chives docker only to realise that I would not need to replot for using it, so I removed it. Now however it continues to show up in my summary and farming page (not doing anything ofcourse, the docker is gone), how do I make sure machinares "forgets" that I once used it ?



Edited by Helmonder
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1 hour ago, Helmonder said:

Quick question:


I once installed the Chives docker only to realise that I would not need to replot for using it, so I removed it. Now however it continues to show up in my summary and farming page (not doing anything ofcourse, the docker is gone), how do I make sure machinares "forgets" that I once used it ?



Try stopping machinaris, delete machinaris.db, restart.  It'll rebuild and clean up any orphaned references.

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3 hours ago, Helmonder said:

I once installed the Chives docker only to realise that I would not need to replot for using it, so I removed it. Now however it continues to show up in my summary and farming page (not doing anything ofcourse, the docker is gone), how do I make sure machinares "forgets" that I once used it ?


Please visit the Workers page.  Select all Chives rows and then click 'Prune Selected' button.

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2 hours ago, guy.davis said:


Please ensure you have "plots_dir" variable set correctly in the Unraid Docker template for Machinaris.  However, there are other possible misconfigurations.  Please see troubleshooting guide on the wiki  as well.


OK, so here is my layout:



Here are the check for contents: 

root@Tower:/mnt/user/farmPlots# ls


when I run LS on the array side of the /plotting directory, I get this: 

root@Tower:/mnt/user/fastplots# ls





I'm not sure what log to look at right now as my plotman log doesn't look awful, though it has a different problem (see attached)

plotman.log 2022-01-15T11_52_26.866913-06_00.plot.log apisrv.log

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13 minutes ago, eagle470 said:

OK, so here is my layout:



Here are the check for contents: 

root@Tower:/mnt/user/farmPlots# ls


when I run LS on the array side of the /plotting directory, I get this: 

root@Tower:/mnt/user/fastplots# ls





I'm not sure what log to look at right now as my plotman log doesn't look awful, though it has a different problem (see attached)

plotman.log 174.46 kB · 0 downloads 2022-01-15T11_52_26.866913-06_00.plot.log 821 B · 0 downloads apisrv.log 1.05 MB · 0 downloads


Please open the Docker Console for Machinaris from the Unraid Admin UI | Docker tab.  When at the in-container console for Machinaris type:

env | grep -i plots_dir
chia plots show
chia farm summary
chia keys show
chia wallet show


Don't paste the output here.  However, please review it for any errors or misconfigurations.  Also visit the Farming page of the Machinaris, select your Fullnode by worker hostname, then choose Chia from the menu.  This will open the Chia farming log for you to review.  Hope this helps.

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