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[Plugin] Docker Compose Manager

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3 hours ago, VideoVibrations said:

How do I access the container while it is running?  Clicking on  ">_console" results in this error:


CI runtime exec failed: exec failed: unable to start container process: exec: "binbash": executable file not found in $PATH: unknown


For the console button to work you have to specify the proper shell in the UI Labels. 

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Thank you so much for this plugin, migrating from my old ubuntu server is so easy, i just copied the docker-compose.yml files :D


Now, i have a question, for the dockers created via "docker-compose up -d" are on network "nameofmydocker_default" instead of "host" or "bridge" like when they're created as apps from CA.


there's a way to change it in docker-compose.yml to have "host" or "bridge"? I tried to add network: bridge, but i got error. Not a really big issue, maybe it's just cosmetic?

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1 hour ago, Tipika said:

Thank you so much for this plugin, migrating from my old ubuntu server is so easy, i just copied the docker-compose.yml files :D


Now, i have a question, for the dockers created via "docker-compose up -d" are on network "nameofmydocker_default" instead of "host" or "bridge" like when they're created as apps from CA.


there's a way to change it in docker-compose.yml to have "host" or "bridge"? I tried to add network: bridge, but i got error. Not a really big issue, maybe it's just cosmetic?


or perhapse


Edited by primeval_god
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9 hours ago, tkm89 said:

I'm having an issue where once I set the web UI label for a container in a stack, I can't change it. e.g. say I had a container mapped to port 8086, but then needed to change it to 8087, the WebUI link keeps pointing to 8086. Anyone know a workaround?

What version of unRAID are you running? 

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On 1/20/2023 at 12:10 AM, tkm89 said:

I'm having an issue where once I set the web UI label for a container in a stack, I can't change it. e.g. say I had a container mapped to port 8086, but then needed to change it to 8087, the WebUI link keeps pointing to 8086. Anyone know a workaround?

I think I may be facing a the same issue. I'm trying to get the web ui to redirect to the correct url (when i click the web url button its taking me to https://[SERVERIP].*****.myunraid.net/7575 instead of SERVERIP:7575)


However I just noticed that the webui button might not be accepting the changes im making here (After changing the port in the UI Labels and even the compose file,



the webui button still redirected me to 7575)

Screen Shot 2023-01-23 at 9.55.32 AM.png

Edited by Swagnoor19
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On 1/23/2023 at 9:58 AM, Swagnoor19 said:

I think I may be facing a the same issue. I'm trying to get the web ui to redirect to the correct url (when i click the web url button its taking me to https://[SERVERIP].*****.myunraid.net/7575 instead of SERVERIP:7575)


However I just noticed that the webui button might not be accepting the changes im making here (After changing the port in the UI Labels and even the compose file,



the webui button still redirected me to 7575)

Screen Shot 2023-01-23 at 9.55.32 AM.png

@primeval_god Are you aware of the https thing being an issue for anyone else?

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3 hours ago, Swagnoor19 said:

@primeval_god Are you aware of the https thing being an issue for anyone else?

I am aware of the underlying issue. The issue appears to be that changes to the webui container label are not reflected in the webui. Unfortunately so far as i can tell this is not a bug with the compose plugin but rather with the unRAID webui itself. It may be fixed by rebooting the server but I am not in a position to test that at the moment.

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20 hours ago, primeval_god said:

I am aware of the underlying issue. The issue appears to be that changes to the webui container label are not reflected in the webui. Unfortunately so far as i can tell this is not a bug with the compose plugin but rather with the unRAID webui itself. It may be fixed by rebooting the server but I am not in a position to test that at the moment.

Sure, thanks for the insight!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Can anyone summarize what needs to be done to setup and use this, for someone who is familiar with unraid, and its use of docker, but maybe not well versed (yet) with docker compose?  This would be super helpful.

My case is that I have a docker-compose.yaml for a web app I've written that I'd like to host on my unraid, I don't yet have this plugin installed, and I dont want to go thru the slow process of publishing my work on github, creating an unraid app that gets full (but inadequate) support via the official route....  I wish I could sit here and digest ten long forumn pages, but...that's just not in the cards atm. 

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Can anyone summarize what needs to be done to setup and use this, for someone who is familiar with unraid, and its use of docker, but maybe not well versed (yet) with docker compose?  This would be super helpful.

I just found this, so, sort of answering my own question here:



I also found this, looks very promising:

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  • 2 weeks later...
6 hours ago, gustyScanner said:

Is it possible to remove a stack via the UI? I can delete the config files, but then are the orphaned containers cleaned up?


Thank you for the plugin!

You should not delete a running stack. Do a Compose Down first to remove containers and networks.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I added this to my UserScripts plugin on a schedule for weekly to automatically grab any updated images. It is a small variation to what i was using previously updating the docker-compose images before I found this plugin option. The UI then reflects the stack is running like normal with the play icon after the script runs.


If you come up with something more interesting, like posting which images were updated to the notification, please share!


docker compose -f /PATH/TO/docker-compose.yml -f /PATH/TO/docker-compose.override.yml -p YourProjectName pull
docker compose -f /PATH/TO/docker-compose.yml -f /PATH/TO/docker-compose.override.yml -p YourProjectName  up -d --remove-orphans
docker image prune -f
/usr/local/emhttp/webGui/scripts/notify -i normal -e "Docker Image Update Completed"


You can check your required yml paths and your.project name by having the stack running via the ui then running shell

docker compose ls
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