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Future Unraid Feature Desires

Future Unraid Feature Desires  

843 members have voted

  1. 1. What feature do you want the most in upcoming Unraid releases?

    • Multiple Unraid Array Pools
    • VM Snapshots
    • Intel Arc GPU support
    • Other (Comment)

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On 11/25/2023 at 10:38 PM, BVD said:


I think what you're experiencing is Confirmation Bias. And you sort of side-stepped my point, but that's alright, we can run with it -


Yes, a good number of people want VM snapshots and backups in the UI (and absolutely, it'd be a valuable feature) - no, it's not all, nor even a majority (as we can tell from the poll results here). When it comes to unraid user engagement, reddit is a ghostland compared to these forums. VM backups are quantifiably less desired by the unraid user base than... Well, multiple arrays in this case. 


I'd argue that the 'biggest reason' people move to virtualize unraid is actually two separate reasons - if you read through the history of this forum, the years of posts that've come through within that time, there are two recurring themes:

  1. The handling of licensing is *extremely* annoying - having to effectively 'turn off my NAS' to replace or add a drive is utterly absurd. And worse, now that ZFS is 'included', you have to shut down everything in order to do any work on it as well. Any NAS OS should be able to remain online for anything short of a (non-media) hardware failure, or an OS update. This is a pretty huge failure in design IMO.
  2. Having to work around all the various "unraid-isms" - if you want to make anything persistent, it takes a bunch of extra steps to do so, steps that are unnecessary on (literally anything else). Even simple things like keeping your bash history, installing a package, they're all so unnecessarily complicated that folks effectively 'graduate' to another OS. Used to be any user could easily recompile the kernel after installing whatever packages they might find useful to them, now you have this location you have to put the package, and wait for unraid to re-install it each time you reboot. More down time (see licensing above). Just a million little cuts like this.


In the last 6 months, all of 9k people have downloaded the macinabox image - across all of dockerhubs users, not just unraid. This isn't as common as you seem to be alluding to. In 4 years, it's had ~2.5m pulls, again, across all of dockerhub - how many of those are folks updating to a new image? Or pulling another copy on another machine?


What percentage of docker users are also unraid users?


If you can show me verifiable numbers that say otherwise, I'm absolutely open to them, and my apologies in advance if so; I just don't believe unraid users running macos in a vm alongside a windows vm is nearly as common as those simply running windows machines, especially given the OS's target audience.


 As for corporate doublespeak... Lol? I don't know how to respond to this honestly, and I don't mean to be rude here, it just feels more like someone lashing out than working to justify their position in a logical and reasoned way...? I don't have a horse in this race  🤷‍♂️

I read your comment still doesn't make it less important, VM enhancements probably don't bother you as much, but that's you Sr. Everyone else in this only post likes to be able to do something as basic as a snapshot

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On 9/24/2023 at 2:33 PM, MrFroggy said:

10) Incorporation of several plugins into Unraid Core - Some of them are just too important to not having them

Which ones are you thinking of? It they are added to core updates could take longer as would be part of os refresh cycle. 

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1 hour ago, SimonF said:

Which ones are you thinking of? It they are added to core updates could take longer as would be part of os refresh cycle. 


I think that some particular plugins are just too important for not being part of UnRaid core.

Those functionalities should not be part of something outside UnRaid and should be included in the core.


(Legend: +++ Must have | ++ Important | + Nice to have)

Just to name a few:


+++ Fix Common Problems

+++ Preclear Disk

+++ Unassign Devices Preclear

+++ Docker Compose Manager

+++ App Data Backup

+++ CA Appdata Backup/Restore

+++ CA Auto Turbo Write Mode (I think this one is already planned to be included in the core)
+++ Tips and Tweaks


++   CA Mover Tuning

++   Disk Location
++   CA User Scripts

++   Unassign Devices Plus

++   Krusader

++   Dynamix S3 Sleep


+    Libvirt Hotplug USB

+    CA Appdata Cleanup

+    CA Auto Update

+    Dynamix Cache Directories

+    Dynamix SSD Trim

+    NerdTools



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19 minutes ago, MrFroggy said:

++   Krusader

That's a container, not a plugin.

And I rather use Midnight Commander that is already included in the base Unraid (mc at the command line).


As for the list, there is a good third of those that I don't use. I would rather not have the core OS with more and more feature that I don't need taking up RAM.

Even if my server has plenty of RAM, many users have the OS run on older platforms or simple HW with 2 or 4GB of RAM. Adding everything would increase the RAM footprint and make it impossible for those systems to run the OS.


Also, most of those are created and maintained by people that are not Unraid employees. That would make the integration more complicated.


Finally, and as mentioned by SimonF, including them in the core OS would prevent fast updates of the plugins for new features, bugfixes, etc.

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11 minutes ago, ChatNoir said:

That's a container, not a plugin.

And I rather use Midnight Commander that is already included in the base Unraid (mc at the command line).


As for the list, there is a good third of those that I don't use. I would rather not have the core OS with more and more feature that I don't need taking up RAM.

Even if my server has plenty of RAM, many users have the OS run on older platforms or simple HW with 2 or 4GB of RAM. Adding everything would increase the RAM footprint and make it impossible for those systems to run the OS.


Also, most of those are created and maintained by people that are not Unraid employees. That would make the integration more complicated.


Finally, and as mentioned by SimonF, including them in the core OS would prevent fast updates of the plugins for new features, bugfixes, etc.


Regarding Kursader: yes, you're right. My mistake. But I just use it so many times that I think it should be part of UnRaid. Even if it's not a plugin. Or at least something similar attached to the GUI or with a link to open in another browser page.


For the rest, I understand and agree with your statements. But some of the plugins I mentioned, are just too important to live with out them. Maybe some of them could be implemented into the core?


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2 minutes ago, MrFroggy said:


Regarding Kursader: yes, you're right. My mistake. But I just use it so many times that I think it should be part of UnRaid. Even if it's not a plugin. Or at least something similar attached to the GUI or with a link to open in another browser page.


For the rest, I understand and agree with your statements. But some of the plugins I mentioned, are just too important to live with out them. Maybe some of them could be implemented into the core?


Have you tried dynamix file manager?

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1 hour ago, L0rdRaiden said:

unRAID should open source some of the basic components like VM and docker, and leave everything else close source.

The GUI source is already publicly available on gitHub as is the documentation although Limetech still exercise an element of control in that changes have to be submitted via Pull requests to gitHub.

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On 12/4/2023 at 5:23 AM, JorgeB said:

This one is already included.

Can you please tell me why there is no emphasis on VM backup and restore? I see you are giving importance to snapshots but why not a basic functionality of backup and restore? Both the community plugins in the app store cause a server crash or the project is dead. Why not give a roadmap whether VM backup and restore will at least me implemented in 6.13 or 6.14?

PS: please do not tell me to use veeam backup or some proprietary backing up solution. Unraid uses a type 1 hypervisor and no other type 1 hypervisor in the market asks its users to backup via veeam. It also becomes a real hassle to backup linux, freebsd and macos based VMs or there is no way yet to backup.

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Intel Arc (and Arc Pro!)
Better collective scrub scheduling - sequential, groups.  While I would like better collective intelligence on executing the scrub (i.e. pause while there's io contention for parity) apparently scrub pause doesn't exist at the filesystem level.  Oh wells!
Better formal advice and tools on how to recover when you've balanced and "lost" space 😅

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