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[DOCKER] ownCloud is here!

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I'm not trying to beat a dead horse here, but there seems to be about 3 issues most people(including myself) are having. Sorry if I missed the solution in this thread...I've tried some of the suggestions that I found, unsuccessfully.


1. How do I get rid of my "unsecure" connection warning? I get it from within my network using my local IP and also externally using my ddns site. In the config file, I added my local IP:port and my https://ddns-name:port to the "trusted domains". I also tried adding my https://ddns-name:port to the "overwrite cli" setting. I have port forwarding working, but I'm forwarding port 8100 to 8000 in my router if that info is needed/relevant.


2. How do I add my existing shares to owncloud? I did the volume mappings on the docker settings page. I also added/enabled the external storage plugin. I can't see any of my shares that are on my unraid server.


3. How do I update to the latest(9.0.1)? I have "Edge" set to 1 in advanced mode of the docker page. I check for an update and it says I have the latest at 8.2.2 Beta.





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I am trying to install this version of  the owncloud docker.  I am receiving an error when installing it (attached).  Prior to attempting this version of the docker, I installed Bungy;s docker.  I removed Bungy's docker (including image) deleted its install folder.  I then attempted to install this version of the docker.  Any clue why I would be seeing this issue?


Thanks for any help



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I am trying to install this version of  the owncloud docker.  I am receiving an error when installing it (attached).  Prior to attempting this version of the docker, I installed Bungy;s docker.  I removed Bungy's docker (including image) deleted its install folder.  I then attempted to install this version of the docker.  Any clue why I would be seeing this issue?


Thanks for any help



Dunno about that error Bill, but I just did a fresh pull of this container and setup this.  Incidentally the first setup does indeed take while to run if you look at the logs.




Here is my Apache default.conf (ls.io version naturally  ;) )

For owncloud.server.com

<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName owncloud.server.com
ServerAlias owncloud.server.com
DocumentRoot /config/www/

Redirect permanent / https://owncloud.server.com/


<VirtualHost *:443>
ServerName owncloud.server.com
ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost
DocumentRoot /config/www/

SSLCertificateFile /config/keys/server.crt
SSLCertificateKeyFile /config/keys/ssldecrypted.key
SSLCertificateChainFile /config/keys/sub.class1.server.ca.pem

SSLEngine on
SSLProxyEngine On
RewriteEngine On
ProxyPreserveHost On

SSLProxyVerify none
SSLProxyCheckPeerCN off
SSLProxyCheckPeerName off
SSLProxyCheckPeerExpire off

SSLProtocol -All +TLSv1 +TLSv1.1 +TLSv1.2
SSLHonorCipherOrder on

ProxyRequests Off
ProxyPreserveHost Off
ProxyPass /
ProxyPassReverse /



And config.php


$CONFIG = array (
  'memcache.local' => '\\OC\\Memcache\\APCu',
  'instanceid' => 'xxxxxxxxxxxx',
  'passwordsalt' => 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
  'secret' => 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
  'trusted_domains' => 
  array (
    0 => '',
    1 => 'owncloud.server.com',
  'datadirectory' => '/var/www/owncloud/data',
  'overwrite.cli.url' => 'https://owncloud.server.com',
  'overwritehost' => 'owncloud.server.com',
  'overwriteprotocol' => 'https',
  'dbtype' => 'mysql',
  'version' => '',
  'dbname' => 'owncloud',
  'dbhost' => '',
  'dbtableprefix' => 'oc_',
  'dbuser' => 'oc_CHBMB12',
  'dbpassword' => 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
  'logtimezone' => 'UTC',
  'installed' => true,
  'mail_smtpmode' => 'smtp',

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Dear All,


I can not create the first admin user at the first ownCloud connection.


Error msg is : Cannot write in /mnt/user/appdata/mariadb


(It's not exactly that the message is in french.)



Owncloud form to create administrator account

User: admin

Password: xxxxx

Database engine: MySQL/MariaDB

Data directory: /mnt/user/appdata/mariadb

User: ocuser

Password: xxxx

Database name: owncloud

Host (database):



UnRaid informations

UnRaid version: 6.1.9

Docker version 1.7.1, build 786b29d4

Share appdata exist, security is Public (for a moment) and export is No

User ocuser exist


Docker Containers Informations

Containers MariabDB: needo/mariadb:latest

Container Volume

Host Path




Container Port

Host Port




Containers Owncloud: gfjardim/owncloud:latest

Container Volume

Host Path




Container Port

Host Port




ls of /mnt/user/appdata/mariadb

root@Tower:/mnt/user/appdata/mariadb# ls -l
total 28704
-rw-rw---- 1 nobody users    16384 Apr 26 17:02 aria_log.00000001
-rw-rw---- 1 nobody users       52 Apr 26 17:02 aria_log_control
-rw-rw---- 1 nobody users  5242880 Apr 26 17:02 ib_logfile0
-rw-rw---- 1 nobody users  5242880 Apr 26 17:02 ib_logfile1
-rw-rw---- 1 nobody users 18874368 Apr 26 17:02 ibdata1
drwx------ 1 nobody root      4096 Apr 26 17:02 mysql/
-rw-rw---- 1 nobody users     3201 Apr 26 17:02 mysql_safe.log
drwx------ 1 nobody users     4096 Apr 26 17:02 performance_schema/



  • What are the permissions to grant and to whom ?
  • Is it only a permission problem ?
  • How to effectively protect appdata sharing ?


    Thank's for your help

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I'm not trying to beat a dead horse here, but there seems to be about 3 issues most people(including myself) are having. Sorry if I missed the solution in this thread...I've tried some of the suggestions that I found, unsuccessfully.


1. How do I get rid of my "unsecure" connection warning? I get it from within my network using my local IP and also externally using my ddns site. In the config file, I added my local IP:port and my https://ddns-name:port to the "trusted domains". I also tried adding my https://ddns-name:port to the "overwrite cli" setting. I have port forwarding working, but I'm forwarding port 8100 to 8000 in my router if that info is needed/relevant.


2. How do I add my existing shares to owncloud? I did the volume mappings on the docker settings page. I also added/enabled the external storage plugin. I can't see any of my shares that are on my unraid server.


3. How do I update to the latest(9.0.1)? I have "Edge" set to 1 in advanced mode of the docker page. I check for an update and it says I have the latest at 8.2.2 Beta.



Sorry to bump my own questions, but I'm still having trouble figuring out connecting without getting warnings(I figured out the volume mappings question).


Do I need to do something with ssl/certificates or just change something in my config? I tried some of the configs posted in here with no luck.


Also...anyone on 9.0.1? OwnCloud still says I'm on latest not allowing an update.




Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk



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I've seen this asked a few times, but I don't think I've seen an answer, or if there was I missed it.  I'm staring from scratch with no other dockers installed.  I'm installing using the community applications plug in.  I keep all of the settings at default (volume map:  /var/www/owncloud/data - /mnt/user/appdata/owncloud).  I edit the subject variable name to contain all of my information and leave the "Edge" Variable at 0. 


Everything seems fine, but when I start the Docker, I can never get to the WebUI page and the log stops at "Creating DH Parameters File.".  I'm sure it is something I'm doing wrong, but have no idea where to start.  I've tried removing the container and image, deleting the appdata/owncloud folder and even removing the docker image file, but I still get the same thing each time.  I thought it was a matter of being impatient, but I've waited over 15 minutes each time and still see the "Creating DH Parameters File" in the log.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.




Update:  Not sure what changed but I got it working, perhaps it takes longer than 15 minute to start up initially?  At any rate I think I'm past that hurdle.

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I'm looking at publishing my owncloud docker externally with SSL using either Apache or Nginx.  I'm wondering if anyone has any suggestions on which one is a better fit for a reverse proxy?


My VI skills are suspect but I can manage for the most part---wondering which is a better/easier to implement solution?  Using dyndns but also have my own domain I could use if it makes certs easier.


Thanks for any and all advice!

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A lot in the beginning posts are from older versions and the information no longer applies. Is there a "complete idiot's guide" to installing this via community applications? I get as far as accessing the webGUI and, download the WebDAV desktop app, and can see my files from within my own network, but obviously my 192.160.x.x ip address won't work outside my home network, and I can't figure out how to get my external IP or the proper web address to sync remotely.


Also, leaving the default /mnt/usr/appdata/owncloud directory seems to put both the docker config files AND the data in the same space. Is that correct? Obviously I don't want my data going to my SSD, and I'd rather not put the app data onto my array if I can avoid it. I've seen some posts of people asking how to allow owncloud to see your other user shares, and I'd be really interested in getting this to happen as well.

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cyriouslydylan, if you want separate config and data directories you might want to choose another docker. Search for owncloud and then pick Bungy's owncloud docker. You can select three different directories for config, data and apps.


For accessing owncloud from outside your network you need to use VPN. Either your router is providing this functionality or you need something like openVPN (also available under APPS).


Implementing Apache or Nginx as reverse proxy is also possible but way more complex.

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cyriouslydylan, if you want separate config and data directories you might want to choose another docker. Search for owncloud and then pick Bungy's owncloud docker. You can select three different directories for config, data and apps.


For accessing owncloud from outside your network you need to use VPN. Either your router is providing this functionality or you need something like openVPN (also available under APPS).


Implementing Apache or Nginx as reverse proxy is also possible but way more complex.


I'm not very experienced with this at all, but here is what I ended up doing, map the OwnCloud installation data to the cache drive:  /var/www/owncloud/data to /mnt/cache/appdata/owncloud Then add another mapping for user data /User Data to /mnt/user/User Data.  Once you have OwnCloud up and running, go into the Apps page and enable external storage.  You can then map the external storage to the /User Data mapping you set up in the Docker Config.  This let me keep my configuration files on my cache drive, but store my uploaded and synced files on my Array. 



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cyriouslydylan, if you want separate config and data directories you might want to choose another docker. Search for owncloud and then pick Bungy's owncloud docker. You can select three different directories for config, data and apps.


For accessing owncloud from outside your network you need to use VPN. Either your router is providing this functionality or you need something like openVPN (also available under APPS).


Implementing Apache or Nginx as reverse proxy is also possible but way more complex.


Thank you very much, At least I know I'm on the right track! I'll check out the bungy one.

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cyriouslydylan, if you want separate config and data directories you might want to choose another docker. Search for owncloud and then pick Bungy's owncloud docker. You can select three different directories for config, data and apps.


For accessing owncloud from outside your network you need to use VPN. Either your router is providing this functionality or you need something like openVPN (also available under APPS).


Implementing Apache or Nginx as reverse proxy is also possible but way more complex.


Thank you very much, At least I know I'm on the right track! I'll check out the bungy one.


I quoted Edgar the first time instead of you, but you can use this Docker and have your data on the array.


"I'm not very experienced with this at all, but here is what I ended up doing, map the OwnCloud installation data to the cache drive:  /var/www/owncloud/data to /mnt/cache/appdata/owncloud Then add another mapping for user data /User Data to /mnt/user/User Data.  Once you have OwnCloud up and running, go into the Apps page and enable external storage.  You can then map the external storage to the /User Data mapping you set up in the Docker Config.  This let me keep my configuration files on my cache drive, but store my uploaded and synced files on my Array."


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I forced a docker file update and I was able to upgrade from 8.2.2 to using the command line, but I could not upgrade any further from there.


To get to 9.0 I had to do the following:

- Login to owncloud as an admin and disable ALL apps

- Backup my entire owncloud folder

- Delete everything except for /data and /config

- From there when I went to the owncloud login I was presented with the 9.0 upgrade

- Do the actual upgrade by command line


You probably want to do a database backup as well.


Does anyone have more details on this, specifically what to put into the command line to upgrade?  I haven't had any luck following the OwnCloud 9 upgrade instructions, but then again, I'm a rookie at best with this stuff.




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I can access my ownCloud web login interface page but none of my user logins work. It doesn't say anything like incorrect password. It just erases the password and refreshes the page. I am running 9.0.


The only thing I did recently was enable the Docs plugin from within the ownCloud GUI.


Is there a way to disable the plugin(s) from a config file or something? Or is there another solution I can try.


<<UPDATE - 05/01/16 - 08:41 PM CST>> I backed up my data files and deleted everything. Removed the container and image from Docker. Reinstalled the docker from scratch and I still have the same issue, cannot login. It has been working fine.


I have tried from other laptops and phones and multiple browsers. i have tried clearing cache and history.

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Would someone kindly explain to me, how to edit my config.php file?

When I edit it, then try to save, it give me a permissons error, thus I can't save my changes.


I do it via a telnet session via terminal.


Once I get to the config file's directory I use:


sudo nano config.php





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I had somehing go wrong with my owncloud install.  It suddenly started saying the domain was untrusted (before this error there was no domain trust issue, I solved that problem when I first installed it.  My install is:


owncloud docker using mariadb.  I access owncloud through a reverse proxy.  I want to try a complete reinstall but I do not want to lose any data (I have quite few pictures uploaded into it). 


Is there a way to completely reinstall owncloud while protecting the data in it?  The log for my issue is located here:




Thnaks for any help provided

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I had somehing go wrong with my owncloud install.  It suddenly started saying the domain was untrusted (before this error there was no domain trust issue, I solved that problem when I first installed it.  My install is:


owncloud docker using mariadb.  I access owncloud through a reverse proxy.  I want to try a complete reinstall but I do not want to lose any data (I have quite few pictures uploaded into it). 


Is there a way to completely reinstall owncloud while protecting the data in it?  The log for my issue is located here:




Thnaks for any help provided


Someone needs to backup what I am going to say  but I did the same thing and didn't delete the folders named after users.


I just made sure my clients were syncing the correct files after it was back up.


PS - I didn't delete the data from my laptop folders either. Turned off wifi. Made sure sync was setup correctly and turned wifi back on for it to check for sync changes.

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I had somehing go wrong with my owncloud install.  It suddenly started saying the domain was untrusted (before this error there was no domain trust issue, I solved that problem when I first installed it.  My install is:


owncloud docker using mariadb.  I access owncloud through a reverse proxy.  I want to try a complete reinstall but I do not want to lose any data (I have quite few pictures uploaded into it). 


Is there a way to completely reinstall owncloud while protecting the data in it?  The log for my issue is located here:




Thnaks for any help provided


Someone needs to backup what I am going to say  but I did the same thing and didn't delete the folders named after users.


I just made sure my clients were syncing the correct files after it was back up.


PS - I didn't delete the data from my laptop folders either. Turned off wifi. Made sure sync was setup correctly and turned wifi back on for it to check for sync changes.

I have the app installed on 3 phones, otherwise it is accessed through the web interface.  So Can I delete everything in the owncloud directory except the data folder?  I have the config.php backedup.


Do I need to do anything with mariadb?  It seems to me when I was having issues upon first installing, I deleted everything and could not use my old mariadb database once I did a fresh install of owncloud.

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I will echo the comments of people who are unable to upgrade past ownCloud 8.2.2. I have reviewed the ownCloud admin manual and tried to follow the instructions posted on this forum, have set EDGE=1 in my advanced settings, but have not had any luck getting 9.0 installed. The following are unclear to me:


1. If I am going to delete my ownCloud installation other than the data and config folders, what are the paths to the relevant directories, or what is the process? It seems like if I just remove the docker container (+/- the image) from the Docker tab in the unRAID gui, I still can't execute the upgrade. Though maybe I'm missing a step. If I try to remove everything manually, I can't tell what directories to remove because the docker files seem to be living in several directories with very long pathnames, including some subfolders of an nginx path.


2. The ownCloud administration manual talks about using apt to update packages, but I am confident (99%?) that's not the way forward for an unRAID docker container, so the guidance to read the ownCloud manual doesn't seem to be helpful. Though again maybe I'm missing something.


3. Is gfjardim's docker container actually updated for 9.0 yet? Does this matter? I am thinking the answers are "no" and "yes" -- in that order -- given my experience to-date. Still, since other people seem to be able to upgrade to 9.0 it would be helpful just to have clarity on this point.



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gfjardim, can you update the ownCloud docker to  When I converted to 6.2, I had previously updated within ownCloud on 6.1.9 to and it caused me some issues when the docker was re-installed as part of the update to 6.2.  It reverted the version to and ownCloud complained about that.  Took me a while to sort it out.

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