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[support] pducharme's Dockers support thread

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8 hours ago, fryfrog said:

It is literally in the post right before this.

You should check out your server.log and other logs before you blindly roll back.


ended up deleting the docker, removing the folder as well. Reinstall the docker and upload my backup configuration during setup

Back to normal :ph34r:

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I've been using this container for a while but when upgrading from 3.9.0 it no longer is able to connect to the camera.  I run the container on a libreelec system, with a few adjustments to the docker-compose.yml to fit my needs.  


When I tell the camera the controller address (doesn't show up in the controller like it does in 3.9.0) I see the error in the camera log where its unable to fully connect to the controller.

1970-01-22 21:40:23 843,818 P6 avclient[422]: standalone mode 'off', connecting to 'wss://' with uuid='' [ubnt_avclient:avclient.cpp:main:299]
1970-01-22 21:40:23 843,818 P6 avclient[422]: WAITING_FOR_CONTROLLER_ADDRESS->CONNECTING_TO_CONTROLLER [ubnt_avclient:avclient_app.cpp:State:1451]
1970-01-22 21:40:23 843,822 P6 avclient[422]: Connecting to UniFi Video: [ubnt_avclient:avclient_app.cpp:Connect:304]
1970-01-22 21:40:23 843,822 P6 avclient[422]: Connection 0990892921: changing state 'initialized' -> 'connecting' [ubnt_avclient:connection_state.cpp:SetState:28]
1970-01-22 21:40:23 843,826 P6 avclient[422]: Changing TCP_SYNCNT from 6 to 2 [ubnt_avclient:connection.cpp:ProtocolConnect:182]
1970-01-22 21:40:23 843,827 P6 analytics[393]: Entering interrupted state, reason: avclient init [ubnt_analytics:Analytics.cpp:interrupt:552]
1970-01-22 21:40:23 843,882 P6 avclient[422]: No local copy of remote cert - default to OK [ubnt_avclient:certificate_store.cpp:CompareCert:29]
1970-01-22 21:40:23 843,960 P4 avclient[422]: Internal transfer error occurred: HS: ACCEPT missing [ubnt_avclient:connection.cpp:SecureTransferProtocolHandler:285]
1970-01-22 21:40:23 843,960 P4 avclient[422]: Failed to establish connection [ubnt_avclient:avclient_app.cpp:Service:365]
1970-01-22 21:40:23 843,961 P4 avclient[422]: Host could not be reached or refused connection [ubnt_avclient:avclient_app.cpp:Service:381]
1970-01-22 21:40:23 843,962 P6 avclient[422]: try the next IP, if there is one [ubnt_avclient:avclient.cpp:main:321]
1970-01-22 21:40:23 843,962 P6 avclient[422]: Pause before restart [ubnt_avclient:avclient.cpp:main:345]

I've done all the restarts, reboots, resets, firmware upgrades I can think of.  What am I missing?



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@brewDuck, your docker-compose.yml looks weird to me, though I don't use it myself.


For example, you have 4 volumes when only 2 are needed. Assume the format is outside:inside, there are some oddities. What is /usr/lib/unifi-video/work and /usr/lib/unifi-video/ext ?

Maybe that is the old one?

Try the new one https://github.com/pducharme/UniFi-Video-Controller/blob/master/docker-compose.yaml and see how it does.

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Thanks for the reply.  I use the same docker image with 3.9.0 and it works perfectly.  the .../work mount is unnecessary, forgot about that.  I use  .../video/ext as where I place an NFS mount to my NAS for recordings.  I change this in the interface after startup.


What's interesting is that in 3.9.0 after a reset of the camera it pops back up in the camera list as unmanaged and from there i can manage and start using it.  but in 3.9.2+ nothing shows up. I go to the camera and add the video server address and adoption token, but get the above log from the camera.

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In 3.9.2 the changed paths around a little bit, but I don't think that'd impact cameras showing up. I recently setup this docker from zero w/ fresh cameras and had to switch to `--net host` for the auto detection portion of both adding to cloud *and* to get cameras to show up auto-magically. I flipped it back afterward, but would like to see if I can figure out why it didn't work right. Maybe a port we've missed?

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Changing to 'host' gets the camera to show up.  But I still have the communication problem in managing the camera.  I think we've established its not a container issue (the bridge/host thing needs to be figured out) so I'll take my issue to the unify forums.  Thanks a lot for the help.



Update: starting a new container and new data directory with the container set to host network made it work!  I have not yet tried to turn host network off to see if it continues working or not.  Without Host networking it was unable to authenticate with the camera for managing.

Edited by brewDuck
Issue resolved.
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1 hour ago, fryfrog said:

Check your logs, see what it is doing.


Nothing at all.


2018-03-14 17:35:02.549051 [warn] PUID not defined (via -e PUID), defaulting to '99'
2018-03-14 17:35:02.677396 [warn] PGID not defined (via -e PGID), defaulting to '100'
2018-03-14 17:35:02.782991 [info] Permissions already set for volume mappings
Starting unifi-video... done.



EDIT:  I deleted the permissions file and restarted.  It then set new perms and all is good.  Thanks.

Edited by IamSpartacus
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That is the container log, which doesn't have a lot of output (though you can turn on verbose/debug). Check the unifi-video logs, they'll be in maybe `data/logs` of your volume. There are a few, you can `ls -ltr` to see the recently modified ones, but `server.log` should be one.

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  • 2 weeks later...



New to this docker a few days back. I really like the Ubnt gear it an thank you for making the docker.


On Wednesday ver 3.9.5 of video NVR came out.  Can we just updated in the NVR running docker or is it better to wait for a new docker release and run an update via the docker?


Thank you.


Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed an error in motion recording that caused Minimum Motion Event Trigger content to be truncated for short recordings
  • Fixed motion recording playback sometimes including an extra video segment
  • Fixed motion images sometimes not included in alert emails
  • Fixed cloud disconnections caused by websocket pong timeouts, when network is slow or cloud server responses are slowed down.  This solves the repetitive disconnected/reconnected cloud issue.  If your UniFi Video install continues to be disconnected after upgrading, it should come back to a Connected status in 15 minutes or less
  • Fixed Email username field not populated correctly
  • Fixed UniFi Video cloud re-connection hanging after the controller is disconnected either due to degraded network or the UniFi Video installation losing its IP address
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Every time i upgrade my Unifi docker it takes me the to the welcome screen to set it up after the upgrade. So ive learned to make a back up before i update and then restore the backup after i update. Does anyone else have this issue? Is there a fix? All my other dockers work fine. 

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@David Bott, you shouldn't update *inside* a container, it is against the docker way. But it was updated a day or two after it came out, so you just need to `docker pull pducharme/unifi-video-controller` or how ever else you update your docker containers.

@kbb2002, it sounds like you're *not* passing in a volume for the configs to be stored in. Anything *inside* the container is wiped at upgrade (and restart, depending on settings). What does your `-v <data dir>:/var/lib/unifi-video` look like?

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2 minutes ago, fryfrog said:

@David Bott, you shouldn't update *inside* a container, it is against the docker way. But it was updated a day or two after it came out, so you just need to `docker pull pducharme/unifi-video-controller` or how ever else you update your docker containers.

@kbb2002, it sounds like you're *not* passing in a volume for the configs to be stored in. Anything *inside* the container is wiped at upgrade (and restart, depending on settings). What does your `-v <data dir>:/var/lib/unifi-video` look like?

Here is my config for the docker. I put the config in appdata/unifi. Its the same way i do all my dockers. appdata/dockername


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@kbb2002, oh sorry you're talking about the unifi docker, not unifi-video. I don't know that one enough to comment on what the problem might be. What you've shown me looks like I'd expect on the surface, so you'll have to dig deeper and/or hope for some unifi help from someone who uses it. :(

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I am a complete novice with Unraid and Docker (I'm not much on Linux either), but I had a project that I though I would try the UniFi-Video application for. I have a little experience with Unraid so chose that. 


So I con the latest community application and from there installed pducharme's docker for this, I have tried several times now, for various reasons, but right now I am unable to get it working, it is stuck on logging in when I go to the webUI and enter the username and password.


The steps I have taken.

- install docker

- run the Webui, which takes me through a very short initial setup, where I enter a name for the DVR, my name and the username and password

- then is displays a logon screen, where I enter the same username and password. 

- The screen then sits there showing a spinning wheel on the logon button

- clicking on the log button in the docker tab shows nothing bad and nothing recent.  Is there another log I should be looking at.


The other problem I was getting with a different version was updating as soon as I entered the webUI and the update didn't ever seem to complete.


My very first setup seemed to work flawlessly, but completely lost all setting on power down of the unraid box. 

Now after deleting the dockers and reinstalling, things aren't working.


I have also tried a few different Host path 1 and host path2 entries, they are currently

Host Path1 = /mnt/user/appdata/unifi-video/

Host Path2 = /mnt/disk1/UnFIVideoData


Sorry to seem so unknowledgeable with this, but I am wondering if I am out of my depth.  I would greatly appreciate any suggestions or even some places to begin reading.


Thanks for bothering.






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Hi,  Thanks for getting back to me, I did find the logs as you suggested, and didn't find anything indicating a problem.  As a long shot I swap browser from Chrome to Firefox and things worked.  Nothing else was done, except it was about 6 hours later.



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  • 4 weeks later...
9 hours ago, Grizz said:

Can we please get unifi docker updated to 5.6.37 or 5.7.23.  Would rather 5.7.23 but would be happy with either.


Thanks for creating and supporting both Unifi dockers.


5.6.37 LTS Available right now.


For 5.7.23, i'll have to create a different branch, older Access Point (like my own UniFi AP AC (the sqare model)) is not supported anymore in 5.7.x !  so, I can't go 5.7.x myself here.

Edited by Pducharme
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