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unRAID 6 NerdPack - CLI tools (iftop, iotop, screen, kbd, etc.)


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I'm having trouble getting perl to install.  I just got started with a fresh unraid install.  When I tick the slider for perl in nerd tools it says it installed it but then it's status is uninstalled.  Tried uninstalling, and have another go.  But it just won't do it.  Any suggestions?

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4 hours ago, Balazar said:

I'm having trouble getting perl to install.  I just got started with a fresh unraid install.  When I tick the slider for perl in nerd tools it says it installed it but then it's status is uninstalled.  Tried uninstalling, and have another go.  But it just won't do it.  Any suggestions?

Probably stupid question, but did you hit apply at the bottom of the page?

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On 2/25/2019 at 7:15 PM, Squid said:

Probably stupid question, but did you hit apply at the bottom of the page?

Yes, I have tried ticking the switch on and hitting apply, ticking it off and hitting apply then back on again and apply.  Then a few reboots for good measure. But after clicking apply the status is always still "downloaded - yes, installed - no".  Maybe the package is corrupt.  Where are the packages downloaded to?  I could try deleting it and letting it download and do it's thing again.  I'm open to all suggestions.  Beat me with the n00b paddle until I'm properly hazed into unRaid! lol

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I installed par2 earlier tonight (running 6.6.7) but when I try to use it I just get "par2: error while loading shared libraries: libgomp.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory". Do I need to install another package to go along with it?
I compiled it myself after deleting libgomp. Should work now.
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Yes, I have tried ticking the switch on and hitting apply, ticking it off and hitting apply then back on again and apply.  Then a few reboots for good measure. But after clicking apply the status is always still "downloaded - yes, installed - no".  Maybe the package is corrupt.  Where are the packages downloaded to?  I could try deleting it and letting it download and do it's thing again.  I'm open to all suggestions.  Beat me with the n00b paddle until I'm properly hazed into unRaid! lol
It should delete any corrupt downloads. Also if you turn uninstall on and click apply it should delete any package not selected.
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2 hours ago, xhaloz said:

Python 3 wont uninstall.  Every other package uninstalls if I have it selected to Off.  However python 3 doesn't do anything when I hit apply.  It refreshes the page and it says ON again even though I hit off. 

Do you have borgbackup installed? Or another plugin that requires python3. That's the only way it won't uninstall.

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1 minute ago, xhaloz said:

Makes sense, yes borg is installed.  I will take a look!


Edit: Let me just say thank you, you always reply and always add/update packages.  You're pure gold and I thank you so much.

No problem. Borg requires python3 so it automatically selects it too. There's a few others packages that select their depends too.

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On 9/21/2018 at 5:32 PM, BRiT said:

IMO, does not belong in nerdpack. Should be its own plugin, just like ZFS is.

Unfortunately, my programming skills are limited. A simple Snapraid binary I can schedule would do the job for me.


Also, is it possible to add Fish shell? Thanks.

Edited by deagle
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Hi again!

Lately I'm having problems launching borg. I'm running Unraid 6.7.0-rc5, so I guess that could be the issue.

Anyway, I get the following error when simply running "borg"

root@unraid:~# borg
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/borg", line 6, in <module>
    from pkg_resources import load_entry_point
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pkg_resources'



Oh and thanks for adding fish shell earlier :)

Edited by Nischi
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Hi again!
Lately I'm having problems launching borg. I'm running Unraid 6.7.0-rc5, so I guess that could be the issue.
Anyway, I get the following error when simply running "borg"
root@unraid:~# borg
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/borg", line 6, in
    from pkg_resources import load_entry_point
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pkg_resources'
Oh and thanks for adding fish shell earlier [emoji4]
You need msgpack, setuptools and Python3
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10 hours ago, dmacias said:
11 hours ago, Nischi said:
Hi again!
Lately I'm having problems launching borg. I'm running Unraid 6.7.0-rc5, so I guess that could be the issue.
Anyway, I get the following error when simply running "borg"
root@unraid:~# borg
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/borg", line 6, in
    from pkg_resources import load_entry_point
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pkg_resources'
Oh and thanks for adding fish shell earlier emoji4.png

You need msgpack, setuptools and Python3

That was it, thanks!

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