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(Support) Aptalca's docker templates

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Looking for info on installing dolphin, I did some reading and found nothing (perhaps I'm over-thinking this).

I need clarification with mainly the:


Network type - Leave this as bridge?


Volume mapping - is this just where I want it to install to and is my Appdata folder on my cache drive okay for all of this?


Port mappings - Default? (just leave it alone?)


This is a first for me so any help is greatly appreciated here  :)


Thanks again,



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Looking for info on installing dolphin, I did some reading and found nothing (perhaps I'm over-thinking this).

I need clarification with mainly the:


Network type - Leave this as bridge?


Volume mapping - is this just where I want it to install to and is my Appdata folder on my cache drive okay for all of this?


Port mappings - Default? (just leave it alone?)


This is a first for me so any help is greatly appreciated here  :)


Thanks again,




Just allocate a /mnt/cache/appdata/dolphin to /config and leave all the rest.  The /mnt mapped to /mnt is required so you can actually access your Unraid array.

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Awesome, thanks loads


Looking for info on installing dolphin, I did some reading and found nothing (perhaps I'm over-thinking this).

I need clarification with mainly the:


Network type - Leave this as bridge?


Volume mapping - is this just where I want it to install to and is my Appdata folder on my cache drive okay for all of this?


Port mappings - Default? (just leave it alone?)


This is a first for me so any help is greatly appreciated here  :)


Thanks again,




Just allocate a /mnt/cache/appdata/dolphin to /config and leave all the rest.  The /mnt mapped to /mnt is required so you can actually access your Unraid array.

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What about host port at the bottom, I am assuming I should just match that at 8080?


Looking for info on installing dolphin, I did some reading and found nothing (perhaps I'm over-thinking this).

I need clarification with mainly the:


Network type - Leave this as bridge?


Volume mapping - is this just where I want it to install to and is my Appdata folder on my cache drive okay for all of this?


Port mappings - Default? (just leave it alone?)


This is a first for me so any help is greatly appreciated here  :)


Thanks again,




Just allocate a /mnt/cache/appdata/dolphin to /config and leave all the rest.  The /mnt mapped to /mnt is required so you can actually access your Unraid array.

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What about host port at the bottom, I am assuming I should just match that at 8080?


Looking for info on installing dolphin, I did some reading and found nothing (perhaps I'm over-thinking this).

I need clarification with mainly the:


Network type - Leave this as bridge?


Volume mapping - is this just where I want it to install to and is my Appdata folder on my cache drive okay for all of this?


Port mappings - Default? (just leave it alone?)


This is a first for me so any help is greatly appreciated here  :)


Thanks again,




Just allocate a /mnt/cache/appdata/dolphin to /config and leave all the rest.  The /mnt mapped to /mnt is required so you can actually access your Unraid array.

You can set the Host port to any unused port on the Host. If you already have something on 8080 you must use a different port.
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anyone using digikam to manage their photos?  I have about 200,000 photos that I would like to organize, and would like some feedback whether using this docker is a viable solution.  Anyone test this vs. Piwigo or Photoshow?


I'm not familiar with Photoshow, but I tried Piwigo.


Piwigo is more for showcasing and sharing select photos. It doesn't manage photos in place. You have to import the photos into Piwigo (potentially duplicating).


Digikam is great for managing the photo library in place. In other words, you point it to your photos folder, and the changes you make in digikam like sorting, tagging, face recognition, etc., all that info can be stored in a separate database that digikam maintains. I don't like modifying the original files, or duplicating the files so I prefer digikam over other options (I would normally pick picasa desktop over digikam, if only picasa allowed keeping photos on a NAS and access through samba easily and allowed transfer of the info database to other computers easily, but unfortunately picasa desktop is primarily a single computer, local files kind of option, which I dislike)


Keep in mind that certain task like face recognition can be extremely cpu intensive and can lock up your container gui for a long time for 200,000 photos. I'd recommend testing on a small batch and doing the rest in batches.

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anyone using digikam to manage their photos?  I have about 200,000 photos that I would like to organize, and would like some feedback whether using this docker is a viable solution.  Anyone test this vs. Piwigo or Photoshow?


I'm not familiar with Photoshow, but I tried Piwigo.


Piwigo is more for showcasing and sharing select photos. It doesn't manage photos in place. You have to import the photos into Piwigo (potentially duplicating).


Digikam is great for managing the photo library in place. In other words, you point it to your photos folder, and the changes you make in digikam like sorting, tagging, face recognition, etc., all that info can be stored in a separate database that digikam maintains. I don't like modifying the original files, or duplicating the files so I prefer digikam over other options (I would normally pick picasa desktop over digikam, if only picasa allowed keeping photos on a NAS and access through samba easily and allowed transfer of the info database to other computers easily, but unfortunately picasa desktop is primarily a single computer, local files kind of option, which I dislike)


Keep in mind that certain task like face recognition can be extremely cpu intensive and can lock up your container gui for a long time for 200,000 photos. I'd recommend testing on a small batch and doing the rest in batches.


200,000 pictures, whoa whats that in disk size

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Hello aptalca,


Thanks for creating the Zoneminder docker. I got it up and running fine with a few tweaks.


I have a request for you on the zoneminder docker if you can. Can you add API support to it? Im trying to use zmNinja to view/control my Zoneminder setup on a windows machine and andriod device but the app requires API support. There is documentation on how to enable it but you need to get into the system (docker) to make adjustments.


Is that something you can add to your Zoneminder docker?


Here is a couple of links of info:






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Hello aptalca,


Thanks for creating the Zoneminder docker. I got it up and running fine with a few tweaks.


I have a request for you on the zoneminder docker if you can. Can you add API support to it? Im trying to use zmNinja to view/control my Zoneminder setup on a windows machine and andriod device but the app requires API support. There is documentation on how to enable it but you need to get into the system (docker) to make adjustments.


Is that something you can add to your Zoneminder docker?


Here is a couple of links of info:







API support is in version 1.29 which is still a release candidate. Once the stable is released, it will automatically update.


If you want to manually update, there are instructions a couple of pages back

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when using the calibre rdp docker, how do I connect up my kobo so that I can transfer the books over to my device? If this were a VM I could pass through the USB but thats not the case here. Whats the best way of doing this? Or do I have to use the server and download the file over wifi (would like to avoid wifi connections if possible)...?

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Just starting to work with Dolphin docker (aptalca) to get FTP working on my server.  Latest versions of unRaid 6.1.7 and Dolphin - aptalca/docker-dolphin:latest.  Docker running properly, I can access via webgui. 




But I have not found a way to configure Dolphin so I can access from a client.  And I'm not sure which port to access from the client (21 wants a user/password - which I think I'm acessing unRaid FTP, not Dolphin).  I've looked through the config for Dolphin, but don't see anyplace to configure port it's listening for a client.


Perhaps I'm not using Dolphin right?  I just want FTP access to my server.  Multiple users would be nice.


What am I missing?


====By the way, is there a better way to imbed images in one of these posts?  I've seen thumbnails in posts that you can click on to see full sized image.  Would love to not display huge pics in my posts...  ;)

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Just starting to work with Dolphin docker (aptalca) to get FTP working on my server.  Latest versions of unRaid 6.1.7 and Dolphin - aptalca/docker-dolphin:latest.  Docker running properly, I can access via webgui. 




But I have not found a way to configure Dolphin so I can access from a client. 




Using filezilla on Windows 10.  I can see the server ("connection established, waiting for welcome message").  I've tried ip:23, 8080 and 8081, but no connection.  Must be looking at the wrong port? 




I've looked through the config for Dolphin, but don't see anyplace to configure port it's listening for a client.


What am I missing?


====By the way, is there a better way to imbed images in one of these posts?  I've seen thumbnails in posts that you can click on to see full sized image.  Would love to not display huge pics in my posts...  ;)

The webgui in your first screenshot is the "client" interface. It is basically running a linux desktop application inside a web page. Don't really understand what you are trying to do with filezilla. Dolphin is just a desktop application for managing files similar to Windows File Explorer. Do you think Windows File Explorer should give access to a "client"?
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Jeffrey I don't think you can as the only ports exposed are 8080 and 3389 (which I assume is used to provide the RDP functionality so wouldn't try mapping it)


So the answer is Dolphins not the right tool to build an external client accessed FTP server on unRaid?  If that's correct, what tool should I use?

An FTP Server perhaps? If you don't like the built-in one I think there are some plugins. FTP Server isn't really the sort of thing that needs to be a docker.
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Jeffrey I don't think you can as the only ports exposed are 8080 and 3389 (which I assume is used to provide the RDP functionality so wouldn't try mapping it)


So the answer is Dolphins not the right tool to build an external client accessed FTP server on unRaid?  If that's correct, what tool should I use?

An FTP Server perhaps? If you don't like the built-in one I think there are some plugins. FTP Server isn't really the sort of thing that needs to be a docker.


Jeffrey, go to [glow=red,2,300]COMMUNITY APPLiCATIONS[/glow] (Sorry, couldn't resist  ;) ) and take a look at ProFTPd

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Jeffrey I don't think you can as the only ports exposed are 8080 and 3389 (which I assume is used to provide the RDP functionality so wouldn't try mapping it)


So the answer is Dolphins not the right tool to build an external client accessed FTP server on unRaid?  If that's correct, what tool should I use?

An FTP Server perhaps? If you don't like the built-in one I think there are some plugins. FTP Server isn't really the sort of thing that needs to be a docker.


Jeffrey, go to [glow=red,2,300]COMMUNITY APPLiCATIONS[/glow] (Sorry, couldn't resist  ;) ) and take a look at ProFTPd


Well, just so you know...I got Dolphin from the Community Apps!  :o  Will give ProFTPD a try too...

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Hey everyone.  I just installed Dolphin after a failed experiment with Torindo.


I'm trying to set up Dolphin s.t. I can access it remotely, but I don't see anywhere where I can configure a user/password to prevent open access to the world.


Is there some configuration somewhere to allow this or do I need to basically shut it off from the internet and remote in to use it?


Thanks in advanced.

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Hey everyone.  I just installed Dolphin after a failed experiment with Torindo.


I'm trying to set up Dolphin s.t. I can access it remotely, but I don't see anywhere where I can configure a user/password to prevent open access to the world.


Is there some configuration somewhere to allow this or do I need to basically shut it off from the internet and remote in to use it?


Thanks in advanced.

I think you must misunderstand the purpose of Dolphin since it is nothing like Tonido. A good analogy for Dolphin is Windows File Explorer. This particular docker implementation of it is just giving you a Linux desktop in a browser with the Dolphin file manager already launched.
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Hey everyone.  I just installed Dolphin after a failed experiment with Torindo.


I'm trying to set up Dolphin s.t. I can access it remotely, but I don't see anywhere where I can configure a user/password to prevent open access to the world.


Is there some configuration somewhere to allow this or do I need to basically shut it off from the internet and remote in to use it?


Thanks in advanced.

I think you must misunderstand the purpose of Dolphin since it is nothing like Tonido. A good analogy for Dolphin is Windows File Explorer. This particular docker implementation of it is just giving you a Linux desktop in a browser with the Dolphin file manager already launched.


Yeah, sorry my end goal was always just something to manage my files without managing them from my other systems, not necessarily to have access to the files remotely like with Tonido.  I still like being able to manage files while I'm away, but would rather not have it open to the world.  With that in mind, is there a way to lock it down?

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Hey everyone.  I just installed Dolphin after a failed experiment with Torindo.


I'm trying to set up Dolphin s.t. I can access it remotely, but I don't see anywhere where I can configure a user/password to prevent open access to the world.


Is there some configuration somewhere to allow this or do I need to basically shut it off from the internet and remote in to use it?


Thanks in advanced.

I think you must misunderstand the purpose of Dolphin since it is nothing like Tonido. A good analogy for Dolphin is Windows File Explorer. This particular docker implementation of it is just giving you a Linux desktop in a browser with the Dolphin file manager already launched.


Yeah, sorry my end goal was always just something to manage my files without managing them from my other systems, not necessarily to have access to the files remotely like with Tonido.  I still like being able to manage files while I'm away, but would rather not have it open to the world.  With that in mind, is there a way to lock it down?

Best option is vpn, second best is to use a reverse proxy like nginx. With reverse proxy, you can set a password through .htpasswd


For vpn, check out the openvpn server dockers

For nginx, you can use either the nginx docker or the letsencrypt one I have, which sets up a free 3rd party SSL certificate with nginx

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Since dolphin is getting some attention, I updated the info on its github and docker hub pages.


By default,  it runs as user nobody (uid 99) which should be fine for unraid.


But some docker containers run as root and you may not have write access to their local files. If you want to run dolphin as root (uid 0), add the environment variables USER_ID and GROUP_ID and set both to 0. Or install from scratch from the community applications and the updated template includes these variables under advanced view

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when using the calibre rdp docker, how do I connect up my kobo so that I can transfer the books over to my device? If this were a VM I could pass through the USB but thats not the case here. Whats the best way of doing this? Or do I have to use the server and download the file over wifi (would like to avoid wifi connections if possible)...?

I believe docker can pass through usb devices as long as the host (unraid) has loaded the drivers for them. I'm not sure if unraid contains any drivers for the kobo device  (perhaps recognizes as an sd card?).


I use it with a Kindle and my preferred method is to send the ebooks to the kindle associated amazon email addresses through calibre and the books are delivered to the devices. The other method is downloading them from the server.

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