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(Support) Aptalca's docker templates

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Look in the Docker FAQ sticky for that error

Odd, I did a forum search for the error but it came back empty. Jumped out to Google and it took me to https://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=40937.msg481138#msg481138. Thanks.

Probably because searches within this forum software are kinda weird if you're not used to them



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I've noticed that the RDP-Calibre server is painfully slow. It takes 15-30 seconds to respond slow. I'm at the point where I can't tell if I've clicked on something, so I click, then go to another tab in Firefox and do something, then come back to see if it's responded slow.


Machine specs are in my .sig. I'm currently running a preclear and I've got dupeGuru running across the network to determine how many (if any) photos on a Win10 machine's local drive are not yet on the server. However, it was this slow before I started the preclear, and it was this slow before I started checking for dupes and in between dupeGuru's runs.


The GUI of all the other services I'm running are all responding pretty snappily, it just seems to be Calibre.


I tried installing the Windows version of Calibre and pointing it at my server's Calibre db, but it didn't seem to like that much (as is noted in the Calibre instructions).


Any thoughts or suggestions on what might be causing the issue, or is it just that stinking slow? If it's going to be that slow, do I need to move the db and the entire book directory structure to my local machine, build the db there, then move it back to unRAID? I'm only about 800 books into a 4000+ book library, and this is painful...


Diagnostics posted, in case there's anything in there you might see.


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I've noticed that the RDP-Calibre server is painfully slow. It takes 15-30 seconds to respond slow. I'm at the point where I can't tell if I've clicked on something, so I click, then go to another tab in Firefox and do something, then come back to see if it's responded slow.


Machine specs are in my .sig. I'm currently running a preclear and I've got dupeGuru running across the network to determine how many (if any) photos on a Win10 machine's local drive are not yet on the server. However, it was this slow before I started the preclear, and it was this slow before I started checking for dupes and in between dupeGuru's runs.


The GUI of all the other services I'm running are all responding pretty snappily, it just seems to be Calibre.


I tried installing the Windows version of Calibre and pointing it at my server's Calibre db, but it didn't seem to like that much (as is noted in the Calibre instructions).


Any thoughts or suggestions on what might be causing the issue, or is it just that stinking slow? If it's going to be that slow, do I need to move the db and the entire book directory structure to my local machine, build the db there, then move it back to unRAID? I'm only about 800 books into a 4000+ book library, and this is painful...


Diagnostics posted, in case there's anything in there you might see.


Just to help troubleshoot, my specs are in my sig and my library is approximately the same size and I've not noticed the same behaviour.  My docker.img is on a SSD (mounted using UD), my appdata is on my cache disk (spinner), my library is on my protected array and using the cache disk and I'm connecting to the webpage using a wireless network connection.

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Well, let's see...

  • You've got 4x as much RAM  +1 to you
  • My docker.img is on my cache drive (a 250GB Samsung laptop drive) +1 to you
  • My appdata is also on the same spinning cache disk, so that's probably +1 to you
  • I've got no idea how the CPUs compare, so we'll call that a draw
  • I've got a wired connection to the server (should be running at gigabit speeds) +1 to me

Not shocking that you're not seeing the same issues I am...  :-\


Memory seems to be reasonably priced these days, would additional RAM help, do you think? Would it be worthwhile considering all the dockers I'm currently running? I'm considering adding apache or ngnix with a reverse proxy to improve external access security, as well as allowing multiple external COPS users.

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What if i setup a Ubuntu web server to run Zoneminder?  I have 4 ethernet ports, eth3 is not part of my binding setup.  Can i pass that port through to the Ubuntu server, leave the VPN running for the rest of my unraid server, connect eth3 to my LAN to separate that network traffic from the unraid traffic and just use Lets Encrypt certs to encrypt my Zoneminder server?


Hopefully that all made sense :)


Thanks guys!!


Is this a good work around for what I am trying to do?

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The GUI of all the other services I'm running are all responding pretty snappily, it just seems to be Calibre.


I tried installing the Windows version of Calibre and pointing it at my server's Calibre db, but it didn't seem to like that much (as is noted in the Calibre instructions).


I found the same issue using RDP calibre (my library is ~20,000 books).  Too slow to be usable.  However, I had no problems using Windows Calibre to create the db (as I wasn't using Calibre prior) and then pointed the COPS app at the db it created after.  (I don't see the extra features of Calibre being useful for when I want to browse / download to a device one of the books for viewing)
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Oddly, the Windows version seems to be working OK now. I shut down the docker, I wonder if that was the problem before.


The one issue I see with the Win version is the Previous/Next buttons don't like to work properly - it tells me there was an issue moving the .epub file itself if I've changed author or title fields at all. Seems to work alright if I hit the OK button. I guess I can live with that...

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What if i setup a Ubuntu web server to run Zoneminder?  I have 4 ethernet ports, eth3 is not part of my binding setup.  Can i pass that port through to the Ubuntu server, leave the VPN running for the rest of my unraid server, connect eth3 to my LAN to separate that network traffic from the unraid traffic and just use Lets Encrypt certs to encrypt my Zoneminder server?


Hopefully that all made sense :)


Thanks guys!!


Is this a good work around for what I am trying to do?

I guess you'll just have to try it.


But like I said before, try it with just a regular webserver first, like the plain nginx container. If you can access its home page from the Internet, then you can set up letsencrypt.

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Hello, trying to install your nginx-letsencrypt docker but i get this error.


IMAGE ID [latest]: Pulling from aptalca/nginx-letsencrypt. 
IMAGE ID [6ffe5d2d6a97]: Already exists. 
IMAGE ID [f4e00f994fd4]: Already exists. 
IMAGE ID [e99f3d1fc87b]: Already exists. 
IMAGE ID [a3ed95caeb02]: Already exists. 
IMAGE ID [ededd75b6753]: Already exists. 
IMAGE ID [1ddde157dd31]: Already exists. 
IMAGE ID [8af43eabbc7c]: Pulling fs layer. Downloading 100% of 60 MB. Verifying Checksum. Download complete. Extracting. Pull complete. 
IMAGE ID [8dcfa829f35d]: Pulling fs layer. Downloading 100% of 2 KB. Verifying Checksum. Download complete. Extracting. Pull complete. 
IMAGE ID [c20cade75194]: Pulling fs layer. Download complete. Extracting. Pull complete. 
IMAGE ID [e1dcb0840939]: Pulling fs layer. Downloading 100% of 10 KB. Verifying Checksum. Download complete. Extracting. Pull complete. 
IMAGE ID [ca2eef4baed1]: Pulling fs layer. Downloading 100% of 18 KB. Verifying Checksum. Download complete. Extracting. Pull complete. 
IMAGE ID [22814c6a37d2]: Pulling fs layer. Downloading 100% of 69 MB. Verifying Checksum. Download complete. Extracting. Pull complete. 


Error: layers from manifest don't match image configuration



Docker.img info.

Total devices 1 FS bytes used 3.67GiB
devid    1 size 20.00GiB used 10.54GiB path /dev/loop0

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Hello, trying to install your nginx-letsencrypt docker but i get this error.


IMAGE ID [latest]: Pulling from aptalca/nginx-letsencrypt. 
IMAGE ID [6ffe5d2d6a97]: Already exists. 
IMAGE ID [f4e00f994fd4]: Already exists. 
IMAGE ID [e99f3d1fc87b]: Already exists. 
IMAGE ID [a3ed95caeb02]: Already exists. 
IMAGE ID [ededd75b6753]: Already exists. 
IMAGE ID [1ddde157dd31]: Already exists. 
IMAGE ID [8af43eabbc7c]: Pulling fs layer. Downloading 100% of 60 MB. Verifying Checksum. Download complete. Extracting. Pull complete. 
IMAGE ID [8dcfa829f35d]: Pulling fs layer. Downloading 100% of 2 KB. Verifying Checksum. Download complete. Extracting. Pull complete. 
IMAGE ID [c20cade75194]: Pulling fs layer. Download complete. Extracting. Pull complete. 
IMAGE ID [e1dcb0840939]: Pulling fs layer. Downloading 100% of 10 KB. Verifying Checksum. Download complete. Extracting. Pull complete. 
IMAGE ID [ca2eef4baed1]: Pulling fs layer. Downloading 100% of 18 KB. Verifying Checksum. Download complete. Extracting. Pull complete. 
IMAGE ID [22814c6a37d2]: Pulling fs layer. Downloading 100% of 69 MB. Verifying Checksum. Download complete. Extracting. Pull complete. 


Error: layers from manifest don't match image configuration



Docker.img info.

Total devices 1 FS bytes used 3.67GiB
devid    1 size 20.00GiB used 10.54GiB path /dev/loop0


Manifest error bug has been well described and asked multiple times on the forum, nothing to do with this container.  Delete docker.img and recreate.  Check the docker FAQ

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Getting RDP-Calibre up and running was a snap, but now that it is I feel uneasy about exposing the library through my firewall.  Is there any way to set up password protection?  I see through the GUI you can configure more options for sharing including user and password, but this stuff seems to be irrelevant as it appears the server share portion of the docker is running detached from this server process?

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Getting RDP-Calibre up and running was a snap, but now that it is I feel uneasy about exposing the library through my firewall.  Is there any way to set up password protection?  I see through the GUI you can configure more options for sharing including user and password, but this stuff seems to be irrelevant as it appears the server share portion of the docker is running detached from this server process?

You can use nginx reverse proxy to password protect it

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is it possible to expose the "~/.config/calibre/resources/content_server" folder of calibre server to a mapped container path? I would love to be able to use a bootstrap theme for my calibre server.





You can exec into the container and install it. As long as you don't delete the container, it will be fine. I'm not planning on updating that container any time soon (unless I have to due to an error)

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I'm very new to unRAID and would like to reverse proxy to access Sonarr etc from outside.


I first tried installing the nginx-letsencrypt docker and that failed. So I tried installing an nginx docker (after reading up a few posts in this thread).


That failed too. Both instances failed with the same error:


root@localhost:# /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/scripts/docker run -d --name="Nginx" --net="bridge" -e TZ="America/New_York" -e HOST_OS="unRAID" -e "PUID"="99" -e "PGID"="100" -p 80:80/tcp -p 443:443/tcp -v "/mnt/user/appdata/Nginx":"/config":rw linuxserver/nginx
docker: Error response from daemon: failed to create endpoint Nginx on network bridge: Error starting userland proxy: listen tcp bind: address already in use.

The command failed.


Can someone tell me what that means?


I also have Aptalca's DuckDNS docker running if that affects things.

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I'm very new to unRAID and would like to reverse proxy to access Sonarr etc from outside.


I first tried installing the nginx-letsencrypt docker and that failed. So I tried installing an nginx docker (after reading up a few posts in this thread).


That failed too. Both instances failed with the same error:


root@localhost:# /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/scripts/docker run -d --name="Nginx" --net="bridge" -e TZ="America/New_York" -e HOST_OS="unRAID" -e "PUID"="99" -e "PGID"="100" -p 80:80/tcp -p 443:443/tcp -v "/mnt/user/appdata/Nginx":"/config":rw linuxserver/nginx
docker: Error response from daemon: failed to create endpoint Nginx on network bridge: Error starting userland proxy: listen tcp bind: address already in use.

The command failed.


Can someone tell me what that means?


I also have Aptalca's DuckDNS docker running if that affects things.


Change host port to 81, unraid webui uses port 80

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Change host port to 81, unraid webui uses port 80


Port 80 is already in use by the unRaid GUI.  You need to change the host mapping of port 80 to something else.


Ah, thank you, that fixed it. These mappings get confusing quickly. Gonna try nginx-letsencrypt next.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have recieved great help in this forum, hope someone knows an answer to this:

As far as I know, jdownloaders click n load runs on port 9666. I have added that port to the jdownloader docker. On my windows machine, I used

netsh interface portproxy add v4tov4 listenport=9666 connectaddress= connectport=9666 listenaddress=

However, I am still not able to use click n load. Anyone knows what im missing ?


Edit: Really dont get it. If I run the same command on my windows machine but change the contactaddres to the IP of my mac, everything works. I click the click and load button on my pc and the jdownloader on the mac picks it up. However, using the unraid machines Ip, it doesnt work. Does the dockers JD not come with cnl capabilities ?

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I have recieved great help in this forum, hope someone knows an answer to this:

As far as I know, jdownloaders click n load runs on port 9666. I have added that port to the jdownloader docker. On my windows machine, I used

netsh interface portproxy add v4tov4 listenport=9666 connectaddress= connectport=9666 listenaddress=

However, I am still not able to use click n load. Anyone knows what im missing ?


Edit: Really dont get it. If I run the same command on my windows machine but change the contactaddres to the IP of my mac, everything works. I click the click and load button on my pc and the jdownloader on the mac picks it up. However, using the unraid machines Ip, it doesnt work. Does the dockers JD not come with cnl capabilities ?


Did you enable cnl to listen for outside connections?


If not, go to advanced settings, search for cnl and one of the three options should be for listening on localhost only. Uncheck that, hit ok, restart, then you can go to http://unraidip:9666/flash and you should see the word jdownloader.


I'm assuming you also added port mapping for 9666 in the container settings

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ok well I managed to get the bootstrap3 theme in place for calibre-server, can I get some guidance on how to modify the container to have username and password now? I have searched but cant find the commands that would accomplish that, or where the files are inside the container.


Inside the container, find the file /etc/my_init.d/firstrun.sh

The last line starts the calibre server. You have two options:

1) You can add a parameter for password: https://manual.calibre-ebook.com/generated/en/calibre-server.html

2) You can delete that line, and instead, you can start the webserver from the calibre gui under sharing over the net (you have to select port 8081 for it to work)


PS. This is really for advanced users and is not the intended use of this container, but since you figured out how to get the theme to work, I'm confident you can do this as well

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