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[Plug-In] Community Applications

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I can't replicate this with Firefox and 6.9.2 at all  Your browser quite simply stopped executing the code as far as I can tell.  CA did return what was supposed to be displayed, but then never went to where it was supposed to figure out what was supposed to be in the autocomplete search entries


I would clear the browser cache, make sure that Firefox is up to date, disable any extensions, and try Edge or Chrome to see if it makes a difference.

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Feature request..

under details for every app..   say the  "recommended CPUs"


when i follow space invaders install plex he uses  more then 1 cpu

but if i do more then 1 cpu i get in the Fix Common issues


Docker Application PlexMediaServer has multiple CPUs pinned to isolated CPUs

Unless you know exactly what you are doing, pinning a docker application to multiple isolated CPUs will only allow the application to execute on a single isolated core  and adjust either the Isolated CPUs or the applications CPU pinning



since i dont know what dockers cant use multiple isolated cpus  be nice in the community apps details..  says  you can use 2+ Isolated CPUS   or 0 Isolated CPUS it can handle


as i really dont know now.. can plex  handle multiple cpus or it cant..  


or be nice in the templates of the dockers you install states in there  how many cpus it can handle etc..


or be nice  a list of all the apps in the community apps.     a chart that says    Plex   can handle up to 6 cpus   or  Diskspeed can handle 0 insolated cpus  just default     or like   FireFox  can handle up to 1 Isolated cpu


like a chart  so like it be a quick reference chart for someone to easily set etc... so you can easily  fix yourself..



and or if   say a plex template says it can have 2-6 isolated cpus


then the Fix Common issues would see   2-6 and i have like 4 isolated cpus and it wouldnt throw an error then..

Edited by comet424
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You're attempting to pin Plex to cores which you've isolated FROM the OS in Settings - CPU Pinning.


So if you've isolated cores 3-6 from the OS and decide to pin Plex to those cores, Plex will only ever operate on core 3.  If you don't isolate those cores from the OS, then Plex will get pinned properly onto cores 3-6


There is no limitation per se on what the number of cores Plex can use.  It's simply how you've set up your isolation which will give results that you aren't expecting, hence the FCP warning


A very safe assumption is that no app can handle being pinned to multiple isolated cores without only executing on the first core.  The "exactly know what you're doing" implies that you're going to be manually setting the affinity for certain processes by hand etc, which no one other than a developer themselves is ever going to do.

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so then i guess i did it wrong...  my understanding from how it was done is in the pics below

isolated  all teh core from unraid  except for the first one..   so unraid will only ever use


and Plex i gave it all the other cores   to make sure it ran at full speed thats my understanding from what space invaders older videos  in his video  about pinning apps...  so the way i have it   FCP  shouldnt give an error   from what i followed in his video



so from what i have  which cpus  is plex actually running on  just 1,9?  



or can plex only run  0,8  has to run on the Unraid Core...  cuz i followed what he had in the video   but i get this error  but he does multiple dockers i only pinned  the plex... 


so is the first core then 0,8    or is it 1,9?  as i thought i did it right but i guess i did it wrong


because i also dont get any errors using  the VMs   on 1-7 cores..  but if i put on 0,8   then there is a conflict  so i figured i did it right


so then for my other apps from the Community apps... the ones i installed i left blank  no cpu pinning.. what cpus are they running on




Edited by comet424
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Yes, that isolates every core from Unraid except for the first one.  But you've got Plex running on the isolated cores.  You have to bear in mind that docker is a subsystem of the OS, so isolating a core from the OS effectively isolates it from docker.


CPU isolation is generally only used for VMs

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see i followed  space invader..  at 5:10    he gives Plex all the isolated cores for max performance

but when i do it  thats when  FCP  gives me a hastle





so i confused then   so if docker is a subsystem to the OS that means it should run  only the Isolated CPUS  like i have .



so  if i give all the cores except the first one..    does plex run on all the cores   or is it only running 1,9 core  


as i have tried pinning other apps but i can only give a half a core   so  if i give say Plex  CPU 1   and not CPU 1,9  i wont get a hastle.



i just trying to get the maximum performance  from Unraid  like the video  but then i get the Common Fix problem  and i dont know if its a problem or an ignore problem


unless  i doing it wrong..  and my vms  go on the isolated cores

Edited by comet424
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VMs should for best performance be on isolated cores (but entirely up to you).  If @SpaceInvaderOne suggested to put a docker container onto isolated cores, then that's a mistake.  In particular the screen shot at 8:46 is incorrect  image.png


The OS will run on cores 0 and 4, and plex will run on 0, 4, 1.  It will never run on 5 because both 4 and 5 are isolated from the OS.  And with multiple isolated cores pinned to a container it will only ever run on the lowest isolated core.


FCP is correct.

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ok so then  if you dont get it 

OS for me is 0,8  

and plex is 1-15

cuz my Plex is like the one at 5:10


ok so then whats the Best Performance then  if   0,8  for Unraid and 1-15  for Plex is not Best performance 

what is the Best Performance then ..  just leave it blank?   

and why is it ok  to use have a core?


7,15  if i say have Transmission you cant use  7,15     you can use either 7 or 15  but you cant select both  or FCP tells ya multicore...


is there a better video for me to learn about best performance for dockers in unraid then


wish i understood this stuff better then i thought i did 

Edited by comet424
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Docker containers are part of the OS.  Therefore if you isolate the cores from the OS, the docker containers will NOT run how you think they should if you pin them onto cores the OS does not have access to.


In you case, the OS only has access to cores 0 & 8.  You've told Plex to run on cores 1 through 15


This means that Plex is only going to run on core 1 (the lowest isolated core) and core 8 (the non isolated core).  It will not run on anything else


Simply put, only isolate cores if you're using those cores specifically for VMs.  The over simplified way to think of it is that if you isolate the core from the CPU is that nothing other than a VM can use it. period.

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ok so if say you had a 20 core cpu

and you split it first 10 for unraid  and the other 10 for VMs  

would you then pin  plex from 0-9  cpu cores?  and then youd do  10-19 for vms?


so which way do you do it then for Plex to use like All the cores  so it doesnt struggle..

so i confused why does it choose 8  from the the no isolated.. why does it choose that one when plex  isnt pinned


i dont understand why it chooses   1 from the isolated and 8  from the non...  why wouldnt it be chooseing 1 from the isolated  and 9 from the isolated as the lowest cores in the isolated..


i really wish i understood this better.. .  do you have a video or documations that really goes into detail.. i confused but i dont wanna to be a bother to you asking questions as im sure.. i know easy for you to understand  not soo much to me  😞


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3 minutes ago, comet424 said:

i dont understand why it chooses   1 from the isolated and 8  from the non


It because in reality there's no such thing as isolating a core from the OS.  What you're doing in actual fact is stopping the context switcher from utilizing certain cores.  It's the context switcher that dictates which cores which process can run on.  At the end of the day this results in a process being able to run on any core that's not isolated and on the lowest numbered isolated core.


For something like Plex I wouldn't pin it to any core.  Pinning makes things more confusing (hence these posts), and by not pinning it you're giving it access to all the non isolated cores.

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Having an issue with the New Apps page of CA. Every time I open it I get "An error occurred. Could not find any New Apps".


The individual category pages work correctly, I can search for and install apps, I just can't get the new apps page to load. Not a huge deal since it otherwise works but I'm curious what's wrong.


I've restarted the server and everything else (dockers, webui, etc) seems to work fine. My other server with the same config and CA version works fine.


I enabled debug logging for CA and it is attached along with my server diagnostic.



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On 3/6/2022 at 6:25 AM, Squid said:

Not quite sure.


Try this

rm -rf /tmp/community.applications
rm /boot/config/plugins/community.applications/community.applications.cfg


And reload the apps tab

Also had the same problem. The above commands fixed it.

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OK, I *think* I see why and have put a fix in for next rev.  Don't understand why it only affected Home - New - Show More, and not everything else, but I'll investigate further.




Fixed On this weekend's release.  If you run into this again, just delete the .cfg file from /config/plugins/community.applications on the flash drive

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