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TVheadend plugin for unRaid 6

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  • 2 months later...

Hey guys!


I updated tvh to 4.0.8 today. Also fixed the loading of the two settings "Show storage memory usage" and "Show data persistency information".


I also added a setting where you can put the location for a 'shutdown scipt' which is called right after tvh is stopped. I use this to call an ACPI Wakeup script: http://www.tvheadend.org/projects/tvheadend/wiki/Wakeup



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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Hey! Since tvheadend 4.2 is supposed to be released soon I held off on the update. It's been some time since the announcement that development has been finished (http://tvheadend.org/news/65) though.. :-\

I am definitely planning on releasing a 4.2 version once it's done :)



how's this plan going?

I'm currently switching to unraid and this plugin would be nice, because i would be able to drop my rpi2 which is running TVHeadend 4.2

Since 4.2 could possibly be breaking sonfiguration i assume, your next update will do so, too and i like to spare me the double configuration within a few days/weeks

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What am i missing?

This plugins causes trouble being stopped on my unraid

if stopped manually it takes a few minutes and the website is going wild by showing me yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy etc. before my browser cuts it. a few minutes later it's stopped an d everythins is back to normal.

if i forget to stop it and simply stop the array it has a similar effect and i need to shutdown the system with "powerdown" because rsyslogd and emhttp are going to eat the cpu to infinity while my syslog blows up simply writing "Jun  4 14:51:57 UNRAID emhttp: y" over and over and over again.

i read the first post over and over, but i simply don't get it, where i am doing it wrong.

Data directory is set to



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Hm. Which unRaid version are you on? This plugin is only testes for the 6.1.x releases. Also, could you post the config file in your tvheadend directory? Maybe something got messed up.

Do you have the media build installed? What does it say on the left side of the tvheadend configuration page? All green?

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Hm. Which unRaid version are you on? This plugin is only testes for the 6.1.x releases. Also, could you post the config file in your tvheadend directory? Maybe something got messed up.

Do you have the media build installed? What does it say on the left side of the tvheadend configuration page? All green?

I'm on V6.1.9

Configfile attached (had to change name to config.txt because the board didn't let me upload without extension)

i installed unRAID DVB(plugin) to get a nicer way to tvheadend :)

and there i used 6.19 Openelec Driver Version 1.11

left side of tvheadend config:

Tvheadend login/password:	ACCEPTED

all green


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Looking good so far. This is not the config file I meant. There is one in your /flash/config/plugins/tvheadend directory if I remember correctly.


Although I don't know how the DVB plugin works and what it does. I would recommend just replacing bzroot and bzimage and installing the original plg from this thread.

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Dave my plugin replaces the stock Unraid files (bzroot & bzimage) with versions that have DVB drivers so you can use your DVB PCI, PCI-E or USB tuners.  If you are using a homerun device then you don't need my plugin.

yeah, I'm aware of that :-)

But as your Post says deprecated switch to > method i used( http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=47899.0 ) and of course there is Driver version 1.10 in your files, i assumed m,y method is the right one. I simpy don't get it atm, what's going on with your files and the plugin i used.

anyway, my unraid is still in rebuild, so it will take anoter two or three hours, before i'm able to test the files in your post with Driver Version 1.10

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Initially I just made the files and put links to them. 


Then Squid and I produced a plugin that does it all automatically.  Basically it downloads the files for you and will tell you when there's a new version.  It's just an automated process rather than the old manual method.

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