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11 minutes ago, tucansam said:


I don't see a slave option, where do I find it?


When you say the host side and the container side, I'm not clear on what that means.  Is host my media server, where the media lives?  And container side are the paths inside the container (docker -> edit)?


Edit the container, then edit the path.  Under access mode select RW Slave




Yah, thats what I mean by the host / container side of things.  On the two containers, the container side (say /downloads) and the host side (/mnt/disks/whateverYouHadAbove) must be exactly the same for both containers.


See this:

Or for @CHBMB's explanation see here: (Personally, I think mine is better  B|)


Edited by Squid
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This is listed as the "/data" container path (Host Path 2) for sab, and as the "/downloads" path (Host Path 4) for sonarr.  


Reading the links you posted above (very helpful, thank you), this should work, correct?

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on both containers it needs to be either /data or /downloads.




Sab tells sonarr the file is in /data/folderName/filename


Sonarr looks in that folder and doesn't see a file because you've never mapped /data to it.  You'd see it in the logs for sonarr.  It'll say unable to import /data/whatever

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AH!  OK I think I get it now, I was using the defaults for both containers, but I need to specifically change the mappings, understood.  THANKS.


One final... After reading through your FAQ, I see the extra parameters option, and I have been looking for a way to limit CPU and RAM usage.  How do I use more than one extra parameter?  In the field where I write " --cpuset-cpus=0,1" for example, I can't then press <enter> at the end to start a new line for the next set up extra parameters.


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1 minute ago, tucansam said:

AH!  OK I think I get it now, I was using the defaults for both containers, but I need to specifically change the mappings, understood.  THANKS.


One final... After reading through your FAQ, I see the extra parameters option, and I have been looking for a way to limit CPU and RAM usage.  How do I use more than one extra parameter?  In the field where I write " --cpuset-cpus=0,1" for example, I can't then press <enter> at the end to start a new line for the next set up extra parameters.



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Well its too early to tell, but one show just downloaded, PERFECTLY, except for one thing -- the obfuscated filename was renamed, unpacked into the show folder on the array, but not deleted from the /downloads/complete folder.  If I can get that to happen automatically, everything will basically be 100%.

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1 minute ago, tucansam said:

Well its too early to tell, but one show just downloaded, PERFECTLY, except for one thing -- the obfuscated filename was renamed, unpacked into the show folder on the array, but not deleted from the /downloads/complete folder.  If I can get that to happen automatically, everything will basically be 100%.

not sure.  I don't have that problem.  Looking in the logs for sonarr might shed a clue...

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44 minutes ago, tucansam said:

Well its too early to tell, but one show just downloaded, PERFECTLY, except for one thing -- the obfuscated filename was renamed, unpacked into the show folder on the array, but not deleted from the /downloads/complete folder.  If I can get that to happen automatically, everything will basically be 100%.


I'd be looking at permissions for something like that as it's a mounted volume from another machine.

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Its working. 


One question.  I actually had this same problem with sickbeard/sab, and then sickrage/sab, and now sonarr/sab. So I'm thinking its sab, but I gotta check.


When I added shows in sonarr, it found each show in its respective folder.  When I edit each show, it shows the correct path, let's say "Show1 (2016)" or "SHOW2" (note case)


I am finding multiple folders now being generated.  Some episodes download into "Show1 (2016)" and "SHOW2."  Other shows are being downloaded into newly created folders, ie, "Show1 2016" (no parenthesis) or "show1 2016" (note case) or "show2" (note case) or "Show2" (note case).


Any idea what's causing this?  I am regularly having to move files into the correctly named folder (the one sonarr is configured to use) and then delete the newly created extra folders.



Edited by tucansam
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10 hours ago, tucansam said:

I'm not sure, I'll have to check when I get home.  With all the  other issues I was having, I may a lot of changes inside sab.  How can I make sure its not post processing?

Don't use sab anymore, but IIRC there's a section in its settings to turn on post processing and call scripts you've added to the config folder

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Has anyone had any luck getting the rclone plugin to work in conjunction with this docker? I'd love to be able to add a post-processing script to run rclone after something downloads, but I can't figure out how to actually pass rclone into the docker so that it can actually run it. Any ideas?

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3 minutes ago, Scottathon said:

Has anyone had any luck getting the rclone plugin to work in conjunction with this docker? I'd love to be able to add a post-processing script to run rclone after something downloads, but I can't figure out how to actually pass rclone into the docker so that it can actually run it. Any ideas?

You'll have to set up a daemon or cronjob.

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On 3/19/2017 at 8:57 AM, Squid said:

Don't use sab anymore, but IIRC there's a section in its settings to turn on post processing and call scripts you've added to the config folder



I'm not running any scripts, and just unchecked the box under "Sorting" labeled "Enable TV sorting"


Its still doing it, which is a lot of work because Windows doesn't see the difference between "Show" and "show", so I am having to manually move files from the command line in unraid.  Not a show-stopper, but still a PITA that wasn't happening before I started running it in a docker.  There has to be a setting somewhere I'm missing.


ETA disregard.  I have re-checked "enable TV sorting" as files were going in /mnt/tv_shows/ not /mnt/tv_shows/show


This is driving me crazy, every few days I end up with "/show", "/Show", "/Show 2012", "Show (2012)", "Show US" etc




Edited by tucansam
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I need to write a custom script for Sonarr. Other than bash, what options are available in this image? I specifically need something to parse JSON and I'd rather use something more adapt to the task than awk or something. It doesn't look like python is installed. It looks like perl is but I don't think the JSON module is. Anything else?

Edited by bobbintb
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6 hours ago, bobbintb said:

I need to write a custom script for Sonarr. Other than bash, what options are available in this image? I specifically need something to parse JSON and I'd rather use something more adapt to the task than awk or something. It doesn't look like python is installed. It looks like perl is but I don't think the JSON module is. Anything else?


look into a utility called jq, this can parse json, possibly not installed but maybe you can use the built in package manager to install it?.




edit - looks like its available for alpine (base os for this image?) https://pkgs.alpinelinux.org/package/edge/main/x86/jq

Edited by binhex
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