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[Support] Linuxserver.io - Unifi


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I can only get this to work in "Host" mode, at which point Fix Common Problems throws all kinds of errors.  I have modified my other dockers (specifically Sab) to use a port different than 8080; if I specified a port other than 8080, unifi wouldn't find the APs.  And again, only works in host mode.


Is this correct?  Fix Common Problems complains that my other dockers' ports are not "what the template author dictated" but everything seems to work... Knock on wood.

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  • 1 month later...
2 hours ago, brandur said:

I think this YouTube video should give you a pretty good idea how to achieve what you want:


i've tried following this video. the file system doesn't match to unraid


i'm really new to this type of stuff.
I followed his video, these are the commands I've ran

cd /mnt/user/appdata/unifi

sudo java -jar appdata/ace.jar new_cert unifi.domain.com "Company” Lincoln NE US


it should ask for password

and all i get is  >

unifi cert.PNG

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Hey guys,
i need some help setting up this docker.
So i just got my unifi equip. and installed this docker.
So far so good
But i cant login - tried reinstalling etc - nothing works
any ideas what might be wrong ? (yes username and password is 100% correct)
No error messages in the logfile

Did you delete the appdata too?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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On 10/14/2017 at 11:45 PM, Mastermischke said:

Hey guys,


i need some help setting up this docker.

So i just got my unifi equip. and installed this docker.


So far so good

But i cant login - tried reinstalling etc - nothing works

any ideas what might be wrong ? (yes username and password is 100% correct)

No error messages in the logfile






I'm having the same problem. 


any solution so far?


thank you.



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9 hours ago, saary said:



I'm having the same problem. 


any solution so far?


thank you.




Ensure you have the correct credentials that you set during the setup phase and that you don't have capslock on/off or numlock on/off whichever is appropriate to your chosen password,, and or clear browser cache / cookies etc.

Spun up new instance of this image and set a password and logged in with no problems whatsoever

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