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[Support] binhex - DelugeVPN

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6 hours ago, strike said:

ExpressVPN is not going to work well with torrenting due to the fact that they don't support port forwarding. Even if you were able to download anything it will be painfully slow and it would only work on public trackers. Do yourself a favor and change to a provider that supports port forwarding.

Thanks for the tip! I switched to PIA, and everything is working as advertised.

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59 minutes ago, Biloxi_1 said:

I noticed while troubleshooting that if I swap the network type in the settings from "bridge" to "custom: br0" the torrents will start downloading, but I i cannot reach webui in that configuration.

bridge is the default and works, however custom bridge should also work, i tested this myself, the thing to remember is when using a custom bridge that you are NOT defining a static ip for the docker on the host, this is simply defining the INTERNAL network for the container, so you would still access it via your hosts ip address, did you try that?.

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1 hour ago, binhex said:

bridge is the default and works, however custom bridge should also work, i tested this myself, the thing to remember is when using a custom bridge that you are NOT defining a static ip for the docker on the host, this is simply defining the INTERNAL network for the container, so you would still access it via your hosts ip address, did you try that?.

OK, I have it set up like this, but I cannot reach the webui via nor (unraid ip) I am attaching pics of it in bridge and custom configurations for a sanity check.bridge.png.93024e2358ba2df584ab303a66e9ac60.pngbr0.png.dffdc3278d6eb63864aaf6ef6c3ab09b.png

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I've actually used custom bridge as the network type for a long time and it worked flawlessly. Then last week I upgraded all my network hardware, now I can't get to the webui (everything related to network setup on the unraid box is the same as on the old hardware), but I can connect in the deluge client in my vm just fine. For my use, I don't really need the webui as long as I can log in from another deluge client. So @Biloxi_1 try connecting via a deluge client on another machine/vm, at least that way you'll be able to manage it. Instructions to connect are in the faq I think.


Edit: All my automated download apps like radarr etc works as expected, with the static IP I've set in the custom bridge network. 

Edited by strike
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Hi all :)
So no, this is probably not deluge's fault, but in the last few weeks my delgue keeps getting a new IP at random from PIA. Not sure if this used to happen before, but my problem now is that "some" of the ip's by PIA is banned by some trackers. So I can get Deluge up and running, no blocks, then suddenly a few days later it updates ip address and I receive an ip that's blocked by tracker.

Only solution I've found so far is to restart the docker, or even sometimes I have to change the server I connect too.

I have some log files, but not sure if this is Deluge or PIA's fault? Any1 else experienced this?

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Nothing that can be done about that besides doing what you mentioned (restart or change endpoint). Unfortunately, spammers etc also use vpn services and as a result, some IP addresses get banned. The only thing you can do to help out is to contact PIA about it so they can investigate.  

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1 minute ago, strike said:

Nothing that can be done about that besides doing what you mentioned (restart or change endpoint). Unfortunately, spammers etc also use vpn services and as a result, some IP addresses get banned. The only thing you can do to help out is to contact PIA about it so they can investigate.  

I understand that some IP addresses will be banned due to bots, spammers etc, but this never used to happen. Not sure if that's because it never changed ip before?

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Another "Can't access the webGui post".

Been running fine for months, not sure what changed.

I've tried different PIA endpoints to no avail.
Seems to connect to the VPN, webgui just won't launch.

Any ideas?

2019-06-10 23:47:52,096 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
[debug] OpenVPN command line:- /usr/bin/openvpn --daemon --reneg-sec 0 --mute-replay-warnings --auth-nocache --setenv VPN_PROV 'pia' --setenv DEBUG 'true' --setenv VPN_DEVICE_TYPE 'tun0' --setenv VPN_REMOTE 'de-frankfurt.privateinternetaccess.com' --script-security 2 --writepid /root/openvpn.pid --remap-usr1 SIGHUP --log-append /dev/stdout --pull-filter ignore 'up' --pull-filter ignore 'down' --pull-filter ignore 'route-ipv6' --pull-filter ignore 'ifconfig-ipv6' --pull-filter ignore 'tun-ipv6' --pull-filter ignore 'persist-tun' --pull-filter ignore 'reneg-sec' --remote 1198 udp --remote 1198 udp --remote 1198 udp --remote 1198 udp --remote 1198 udp --remote 1198 udp --remote 1198 udp --remote 1198 udp --remote 1198 udp --remote 1198 udp --remote 1198 udp --remote 1198 udp --remote 1198 udp --remote-random --up /root/openvpnup.sh --up-delay --up-restart --keepalive 10 60 --setenv STRICT_PORT_FORWARD 'yes' --disable-occ --auth-user-pass credentials.conf --cd /config/openvpn --config '/config/openvpn/DE Frankfurt.ovpn'

2019-06-10 23:47:52,096 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
[info] Starting OpenVPN...

2019-06-10 23:47:52,110 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
Mon Jun 10 23:47:52 2019 WARNING: file 'credentials.conf' is group or others accessible

Mon Jun 10 23:47:52 2019 OpenVPN 2.4.7 [git:makepkg/2b8aec62d5db2c17+] x86_64-pc-linux-gnu [SSL (OpenSSL)] [LZO] [LZ4] [EPOLL] [PKCS11] [MH/PKTINFO] [AEAD] built on Feb 19 2019
Mon Jun 10 23:47:52 2019 library versions: OpenSSL 1.1.1b 26 Feb 2019, LZO 2.10

2019-06-10 23:47:52,110 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
[info] OpenVPN started

2019-06-10 23:47:52,110 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
Mon Jun 10 23:47:52 2019 NOTE: the current --script-security setting may allow this configuration to call user-defined scripts
[debug] Waiting for valid IP address from tunnel...

2019-06-10 23:47:52,110 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
Mon Jun 10 23:47:52 2019 TCP/UDP: Preserving recently used remote address: [AF_INET]

2019-06-10 23:47:52,110 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
Mon Jun 10 23:47:52 2019 UDP link local: (not bound)
Mon Jun 10 23:47:52 2019 UDP link remote: [AF_INET]

2019-06-10 23:47:52,261 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
Mon Jun 10 23:47:52 2019 [84dcd2f8211fd75d6fad788d96ffef26] Peer Connection Initiated with [AF_INET]

2019-06-10 23:47:58,533 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
Mon Jun 10 23:47:58 2019 TUN/TAP device tun0 opened
Mon Jun 10 23:47:58 2019 /usr/bin/ip link set dev tun0 up mtu 1500

2019-06-10 23:47:58,534 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
Mon Jun 10 23:47:58 2019 /usr/bin/ip addr add dev tun0 local peer

2019-06-10 23:47:58,534 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
Mon Jun 10 23:47:58 2019 /root/openvpnup.sh tun0 1500 1558 init

2019-06-10 23:47:58,537 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
[debug] Waiting for valid IP address from tunnel...

2019-06-10 23:47:58,537 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
[debug] Waiting for valid IP address from tunnel...

2019-06-10 23:47:58,538 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
Mon Jun 10 23:47:58 2019 Initialization Sequence Completed

2019-06-10 23:47:58,639 DEBG 'watchdog-script' stdout output:
[debug] Valid IP address from tunnel acquired ''
[info] Deluge listening interface IP and VPN provider IP different, marking for reconfigure

2019-06-10 23:47:58,642 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
[debug] Valid IP address from tunnel acquired ''

2019-06-10 23:47:58,642 DEBG 'watchdog-script' stdout output:
[info] Deluge not running

2019-06-10 23:47:58,643 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
[debug] Valid IP address from tunnel acquired ''

2019-06-10 23:47:58,643 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
[debug] Port forwarding is enabled

2019-06-10 23:47:58,643 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
[debug] Checking endpoint 'de-frankfurt.privateinternetaccess.com' is port forward enabled...

2019-06-10 23:47:58,643 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
[debug] Valid IP address from tunnel acquired ''

2019-06-10 23:47:58,644 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
[debug] Attempting to get external IP using Name Server 'ns1.google.com'...

2019-06-10 23:47:58,645 DEBG 'watchdog-script' stdout output:
[info] Deluge Web UI not running

2019-06-10 23:47:58,646 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
[info] Attempting to curl https://www.privateinternetaccess.com/vpninfo/servers?version=82...

2019-06-10 23:47:58,787 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
[info] Successfully retrieved external IP address

2019-06-10 23:47:58,847 DEBG 'watchdog-script' stdout output:
[debug] External IP address from tunnel is ''

2019-06-10 23:47:58,847 DEBG 'watchdog-script' stdout output:
[debug] Waiting for file '/home/nobody/vpn_incoming_port.txt' to be generated (contains PIA API generated incoming port number)...

2019-06-10 23:47:59,030 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
[info] Curl successful for https://www.privateinternetaccess.com/vpninfo/servers?version=82, response code 200

2019-06-10 23:47:59,077 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
[debug] PIA endpoint 'de-frankfurt.privateinternetaccess.com' is in the list of endpoints that support port forwarding

2019-06-10 23:47:59,077 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
[info] List of PIA endpoints that support port forwarding:-
[info] ca-toronto.privateinternetaccess.com
[info] ca-montreal.privateinternetaccess.com
[info] ca-vancouver.privateinternetaccess.com
[info] de-berlin.privateinternetaccess.com
[info] de-frankfurt.privateinternetaccess.com
[info] sweden.privateinternetaccess.com
[info] swiss.privateinternetaccess.com
[info] france.privateinternetaccess.com
[info] czech.privateinternetaccess.com
[info] spain.privateinternetaccess.com
[info] ro.privateinternetaccess.com
[info] israel.privateinternetaccess.com
[debug] Attempting to get dynamically assigned port...

2019-06-10 23:47:59,080 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
[info] Attempting to curl

2019-06-10 23:47:59,928 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
[info] Curl successful for, response code 200

2019-06-10 23:47:59,951 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
[debug] Successfully assigned incoming port 24365

2019-06-10 23:48:00,849 DEBG 'watchdog-script' stdout output:
[debug] Incoming port for tunnel is '24365'

2019-06-10 23:48:00,849 DEBG 'watchdog-script' stdout output:
[info] Deluge incoming port 6890 and VPN incoming port 24365 different, marking for reconfigure

2019-06-10 23:48:00,849 DEBG 'watchdog-script' stdout output:
[info] Attempting to start Deluge...
[info] Removing deluge pid file (if it exists)...

2019-06-10 23:48:01,063 DEBG 'watchdog-script' stdout output:
[info] Deluge listening interface currently defined as
[info] Deluge listening interface will be changed to
[info] Saving changes to Deluge config file /config/core.conf...

2019-06-10 23:48:01,288 DEBG 'watchdog-script' stdout output:
[info] Deluge process started
[info] Waiting for Deluge process to start listening on port 58846...

2019-06-10 23:48:01,498 DEBG 'watchdog-script' stdout output:
[info] Deluge process listening on port 58846

2019-06-10 23:48:01,865 DEBG 'watchdog-script' stdout output:
Setting random_port to False..
Configuration value successfully updated.

2019-06-10 23:48:02,227 DEBG 'watchdog-script' stdout output:
Setting listen_ports to (24365, 24365)..
Configuration value successfully updated.

2019-06-10 23:48:02,614 DEBG 'watchdog-script' stdout output:
[info] No torrents with state 'Error' found

2019-06-10 23:48:02,614 DEBG 'watchdog-script' stdout output:
[info] Starting Deluge Web UI...

2019-06-10 23:48:02,614 DEBG 'watchdog-script' stdout output:
[info] Deluge Web UI started

2019-06-10 23:48:02,615 DEBG 'watchdog-script' stdout output:
[debug] VPN incoming port is 24365
[debug] Deluge incoming port is 24365
[debug] VPN IP is
[debug] Deluge IP is

2019-06-10 23:48:32,616 DEBG 'watchdog-script' stdout output:
[debug] Waiting for valid IP address from tunnel...

2019-06-10 23:48:32,729 DEBG 'watchdog-script' stdout output:
[debug] Valid IP address from tunnel acquired ''

2019-06-10 23:48:32,734 DEBG 'watchdog-script' stdout output:
[debug] External IP address from tunnel is ''

2019-06-10 23:48:32,735 DEBG 'watchdog-script' stdout output:
[debug] Incoming port for tunnel is '24365'

2019-06-10 23:48:32,737 DEBG 'watchdog-script' stdout output:
[debug] VPN incoming port is 24365
[debug] Deluge incoming port is 24365
[debug] VPN IP is
[debug] Deluge IP is


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12 hours ago, pXius said:

Seems to connect to the VPN, webgui just won't launch.

i see nothing wrong in the log, however all the important stuff has been removed so its hard to tell if you have a config issue, if your lan_network is correct then my next guess would be browser issue, try accessing web ui from another machine.

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47 minutes ago, Swordyke said:

I just installed this container.

When verifying with a torrent where u can check your ip, I get an IP that shows me that the VPN is working.


However, everytime when I start the container the download speed drops very fast to 0. And in the bottomleft, my trackerstatus goes to Connection Timed Out.


EDIT: Just to be clear, he did not download anything yet. Seems like he is trying to get the trackerinfo and keeps failing. All logs are not giving any errors.


Any idea?

Does your VPN support incoming open ports? Only a few VPN providers do, and of those, some don't support it on all endpoints.

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7 hours ago, binhex said:

i see nothing wrong in the log, however all the important stuff has been removed so its hard to tell if you have a config issue, if your lan_network is correct then my next guess would be browser issue, try accessing web ui from another machine.

Ended up being an issue logging onto my home network remotely via a VPN.

I'm now just using the Firefox docker container to access Deluge when away from home.

Thanks for the help and the awesome contribution to the community! It's appreciated a million times over!

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3 minutes ago, pXius said:

Ended up being an issue logging onto my home network remotely via a VPN.

I'm now just using the Firefox docker container to access Deluge when away from home.

Thanks for the help and the awesome contribution to the community! It's appreciated a million times over!

Can you explain how this works or what it is? Thanks!

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Download the Firefox container from the APPS section in unraid.

If your Deluge docker is using the same IP as your host unraid machine, then use the same IP for firefox as well.

If your deluge docker has an ip different from that of the host machine, you will need to use a different IP for the firefox docker as well. It's a security thing.


After that you can access the Deluge docker via the firefox docker by entering the deluge IP in the firefox address bar.



When outside your network you'll need to access your local network via a VPN of sorts. My router has a openVPN server as a feature, so I just connect to that when away from home.

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On 6/1/2019 at 6:56 PM, antanoid said:


bit of an unraid noob here


I'm having some problems with my docker


I used to have it working via following Spaceinvader One youtube vids

but after a new router and dockers/unraid updates (all done within a week) I seem to have broken something


I've been putting off trying to fix it for a week/2 until this weekend

after hitting my head against the wall for the last day, iv finally decided to ask for help!

here are my problems:

I can't connect to web UI - with VPN_ENABLED = yes

radarr/sonarr cant connect to deluge


I believe the problem is centred around the VPN connection/settings, as when vpn_enables = no - I'm able to access the web UI

I have followed the documentation linked and believe everything to be setup correctly


ill post what seems to be the required info



openvpn folder: - new downloads from PIA




new supervisord.log - debug = enabled   -   username/pass have been removed, they both follow guidelines (no spec characters)

supervisord.log 23.53 kB · 4 downloads


any help would be muchly appreciated 


some direction would be nice on this, any ideas welcome!

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12 hours ago, antanoid said:


some direction would be nice on this, any ideas welcome!

You having the same issue I had, how are you trying to connect to your WEBUI? On what IP range is your Deluge and what IP range is the mashine you are trying to connect from?

Also, give your Deluge an IP other than that of the Unraid machine.

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15 hours ago, antanoid said:


some direction would be nice on this, any ideas welcome!

From first glance, I would edit your ovpn file, this should be plenty of info, remove the rest (or just copy paste this)
remote sweden.privateinternetaccess.com 1198
dev tun
proto udp
resolv-retry infinite
cipher aes-128-cbc
auth sha1
remote-cert-tls server
auth-user-pass credentials.conf
verb 1
crl-verify crl.rsa.2048.pem
ca ca.rsa.2048.crt


Then make sure ur firewall dont block anything, you can see from your log file that it times out on ping. Hopefully it's just from the ovpn file (not sure doh) The error comes here:

2019-06-01 18:47:58,282 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
Sat Jun  1 18:47:58 2019 [UNDEF] Inactivity timeout (--ping-restart), restarting

2019-06-01 18:47:58,283 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
Sat Jun  1 18:47:58 2019 SIGHUP[soft,ping-restart] received, process restarting

Can't really see anything else other than that you only resolve one ip, sounds kinda weird, when I test PIA's sweden server I get several. Maybe try and remove the name servers to cloudflare ( and Your log shows it resolved trough

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28 minutes ago, ProZac said:

other than that you only resolve one ip, sounds kinda weird, when I test PIA's sweden server I get several.

@antanoid this is your issue, your isp is hijacking dns, (hate this!) you need to turn it off, i believe its possible but you will need to do some googling on how to do this, as shown below the ip back from the name lookup is VM's not PIA:-



Non-authoritative answer:    name = lang-sspiprxy.network.virginmedia.net.

Authoritative answers can be found from:

Edited by binhex
  • Upvote 1
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30 minutes ago, binhex said:

@antanoid this is your issue, your isp is hijacking dns, (hate this!) you need to turn it off, i believe its possible but you will need to do some googling on how to do this, as shown below the ip back from the name lookup is VM's not PIA:-



Non-authoritative answer:    name = lang-sspiprxy.network.virginmedia.net.

Authoritative answers can be found from:

Bah didn't think to check the ip he actually got, bastard ISP :D


  On a sidenote, you say the ISP hijacks his DNS? Wouldnt setting specific dns in either the router or on the server itself bypass what the ISP is running?

Edited by ProZac
  • Upvote 1
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7 hours ago, binhex said:

@antanoid this is your issue, your isp is hijacking dns, (hate this!) you need to turn it off, i believe its possible but you will need to do some googling on how to do this, as shown below the ip back from the name lookup is VM's not PIA:-



Non-authoritative answer:    name = lang-sspiprxy.network.virginmedia.net.

Authoritative answers can be found from:


7 hours ago, ProZac said:

Bah didn't think to check the ip he actually got, bastard ISP :D


  On a sidenote, you say the ISP hijacks his DNS? Wouldnt setting specific dns in either the router or on the server itself bypass what the ISP is running?


thank you two!

it is working now!

just did dns setting in the router for private dns ( Knew something was wrong with connecting, but never thought it was VM "hijacking dns" :O.


now to fix the butchering done to all my dockers lol

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So a few months back my delugevpn stopped working ... i didn't decide to fix it until now and looking at the log file i see this:

Created by...
___. .__ .__
\_ |__ |__| ____ | |__ ____ ___ ___
| __ \| |/ \| | \_/ __ \\ \/ /
| \_\ \ | | \ Y \ ___/ > <
|___ /__|___| /___| /\___ >__/\_ \
\/ \/ \/ \/ \/

2019-06-13 00:23:18.241690 [info] System information Linux 072d4aa08eae 4.19.41-Unraid #1 SMP Wed May 8 14:23:25 PDT 2019 x86_64 GNU/Linux
2019-06-13 00:23:18.278918 [info] PUID defined as '99'
2019-06-13 00:23:18.568110 [info] PGID defined as '100'
2019-06-13 00:23:18.873367 [info] UMASK defined as '000'
2019-06-13 00:23:18.892447 [info] Setting permissions recursively on volume mappings...
2019-06-13 00:23:19.114592 [info] DELUGE_DAEMON_LOG_LEVEL defined as 'info'
2019-06-13 00:23:19.133916 [info] DELUGE_WEB_LOG_LEVEL defined as 'info'
2019-06-13 00:23:19.153238 [info] VPN_ENABLED defined as 'yes'
2019-06-13 00:23:19.193262 [crit] No OpenVPN config file located in /config/openvpn/ (ovpn extension), please download from your VPN provider and then restart this container, exiting...
Created by...
___. .__ .__

In case the problem is with OpenVPN ... my log file basically just says this:


./run: line 3: /usr/local/openvpn_as/scripts/openvpnas: No such file or directory


i cannot launch the webui for my vpn either .... so if it's a problem with that - i will ask in the appropriate place.

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41 minutes ago, helpermonkey said:

So a few months back my delugevpn stopped working ... i didn't decide to fix it until now and looking at the log file i see this:

2019-06-13 00:23:19.193262 [crit] No OpenVPN config file located in /config/openvpn/ (ovpn extension), please download from your VPN provider and then restart this container, exiting...

Well, have you placed a .ovpn file in /config/openvpn/?

You download the .ovpn files from your vpn provider and place the appropriate one in that location.

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