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[Support] binhex - DelugeVPN

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8 minutes ago, tjb_altf4 said:



if this wasn't defined in your template (and it might not of been if it was an older template, as changes don't get pushed out) then this should still of meant port forwarding was enabled, as long as you connect to a endpoint that supports it of course, but my suspicion is that you probably didn't have a working incoming port and now you do your seeing better speeds :-).

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On 27/12/2017 at 4:17 AM, 7thSon said:

The file permissions are still troubling me, I'm checking the files in /config in the container, but all files are read/write enabled except perms.txt and auth.
What file(s) contains the settings from the GUI/webUI (they should be the same, since if I enable a plugin in either one, it immediately show up in the other)?


deluge config is in .../appdata/binhex-delugevpn/core.conf

Edited by Gog
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18 minutes ago, strike said:

I don't use sonarr so I don't know if I can help, but are you using sabnzbdvpn and delugevpn at the same time? If so, are privoxy enabled on both? Why does it say it tries to connect to port 8113 in the logs? Privoxy runs on 8118 by default

i tried it through both because i couldnt get the deluge one to work. at first i had the delugevpn as the only one running with sab with vpn disabled and privoxy disabled, then switched and tried sab

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First of all just run one of the containers at least until you get everything to work. And do I understand you correctly that it is just privoxy you have have problems with? You have a working tunnel on the delugevpn container and are able to reach the webui with the vpn enabled? 


You didn't answer my question why your sonarr logs say it tries to connect to port 8113? It should be 8118, are you sure you have set up the proxy in sonarr correctly? Screenshot?

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1 minute ago, strike said:

First of all just run one of the containers at least until you get everything to work. And do I understand you correctly that it is just privoxy you have have problems with? You have a working tunnel on the delugevpn container and are able to reach the webui with the vpn enabled? 


You didn't answer my question why your sonarr logs say it tries to connect to port 8113? It should be 8118, are you sure you have set up the proxy in sonarr correctly? Screenshot?

yea I have it set as 8118, I was screwing around with different ports to try to get it to work that's why the 8113 was there. I can access each web UI for each container and they all connect and work fine till I try to use the proxy setting in sonarr/radarr.

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You have redacted the part I wanted to see... What do you have as the hostname? And it never says in the log that you have tried to connect to 8118. If is your unraid IP address, then that is what the hostname should say. Do not include http(s) or anything else. If you have a working vpn tunnel then all you need to do in radarr is to enable the proxy and put in the correct hostname /port and of course configure radarr to connect with deluge. I also suggest that you move this to the sonarr / radarr  thread as this is not a delugevpn issue but sonarr / radarr  configuration issue. I have radarr  working fine with privoxy . 

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You have redacted the part I wanted to see... What do you have as the hostname? And it never says in the log that you have tried to connect to 8118. If is your unraid IP address, then that is what the hostname should say. Do not include http(s) or anything else. If you have a working vpn tunnel then all you need to do in radarr is to enable the proxy and put in the correct hostname /port and of course configure radarr to connect with deluge. I also suggest that you move this to the sonarr / radarr  thread as this is not a delugevpn issue but sonarr / radarr  configuration issue. I have radarr  working fine with privoxy . is what I have. I connected and tested each connection everything worked fine, then I turn the proxy setting on with the settings posted above and retested deluge and sab and they both will not connect

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk

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If is your unraid IP, then your Lan_Network in the delugevpn container setting is wrong. You have 1.0/24 at the end you have redacted the rest. So you shound't even be able to get to the webui. But maybe you have changed that after, clearly you must have since you say you can get to the webui.

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If is your unraid IP, then your Lan_Network in the delugevpn container setting is wrong. You have 1.0/24 at the end you have redacted the rest. So you shound't even be able to get to the webui. But maybe you have changed that after, clearly you must have since you say you can get to the webui.
I changed the 1.0/24 to the what I assumed was correct 0.0/24 like in the unraid iP and I cannot connect to the deluge web ui. This is why I am so lost on this.

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk

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If is your unraid IP, then your Lan_Network in the delugevpn container setting is wrong. You have 1.0/24 at the end you have redacted the rest. So you shound't even be able to get to the webui. But maybe you have changed that after, clearly you must have since you say you can get to the webui.
Well got it working thanks for the help strike

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk

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For the last day or two, my vpn connection has been repeatedly falling to zero transfer rate and returning to maximum rate.  There is nothing in the delugevpn container log.


It's not just deluge because, at the times the deluge transfer rate is zero, other connections via privoxy also go down.  Other connections which don't go through the vpn tunnel are unaffected.


Is The PIA Netherlands server playing up, or is my ISP messing with my vpn connection?  Any thoughts  how to identify the cause?

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For the last day or two, my vpn connection has been repeatedly falling to zero transfer rate and returning to maximum rate.  There is nothing in the delugevpn container log.
It's not just deluge because, at the times the deluge transfer rate is zero, other connections via privoxy also go down.  Other connections which don't go through the vpn tunnel are unaffected.
Is The PIA Netherlands server playing up, or is my ISP messing with my vpn connection?  Any thoughts  how to identify the cause?
I rarely notice an outage as it auto reconnects but it is possible pia are having issues. To diagnose it further I would advise turning debug on and trawling the log when it drops

Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk

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Happy new years eve guys!, thanks for all the help on all the support threads. thank you for all donations, and hoping 2018 will be as good if not better than 2017!.


p.s. any technical support received tonight from me may or may not be tainted with several beverages, beware :-).

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8 hours ago, binhex said:

I rarely notice an outage as it auto reconnects but it is possible pia are having issues. To diagnose it further I would advise turning debug on and trawling the log when it drops

Something weird going on here.  I enabled debug and then found that I could not connect, neither with the desktop client, nor to the web interface.


Okay, I think that I didn't wait long enough - perhaps the startup is slower with debug enabled..

Edited by PeterB
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I attach the log.  At startup, deluge connected and had uploads running at 2-3 MB/s and one slow download.  By the end of the log, the transfers , both up and down had dropped to zero.




A few minutes after I uploaded the log, transfers were running at 5+MB/s up and 120kB/s down.  Apart from capturing the log, I had not made any changes to the container.

Edited by PeterB
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8 hours ago, PeterB said:

I attach the log.  At startup, deluge connected and had uploads running at 2-3 MB/s and one slow download.  By the end of the log, the transfers , both up and down had dropped to zero.




A few minutes after I uploaded the log, transfers were running at 5+MB/s up and 120kB/s down.  Apart from capturing the log, I had not made any changes to the container.


looking at that log, it looks like it took several attempts before the tunnel could be established, thus the long wait before you could access the web ui, so there is something going on with PIA, or your ISP, or your LAN, you could be maxing out your line, are you running any other downloaders at the same time?, or you could be stressing your router/pfsense box out, too many connections, too many vpn tunnels perhaps, try to minimise other traffic and see if stability improves, im afraid there isnt much i can do if you are struggling to get a vpn tunnel established.

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2 hours ago, binhex said:


looking at that log, it looks like it took several attempts before the tunnel could be established, thus the long wait before you could access the web ui, so there is something going on with PIA, or your ISP, or your LAN, you could be maxing out your line, are you running any other downloaders at the same time?, or you could be stressing your router/pfsense box out, too many connections, too many vpn tunnels perhaps, try to minimise other traffic and see if stability improves, im afraid there isnt much i can do if you are struggling to get a vpn tunnel established.

I've not changed anything at my end - no particular change in usage or configuration.  What puzzles me is that the transfers through the tunnel cycle from zero, to max (50Mb/s) at something like ten minute intervals.  When deluge transfers are at zero, my Kodi box, using privoxy, also cannot access themoviedb.org.


Ah, I know something which has changed ... I noted that you'd put up a new version of CouchPotato, which seems to have fixed the problem with the IMDB interface, so I now have that container running alongside radar and jacket. I wonder whether those could be conflicting in some way?


I had started using the privoxy service a week or two ago (for kodi) - but these problems weren't apparent until two days ago.

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