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[Support] binhex - DelugeVPN

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2 hours ago, Neo_999 said:

So opening the server .ovpn file turns out that it defines a couple of parameters, amongst them:


ping 15
ping-restart 0


I have deleted those two lines from the .ovpn file and after that DelugeVPN worked as supposed to.


Hope I can help someone out there.

Thank you!

I was facing the same issue

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11 hours ago, DigitalDivide said:

my overall internet speed seems to have slowed quite a bit for non deluge related items.


most probably this is due to one or both of the following conditions:-


1. you have not restricted your upload rate - unless you do this deluge will use all available bandwidth, this will result in both ul and dl rates being slow for your entire entire network, reduce your upload rate to a max of about 70% of your max upload rate from your isp, this will actually result in HIGHER dl speeds.


2. you have configured deluge with too many incoming connections - having lots of incoming connections sounds like a good idea, but actually can have the opposite affect, resulting in low dl/ul speeds as your router will struggle to cope with the sheer quantity of connections coming in, so drop your incoming/outgoing/seed/peer count down and see if this helps.

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5 hours ago, binhex said:


most probably this is due to one or both of the following conditions:-


1. you have not restricted your upload rate - unless you do this deluge will use all available bandwidth, this will result in both ul and dl rates being slow for your entire entire network, reduce your upload rate to a max of about 70% of your max upload rate from your isp, this will actually result in HIGHER dl speeds.


2. you have configured deluge with too many incoming connections - having lots of incoming connections sounds like a good idea, but actually can have the opposite affect, resulting in low dl/ul speeds as your router will struggle to cope with the sheer quantity of connections coming in, so drop your incoming/outgoing/seed/peer count down and see if this helps.


I need some help on this one.


So ISP plan is 500mbps down and 20mbps up.  Which is megabits right?    Deluge is is KiB/s which is Kibibytes rights? 

So 500mbps = 24414KiB/s and 20mbps = 2441KiB/s...right?


So does the below look ok for deluge


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While I'm at it, want to make sure I did this correctly.  I created a port foward at AIRVPN, then took at port number, went into Deluge, Network, unchecked Incoming Ports, Use Random Ports, and manually entered in the port number I created at AIRVPN.  Is that correct?  That's the only item I needed to change, nothing for outgoing but random?   ...or do I need to create a port in the docker for the AIRVPN port?

Edited by DigitalDivide
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That looks fine, you have left some room for other traffic.


I have noticed i get maxed line for awhile then that drops off, then resumes as it was. TBH i think its my ISP`s bundled router struggling with heavy encrypted traffic. Then again it could be the tracker being brought to its knees with traffic.

pfsense firewall/router upgrade soon. Long overdue. :) Overkill for my setup but...technology hey lol.


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3 hours ago, DigitalDivide said:

I created a port foward at AIRVPN, then took at port number, went into Deluge, Network, unchecked Incoming Ports, Use Random Ports, and manually entered in the port number I created at AIRVPN.  Is that correct?  That's the only item I needed to change, nothing for outgoing but random? 


correct on all accounts.

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It's still killing my network connections even with those settings.  Previously to use Deluge VPN I was using a Raspberry Pi torrent server and had all my settings set to -1 and had no problems with my network.  RIght now just streaming cnn to my laptop wirelessly seems to be not as smooth.


If I turn off the docker, back to normal....

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The server has more processing power than the pi, so its chewing through more bandwidth, affecting the greater network.

Go though and set some caps on general usage and consider using the scheduler to allow it to ramp up for downloads in the middle of night when network is unused.

Edited by tjb_altf4
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high cpu usage is possible, encryption is very cpu intensive, having said that a modern half decent process should have no issues, its more likely as has been mentioned, that its your router is just not man enough to cope with the traffic, ive got a "Billion" router and although its a bit pricey (business grade) it is just rock solid performance all the way, the only thing i have to watch out for is not to saturate my download speeds, as rtorrent is just too damn quick :-).

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49 minutes ago, DigitalDivide said:

Is it Airvpn that is causing the problem when you say cpu intensive?  It doesn't appear to be my router as I'm running deluge now with the VPN disabled and having no problems.  As soon as I enable the vpn, it gets worse.  I do have caps set in deluge as per my earlier post about 10 posts back.

its not specific to airvpn, its the fact you are using a vpn tunnel, this causes additional stress on your router (and your host too), in short if you are seeing slow downs on your other devices when attempting to access the internet when the tunnel is running then the finger of blame points normally at the router (or bad config which looks like you have fixed), what router do you have btw?.

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Just now, DigitalDivide said:

It's from my cable provider it's a router/modem and does wireless.  I believe it's a Hitron.  Should I be looking at getting a separate router?


possibly yes, look at firmware updates for the router and apply if there are any, if this does no good then try borrowing a separate router from a mate and verify that fixes the issue, thats what i would do, or simply do as suggested and torrent from midnight onwards and ignore the issue :-).

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I'm newbie with unraid and delugevpn.

I can't log to webui if I enable VPN. The logs are stop at "[debug] Waiting for valid IP address from tunnel..."

I use hidemyass vpn.


Hide my ass have no pem files. I have ca.crt, hmauser.crt, hmauser.key and ovpn tcp or udp files. You can see theses files here : https://vpn.hidemyass.com/vpn-config/keys/ and here https://vpn.hidemyass.com/vpn-config/vpn-configs.zip


I test udp, tcp files, different configuration, but I stuck with the same message.


I chose "custom" for "VPN-PROV'.

My LAN-NETWORK value is (unraid ip adress is

Here is the supervisord.log if you want to take a look


Thanks in advance for your help !



Please, telle if I post in the wrong topic

Thanks !

Edited by deadnote
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I'm newbie with unraid and delugevpn.
I can't log to webui if I enable VPN. The logs are stop at "[debug] Waiting for valid IP address from tunnel..."
I use hidemyass vpn.
Hide my ass have no pem files. I have ca.crt, hmauser.crt, hmauser.key and ovpn tcp or udp files. You can see theses files here : https://vpn.hidemyass.com/vpn-config/keys/ and here https://vpn.hidemyass.com/vpn-config/vpn-configs.zip
I test udp, tcp files, different configuration, but I stuck with the same message.
I chose "custom" for "VPN-PROV'.
My LAN-NETWORK value is (unraid ip adress is
Here is the supervisord.log if you want to take a look
Thanks in advance for your help !
Please, telle if I post in the wrong topic
Thanks !
This should now be fixed in the latest image, please pull it down and give it a go

Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk

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On 12/6/2017 at 7:36 PM, raidserver said:

I have noticed i get maxed line for awhile then that drops off, then resumes as it was. TBH i think its my ISP`s bundled router struggling with heavy encrypted traffic. Then again it could be the tracker being brought to its knees with traffic.



This has been happening very often recently. Looking at the logs when the speed drops off then resumes it seems its because the link goes down and then reconnects.

This is reoccurring over and over. DNS issue?


Log for binhex-delugevpn.txt

Edited by raidserver
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16 hours ago, binhex said:

This should now be fixed in the latest image, please pull it down and give it a go

Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk


Works perfect ! Thanks !



10 hours ago, tjb_altf4 said:

My 2c, I wouldn't use HMA.
They do store logs and they will send you infringement notices (speaking from experience), primarily when using US servers.


I moved over from HMA to PIA over 5 years ago and never regretted the move.


I think I'm going to move to PIA too when my subscription ends.

 It works without issus with delugevpn ?

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