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[Support] binhex - SABnzbdVPN

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for all you wondering what I did, I have two pihole servers, I generally only want the pihole servers getting out via port 53, so I blocked all but those two servers from getting out via port 53. 


So I had to add the pihole servers (using DOH/DOT), add a dedicated IP to the SAB container, and the add the SAB container to whitelist.

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23 hours ago, l3gion said:

I'm having issues connecting again. Lost access a couple a days ago.




I have tried different servers and have followed Q22 from the FAQ:|


Anything changed in the recommended setup?



supervisord.log 80.27 kB · 0 downloads

nothing has changed from my end nope, and your log looks clean to me, where is that screenshot from sabnzbd?.

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47 minutes ago, binhex said:

nothing has changed from my end nope, and your log looks clean to me, where is that screenshot from sabnzbd?.

Hi @binhex,


Yes, the screenshot is from inside sabnzbd. I also tried setting the VPN parameter to "no" in the docker settings, and that let's sabnzbd resolve the nameserver/DNS lookup, definitly something fishy in the VPN, maybe PIA changed something?



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15 hours ago, l3gion said:

Hi @binhex,


Yes, the screenshot is from inside sabnzbd. I also tried setting the VPN parameter to "no" in the docker settings, and that let's sabnzbd resolve the nameserver/DNS lookup, definitly something fishy in the VPN, maybe PIA changed something?




14 hours ago, i82q2p said:

I have the same issue but delugevpn is working just fine! Not sure if that helps 



there are ongoing issues with PIA DNS, you can try setting NAME_SERVERS to the following (removes PIA DNS):-,,,,,


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On 11/12/2021 at 4:19 AM, francishefeng59 said:


I have switched from sabnzbd to sabnzbdvpn in order to use privadovpn. After configuring and importing ovpn.config, I failed to log onto the webui nor could radarr and sonarr connect with it. Disabling vpn, it works greatly. Appreciate if anyone tells me where i am wrong. 


You will only be able to access the interface if it makes a successful connection to the VPN provider. What do the logs say?

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12 hours ago, Roudy said:


You will only be able to access the interface if it makes a successful connection to the VPN provider. What do the logs say?


Thanks for your reply. Unluckily my connection to the vpn provider failed maybe just because the build-in openvpn version is too low to recognize aes-256-cbc in the config file, which requires at least 2.5.0 or above while the build-in one is 2.4.9. Not sure if i am right or not, but it was given in the log. Have tried quite a few vpn apps, all of which have the same issue of failing to recognize aes-256-cbc. Do you have any suggection?

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13 hours ago, francishefeng59 said:


Thanks for your reply. Unluckily my connection to the vpn provider failed maybe just because the build-in openvpn version is too low to recognize aes-256-cbc in the config file, which requires at least 2.5.0 or above while the build-in one is 2.4.9. Not sure if i am right or not, but it was given in the log. Have tried quite a few vpn apps, all of which have the same issue of failing to recognize aes-256-cbc. Do you have any suggection?


Could you post your logs and the .ovpn config file without credentials so we can verify? 


You might be able to adjust the cipher, but I'm not familiar with that VPN provider. I may be able to help more with the logs and .ovpn config.

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4 hours ago, Roudy said:


Could you post your logs and the .ovpn config file without credentials so we can verify? 


You might be able to adjust the cipher, but I'm not familiar with that VPN provider. I may be able to help more with the logs and .ovpn config.

Many thanks @Roudy

I removed the sabnzbdvpn few days ago since I was unable to get it to work. To show you the log and .ovpn file I pulled down and ran it again. Weirdly it is working now without showing "Options error: Unrecognized option or missing or extra parameter(s) in /config/openvpn/nrt-004.ovpn:22: data-ciphers (2.4.8)". But on Binhex's Privoxyvpn I am trying now it still keeps giving the above error message. Please find attached here the log of the privoxyvpn along with the .ovpn file from Privadovpn. Again thanks.


supervisord.log akl-001.ovpn

Edited by francishefeng59
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21 hours ago, francishefeng59 said:


Thanks for your reply. Unluckily my connection to the vpn provider failed maybe just because the build-in openvpn version is too low to recognize aes-256-cbc in the config file, which requires at least 2.5.0 or above while the build-in one is 2.4.9. Not sure if i am right or not, but it was given in the log. Have tried quite a few vpn apps, all of which have the same issue of failing to recognize aes-256-cbc. Do you have any suggection?


I might be having the same issues as @francishefeng59.  I am also using Privado VPN with the OpenVPN client (Privado is the VPN that comes with the newshosting.com subscription). Since November 4 I have been unable to connect news.newshosting.com AND radarr and sonarr fail to connect to any indexer using the sabnzbdvpn privoxy container proxy.

The most maddening part is that watchdog-script in the Log shows the host name resolves:

2021-11-14 21:07:05,613 DEBG 'watchdog-script' stdout output:
[debug] DNS operational, we can resolve name 'www.google.com' to address ''


However, running `docker exec -ti binhex-sabnzbdvpn curl -L http://www.google.com` results in:

curl: (6) Could not resolve host: www.google.com


And in the sabnzbd webgui I get a DNS error for news.newshosting.com:

[Errno 99] Address not available
Check for internet or DNS problems


I tried a different Privado VPN server with new ovpn config files to no avail. Connecting to it directly with my PC's OpenVPN has no problems with DNS or anything.  Attached my log with sensitive info redacted.  I am not sure where to go from here and would appreciate the help.



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1 hour ago, mattz said:


I might be having the same issues as @francishefeng59.  I am also using Privado VPN with the OpenVPN client (Privado is the VPN that comes with the newshosting.com subscription). Since November 4 I have been unable to connect news.newshosting.com AND radarr and sonarr fail to connect to any indexer using the sabnzbdvpn privoxy container proxy.

The most maddening part is that watchdog-script in the Log shows the host name resolves:

2021-11-14 21:07:05,613 DEBG 'watchdog-script' stdout output:
[debug] DNS operational, we can resolve name 'www.google.com' to address ''


However, running `docker exec -ti binhex-sabnzbdvpn curl -L http://www.google.com` results in:

curl: (6) Could not resolve host: www.google.com


And in the sabnzbd webgui I get a DNS error for news.newshosting.com:

[Errno 99] Address not available
Check for internet or DNS problems


I tried a different Privado VPN server with new ovpn config files to no avail. Connecting to it directly with my PC's OpenVPN has no problems with DNS or anything.  Attached my log with sensitive info redacted.  I am not sure where to go from here and would appreciate the help.

log-2021-11-14-binhex-sabnzbd-vpn-redact.log 25.39 kB · 1 download


I am having the same trouble, same wrong messages, but my connection to newshosting is ok. Looking forward to some big guys for help.

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11 hours ago, francishefeng59 said:

Many thanks @Roudy

I removed the sabnzbdvpn few days ago since I was unable to get it to work. To show you the log and .ovpn file I pulled down and ran it again. Weirdly it is working now without showing "Options error: Unrecognized option or missing or extra parameter(s) in /config/openvpn/nrt-004.ovpn:22: data-ciphers (2.4.8)". But on Binhex's Privoxyvpn I am trying now it still keeps giving the above error message. Please find attached here the log of the privoxyvpn along with the .ovpn file from Privadovpn. Again thanks.


supervisord.log 7.64 kB · 1 download akl-001.ovpn 2.16 kB · 1 download


I set up the PrivadoVPN as a test and it connected with no issues. I noticed that the ovpn config you attached was old. They don't list the akl-001 as a server in their updated files. I pasted the link to their updated ovpn configs for you to try. I do see the nrt-004.ovpn that you listed in your error message. Download the latest config file for that server and see if you have any errors.



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7 hours ago, mattz said:


I might be having the same issues as @francishefeng59.  I am also using Privado VPN with the OpenVPN client (Privado is the VPN that comes with the newshosting.com subscription). Since November 4 I have been unable to connect news.newshosting.com AND radarr and sonarr fail to connect to any indexer using the sabnzbdvpn privoxy container proxy.

The most maddening part is that watchdog-script in the Log shows the host name resolves:

2021-11-14 21:07:05,613 DEBG 'watchdog-script' stdout output:
[debug] DNS operational, we can resolve name 'www.google.com' to address ''


However, running `docker exec -ti binhex-sabnzbdvpn curl -L http://www.google.com` results in:

curl: (6) Could not resolve host: www.google.com


And in the sabnzbd webgui I get a DNS error for news.newshosting.com:

[Errno 99] Address not available
Check for internet or DNS problems


I tried a different Privado VPN server with new ovpn config files to no avail. Connecting to it directly with my PC's OpenVPN has no problems with DNS or anything.  Attached my log with sensitive info redacted.  I am not sure where to go from here and would appreciate the help.

log-2021-11-14-binhex-sabnzbd-vpn-redact.log 25.39 kB · 1 download



I saw in your logs that you have a local DNS listed. You don't want to do this for DNS leaking, but it could also be causing issues with your DNS resolving. Try updating the name servers variable with the defaults below and see if it fixes your issue. I was able to use Privado without any issues.,,,,,

Edited by Roudy
Fixed DNS IPs
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I'm having an issue with SAB VPN container with PIA Wireguard enabled.  Is this an issue on the PIA side or is my docker container hosed?

2021-11-15 11:10:10,646 DEBG 'start-script' stderr output:
parse error: Invalid numeric literal at line 2, column 0

2021-11-15 11:10:10,647 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
[warn] Unable to successfully download PIA json to generate token for wireguard from URL 'https://privateinternetaccess.com/gtoken/generateToken'
[info] 12 retries left

2021-11-15 11:10:10,647 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
[info] Retrying in 10 secs...


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5 hours ago, Roudy said:


I saw in your logs that you have a local DNS listed. You don't want to do this for DNS leaking, but it could also be causing issues with your DNS resolving. Try updating the name servers variable with the defaults below and see if it fixes your issue. I was able to use Privado without any issues.,,,,,


@Roudy I made that change, started it up, and it's working. WTF?  I mean, it ran for YEARS problem-free with my old DNS setup.  Whether coincidence or your suggestion: I thank you! 🍻


11 hours ago, francishefeng59 said:

HI, @mattz

Seems to me your sabnzbdvpn worked with Privadovpn before Nov. 4. Am I right? Unluckily I've never got it to work since i tried. Appreciate if you can tell me any particular setup I need to care about. I am thinking I might have missed sth or made some incorrect configuration especially relating to the network. Who knows. But disabling vpn makes it work happily. 


@francishefeng59 - Check my Log for the environment variables, but also will copy them here. Some of my settings may be out of date because I set it up years ago, but it does work. Check https://github.com/binhex/arch-sabnzbdvpn for the latest settings.


Set up these environment variables via your docker config, change the few to fit your :


    -e VPN_ENABLED=yes \
    -e VPN_USER=<vpn username> \
    -e VPN_PASS=<vpn password> \
    -e VPN_PROV=custom \
    -e VPN_CLIENT=openvpn \
    -e VPN_OPTIONS=<additional openvpn cli options> \
    -e ENABLE_PRIVOXY=yes \
    -e LAN_NETWORK=<lan ipv4 network>/<cidr notation> \
    -e NAME_SERVERS=,,,,, \
    -e DEBUG=true \


Copy the OpenVPN config files into the appdata folder:  appdata/binhex-sabnzbdvpn/openvpn.  There should be 3 of them:

  1. credentials.conf (with your VPN username and password)
  2. the single .ovpn config file that you want to use
  3. vpn.crt with the public key (I found it on the Privado Support pages)

Side note: Privado now has Socks5 support, so you can directly connect using Radarr and Sonarr, but SABNZBD still does not have it, so you will still need a VPN solution like this for the time being, though I do see a new feature may be coming for that.


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1 hour ago, blink515 said:

I'm having an issue with SAB VPN container with PIA Wireguard enabled.  Is this an issue on the PIA side or is my docker container hosed?


I'm having the same issue. I changed my VPN to do some testing and now wireguard won't connect again. It's either an issue with PIA or Cloudflare/DNS. I was getting some 301 errors that the token url had moved. You can change your name servers on the container to the below and it should fix the issue. You can change them back to what you had after they get whatever is going on sorted.,

Edited by Roudy
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Thanks, @mattz, @Roudy


No luck today. It refuses to work. I think the problem for me may be pin-pointed to network connection, where I can't figure out the problem. It works perfectly after disabling vpn.


7 hours ago, mattz said:

vpn.crt with the public key (I found it on the Privado Support pages)

Let me see if I can find it and try again. By the way, the log is attached.


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7 hours ago, mattz said:

Copy the OpenVPN config files into the appdata folder:  appdata/binhex-sabnzbdvpn/openvpn.  There should be 3 of them:

  1. credentials.conf (with your VPN username and password)
  2. the single .ovpn config file that you want to use
  3. vpn.crt with the public key (I found it on the Privado Support pages)

@mattz, Sorry, I failed to find vpn.crt file on its webpages. Mind giving the link. Thanks.

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22 hours ago, francishefeng59 said:

Thanks, @mattz, @Roudy


No luck today. It refuses to work. I think the problem for me may be pin-pointed to network connection, where I can't figure out the problem. It works perfectly after disabling vpn.


Let me see if I can find it and try again. By the way, the log is attached.

supervisord.log 23.39 kB · 1 download


It is definitely a VPN issue. Did you update the .ovpn files as I posted above? You should delete everything but the .ovpn file in the openvpn folder of your container. I didn't need anything but the .ovpn file.

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