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[Support] Djoss - CloudBerry Backup

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On 11/22/2017 at 3:13 PM, ritalin said:

Hey Djoss. 

Im running into an issue with this docker and have a question about its usage. 

First the problem. If I attempt to stop a backup that is in progress from inside of the Cloudberry UI, the docker hangs. All attempts to stop or restart the docker from the UnRaid UI fail. Restarting the UnRaid server during this hang, ends up hanging the UnRaid UI. Not really sure what is going on with that. 
Oddly enough if I delete a running backup instance inside of the Cloudberry UI it does not cause a hang. 

As to the usage issues I am having, I just wanted to ask if its possible to simply backup files alone. 
I am coming from a Rclone backup instance that went crazy and started creating duplicates all over the place. I was hoping to setup something similar to Rclone Sync in Cloudberry.
I have the docker set to have access to /mnt/. I need to do this method because I am backing up to Google Drive, which is mounted to my system under /mnt/disks/Google.

So the first problem is that when the backup runs, it is putting everything on the Google drive under the following directory
My Drive/ServerMedia/CBB_Servername/Storage/user/media/...
My Rclone backup was saving everything to My Drive/ServerMedia/
Is there no way to remove the CBB_Servername subfolder?
Is there no way to avoid it backing up the entire path from /storage to /media?
This is not a big issue, I can make it work by simply moving all of the existing files to this new sub directory. It just seems unnecessary to have the entire path created. 

The bigger issue is that for every file it backs up, it creates two additional sub-folders. One is a folder with the filename, and the second under it is a date. 
Lets say the the files Im backing up are located in .../ABC/test.srt
When it backs up the actual is then located in .../ABC/test.srt/11222017/test.srt
Is there no way around this? Can I not simply backup the files in their directory as they are?

How are you getting cloudberry to backup to google drive? I thought it was unsupported?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi All,

Still fairly new to cloudberry.  Was running it for a while with a test dataset.  Backing up to a second unraid server I have (mounting the backup destination as directory on target).  All has been working well.  Just bumped up the backup size to include most of my primary unraid and it failed as attached.  Is there a limit even if not using public cloud based storage?  What would I need to do to fix this?  (as an aside the backup with all the new files worked, it was the next one that failed)


I tried searching this error but could find no mention anywhere.  

Also tried to find logs.  Here are my settings but I couldn't find a cloudberry directory in apps.


/storage  /mnt/user
/flash  /boot
/destbackup  /mnt/disks/TOWER2_Towerbackup/
/config  /mnt/user/apps/






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22 minutes ago, howardis said:

Hi All,

Still fairly new to cloudberry.  Was running it for a while with a test dataset.  Backing up to a second unraid server I have (mounting the backup destination as directory on target).  All has been working well.  Just bumped up the backup size to include most of my primary unraid and it failed as attached.  Is there a limit even if not using public cloud based storage?  What would I need to do to fix this?  (as an aside the backup with all the new files worked, it was the next one that failed)


I tried searching this error but could find no mention anywhere.  

Also tried to find logs.  Here are my settings but I couldn't find a cloudberry directory in apps.


/storage  /mnt/user
/flash  /boot
/destbackup  /mnt/disks/TOWER2_Towerbackup/
/config  /mnt/user/apps/







It is saying that you reached the limit of the free edition.  The free edition can manage a maximum of 200GB.  You need to buy a license if you have more data.  See the bottom of the following page for the differents available editions:





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Thanks djoss. I thought that may be a limit for public storage which makes no sense since this version doesn’t include that.  However, I was backing up 290gb for maybe 6 weeks then bumped it to just shy of 1tb until this week (you can see my plan is from nov). They worked fine.  Guess I’ll buy a license, but want to make sure that’s the issue. Thanks again.

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I am having some trouble making a backup to a USB drive, as a File system destination.


  • Target is a XFS formatted USB HDD attached to my Unraid 6.41
  • I am using the Unassigned devices app to mount it as /mnt/disks/Backup
  • First backup went fine, but getting errors on subsequent backups.
  • The Cloudberry error on every file is "Error on create destination path"
  • Docker has path access to the mountpoint of the USB
  • Drive appears to be mounting as RW
  • Mar 3 16:25:57 Galactus unassigned.devices: Adding disk '/dev/sdb1'...
    Mar 3 16:25:57 Galactus unassigned.devices: Mount drive command: /sbin/mount -t xfs -o rw,noatime,nodiratime '/dev/sdb1' '/mnt/disks/Backup'
    Mar 3 16:25:57 Galactus kernel: XFS (sdb1): Mounting V5 Filesystem
    Mar 3 16:25:57 Galactus kernel: XFS (sdb1): Ending clean mount
    Mar 3 16:25:57 Galactus unassigned.devices: Successfully mounted '/dev/sdb1' on '/mnt/disks/Backup'.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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24 minutes ago, trurl said:


Already tried that :). I had another play, and noticed this.


Inside the docker, I can browse my backup folders and in all I can use file explorer to create a new folder. But the one thats failing the backups, seems to have the wrong permission, I can't create subfolders. I think somehow the permissions are screwed on my USB drive.


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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm having an issue restoring files to their original location or anywhere else except the Docker's config directory.  I'm sure this is a permissions issue.  The message in the History log says:  "Error on create destination file, message: Read-only file system"


My unRAID server is joined to an Active Directory domain so that may be complicating things.  


I'm thinking I need to do something with the 'User ID' and 'Group ID' settings for the Docker but I'm not sure what.

I've tried the defaults of uid=99(nobody) gid=100(users).

I've tried uid=0(root) gid=0(root)

I've also tried the uid and gid for the AD user who owns and has full control on the share all the files in it.


Any ideas?

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2 hours ago, alfi33 said:

I'm having an issue restoring files to their original location or anywhere else except the Docker's config directory.  I'm sure this is a permissions issue.  The message in the History log says:  "Error on create destination file, message: Read-only file system"


My unRAID server is joined to an Active Directory domain so that may be complicating things.  


I'm thinking I need to do something with the 'User ID' and 'Group ID' settings for the Docker but I'm not sure what.

I've tried the defaults of uid=99(nobody) gid=100(users).

I've tried uid=0(root) gid=0(root)

I've also tried the uid and gid for the AD user who owns and has full control on the share all the files in it.


Any ideas?

No need to change the User/Group IDs.  By default, the mapping of "/storage" is read-only.  You need to change that: Edit the container settings, toggle the advanced view, edit the "Storage" setting and then change the "Access mode" to Read/Write.

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9 minutes ago, Djoss said:

No need to change the User/Group IDs.  By default, the mapping of "/storage" is read-only.  You need to change that: Edit the container settings, toggle the advanced view, edit the "Storage" setting and then change the "Access mode" to Read/Write.


Ah, that was easy!  Thanks for the help!

Edited by alfi33
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Hi Djoss,


Been using this and it works great, now it is time to purchase a licence.


Cannot get the new licence to activate as it is reporting that the key is "generated for another product". Touched base with CloudBerry and they report that the version is too old.


Can this be fixed, or is there something on my end to update CloudBerry?


Thanks again. :) 

Edited by damienp
remove broken link to screenshot.
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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I've installed this, and its running.


In the web gui, when i select files to backup, i see this:








The first folder opens t the docker, where i can select /storage/ ..., flash is the boot drive, the last 3 are empty.

Why is this displayed like this?

I've left the template unmodified.



Edited by jj_uk
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11 hours ago, jj_uk said:

I've installed this, and its running.


In the web gui, when i select files to backup, i see this:








The first folder opens t the docker, where i can select /storage/ ..., flash is the boot drive, the last 3 are empty.

Why is this displayed like this?

I've left the template unmodified.



Yeah this is an issue in CloudBerry software.  The interface tries to display all mounts, even the ones which are files.  I already reported the issue, but it seems to be a low priority one.

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16 minutes ago, jj_uk said:

I've changed the flash mount point to (container) /mnt/bootdisk but it still shows /flash/. The template seems to be ignoring my mapping of data into the container. Can you just quickly try this to see if its just me, please?

Can you post a screenshot of this setting?

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15 minutes ago, etsi said:

Why it fails with some files due to permissions? I can't make a full 100% working backup. I can read  all the files from a share or from terminal.

What are the permissions and owner of those files?

ls -l /path/to/the/file


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