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[Support] Djoss - FileBot

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9 hours ago, InfInIty said:

Here is a better error message out of the filebot docker log


[amc] Argument[1]: File does not exist: discord=https:/discordapp.com/api/webhooks/jl;sdkmfaoivoiawejnfoiajnef


last part of that URL removed for privacy reasons.

Did you put '--def' before?

--def discord=https:/discordapp.com/api/webhooks/jl;sdkmfaoivoiawejnfoiajnef


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Hi, may a question if there is a chance to get a postprocessing script call ?


sample usage here, i used to call plex and emby library refresh after move ...


and may a question to the filebot experts here, my tests went fine exept i had some anime hits instead movie ... sample, angel has fallen ...


as i dont use any anime may someone has a hint howto disable anime or force tv/movie/music.


for any tipps, thanks ahead

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Thanks for this docker. Just shifted over from previous old install of Filebot.


Compared to the old docker, the Log for the docker would show the AMC running and what it had done, is there an easy way to see when its process something without having to load the GUI?



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On 12/2/2019 at 2:06 AM, alturismo said:

Hi, may a question if there is a chance to get a postprocessing script call ?


sample usage here, i used to call plex and emby library refresh after move ...


and may a question to the filebot experts here, my tests went fine exept i had some anime hits instead movie ... sample, angel has fallen ...


as i dont use any anime may someone has a hint howto disable anime or force tv/movie/music.


for any tipps, thanks ahead

I know you can force a single category with "--def ut_label=", but I didn't find a way to ignore a single category or enable certain ones...

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43 minutes ago, xoddoza said:

Thanks for this docker. Just shifted over from previous old install of Filebot.


Compared to the old docker, the Log for the docker would show the AMC running and what it had done, is there an easy way to see when its process something without having to load the GUI?



The container's log should show you what the AMC script is doing.  Isn't the case?

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5 hours ago, Djoss said:

I know you can force a single category with "--def ut_label=", but I didn't find a way to ignore a single category or enable certain ones...

thanks for the info, i can confirm it is like that, no way to disable 1 category.


note from the filebot dev, latest current beta has better detection therefore, so i wait ;)


thanks for this nice docker

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I came from the old Filebot Docker and there was a "SETTLE_DURATION=" option in the filebot.conf. Is it possible to insert this? I don´t know how, because there is no filebot.conf in this Docker. The "MAX_WAIT_TIME" and "MIN_PERIOD" are in the Docker Options but no "SETTLE_DURATION".

I attached a screenshot from the old filebot.conf. 

filebot conf screen.PNG

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13 hours ago, MX-Hero said:


I came from the old Filebot Docker and there was a "SETTLE_DURATION=" option in the filebot.conf. Is it possible to insert this? I don´t know how, because there is no filebot.conf in this Docker. The "MAX_WAIT_TIME" and "MIN_PERIOD" are in the Docker Options but no "SETTLE_DURATION".

I attached a screenshot from the old filebot.conf. 

filebot conf screen.PNG

I think you are looking for "Automated Media Center: Input Stable Time" in container's settings.

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On 12/1/2019 at 7:15 PM, Djoss said:

Did you put '--def' before?

--def discord=https:/discordapp.com/api/webhooks/jl;sdkmfaoivoiawejnfoiajnef


I did that, the errors are gone in the log, but nothing sent to the discord channel for the webhook.  I will double check that the URL is correct.

Now in the log it just says parameter discord = the last 2 sections of the webhook.  it stripped out the https://discord.gg/api/webhooks or whatever comes before it.

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1 hour ago, InfInIty said:

I did that, the errors are gone in the log, but nothing sent to the discord channel for the webhook.  I will double check that the URL is correct.

Now in the log it just says parameter discord = the last 2 sections of the webhook.  it stripped out the https://discord.gg/api/webhooks or whatever comes before it.

Can you try to put the second param between singe quotes:

--def 'discord=https:/discordapp.com/api/webhooks/jl;sdkmfaoivoiawejnfoiajnef'


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10 hours ago, Djoss said:

I think you are looking for "Automated Media Center: Input Stable Time" in container's settings.

Hey Djoss,

no, i don´t looking for that. It´s not the same. I have configured 30 seconds for "Automated Media Center: Input Stable Time". So the script checks every 30 seconds if there are running operations inside the folder. if a download or copy takes about 30 minutes, the log file is full of "chicking - there are operations - wait 30 seconds - checking - there are operations - wait 30 seconds - checking - .... and so on.

The "SETTLE_DURATION=" monitor the folder permanently. It detects a change inside the folder and wait so long if there are no operation or changes for 30 seconds, then the amc will start.

So the main difference between these two are: The Input Stable Timer detect a change, wait for x seconds and try again. The Settle_Duration detect a change and wait till there a no more changes for x seconds.

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14 hours ago, MX-Hero said:

Hey Djoss,

no, i don´t looking for that. It´s not the same. I have configured 30 seconds for "Automated Media Center: Input Stable Time". So the script checks every 30 seconds if there are running operations inside the folder. if a download or copy takes about 30 minutes, the log file is full of "chicking - there are operations - wait 30 seconds - checking - there are operations - wait 30 seconds - checking - .... and so on.

The "SETTLE_DURATION=" monitor the folder permanently. It detects a change inside the folder and wait so long if there are no operation or changes for 30 seconds, then the amc will start.

So the main difference between these two are: The Input Stable Timer detect a change, wait for x seconds and try again. The Settle_Duration detect a change and wait till there a no more changes for x seconds.

So what you are saying is that with this container, it will wait for the configured "input stable time" even if change occur before the end of the period, while with the other container, the period will end sooner if a change is detected.  Am I correct?

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On 12/2/2019 at 8:06 AM, alturismo said:

Hi, may a question if there is a chance to get a postprocessing script call ?


sample usage here, i used to call plex and emby library refresh after move ...


for any tipps, thanks ahead

Hi, i came now accross howto call a script from amc


in the custom options i added the following


-exec /config/postprocess.sh


this will exec the script then, now, as curl is not installed i can bypass by using docker shell and do apk add curl.


question now if it aint too much effort to keep this persistent, either possible to add curl or add sudo or add filebot user as root ?

(apk add in script then cause filebot amc is not running as root)


thanks ahead for may taking a look

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9 hours ago, alturismo said:

Hi, i came now accross howto call a script from amc


in the custom options i added the following


-exec /config/postprocess.sh


this will exec the script then, now, as curl is not installed i can bypass by using docker shell and do apk add curl.


question now if it aint too much effort to keep this persistent, either possible to add curl or add sudo or add filebot user as root ?

(apk add in script then cause filebot amc is not running as root)


thanks ahead for may taking a look

If you update the container to the latest image, you will have a new setting "Automated Media Center: Install Packages" that allows you to set a list of packages to be installed. :)

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Hi guys, 

I'm sorry if this is a stupid question. I'm completely new to Unraid and filebot. 

I downloaded filebot yesterday on my Unraid setup. but it won't rename my video files. I figured out where the logs are. and it says


"FileBot requires a valid license. Please run `sudo -H -u app filebot --license *.psm` to install your FileBot license.
Bad License (>_<)"


I then bought a license for 1 year to test with. but I can't seem to figure out where to activate it, even through the console of the container.

Can anyone help me with what I'm doing wrong?

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2 hours ago, Vitor Ventura said:

Hello there,


Is there any way to change the output?

Let me, explain.

Instead of creating "Tv Shows/Mr. Robot/ Season 4" folders, just copy the file to the output folder.

This "/output/TV Shows/Mr. Robot/Season 04/Mr. Robot - S04E10 - 410 Gone.mkv" to this "/output/Mr. Robot - S04E10 - 410 Gone.mkv"





Replace {plex} with {plex.name}.





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On 12/8/2019 at 7:32 PM, Djoss said:

If you update the container to the latest image, you will have a new setting "Automated Media Center: Install Packages" that allows you to set a list of packages to be installed. :)

Hi, last question about this point ;)


to keep the docker console really untouched, may possible to add a /custom subfolder as suggestion with a chmod +x /custom/*

so the files will be executeable without docker exec ... or chmod inside the docker shell, just as suggestion.


2nd point, possibility to add beta version support by varable (dl link), seems in times like this where tvdb etc are updating like hell and devs

making changes in beta branches it could be helpful .. current sample from filebot discord channel, just as suggestion ;)




thanks again for this nice docker ;)

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On 12/10/2019 at 1:00 PM, alturismo said:

to keep the docker console really untouched, may possible to add a /custom subfolder as suggestion with a chmod +x /custom/*

so the files will be executeable without docker exec ... or chmod inside the docker shell, just as suggestion.

You mean to store your custom scripts?  You can do it without having to log to the container.  For example, you could copy your script to "/mnt/user/appdata/FileBot/custom/" and make it executable from unRAID with "chmod +x /mnt/user/appdata/FileBot/custom/*"

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On 12/10/2019 at 1:00 PM, alturismo said:

2nd point, possibility to add beta version support by varable (dl link), seems in times like this where tvdb etc are updating like hell and devs

making changes in beta branches it could be helpful .. current sample from filebot discord channel, just as suggestion

Thanks for the suggestion.  I will have a look at this, but we need to keep in mind that a different FileBot version may have different requirements that would not be met without a new container image.  In other words, there is no guarantee that a beta versions would work.

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10 hours ago, Djoss said:

You mean to store your custom scripts?  You can do it without having to log to the container.  For example, you could copy your script to "/mnt/user/appdata/FileBot/custom/" and make it executable from unRAID with "chmod +x /mnt/user/appdata/FileBot/custom/*"

ok, ill check this again on next update, im pretty sure i had to redo chmod +x after your update with the custom apk add function, may i missed something.


10 hours ago, Djoss said:

Thanks for the suggestion.  I will have a look at this, but we need to keep in mind that a different FileBot version may have different requirements that would not be met without a new container image.  In other words, there is no guarantee that a beta versions would work.

aggee, thats why i suggested optional, looks like theres also always only 1 release in /beta so fetching wouldnt be too hard i guess.

## edit

i guess you are right, as when i read about it also different jave versions may needed ... so makes it really more complicated, sorry.


and thanks again

Edited by alturismo
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