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[Support] ich777 - Gameserver Dockers

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21 minutes ago, ich777 said:

With that little information not really.


Please provide a screenshot from your container template. Please also check the paths in the template if they are all set correctly. Do you have any AdBlocking on your network like PiHole or AdGuard, do you have any special firewall rules in place?


The error basically tells you that the container can't find the game executable.

Thanks for the super quick reply. Here is the template. I don't have any adblocking setup, and no special firewall rules either. I didn't change any paths in the template, so maybe that's my issue. Just curious as to why it can't find the exe. 

Thanks again ich777!


Icarus template.png

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40 minutes ago, mrvoid said:

I didn't change any paths in the template, so maybe that's my issue.

Please change it to a path which actually exists on your system and make sure it points to the direct disk like: /mnt/cache/appdata/icarus' and not the /mnt/user/appdata/icarus

Make also sure that you have set this share (in the above example appdata) to stay on the specified driver (in the above example cache).

You have to change of course the name cache to whatever disk/pool the directory is located and also maybe the share itself if you have it located in another place.


Hope that helps and makes sense. :)

BTW I just tried it on my server and it is working as it should.

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1 hour ago, d_buster said:

Super noob question but I just had my client update but no available update on the server. How do I force an update on my docker server to match my client version?


dayz connection.PNG

I have the same client as your server. Could you please tell me what number you have in the "game id"?


I have the game id 1042420


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This is the second time this has happened to me, just that last time it fixed itself somehow.


I believe the issue is that the client and server do not update to the same version at the same time, or else this error would never come up. Just need to figure out how to force the one that's older to update, this is the help that I'm searching for.


For your client update, I would restart Steam and see if that forces an update on the experimental game image (This is just something I would try, not sure if this is the actual solution).

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9 hours ago, d_buster said:

How do I force an update on my docker server to match my client version?

Set validation to true (but please remove true after it finished updating since it will slow down the container start and force a validation on each container start):



If that doesn't help, try to create a second instance on your server (stop the first installation in the first place) by pulling a fresh copy from the CA App and giving it a different name and ServerFiles path in the second instance and see if that helps.


7 hours ago, Garikoitz said:

I have the same client as your server. Could you please tell me what number you have in the "game id"?

This is most certainly an issue with SteamCMD itself, I see this from time to time for a few users but I don't know what causes that because I haven't been able to reproduce it yet.


Do you maybe have LANCache installed or something similar?


Please try what I've wrote in the first paragraph.



Both of you could also try to set the container to experimental and enable validation <- this is necessary if you switch branches and then set it back to default, of course with validation enabled.



May I also ask where are both of you are located in the world?

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Hace 10 horas, ich777 dijo:

Establezca la validación en verdadero (pero elimine verdadero después de que termine de actualizarse, ya que ralentizará el inicio del contenedor y forzará una validación en cada inicio del contenedor):



Si eso no ayuda, intente crear una segunda instancia en su servidor (detenga la primera instalación en primer lugar) extrayendo una copia nueva de la CA App y dándole un nombre diferente y una ruta de ServerFiles en la segunda instancia y vea si eso ayuda


Sin duda, este es un problema con SteamCMD en sí mismo, lo veo de vez en cuando para algunos usuarios, pero no sé qué lo causa porque aún no he podido reproducirlo.


¿Quizás tienes instalado LANCache o algo similar?


Por favor, intente lo que he escrito en el primer párrafo.



Ambos también podrían intentar establecer el contenedor en experimental y habilitar la validación <- esto es necesario si cambia de rama y luego lo vuelve a configurar por defecto, por supuesto con la validación habilitada.



¿Puedo preguntar también dónde se encuentran ambos en el mundo?

I live in Bilbao, in the north of Spain. Thanks, I'll try and see but I think I've already tried all that, I'll do it again to see if it works. and I don't have a lan cache. greetings

Edited by Garikoitz
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33 minutes ago, Garikoitz said:

To confirm, with this docker you can play the normal version of the game, right?



Sure, but you can also install the experimental branch and vice versa if you want too (described in the variable from the GAME_ID in the template).


Please don't get me wrong but the container is working fine so far and I'm currently have only two reports about pulling the wrong version from what I think is a SteamCMD issue.

Have you yet tried the solutions from above?

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5 minutes ago, ich777 said:



Claro, pero también puede instalar la rama experimental y viceversa si lo desea (descrito en la variable de GAME_ID en la plantilla).


No me malinterpreten, pero el contenedor funciona bien hasta ahora y actualmente solo tengo dos informes sobre la extracción de la versión incorrecta de lo que creo que es un problema de SteamCMD.

¿Ya has probado las soluciones de arriba?

It won't let me install a second instance, although I've already deleted the container and both folders, dayz and steamcmd, and then I've reinstalled but it does the same

Captura de pantalla 2023-08-21 202757.jpg

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Just now, Garikoitz said:

It won't let me install a second instance, although I've already deleted the container and both folders, dayz and steamcmd, and then I've reinstalled but it does the same

Go to the CA App tab, click on settings on the left hand menu in CA, select Allow installation from second instance and click Apply.


With that you can install more instances from one template.

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6 minutes ago, Garikoitz said:

by default is how it gives me the error

Please describe what you want to do exactly. The Sub ID is nothing you can install because it is covered by the App ID.


Please take a deeper look into how it works here.

You can only download manifests, hope that makes sense.

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7 minutes ago, ich777 said:

Por favor, describa lo que quiere hacer exactamente. El Sub ID no es nada que pueda instalar porque está cubierto por el ID de la aplicación.


Por favor, eche un vistazo más profundo a cómo funciona aquí .

Solo puede descargar manifiestos, espero que tenga sentido.

What I want to do is create a server with the official version of dayz, not a beta. and when they update the game so does the server. Ok, I'll look at the link you gave me. thank you

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11 minutes ago, Garikoitz said:

That tutorial is for steamcmd, but I don't have access to docker's steamcmd

My container uses steamcmd to download the dedicated server, basically everything that you put in the GAME_ID variable will be appended.


What command do you need to run?


EDIT: Please do not do anything from the Docker command line...

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1 minute ago, Garikoitz said:

I only need the official version of the game to be downloaded instead of the experimental one, nothing more. now there is version 1.21 but the server is downloading 1.22

Please give me the command that you try to run with steamcmd from the tutorial above and I can give you where to put what.


I would also ask the developers why the Linux dedicated server version does not match the game version... :D

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