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[Support] ich777 - Gameserver Dockers

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Has anyone gotten CS2 server.cfg to work? I've tried modifying it directly, but it seems to be overwritten when the container is restarted. I followed server_default.cfg over to gameinfo.gi in csgo_core but that seems to be getting overwritten as well. I'm not seeing anything in the docker container that mentions how to set this up.


Currently trying to name the server, set a password for it, and make it public.


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59 minutes ago, eff said:

but it seems to be overwritten when the container is restarted.

Have you enabled Validate? If yes, disable it.


59 minutes ago, eff said:

I'm not seeing anything in the docker container that mentions how to set this up.

Because that's up to you, I can't answer all questions especially customizing your server.

Please also note that I've marked the container as BETA because there is no official statement on private servers from Valve currently for CS2 (strictly speaking currently you even don't need a token for CS2 private servers because they are simply not ready).

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1 hour ago, ich777 said:
2 hours ago, eff said:

but it seems to be overwritten when the container is restarted.



ah looks like the Validate to "true" was causing it to overwrite the files. After removing this server.cfg files is working fine. Thanks!


now I just need to figure out how to get the console commands to work on the server

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5 hours ago, Duckers said:

Server downloaded a non existing game version? How do i set it to think it's the version it actually is?

What are your current settings? Do you habe Valheim+ or BepInEx enabled?


5 hours ago, Duckers said:

the server thinks it's version 1.0.217, while the client is the latest 0.12.17 

Is this a mod? If yes try to disable it entirely and test again.

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On 9/30/2023 at 5:58 PM, ich777 said:

@FailX & @Mainfrezzer the container will be available in the next few hours in the CA App.


Please note that this container needs a Steam account provided with SteamGuard completely disabled!

It is recommended that you create dedicated Steam account for your dedicated servers with the games in it and SteamGuard completely disabled!


Just wanted to say thanks, I got this running after a lot of fiddling around on the 28th, but nice to have the updates working again so I can remove my terrible hacks :D

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1 hour ago, Soz said:

but nice to have the updates working again so I can remove my terrible hacks :D

Just let me know when a new game comes out next time so you don‘t have to hack the container, I‘m not always up to date what is released when and I try to create a container if I have the game in my library.

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Hi, anyone able to highlight what I'm dong wrong? 


I can get the CS:Source server example on the main page, https://hub.docker.com/r/ich777/steamcmd, to run and can connect to it. 

But when I try to run a CoreKeeper or Space Engineers server I find in the log they get stuck at this...



Success! App '298740' fully installed.
---Prepare Server---
---Server ready---
---Start Server---
/opt/scripts/start-server.sh: line 68: /serverdata/serverfiles/srcds_run: No such file or directory

This is an example of the Core Keeper docker run command I tried



docker run -d --name=corekeeper \
    -p 27015:27015 -p 27015:27015/udp \
    --env 'GAME_NAME=Core Keeper Dedicated Server' \
    --env 'GAME_ID=1963720' \
    --env 'GAME_PORT=27015' \
    --env 'UID=99' \
    --env 'GID=100' \
    --volume /mnt/nVME/steam/steamcmd:/serverdata/steamcmd \
    --volume /mnt/nVME/steam/corekeeper:/serverdata/serverfiles \


Am I miss understanding something obvious about the layers for a specific tag (i.e. which are required and which are not)?



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1 hour ago, Noebzz said:

Space Engineers

This game was designed without Linux in mind and won't work on Linux.


1 hour ago, Noebzz said:

This is an example of the Core Keeper docker run command I tried

There is a different branch available in my repository for CoreKeeper: Click

This is mainly caused because it needs other start parameters and the application is located else where.


I'm assuming you don't use Unraid correct? If you are using Unraid I have for each branch a template in the CA App for easy installation on Unraid.


In every branch there should be a run example for each game, hope that helps.

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Someone on the Official Valheim Discord actually found the issue for you:



I have no idea why but I looked at that docker code - it's because it is trying to download 5.4.22 but the actual version number in the download URL is 5.4.2200
[...]and is parsing the HTML on the thunderstore page's changelog instead of using the thunderstore API


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1 hour ago, Bjurran said:

Someone on the Official Valheim Discord actually found the issue for you:



Just did some tinkering and if you set your game to Beta -> default_old and in the Docker Container the GAME_ID to "896660 -beta default_old" (wothout qoutes) it will work on the old Version and Valheim_Plus or Bepinex have time to update the Mod

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Quick question, I tried to download the valheim app for unraid, followed all the steps and for some reason when it finishes loading the server, it gives problems. The assigned ip along with the default channel port ranges show up normally within the container info, but when I click "docker allocations" at the end of the page the port list being used by the app is set to "???" what could cause this problem? any help is appreciated thanks =]Capture.PNG.2731b25f7e4e4b76b9eaa6ec77d0e234.PNG

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2 hours ago, Lazlo192 said:

but when I click "docker allocations" at the end of the page the port list being used by the app is set to "???" what could cause this problem?

This is caused because you‘ve assigned a static IP to the container and therefore the port mapping that you see in the container template is not valid anymore because if you assign a static IP to a Docker container it behaves like it is a local computer on your network where all ports are exposed and you don‘t have to do a port forwarding anymore in the template because as said all ports are open.

But that doesn‘t change how the container is working and the default ports are still reachable.


May I ask why you assign a static IP, it is for most game servers overkill and not necessary to do that.

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Bit of a long shot but here goes - I'm having a bit of an issue whereby when I set up a 7 Days To Die server using the container, my friends can see and join it without issue but for some reason it simply won't show up in my server list!?!?


I have had some success by joining via the IP connect option but then encounter problems where I drop through the map randomly, usually when getting off a minibike!


This used to work perfectly and I have no idea what, if anything, I've done to make it not work!?!?


Does anyone have any ideas??

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20 minutes ago, stevep94 said:

my friends can see and join it without issue but for some reason it simply won't show up in my server list!?!?

Most likely Hair pin NAT is not working correctly.


Have you yet tried to connect with your local IP?


This seems more like a client issue if you have issues that you describe here, are you sure all your game files are valid?


21 minutes ago, stevep94 said:

Does anyone have any ideas??

Are you yet on @Spectral Force‘s Discord server? He helps me out with 7DtD but I assume that either your NAT is not working properly internally or you client has some kind of issue.

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Hello again, ich777. Thank you for your continued hard work and support on all of your game servers!

I am just dropping by with a quick question. I am looking into setting world modifiers on my Valheim server (difficulty, etc...). I am having a hard time figuring out how to accomplish this. The server manual says to change values in a batch file or the start_server.sh file. Neither seem to be an option for this docker server instance. Would this be something we put in the game params field? If so, what is the proper format for setting multiple world modifiers?

Thanks in advance.

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55 minutes ago, Beng8686 said:

Thanks in advance.

Which values are we talking about? Do you have any examples?


If it is for example: -crossplay or similar it belongs in the GAME_PARAMS


However, I didn't know that you can change the difficulty and other settings... :D


EDIT: I now see it, if you are talking about:

-preset hard

for example it belongs in the GAME_PARAMS

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1 hour ago, PPurEEviLL said:

Where would one go about adding mods to the Astroneer server ? I have tried adding them all over the place the server never picks up on it being added.

Sorry but I'm not familiar with mods and Astroneer, please keep in mind modding is always up to the user because I can't know how every mod is working.


However in general you have to put it in the same location as you would do on a regular bare metal Astroneer server and configure it the same as on bare metal.


Do you have by any chance validation installed? If yes, please disable it since this can also cause trouble <- only use validation if a update from the dedicated server is not working as expected.

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