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[Support] ich777 - Gameserver Dockers

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Is Battlefield 2 an option?  The source files for a dedicated linux server are readily availble (I am running a server in a Docker container right now) but I wasn't sure of the legality.  The place where I downloaded the source from has these disclaimers:



Release notes: Battlefield 2 free dedicated Linux server
Battlefield 2 is a registered trademark of Digital Illusions CE AB.
(c) 2000-2005 Digital Illusions CE AB



Licensing information

The Battlefield 2 server is linked with the GNU C and C++ libraries which
are under the LGPL license. By linking dynamically we ensure that you as a
user can use this software with other versions of these libraries.

A statically linked binary also linked with these libraries is supplied purely
for convenience should you not be able to run the dynamically linked binary.

The LGPL license text is included with this release and can be found on the
web at http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html.

Please note that the Battlefield 2 dedicated server itself is not covered
by the LGPL license.


If this all looks good, I can certainly help with getting this stood up but I wold love @ich777 to officially own it.  :)



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13 minutes ago, johnodon said:

Is Battlefield 2 an option?  The source files for a dedicated linux server are readily availble (I am running a server in a Docker container right now) but I wasn't sure of the legality.  The place where I downloaded the source from has these disclaimers:




If this all looks good, I can certainly help with getting this stood up but I wold love @ich777 to officially own it.  :)



I can make such a docker if the download link is provided as plain text, if it needs a captcha or is redirected to another site where further steps are required it's not possible since this is not in my mind, i want to make dockers that are easy to use and not require any steps for the installation (except for the FiveM server, at the beginning it all works fine but then they changed their server download site so that you must solve a captcha and you must palce it manually in the docker directory).

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On 9/9/2019 at 4:37 PM, ich777 said:

This is a game specific question and it should be asked on the factorio forums but i attched a screenshot of my config (i've configured mine only for lan play but it should be mostly the same.



I appreciate it, I bet it's the quotes. I'll give it a shot when I'm within VPN range.

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3 hours ago, ich777 said:

I can make such a docker if the download link is provided as plain text, if it needs a captcha or is redirected to another site where further steps are required it's not possible since this is not in my mind, i want to make dockers that are easy to use and not require any steps for the installation (except for the FiveM server, at the beginning it all works fine but then they changed their server download site so that you must solve a captcha and you must palce it manually in the docker directory).



I'll PM you with what I have done so far.  The real trick (whihc I probably would have never figured out) is to use 'expect' and 'spawn' to run the shell script as it asks to accept the EULA for both BF2 and PunkBuster. 


Both BF2 server source files and BF2HUB installer are direct links (2nd is not required unless you want to host a ranked or unranked server on BF2HUB).  BF2CC would be nice also (for admin) but requires mono and modmanger installed (both direct DLs also) and I just haven't messed with it yet.



Edited by johnodon
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2 hours ago, Malus said:

any chance of a natural selection 2 server?

Totaly doable but you need a separate account for the serverfiles to download or you disable your steam guard if you enabled it (steam recommends to create a dedicated account for all your dedicated servers).

14 hours ago, johnodon said:



I'll PM you with what I have done so far.  The real trick (whihc I probably would have never figured out) is to use 'expect' and 'spawn' to run the shell script as it asks to accept the EULA for both BF2 and PunkBuster. 


Both BF2 server source files and BF2HUB installer are direct links (2nd is not required unless you want to host a ranked or unranked server on BF2HUB).  BF2CC would be nice also (for admin) but requires mono and modmanger installed (both direct DLs also) and I just haven't messed with it yet.



I will look into that also.

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UPDATE:  Apparently BF2142 requires a hacked profile to get around the initial login screen (if you don't already have an EA Games account).  The other option would be to use something like Gameranger (which I have no interest in).




As discussed over PM, Battlefield 2 Special Forces uses the same source files as BF2.  You just launch using 'start.sh +modPath mods/xpack'.


Battlefield 1942 and Battlefield 2142 server source files are also freely available.



Edited by johnodon
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Is there some sort of setting i'm missing that would make these dockers download extremely slowly? Pulling down 5-6GB for a new docker (7daystodie in this case) takes several hours. I initially thought that it was in part to the game getting set up and generating the map/etc, but setting up a fresh instance now i was looking at the logs and after nearly 2hrs it is only around 50% complete.


Im on a gigabit connection and pulling down any game from steam is typically very fast. Not sure why these downloads take so long.

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1 hour ago, JDK said:

Is there some sort of setting i'm missing that would make these dockers download extremely slowly? Pulling down 5-6GB for a new docker (7daystodie in this case) takes several hours. I initially thought that it was in part to the game getting set up and generating the map/etc, but setting up a fresh instance now i was looking at the logs and after nearly 2hrs it is only around 50% complete.


Im on a gigabit connection and pulling down any game from steam is typically very fast. Not sure why these downloads take so long.

Nope, no setting or something, should pull with full speed.

7DtD finishes on my 90Mbit connection in about 15mins or so.

Is it possible that there is another limitation, diskspeed or steam itself (please keep in mind that steamcmd works over steampipe).

Did you got any cachingservice for steam running on your network?

Edited by ich777
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13 hours ago, ich777 said:

Nope, no setting or something, should pull with full speed.

7DtD finishes on my 90Mbit connection in about 15mins or so.

Is it possible that there is another limitation, diskspeed or steam itself (please keep in mind that steamcmd works over steampipe).

Did you got any cachingservice for steam running on your network?


Im certainly not an expert at the finer unraid/linux configurations, but storage-wise i think my setup is pretty typical. appdata lives on my cache drive which is a ssd. I dont have issues with any other docker images, but i also dont have anything else nearly that size.


So now for the first time i thought to do a speedtest from the unraid terminal to see if that is fine...its not!

Testing download speed................................................................................
Download: 2.35 Mbit/s
Testing upload speed................................................................................................
Upload: 3.23 Mbit/s

I have tested the speed from several windows-based VMs in unraid, and they all reported much closer to the typical speeds i am expecting, which is closer to 800Mbps.

Ill spend some time to try and figure this out, and take it to another part of the forum if i need more help.

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7 minutes ago, JDK said:


Im certainly not an expert at the finer unraid/linux configurations, but storage-wise i think my setup is pretty typical. appdata lives on my cache drive which is a ssd. I dont have issues with any other docker images, but i also dont have anything else nearly that size.


So now for the first time i thought to do a speedtest from the unraid terminal to see if that is fine...its not!

Okay that's strange if the unraid terminal itself reported 2mbit/s and you reach your 800mbit/s within the vm's on unraid...


11 minutes ago, JDK said:

Ill spend some time to try and figure this out, and take it to another part of the forum if i need more help.

Yes this would be the best solution and i think it is some kind of network problem.


One more question, did you have more than one nic in your server and you are using one for the vm's and one for unraid?

Try also to change the network cables, often there can be an issue with one cable (i've remember i got such kind of a problem with a unraid server with two nic's and a load balance setup in the past).

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13 hours ago, ich777 said:

Okay that's strange if the unraid terminal itself reported 2mbit/s and you reach your 800mbit/s within the vm's on unraid...


Yes this would be the best solution and i think it is some kind of network problem.


One more question, did you have more than one nic in your server and you are using one for the vm's and one for unraid?

Try also to change the network cables, often there can be an issue with one cable (i've remember i got such kind of a problem with a unraid server with two nic's and a load balance setup in the past).


I figured this out: a few months ago i installed pi-hole docker and decided to just set my router's primary DNS to the pi-hole docker IP so that everything in the house is covered. Well, with unRAID set as DHCP client it picked up those DNS settings by default and the traffic was following a crazy route i guess. Once i specifically set unRAID's DNS entries, things came right back. thanks for your help!

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Has anyone had success running this for "The Forest"? I'm getting this error in the logs right now:

EntryPointNotFoundException: AttachConsole
  at (wrapper managed-to-native) Bolt.ConsoleWriter/PInvoke:AttachConsole (uint)
  at Bolt.ConsoleWriter.Open () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at CoopDedicatedBootstrap.ServerRoutine (System.String[] args) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at CoopDedicatedBootstrap.Awake () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

Earlier in the logs, I am also seeing these errors:

GfxDevice: creating device client; threaded=0
0009:err:wgl:X11DRV_wglCreateContextAttribsARB Context creation failed (error 1)
0009:err:wgl:X11DRV_wglCreateContextAttribsARB Context creation failed (error 1)
0009:err:d3d:wined3d_adapter_find_polyoffset_scale PolygonOffset scale factor detection failed, using fallback value 2^23.
0009:err:wgl:X11DRV_wglCreateContextAttribsARB Context creation failed (error 1)
0009:err:wgl:X11DRV_wglCreateContextAttribsARB Context creation failed (error 1)
0009:err:d3d:wined3d_adapter_find_polyoffset_scale PolygonOffset scale factor detection failed, using fallback value 2^23.
0009:err:wgl:X11DRV_wglCreateContextAttribsARB Context creation failed (error 1)
0009:err:wgl:X11DRV_wglCreateContextAttribsARB Context creation failed (error 1)
0009:err:d3d:wined3d_adapter_find_polyoffset_scale PolygonOffset scale factor detection failed, using fallback value 2^23.
    Version:  Direct3D 11.0 [level 10.1]
    Renderer: NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GTX (ID=0x191)
    Vendor:   NVIDIA
    VRAM:     15714 MB
    Driver:   1.0
D3D shader create error for vertex shader [0x80070057]
D3D shader create error for pixel shader [0x80070057]
D3D shader create error for vertex shader [0x80070057]
D3D shader create error for pixel shader [0x80070057]
D3D shader create error for vertex shader [0x80070057]
D3D shader create error for pixel shader [0x80070057]
D3D shader create error for vertex shader [0x80070057]
ShaderProgram is unsupported, but because jobified rendering is enabled the ShaderProgram can not be removed.

ALSA lib confmisc.c:767:(parse_card) cannot find card '0'
ALSA lib conf.c:4528:(_snd_config_evaluate) function snd_func_card_driver returned error: No such file or directory
ALSA lib confmisc.c:392:(snd_func_concat) error evaluating strings
ALSA lib conf.c:4528:(_snd_config_evaluate) function snd_func_concat returned error: No such file or directory
ALSA lib confmisc.c:1246:(snd_func_refer) error evaluating name
ALSA lib conf.c:4528:(_snd_config_evaluate) function snd_func_refer returned error: No such file or directory
ALSA lib conf.c:5007:(snd_config_expand) Evaluate error: No such file or directory
ALSA lib pcm.c:2495:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM default
ALSA lib confmisc.c:767:(parse_card) cannot find card '0'
ALSA lib conf.c:4528:(_snd_config_evaluate) function snd_func_card_driver returned error: No such file or directory
ALSA lib confmisc.c:392:(snd_func_concat) error evaluating strings
ALSA lib conf.c:4528:(_snd_config_evaluate) function snd_func_concat returned error: No such file or directory
ALSA lib confmisc.c:1246:(snd_func_refer) error evaluating name
ALSA lib conf.c:4528:(_snd_config_evaluate) function snd_func_refer returned error: No such file or directory
ALSA lib conf.c:5007:(snd_config_expand) Evaluate error: No such file or directory
ALSA lib pcm.c:2495:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM default


There's also a line near the top of the log that says: "it looks like wine32 is missing, you should install it."

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3 hours ago, nVitius said:

Has anyone had success running this for "The Forest"? I'm getting this error in the logs right now:

Yes, tried it out and it runs, there is no error that prevents the server from running and it's running fine (except for the heavy cpu und ram usage wine just sucks for this kind of application).


3 hours ago, nVitius said:

Earlier in the logs, I am also seeing these errors:

You got no display and audio output that's normal.


3 hours ago, nVitius said:

There's also a line near the top of the log that says: "it looks like wine32 is missing, you should install it."

Nope, it is installed in the docker itself, the gui is missing.

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11 hours ago, ich777 said:

Yes, tried it out and it runs, there is no error that prevents the server from running and it's running fine (except for the heavy cpu und ram usage wine just sucks for this kind of application).

Oh, you're right. I couldn't seem to connect to the serve, so I figured it just wasn't running.

The connection doesn't seem to be working from either the local network or outside. I have port forwarding set up and I have tried with both Bridge and Host network modes on the container. Aside from trying that, I haven't changed anything in the Docker config. I can't connect to any of the ports with telnet.


EDIT - I also tried giving the container a static IP. Confirmed it is showing up as a client on my router with the correct status IP. Server seems to still not be listening on any of the ports.

Edited by nVitius
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2 hours ago, nVitius said:

Oh, you're right. I couldn't seem to connect to the serve, so I figured it just wasn't running.

The connection doesn't seem to be working from either the local network or outside. I have port forwarding set up and I have tried with both Bridge and Host network modes on the container. Aside from trying that, I haven't changed anything in the Docker config. I can't connect to any of the ports with telnet.

That sounds all in all like a port forwarding issue, did you changed any of the ports? Why would you connect with telnet and on wich port did you want to connect? There is no telnet port assigned in the default configuration. No need to give it a static ip or to put it in host mode.


2 hours ago, nVitius said:

EDIT - I also tried giving the container a static IP. Confirmed it is showing up as a client on my router with the correct status IP. Server seems to still not be listening on any of the ports.

You will be only ablte to connect when the main server can reach your server so all ports must be properly forwarded and everything needs to be configured correctly otherwise it doesn't work.


You can also try if you see it in the Steam Server Browser (in Steam click on 'View' - 'Server Browser' - 'Favourites' and then add server, enter the main ip of your server and the port eg: btw try all the ports i don't know exactly wich port will answer the browser).


You can also join our Unraid Steam group and chat with the members about that problem.

Edited by ich777
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2 hours ago, n8johnson said:

I have used the 7DaysToDie docker a few times. I just reinstalled UNRAID and reinstalled the app. Now I'm not seeing the serverconfig.xml. It's not in the appdata container. Did something change?

Nope, nothing changed. Please try to reinstall the docker or validate the files.

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2 hours ago, Newtious said:

any chance of an "unturned" docker? 

Will look into that, but give me time, i don't got many spare time, i think in november or december i can make all the requested dockers


2 hours ago, Newtious said:

and could you possibly update your server list on the first place with the games that wont work well in a docker due to WINE ect? 

What did you mean exactly, they are marked as beta in the Community Applications.

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in this forum..  you keep updating a list of what dockers you made and who requested them..   on that list can you add the ones that require wine or are just not going to work well ect..  


Trying to read 20 pages of comments is brutal and searching can be a phrase specific thing but when i click on your support thread you have a list of whats available and im just asking if you can list whays not available..    making it so i can browse that list and dont ask for a life is feudal docker next month :P

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2 hours ago, Newtious said:

in this forum..  you keep updating a list of what dockers you made and who requested them..   on that list can you add the ones that require wine or are just not going to work well ect..  

That's actually a good idea, i will update the list shortly...

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