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[Support] ich777 - Gameserver Dockers

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3 hours ago, ich777 said:

Is your appdata directory on your cache drive? Please go to your Share settings for the appdata directory and check to what Use Cache is set (please set it to "Only" or "Prefer" since the container won't work when the files are spread across multiple disks).


The problem in your case is the location where the files are located, once we figure this out you can actually play on it.

Hmmmm... It is currently set to NO, but it is also greyed out so I cannot change it. I did make a change to only use Disk 1 though just now also.

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Just now, Warren Crusenberry said:

I did make a change to only use Disk 1 though just now also.

When did you made that change? Before the installation or after the installation?

If you done it after the installation please delete the container and also the directory that is created in your appdata directory for SCP and pull a fresh copy from the CA App and be sure to set the GameFiles path to '/mnt/disk1/appdata/...'.


Just now, Warren Crusenberry said:

Hmmmm... It is currently set to NO

That's also no problem but I though you had a Cache drive installed?

Eventually it's not configured properly...


The appdata directory should stay on the Cache to avoid spinning up the Array or even the Parity drive and should be set to "Only" or "Prefer".

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3 minutes ago, ich777 said:

When did you made that change? Before the installation or after the installation?

If you done it after the installation please delete the container and also the directory that is created in your appdata directory for SCP and pull a fresh copy from the CA App and be sure to set the GameFiles path to '/mnt/disk1/appdata/...'.


That's also no problem but I though you had a Cache drive installed?

Eventually it's not configured properly...


The appdata directory should stay on the Cache to avoid spinning up the Array or even the Parity drive and should be set to "Only" or "Prefer".

My SSD originally was set for Cache. But now seems at it was moved to 22 and no Cache. I am fixing that right now. Then I will set to Only or Prefer if available

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1 minute ago, Warren Crusenberry said:

Then I will set to Only or Prefer if available

Please note that if you do this, disable the entire Docker service and invoke the Mover so that it actually moves the files back to the Cache, after the mover finished everything from appdata should be back on the Cache drive and you can start up the Docker service.


I recommend to also start over with the SCP Container since you have to change the path anyways for the GameFiles to '/mnt/cache/appdata...' (CA should actually detect it if you appdata directory is located on the Cache drive).

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sry for that  ^^ i tryed first the baseports given by the docker  after that not working  i change porScreenshot_3.thumb.jpg.1b4321455830b33635eb39bf480e1f82.jpgts:)


i resettet and reinstalled the docker   but still no connection 

i checked other gameserver  they all have no incomming connection  


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19 minutes ago, Balani said:

i checked other gameserver  they all have no incomming connection  

Have you read the second recommended post, do you try it from your internal IP to connect to your external IP?


Have you tried already to connect to your local IP in the Steam Server Browser like in the 2nd recommended post?

Please note that if you connect trough the Steam Server Browser you have to use the query port so to speak GAME_PORT+1 = 2467 (if you try it with the default settings).


Have you changed anything in the template, ValheimPlus or BepInEx enabled? Is the password at least 5 characters long?


What does the log say?

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29 minutes ago, ich777 said:

Please note that if you do this, disable the entire Docker service and invoke the Mover so that it actually moves the files back to the Cache, after the mover finished everything from appdata should be back on the Cache drive and you can start up the Docker service.


I recommend to also start over with the SCP Container since you have to change the path anyways for the GameFiles to '/mnt/cache/appdata...' (CA should actually detect it if you appdata directory is located on the Cache drive).

This is literally the first thing installing on here. I just wiped the full config, formatted drives and starting scratch. The container is pulling now and yes, cache is in thee appdata path now

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8 minutes ago, Warren Crusenberry said:

This is literally the first thing installing on here. I just wiped the full config, formatted drives and starting scratch. The container is pulling now and yes, cache is in thee appdata path now

Oh, okay then you should be good to go, please report back if the server starts up and if the log says it's waiting for players like on my machine.

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13 minutes ago, ich777 said:

Have you read the second recommended post, do you try it from your internal IP to connect to your external IP?


Have you tried already to connect to your local IP in the Steam Server Browser like in the 2nd recommended post?

Please note that if you connect trough the Steam Server Browser you have to use the query port so to speak GAME_PORT+1 = 2467 (if you try it with the default settings).


Have you changed anything in the template, ValheimPlus or BepInEx enabled? Is the password at least 5 characters long?


What does the log say?



server seems to start fine


Steam Browser  no connection /   direct ip via game  no connection


not sure why the ports are shown as IPV6  i dont have it



possible broken lan? 



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1 minute ago, Balani said:

server seems to start fine

Exactly, looks all good.


1 minute ago, Balani said:

Steam Browser  no connection /   direct ip via game  no connection

Have you changed anything in the template itself?


5 minutes ago, Balani said:

Steam Browser

What IP and port are you trying to connect?

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13 minutes ago, ich777 said:

Oh, okay then you should be good to go, please report back if the server starts up and if the log says it's waiting for players like on my machine.

[09:49:33] [DEBUG_MAPGEN] Sequence of procedural level generation completed.
[09:49:34] Incoming connections will be no longer delayed.
[09:49:34] Idle mode is now available.
[09:49:34] Waiting for players...
[09:50:04] Server has entered the idle mode.
[09:55:29] Refreshed public key of central server - key hash not changed.


So it looks like it spun up! LOL, I am just not sure what to do now. I know I need to open my firewall and port forward, but other than that I have no clue.

Edited by Warren Crusenberry
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1 minute ago, ich777 said:

Exactly, looks all good.


Have you changed anything in the template itself?


What IP and port are you trying to connect?

no i not changed anything / other servers have the same issue 


i tryed my isp ip 130.180.....:2456 2457 2458 

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2 minutes ago, Balani said:

no i not changed anything / other servers have the same issue 


i tryed my isp ip 130.180.....:2456 2457 2458 

Please try to connect to your internal IP (eg: 192.168.1761:2457)


6 minutes ago, Warren Crusenberry said:

So it looks like it spun up! LOL, I am just not sure what to do now. I know I need to open my firewall and port forward, but other than that I have no clue.

Exactly, you have to portforward every port from the template in your router/firewall with the right protocol UDP/TCP to make it publicly available.


Here is a little overview what you can configure (keep in mind this is a dedicated server and doesn't have a GUI): Click

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11 minutes ago, ich777 said:

Please try to connect to your internal IP (eg: 192.168.1761:2457)


Exactly, you have to portforward every port from the template in your router/firewall with the right protocol UDP/TCP to make it publicly available.


Here is a little overview what you can configure (keep in mind this is a dedicated server and doesn't have a GUI): Click

Where is the actual config file? i see templates, but not the actual file

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1 minute ago, Warren Crusenberry said:

Where is the actual config file? i see templates, but not the actual file

You have to create it or at least copy it and rename it if there is nothing there.

Hope that makes sense, I would first try to connect through your local IP and then port forward everything and see if it works from outside and then configure the server. ;)

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6 minutes ago, Warren Crusenberry said:

I will do that. DO I just copy it into the root?

I never configured a SCP server, but I think that there must be a subfolder with cfg or scp/cfg where the setting files are.

Please search for something like "configure SCP dedicated server" and you will find much documentation on this. ;)

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31 minutes ago, ich777 said:

I never configured a SCP server, but I think that there must be a subfolder with cfg or scp/cfg where the setting files are.

Please search for something like "configure SCP dedicated server" and you will find much documentation on this. ;)

Well the port forward is working. Not really finding much on WHERE it needs to be located though. Is this considered the same as a linux server? Sorry if that is a dumb question...


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On 1/8/2020 at 1:33 AM, ich777 said:

Thank you appreciate it.

Should be doable from my quick research (not sure if there is a pure linux dedicated server but i will further investigate).

Please give me a few weeks, i've been updating all my containers with a new baseimage and clean up the code a little bit (really big task with that many containers...), that's the first thing to do on my todo list. ;)

Hey ich777, its been a while since i first requested this... completely forgot about it haha. But I know ur busy making a lot of these containers, all have worked awesome for me btw just got the valheim one set it up without a hitch. But wondering if you were able to do one for Call of duty: World at War. If you ran into any problems its no big deal. Thanks!

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Hi, @ich777,


Thanks again for all your work on the MinecraftBedrock docker.


Question: I have a world we've been running in your docker. Now some of us want to start a new world.

But we want to switch back and forth, playing World #1 some nights, World #2 on other nights.


In the Java edition this was easy. Just put a different world name in the server.properties file.

Is this possible in the Bedrock docker as well?

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On 1/28/2021 at 11:21 PM, ich777 said:

I have now updated the container, please force an update of the container on the Docker page in Unraid: grafik.png.be15b053c1645caaa6b10f236105ede5.png


You now have the ability to delete the entry 'server.cfg' from the variable 'ConfigFile' and the server will start without the server.cfg and load up the txAdmin, but keep in mi











Hello @ich777 -- First of all, thank you for all of your work! I have used several of your gameservers and almost always find what I need.


I am trying to run a FiveM server and use txAdmin. I have removed the server.cfg from the ConFig file template, I have added an additional Port to the template, and my log shows that it is listening at http://localhost:40120 but when I try to access this I am unable to connect. 

Maybe I am missing some fundamentals, I am very new to Unraid, Dockers, and Linux, but can you point me in the right direction?


Here's my log below:

---Checking if UID: 99 matches user---
---Checking if GID: 100 matches user---
---Setting umask to 000---
---Checking for optional scripts---
---No optional script found, continuing---
---Version Check---
---FiveM Version up-to-date---
---Prepare Server---
---Checking for old logs---
---Starting Server---
�[32m _______ ______
| ___\ \/ / ___| ___ _ ____ _____ _ __
| |_ \ /\___ \ / _ \ '__\ \ / / _ \ '__|
| _| / \ ___) | __/ | \ V / __/ |
|_| /_/\_\____/ \___|_| \_/ \___|_|
-------------------------------- �[93mmonitor�[32m ---�[0m

Creating script environments for _cfx_internal
Creating script environments for monitor
�[1m�[44m[txAdmin]�[49m�[22m Version 2.3.0 using data path '/serverdata/serverfiles/txData'
�]0;txAdmin: default��[1m�[44m[txAdmin]�[49m�[22m >> Starting profile default
�[1m�[42m[txAdmin:ConfigVault]�[49m�[22m Started
�[1m�[42m[txAdmin:Authenticator]�[49m�[22m Started
�[1m�[44m[txAdmin:Authenticator]�[49m�[22m ==========================================
�[1m�[44m[txAdmin:Authenticator]�[49m�[22m ==> Admins file not found.
�[1m�[44m[txAdmin:Authenticator]�[49m�[22m ==> PIN to add a master account: �[7m 5721 �[27m
�[1m�[44m[txAdmin:Authenticator]�[49m�[22m ==========================================
�[1m�[42m[txAdmin:DiscordBot]�[49m�[22m Disabled by the config file.
�[1m�[42m[txAdmin:FXRunner]�[49m�[22m Started
�[1m�[42m[txAdmin:Logger]�[49m�[22m Started
�[1m�[42m[txAdmin:Translator]�[49m�[22m Started
�[1m�[42m[txAdmin:Monitor]�[49m�[22m Started
No such command sv_licenseKey.
No such command sv_hostname.
�[1m�[42m[txAdmin:WebServer]�[49m�[22m Listening at �[7m http://localhost:40120/ �[27m
�[1m�[42m[txAdmin:WebServer]�[49m�[22m Listening at �[7m https://809c7a28-7b01-4099-b444-b369bed78e1d.users.cfx.re/ �[27m


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4 hours ago, GreatKhan19 said:

Call of duty: World at War

Yes, I've looked into this but this is not doable very easily and I've given up on this.


4 hours ago, kennelfort said:

playing World #1 some nights, World #2 on other nights.

I think the easiest way would be to create a second Container with another Name and another path to the GameFiles and leave all the other sattings as they are.

So you can switch between them, but keep in mind if you do it like that only one container can run at a time because the ports are the same.


Or you can create a second Container with the above modifications and modify the port too so that you can both servers side by side but that involves a little bit more to be done also in terms of port forwarding.


2 hours ago, Derbsgames said:

Maybe I am missing some fundamentals, I am very new to Unraid, Dockers, and Linux, but can you point me in the right direction?

You have to replace localhost with the IP from your server.

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Hi, @ich777 

I have created an Ark SE cluster with your docker and @Cyd's template and it works amazingly, most of the time. 

A while after I and my friends starts to play on the cluster, the server would disconnect all of us, and would disappear from the server browser. Whenever this happens, my home network gets messed up. Some services would still be usable (google, youtube) but most websites will not connect. For now the fix I found is to reset the DNS server in my router, after which everything will go back to normal and the Ark servers will be visible on the server browser again.

My guess is that the pings from the server browsers are overloading my modem/router, but I am not very experienced with networking.

Is there any way that I can stop my Ark servers from being pinged so much? Like setting the servers to be 'invisible' on the in-game server browser? As all my friends can join from IP directly, so I don't need them to be in the server browser.

Or, alternatively, is there any other reason that my servers are behaving like this? Any potential solutions?

System info just in case:

i9 10900k, 64GB DDR4, all servers are running on a Samsung 970 EVO SSD.
My home internet is Comcast gigabit ethernet with 1 Gig down and 35 Megabit up. Router/Modem is Nighthawk® DOCSIS® 3.1 3.2Gbps Two-in-one Cable Modem + WiFi Router. https://www.netgear.com/home/wifi/modem-routers/c7800/

Thank you!

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