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Force WebUI Tab in docker container

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I'm trying to use the fog project container and it doesn't have a webui tab, that I know I can set in the settings but it's not picking up. 



Am I Missing something?



There's no forum set for fogproject yet but I figure this shouldn't be really complicated to set manually

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Are you sure that the container has been built to expect its GUI to be exposed on port 80?  What type of networking have you set up for the container (host/bridged/custom).


If have set the networking to host have you set up any port mapping to avoid clashing with Unraid's use of Port 80 for its own GUI?

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7 minutes ago, gacpac said:

the docker works fine using port 80 and I have set it to use custom in br0. So it's not a problem at all. 

It's running fine, I'm just wondering why the WebUI option doesn't show. 

No idea then, it looks like you have done everything correctly :(


just a thought though - did you copy/paste when setting up the entry?     If so it might be worth deleting the entry and typing it in manually as copy/paste has been known to insert hidden characters which can upset things.

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I suspect its something with the build of the container itself.  Not quite sure.  It will work if you switch to bridge mode.


But, you will run into trouble though with not giving the container a static IP address on br0.  You are relying upon DHCP to always assign it the same IP, and that is not guaranteed to ever happen.

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I suspect its something with the build of the container itself.  Not quite sure.  It will work if you switch to bridge mode.
But, you will run into trouble though with not giving the container a static IP address on br0.  You are relying upon DHCP to always assign it the same IP, and that is not guaranteed to ever happen.
That's the same I'm thinking. I was able to do bridge, but then nothing on the container works. I need to remap all the ports, but docker is supposed to hit the network to image or clone computers. Not sure I can make it work but well.

I'm in for a Ride. If I get it working I'll reply back or try to message the developer.

Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk

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  • 9 months later...

im using the latest stable version 6.8.2 and this has been an issue with any docker container that has webui link

if there is a way to fix this it would be nice as having a diff ip for each docker container is nice and a simple url link getting removed is just annoying but its not a huge deal to get around

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 2/22/2020 at 3:53 PM, Squid said:

I just switched one of my containers from host to a static IP on br0 and the webUI still worked and was populated properly.


Probably would be worthwhile to post an applicable xml from /config/plugins/dockerMan/templates-user 

I'm having the same thing with the HOOBS container. If I use Bridge or Host the WebUI option shows up, as soon as I switch to br0 (which I need to do for the container to work for me) the option disappears. I'm curious if you test on that docker if you can replicate the behaviour as well or if it works as intended for you. It seems to be container specific (I have no idea why) but the WebUi doesn't disappear if I use br0 on the linuxserver plex docker as an example.


Here is an applicable XML for my HOOBS one:


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  • 9 months later...

I think I know exactly what is happening here. 

If there is no port mapping that binds from the container to host, the web ui link doesn't show.

I have a custom bridge network that doesn't require port mapping, and WEB UI link doesn't show no matter what I put in the WEBUI field.

As soon as I map even one port to host the webui appears.

It's kind of annoying, is there a way to force WEB UI link setting?

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Same issue here. Unfortunately, I can not even map ports (at least not through the GUI). I have some port mappings set, but when hitting "apply" they are not even included in the command being executed to start the container.


As soon as I use bridge networking, everything works. I need to listen for multicast packets on a specific interface though, so I need to use br2 (in my case). Unless anyone has another solution?

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On 3/18/2020 at 7:34 AM, halorrr said:

I'm having the same thing with the HOOBS container. If I use Bridge or Host the WebUI option shows up, as soon as I switch to br0 (which I need to do for the container to work for me) the option disappears. I'm curious if you test on that docker if you can replicate the behaviour as well or if it works as intended for you. It seems to be container specific (I have no idea why) but the WebUi doesn't disappear if I use br0 on the linuxserver plex docker as an example.


Here is an applicable XML for my HOOBS one:

my-HOOBS.xml 4.21 kB · 4 downloads

Did you find a solution to the HOOBS problem?

I am struggling with the same problem:



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  • 1 month later...
On 12/27/2020 at 4:59 PM, hdlineage said:

I think I know exactly what is happening here. 

If there is no port mapping that binds from the container to host, the web ui link doesn't show.

I have a custom bridge network that doesn't require port mapping, and WEB UI link doesn't show no matter what I put in the WEBUI field.

As soon as I map even one port to host the webui appears.

It's kind of annoying, is there a way to force WEB UI link setting?


Yep, I have the same problem.

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  • 1 month later...

Yes this has been the case from at least 6.8 through to the current 6.9.1. If you change the network type to "none" and then add "--net=container:<ContainerName>" to extra parameters in order to route it though a different container it removes the "WebUI" option from the context menu. Everything else works fine but its just incredibly annoying accessing containers setup this way.

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  • 1 month later...

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