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[Support] spaceinvaderone - Shinobi Pro

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On 3/22/2022 at 11:08 AM, b0m541 said:

The folks on the Shinobi Discord server told me to try dashboard-v3 to solve my problem with recordings (just a copy of input stream) freezing several times for some seconds. Is there a version of this container with dashboard-v3? Or is there a chance it can be in the near future?


I had the freezing/lost frames in my recordings on my camera with a microphone. I set the audio codec to `aac` and it fixed it :) For memory, `no audio` also fixed it.

It took me a while to figure it out because i kept trying different audio settings in the "Stream" section. I forgot entirely about the "Recorder" section of the settings :D

Edited by Derek_
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Had a problem and found a solution, and thought it would be useful to post here:


I have Shinobi running in Spaceinvaderone's docker and it works great. I have 4 cameras with one acting as a driveway camera and one as a baby cam. My wife and I occasionally want to bring up one of those in a hurry.


I really like the "Pop" out view that opens a browser window and just displays that single stream.


I tried creating a shortcut in Heimdall with the address from the "Pop" out windows, but discovered quickly that one of the components of the shortcut changes periodically. (Numbers Scrambled)


Tried Searching and found practically nothing other than one person saying they had figured it out... (but no details)

And of course the Shinobi manual: https://shinobi.video/docs/api


But after I figured it out I thought I would share it...


First Step is to create an API Key:


Down Arrow top left corner - API </>


Flip all the switches to NO except View Streams - Enter in allowed IP's field. (I would prefer to restrict the IP's to machines inside my ip range, and I seem to have luck with that by putting my router's address here... But to be honest I don't understand why that should work)


Click Add


Copy the Key that is created and insert it into the address:[HERE]/embed/Xvjuafz1pM/xYaDpX8fAP/fullscreen%7Cjquery%7Crelative%7Cgui


And now you have a working URL for the camera...


I do find I have to flip the switch in the bottom left corner occasionally (again no idea why)


Hope someone finds this useful

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just installed on unraid and used a second ethernet port as my camera connection. It is network and my unraid is on the first ethernet on the network. When I try to open the shinobi webgui I am not able to. I get took too long to respond. What am I missing?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm attempting to setup this container and I am getting the error when logging in to the /super page about the database not being setup, as mentioned in the first page of this thread.

However I can't execute the commands to setup the database it lists

when I am in the console of the container

/opt/shinobi # mysql
ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)
/opt/shinobi # 

Anyone find a way around this?

From what I've read the DB is setup by default to not allow password less root login.  Do we know what database user / password this container is configured with?

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 8/8/2022 at 8:47 PM, snowmirage said:

I'm attempting to setup this container and I am getting the error when logging in to the /super page about the database not being setup, as mentioned in the first page of this thread.

However I can't execute the commands to setup the database it lists

when I am in the console of the container

/opt/shinobi # mysql
ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)
/opt/shinobi # 

Anyone find a way around this?

From what I've read the DB is setup by default to not allow password less root login.  Do we know what database user / password this container is configured with?


If you go to your container settings you'll see that the variable MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD is blank.  Add a password to this variable and you should be able to execute the commands.

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I was previously able to access my ShinobiPro instance via swag but now I'm getting 502 bad gateway errors. I'm still able to access other containers (such as Nextcloud) via swag. I didn't make any changes other than reinstalling Shinobi with the same settings as before, same VLAN and all of that. I also have the "custom networks" setting turned on in the Docker settings. I looked over the config for it in swag and everything looks good. Is anyone else having this issue recently?

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On 8/21/2022 at 4:54 PM, eaglephantom said:

I was previously able to access my ShinobiPro instance via swag but now I'm getting 502 bad gateway errors. I'm still able to access other containers (such as Nextcloud) via swag. I didn't make any changes other than reinstalling Shinobi with the same settings as before, same VLAN and all of that. I also have the "custom networks" setting turned on in the Docker settings. I looked over the config for it in swag and everything looks good. Is anyone else having this issue recently?


I've had that problem before.  Go into Docker settings and disable "custom networks" restart docker then shut it down and re-enable custom networks.  That brings it back for me every time.  Not sure why it happens but seems to happen sometimes after a server reboot.


On another note I'm still dealing with shinobi not purging old recordings and filling up my drive.  I'm getting tired of manually deleting them.  No one else seeing this?  

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First of all, thank you for your work, containers, and videos. You are pimping my Unraid Server!


I just installed shinobipro, successfully connected my camera, and it records when shinobi detects motion.

I am trying to get notifications on email / discord, but something's wrong.


I can receive the "no-motion" emails, so the config seems to be ok, but when something is detected, shinobi records this, without sending me an email. 


Is there a trick ?


Thanks again.


EDIT : I did it ! Reinstalling the whole container solved my issue. 

Maybe the region were too small for the detection. 

Edited by Fefepaille
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On 8/23/2022 at 12:25 PM, ax77 said:


I've had that problem before.  Go into Docker settings and disable "custom networks" restart docker then shut it down and re-enable custom networks.  That brings it back for me every time.  Not sure why it happens but seems to happen sometimes after a server reboot.


On another note I'm still dealing with shinobi not purging old recordings and filling up my drive.  I'm getting tired of manually deleting them.  No one else seeing this?  

Thanks for your response. I tried that out and it didn't work, unfortunately. After doing what you said I also restarted both swag and shinobipro and it's still not working. I'm getting a bunch of this in the error.log within /mnt/user/appdata/swag/log/nginx:


2022/08/27 18:37:15 [error] 305#305: *183 connect() failed (110: Operation timed out) while connecting to upstream, client:,


I cut off the rest but that is my router, so I'm wondering if the issue is there but I have the vlan set up properly... I'm not sure what would've changed. I looked in syslog for my router and didn't see anything that stands out.

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8 hours ago, eaglephantom said:

Thanks for your response. I tried that out and it didn't work, unfortunately. After doing what you said I also restarted both swag and shinobipro and it's still not working. I'm getting a bunch of this in the error.log within /mnt/user/appdata/swag/log/nginx:


2022/08/27 18:37:15 [error] 305#305: *183 connect() failed (110: Operation timed out) while connecting to upstream, client:,


I cut off the rest but that is my router, so I'm wondering if the issue is there but I have the vlan set up properly... I'm not sure what would've changed. I looked in syslog for my router and didn't see anything that stands out.

I am having the exact same problem with my shinobi install.  Everything is working perfect except for the reverse proxy part.  I checked the error log in nginx and its the same error you are getting.  Hopefully someone with some knowledge on this will see it.

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On 8/28/2022 at 7:32 PM, kulezero said:

I am having the exact same problem with my shinobi install.  Everything is working perfect except for the reverse proxy part.  I checked the error log in nginx and its the same error you are getting.  Hopefully someone with some knowledge on this will see it.

And I'm assuming you tried ax77's solution and it didn't work? I had a glimmer of hope when I saw his post :(

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On 8/28/2022 at 7:43 AM, eaglephantom said:

Thanks for your response. I tried that out and it didn't work, unfortunately. After doing what you said I also restarted both swag and shinobipro and it's still not working. I'm getting a bunch of this in the error.log within /mnt/user/appdata/swag/log/nginx:


2022/08/27 18:37:15 [error] 305#305: *183 connect() failed (110: Operation timed out) while connecting to upstream, client:,


I cut off the rest but that is my router, so I'm wondering if the issue is there but I have the vlan set up properly... I'm not sure what would've changed. I looked in syslog for my router and didn't see anything that stands out.


did your IP address change? do you have swag pointed to a dynamic dns provider for shinobi? 502 bad gateway means theres no connection made.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am having issues in which the (unassigned devices) drive that my camera's write to borks. It reads as 0 available across the board and is not available as a share. I can Unmount it, cycle Shinobi, then after a few minutes remount and it works - or can reboot the server.


To test, I have left Shinobi off and the drive on and have not had any issues.


Thoughts? I can't quite tell if this is a MariaDB issue, Shinobi, or ?




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On 9/16/2022 at 12:28 PM, eaglephantom said:

Sorry but, check for what?

@eaglephantom What unraid version are you running?


I just upgraded from 6.9.2 to 6.10.3 and now my shinobi reverse proxy doesn't work.  All other reverse proxies work.  I restored version 6.9.2 and the shinobi reverse proxy works again.  Try restoring your previous OS.  I'm not sure what about the new version is causing this but at least we're getting somewhere.  Let me know.

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On 9/18/2022 at 10:59 AM, ax77 said:

@eaglephantom What unraid version are you running?


I just upgraded from 6.9.2 to 6.10.3 and now my shinobi reverse proxy doesn't work.  All other reverse proxies work.  I restored version 6.9.2 and the shinobi reverse proxy works again.  Try restoring your previous OS.  I'm not sure what about the new version is causing this but at least we're getting somewhere.  Let me know.

Ah dang... I really don't want to have to revert back to 6.9.2 (is that even easy to do?)

I wonder if Ed has already identified the issue.

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24 minutes ago, eaglephantom said:

Ah dang... I really don't want to have to revert back to 6.9.2 (is that even easy to do?)

I wonder if Ed has already identified the issue.

yeah there's a restore option in Update OS.  What version are you on?  I haven't been able to find anyone reporting this issue

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