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Unassigned Devices - Managing Disk Drives and Remote Shares Outside of The Unraid Array

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Thanks for the plugin, I have a issue though.


I added a Remote SMB, (just some movies on another computer)

I added it to PLEX docker, but within PLEX it would see the Remote SMB DIR, But it will not see whats in it, so it can't see the Movies within it.

I doubled checked the Plex docker to make sure it's correct and it is.


It mounts fine I can WinSCP into the unraid and go into /mnt/disks/XBMC-PC_e/Movies2  I see everything in the DIR and copy/past/move everything etc


Don't know what I did wrong.


I also didn't add any scripts to the Remote SMB, do I need to?



Dockers cannot see anything mounted after the docker service started. Restart the docker service from Settings - Docker.
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Hey dlandon,


Seems like this same question comes up every day or so.  Could we display a message along these lines after something is mounted?


Note: Docker will not be able to access this device/smb share/iso 
until you restart the Docker service (Settings -> Docker -> Disable/Enable)


Not exactly sure how to do that it a non-obnoxious but still visible way, but I thought I'd suggest it anyway.

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Oh, that's great, I was expecting a no... thanks!


Help me understand what it is you are expecting this feature to do.


So at the moment, I mount my virtual disk images that are created by KVM into a user share (well actually to a subfolder of a user share) like so...


mount -o offset=16384 /mnt/virtualisation/vm/unraid-vm/unraid-vm.img /mnt/cache/.unraid-vm/


and then I can copy files to and from it. 


When I'm finished then I then unmount it.


umount /mnt/virtualisation/vm/unraid-vm/unraid-vm.img


One problem I can forsee is that you need to get the offset, which is found by running

fdisk -l

on the img file and multiplying the start value by 512


Also, fdisk doesn't work on GPT disks, that requires parted..


In fact the more I look at this, not sure how feasible it is to be honest, it gets pretty complicated...  ???

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Oh, that's great, I was expecting a no... thanks!


Help me understand what it is you are expecting this feature to do.


So at the moment, I mount my virtual disk images that are created by KVM into a user share (well actually to a subfolder of a user share) like so...


mount -o offset=16384 /mnt/virtualisation/vm/unraid-vm/unraid-vm.img /mnt/cache/.unraid-vm/


and then I can copy files to and from it. 


When I'm finished then I then unmount it.


umount /mnt/virtualisation/vm/unraid-vm/unraid-vm.img


One problem I can forsee is that you need to get the offset, which is found by running

fdisk -l

on the img file and multiplying the start value by 512


Also, fdisk doesn't work on GPT disks, that requires parted..


In fact the more I look at this, not sure how feasible it is to be honest, it gets pretty complicated...  ???


That's why I asked.  I am having the same concern because of the offset and trying to make it foolproof.

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Oh, that's great, I was expecting a no... thanks!


Help me understand what it is you are expecting this feature to do.


So at the moment, I mount my virtual disk images that are created by KVM into a user share (well actually to a subfolder of a user share) like so...


mount -o offset=16384 /mnt/virtualisation/vm/unraid-vm/unraid-vm.img /mnt/cache/.unraid-vm/


and then I can copy files to and from it. 


When I'm finished then I then unmount it.


umount /mnt/virtualisation/vm/unraid-vm/unraid-vm.img


One problem I can forsee is that you need to get the offset, which is found by running

fdisk -l

on the img file and multiplying the start value by 512


Also, fdisk doesn't work on GPT disks, that requires parted..


In fact the more I look at this, not sure how feasible it is to be honest, it gets pretty complicated...  ???


That's why I asked.  I am having the same concern because of the offset and trying to make it foolproof.


At this time, I think this is probably not a good idea.  The offset issue makes it too complex to make mounting a virtual disk straight forward, and I am concerned some will mount their active VM disks and that would pose a corruption problem.

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Dan, do you think there is any chance of adding support for being able to mount an SFTP location?


I don't think it's a good idea for a plugin to access the Internet to connect to an SFTP server.  I'm also not comfortable that I know enough to do it securely.


For the time being, I feel that UD is accomplishing its intended goals and won't be adding any new features.

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Dan, do you think there is any chance of adding support for being able to mount an SFTP location?


I don't think it's a good idea for a plugin to access the Internet to connect to an SFTP server.  I'm also not comfortable that I know enough to do it securely.


For the time being, I feel that UD is accomplishing its intended goals and won't be adding any new features.


Fair enough, I can understand those arguments.

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I''m having an issue with mounting remote NFS volumes; it keeps trying to mount as SMB and uses CIFS despite selecting the NFS protocol:


Mar 7 17:23:07 Tower kernel: CIFS VFS: Error connecting to socket. Aborting operation.
Mar 7 17:23:07 Tower kernel: CIFS VFS: cifs_mount failed w/return code = -111




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I''m having an issue with mounting remote NFS volumes; it keeps trying to mount as SMB and uses CIFS despite selecting the NFS protocol:


Mar 7 17:23:07 Tower kernel: CIFS VFS: Error connecting to socket. Aborting operation.
Mar 7 17:23:07 Tower kernel: CIFS VFS: cifs_mount failed w/return code = -111





I believe error code 111 is a connection refused.  Authentication problem?


Look at the UD log and you should see more information on why the remote NFS share is not mounting.

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Got a minor idea for the remote / iso shares area... currently there is a green ball all the time, would it make sense to show a white ball when they are defined but not mounted?


Currently the green ball is on when the iso file is found and off (blinking) when the file is missing.  The SMB mount shows the same status depending on whether or not the remote share is available.

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I''m having an issue with mounting remote NFS volumes; it keeps trying to mount as SMB and uses CIFS despite selecting the NFS protocol:


Mar 7 17:23:07 Tower kernel: CIFS VFS: Error connecting to socket. Aborting operation.
Mar 7 17:23:07 Tower kernel: CIFS VFS: cifs_mount failed w/return code = -111





I believe error code 111 is a connection refused.  Authentication problem?


Look at the UD log and you should see more information on why the remote NFS share is not mounting.


If you take another look at those log snippets, it's trying to use CIFS to connect, not NFS.  I do *not* have samba running on that remote server.  That's the problem, whenever I create an NFS mount, UD uses SMB instead.

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I''m having an issue with mounting remote NFS volumes; it keeps trying to mount as SMB and uses CIFS despite selecting the NFS protocol:


Mar 7 17:23:07 Tower kernel: CIFS VFS: Error connecting to socket. Aborting operation.
Mar 7 17:23:07 Tower kernel: CIFS VFS: cifs_mount failed w/return code = -111





I believe error code 111 is a connection refused.  Authentication problem?


Look at the UD log and you should see more information on why the remote NFS share is not mounting.


If you take another look at those log snippets, it's trying to use CIFS to connect, not NFS.  I do *not* have samba running on that remote server.  That's the problem, whenever I create an NFS mount, UD uses SMB instead.


That's the way it works.  It mounts the remote NFS locally then shares it as an SMB and/or NFS share based on the UD settings.


Please post a UD log or I can't help you.


EDIT: Ok I think I get it.  Your server with the NFS share is not sharing it as SMB.

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Maybe it's just my setup, but after installing this plugin, the main / array operation tab is somewhat corrupted at the bottom. The bottom line is a little bit of the page and when stopping / restarting the array, the progress tekst is not displayed fully.

I know it's just esthetics, but just a little bit annoying and probably a very simple things to fix.



I'm not seeing this issue.  Try clearing the browser cache and possibly a different browser to see if it continues.


Indeed not seeing this issue with Google Chrome, but I prefer to keep on using IE 11+ for everything (old habits). BTW all tabs under Main have this issue; both in windowed mode as in full screen mode.

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I''m having an issue with mounting remote NFS volumes; it keeps trying to mount as SMB and uses CIFS despite selecting the NFS protocol:


Mar 7 17:23:07 Tower kernel: CIFS VFS: Error connecting to socket. Aborting operation.
Mar 7 17:23:07 Tower kernel: CIFS VFS: cifs_mount failed w/return code = -111





I believe error code 111 is a connection refused.  Authentication problem?


Look at the UD log and you should see more information on why the remote NFS share is not mounting.


If you take another look at those log snippets, it's trying to use CIFS to connect, not NFS.  I do *not* have samba running on that remote server.  That's the problem, whenever I create an NFS mount, UD uses SMB instead.


That's the way it works.  It mounts the remote NFS locally then shares it as an SMB and/or NFS share based on the UD settings.


Please post a UD log or I can't help you.


EDIT: Ok I think I get it.  Your server with the NFS share is not sharing it as SMB.




Here's the output generated when trying to Mount a Remote SMB/NFS Share using the NFS protocol - you see it's trying to mount it as cifs instead of NFS.  Interesting observation is that after the remote share is added, it adds it as SMB regardless of having the NFS protocol selected when creating the share:

Mar 08 17:40:32 Mount SMB command: mount -t cifs -o rw,nounix,iocharset=utf8,_netdev,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777,username=guest,password=******* '//nas1/Movies' '/mnt/disks/nas1_Movies'
Mar 08 17:40:32 Mount of '//nas1/Movies' failed. Error message: Unable to find suitable address.





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It seems that UD is mounting nfs shares using cifs instead of nfs.  I missed this because nfs was added after smb was implemented and in my testing all the shares I tested were shared with both smb and nfs, so a cifs mount was successful.  Of course this fails when a remote server only shares with nfs.  I am now working on fixing this issue, but I need some help on mounting an nfs file system.  I am using the following command to mount an nfs share on Tower:


mount -t nfs -o defaults 'Tower:/Public' '/mnt/disks/Tower_Public'


But I am getting the following error:


Mount of 'Tower:/Public' failed. Error message: mount.nfs: access denied by server while mounting Tower:/Public


How do I solve the access denied error?  I'm not sure about how to set nfs permissions and this might be related to a permissions problem.

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It seems that UD is mounting nfs shares using cifs instead of nfs.  I missed this because nfs was added after smb was implemented and in my testing all the shares I tested were shared with both smb and nfs, so a cifs mount was successful.  Of course this fails when a remote server only shares with nfs.  I am now working on fixing this issue, but I need some help on mounting an nfs file system.  I am using the following command to mount an nfs share on Tower:


mount -t nfs -o defaults 'Tower:/Public' '/mnt/disks/Tower_Public'


But I am getting the following error:


Mount of 'Tower:/Public' failed. Error message: mount.nfs: access denied by server while mounting Tower:/Public


How do I solve the access denied error?  I'm not sure about how to set nfs permissions and this might be related to a permissions problem.

I've never used NFS before but I remember some issues with it on some earlier unRAID versions. Have no idea whether this is relevant at all. Here is a post from Tom I found.
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On the remote server sharing (exporting) the NFS volume:

root@nas1:~# cat /etc/exports
# See exports(5) for a description.
# This file contains a list of all directories exported to other computers.
# It is used by rpc.nfsd and rpc.mountd.

"/mnt/user/Movies" -async,no_subtree_check,fsid=101 *(sec=sys,rw,insecure,anongid=100,anonuid=99,all_squash)


And on the server that needs to mount the remote NFS volume, we'd use something like:

root@Tower:~# mount -t nfs nas1:/mnt/user/Movies /mnt/disks/nas1_Movies/


Then verify:

root@Tower:~# mount | grep nas1
nas1:/mnt/user/Movies on /mnt/disks/nas1_Movies type nfs (rw,addr=


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