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Unassigned Devices - Managing Disk Drives and Remote Shares Outside of The Unraid Array

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9 minutes ago, itimpi said:

How many partitions are on each drive?      I have a feeling that UD will only handle the first one.   Also are the partition types the same?

There's only a single partition on each drive.

That's actually 2x separate screen shots that show what it looks like with the 3TB drive (not working as expected) vs the 2TB drive (working as expected). 

It almost looks like UD doesn't recolonize the file system on the 3TB drive, but I have no idea why. Windows can recognize it and there's no errors on the drive. 



Edited by stillalivepc
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1 hour ago, SpaceInvaderOne said:

A series of videos about creating and using encrypted disks using the unassigned devices plugin.


How to format disks

How to mount disks

How to use multiple encrypted disks at once with different keyfiles

Auto mounting using unassigned devices scripts

Using encrypted disks with multiple paritions

Hope its useful :)



Another set of great videos.


Because of the concern of a plain text 'keyfile' being left on the server, Unraid 6.8 will remove the '/root/keyfile' once the array has started.  I have made a change to UD so it will work with the new keyfile handling, but it will also work with previous versions of Unraid.  The methods you describe in the videos should still work fine because UD looks for the '/root/keyfile' first and then if not found will use the built in command to mount the disk using the array pass phrase Unraid has stored.

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I used this tutorial to make an UNRAID user with an email address as the username, as it's not supported through the GUI at the moment. Mainly for easy access to the server through Windows Explorer whilst using a Microsoft Account user on Windows. 


When I try to add "Read/Write" access to that user in Settings -> Unassigned Devices -> SMB Security then press "Apply", the newly added permissions don't save and stays at "No Access".


Any help would be appreciated. 



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2 hours ago, Jakosaur said:



I used this tutorial to make an UNRAID user with an email address as the username, as it's not supported through the GUI at the moment. Mainly for easy access to the server through Windows Explorer whilst using a Microsoft Account user on Windows. 


When I try to add "Read/Write" access to that user in Settings -> Unassigned Devices -> SMB Security then press "Apply", the newly added permissions don't save and stays at "No Access".


Any help would be appreciated. 



The '@' symbol is not allowed.

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Thanks. Hmm... I wonder... I tinkered around and my Drives mapped in Unassigned Devices showed up in my Shares screen... I wonder if they would work.


I moved my System, Domain, and Appdata folders onto the second partition of my NVMe drive and while playing with mappings in Krusader noticed that UNASSIGNED and NVMe (The names of the shared folders) appeared in my Shares... I don't remmember the UNASSIGNED one being there before.


I don't actually use those shares from other computers so would not having my Windows accounts access them even matter?


OK, More playing after my little guy goes to bed tonight.

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47 minutes ago, Arbadacarba said:

I moved my System, Domain, and Appdata folders onto the second partition of my NVMe drive...

Your system, domain, and appdata folders (not uppercase) are Unraid user shares.


51 minutes ago, Arbadacarba said:

while playing with mappings in Krusader

Since I don't know the details of how you may have changed the Krusader mappings, I don't know what you would see within the Krusader application itself.


52 minutes ago, Arbadacarba said:

noticed that UNASSIGNED and NVMe (The names of the shared folders) appeared in my Shares

And here is where I am unclear what specifically you mean by "Shares".


Where did they "appear". What exactly are you looking at when you say that. Windows? Krusader? The Unraid webUI?



51 minutes ago, wgstarks said:

Any root level folder you create will be a share.

To elaborate on this, any top level folder on cache or array is automatically a user share with the same name as the folder. If Unraid now has user shares named "UNASSIGNED" and "NVMe", you must have accidentally created them as top level folders on cache or array, probably due to the way you moved or copied.

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58 minutes ago, Arbadacarba said:

I moved my System, Domain, and Appdata folders onto the second partition of my NVMe drive

And if you did actually move (not simply copy) those user shares off of cache or array drives, and onto an Unassigned Device, then you have effectively removed those user shares. They will probably still show up, but they are not really there, and they would disappear when you restarted the array or rebooted. EXCEPT, probably the system share would be recreated with a new docker image since docker service is probably enabled.


So, your description is pretty confusing. I hope your system isn't actually in that much confusion.

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It also occurs to me that there might be some misunderstanding about Unassigned Devices shares, and Unraid User Shares.


Unassigned Devices plugin lets you share, on the network, devices that are not part of Unraid cache or array. These will show up in Windows, for example, next to your Unraid User Shares. But they are not part of Unraid User Shares. If you move one of your user shares completely over to an Unassigned Device, it is no longer an Unraid User Share.

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For some reason I cant figure out how to share my unassigned drive.  I have it mounted I can see it in /mnt/disks but I cant figure out where to turn on smb share.  The instructions on the first page say to toggle the switch but I cant find a switch for the life of me.  I can see that in the settings Enable NFS Export is set to No but its greyed out so I cannot adjust it.  The rest of the settings on that page I have tried all without success.  Can anyone point me in the right direction?

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35 minutes ago, RAINMAN said:

For some reason I cant figure out how to share my unassigned drive.  I have it mounted I can see it in /mnt/disks but I cant figure out where to turn on smb share.  The instructions on the first page say to toggle the switch but I cant find a switch for the life of me.  I can see that in the settings Enable NFS Export is set to No but its greyed out so I cannot adjust it.  The rest of the settings on that page I have tried all without success.  Can anyone point me in the right direction?

The “share” switch on the main tab.



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I'll try to show what I did a little more clearly... I was sitting in a coffe shop passing time when I sent that earlier.



I have a 500GB NVMe drive that houses two partitions: My previous Windows 10 install that powered my server before I discovered Unraid, and a second partition that I wanted to use for things that I want to run as fast as possible (ie: Docker, components and VMs).


I made my Windows install usable as both a bare metal installation and inside the VM using SpaceInvaders instructions - Working


Then I copied the domain, system, and appdata folders to the second partition of the NVMe drive and used the Setting Screens for VMS and Docker to assign their new locations on the NVMe drive (Second Partition is actually named NVMe) then deleted the old ones by removing them from the share folder and from the media folder as seen through krusader.


Then I adjusted Krusader as below:




You can see the entries for NVMe and Unassigned Devices.


In Krusader I get: image.thumb.png.390b3eaadc9cb40eb27ba1ba673bfc26.png


and UNASSIGNED works as I would expect as well.


Here's where it got weird and I guess I have an idea of why:


Because of the way I created entries for them in Krusader, it created a folder or "something" in the /mnt/user folder.


In "User Shares" in the web UI I have:



I did not create those shares other than by using Krusader.


However, when I look in them on this screen using the view button they are empty... and in Network on my Windows 10 machines they appear empty as well...


I wonder if there is a way to create a symlink or something instead of a folder in that /mnt/user folder that would be more useful. 


Thanks for reading... I really haven't a clue what I'm doing. I have 25+ years with windows and about 2 months of linux.



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2 hours ago, RAINMAN said:

Hm, I had that already toggled and it wasnt showing up.  I tried it on and off a few times and randomly it worked.  Wierd.



It can sometimes take a while before showing up as an SMB share.  Turn it on and give it several minutes.  It will show up.  It's not always immediate.

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You can only have folders under /mnt/user, and every folder that you have at that level will be treated as a User Share regardless of how they got created.    The folder will exist on at least one of your drives.    Did you mean to map ‘/media’ to ‘/mnt/user’ or should it have been something like ‘/mnt/user/media’?


BTW:   You have an incorrect mapping for the ‘cache’ mount point as you have it set to ‘/mnt’ instead of ‘/mnt/cache’.   This could result in you copying stuff to RAM which could lead to all sorts of problems.

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On 12/14/2018 at 12:19 PM, pro9c3 said:

is there any way to adjust the warning/critical temperature for unassigned devices? My SSD's can operate up to 70C and i'm getting too many warnings at 45C.


On 12/14/2018 at 3:11 PM, johnnie.black said:

Not currently, but you can set all the other disks individually to lower values and set the global settings to the higher values.

I also have this issue . Thanks.

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