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Ultimate UNRAID Dashboard (UUD)

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2 minutes ago, RichJacot said:

I get redirected to login, it just never pulls/shows them.  I've done every icon one at time. It's something with chrome, Firefox and safari work as expected after the redirect and login.  


Maybe you guys should compare notes on Chrome settings/security/version and see if there are any differences. I know my Chrome version 99 works after I get redirected to the UNRAID login screen and authenticate. Suddenly the icons magically appear. Let us know if you guys figure this out as it is outside of the UUD.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi all. 

first of all. i love this project. just mind blowing. thanks @falconexe. i am facing an issue. i am using a dell t630 server with ipmi working. i want to know my array status and power consumption. i already add fans panel by coping it from UUD 1.6 and it works but these 2 are not working. 


with telegraf console ipmitool sdr command show everything. please help me.

Screenshot 2022-05-04 154632.png

Screenshot 2022-05-04 154728.png

array status.png


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I got this all setup now for my own home server, not a plex use but emby.

Thank you for the work you have put in though to deliver this.

Now to look at why the docker images aren't loading:


Already fixed it. Noticed the BASE URL being, this needs changing to the unRAID API address. Might be worth a mention in the guide

Edited by MrLinford
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2/21/2022 at 4:07 PM, falconexe said:



Something else I wanted to bring to your attention in VARKEN... For the life of me, I could not figure out why my Plex data was only going back 30 days. It has been bothering me for a while, but I did not have a ton of time to look into it. Yesterday, I found out the issue, and it really stinks I did not find this sooner, but the sooner the better to tell you ha ha.



While looking into the InfluxDB logs, I found the following oddity:




All queries were being passed a retention policy of .\"varken 30d-1h\". in the background!



So apparently when Varken gets installed, it sets a DEFAULT RETENTION Policy of 30 days with 1 Hour Shards (Data File Chunks) when it creates the "varken" database within InfuxDB.



This can be found in the Varken Docker "dbmanager.py" Python install script here:










InfluxDB Shards:







What this means is InfluxDB will delete any Tautulli (Plex) data on a rolling 30 days basis. I can't believe I didn't see this before, but for my UUD, I want EVERYTHING going back to the Big Bang. I'm all about historical data analytics and data preservation.



So, I researched how to fix this and it was VERY SIMPLE, but came with a cost.







You have a few different options, such as modifying the existing retention policy, making a new one, or defaulting back to the auto-generated one, which by default, seems to keep all ingested data indefinitely. Since this is what we want, here are the steps to set it to "autogen" and delete the pre-installed Varken retention policy of "varken 30d-1h".



  • STEP 1: Bash Into the InfluxDB Docker by Right Clicking the Docker Image on the UNRAID Dashboard and Select Console
    • image.png.72d376d58b61b6160bffc5c147af73f9.png


  • STEP 2: Run the InfluxDB Command to Access the Database Backend
    • Command: influx
    • image.png.7ac6a1534413b59eda4cacffb993d540.png


  • STEP 3: Run the Show Retention Policies Command
    • Command: SHOW RETENTION POLICIES ON varken
    • image.png.0d781e33ac8a8e71748488d2739dcf17.png
    • You should see "varken 30d-1h" listed and it will be set to default "true".


  • STEP 4: Set the autogen Retention Policy As the Default
    • Command: ALTER RETENTION POLICY "autogen" ON "varken" DEFAULT
    • image.thumb.png.0e8a7924fe9bc4462009df679bfcd59f.png


  • STEP 5: Verify "autogen" is Now the Default Retention Policy
    • Command: SHOW RETENTION POLICIES ON varken
    • "autogen" Should Now Say default "true"
    • image.png.d0829a598853fbd155d76534387ab090.png
    • "varken 30d-1h" should now say "false"


  • STEP 6: Remove the Varken Retention Policy
    • Command: DROP RETENTION POLICY "varken 30d-1h" ON "varken"
    • image.png.bb9797616a3b234fe39e055cd50cdad6.png


  • STEP 7: Verify That Only the "autogen" Retention Policy Remains
    • Command: SHOW RETENTION POLICIES ON varken
    • image.thumb.png.35e6cd0417fa0c5c923a8ff23a8e58e1.png


Once you do this, your UUD Plex data will start from that point forward and it should grow forever so long as you have the space in your appdata folder for the InfluxDB docker (cache drive). Let me know if you have any questions!













@SpencerJ @GilbN






I've been doing some more poking around when I have time. To follow-up on this topic, I further modified the retention policy to 25 YEARS, so that's a pretty good archive moving forward ha ha.






1300 Weeks = 218400 Hours / 24 Hours in a Day = 9,100 Days / 365.25 Days in a Year = ~ 25 Years


Stop and Start the InfluxDB Docker to apply!



Edited by falconexe
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Ive been scratching my head about this issue for a few days now and i have no idea how to fix this:


The UUD or Grafana in general really doesnt want to use the unraid api docker. The docker works, the docker shows me my box on the webui, i could theoretically manage what i want on it. When i query it through the browser, i get the expected response with a json file containing everything its supposed to.


However, when Grafana queries the API, I get this error (taken from the logs of the unraid-api docker):


ERROR Unexpected token B in JSON at position 0

at JSON.parse (<anonymous>)
at default (api/getServers.js:30:43)
at call (node_modules/connect/index.js:239:7)
at next (node_modules/connect/index.js:183:5)
at next (node_modules/connect/index.js:161:14)
at next (node_modules/connect/index.js:161:14)
at SendStream.error (node_modules/serve-static/index.js:121:7)

at SendStream.emit (node:events:520:28)
at SendStream.emit (node:domain:475:12)
at SendStream.error (node_modules/send/index.js:270:17)


lowkey no idea how to fix that. Anyone got any ideas? At this point im willing to sacrafice a lesser animal.


EDIT: i also put the JSON i manually queried through a validator and it returned that the JSON is valid

Edited by tatzecom
updated information
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7 hours ago, tatzecom said:



Ive been scratching my head about this issue for a few days now and i have no idea how to fix this:


The UUD or Grafana in general really doesnt want to use the unraid api docker. The docker works, the docker shows me my box on the webui, i could theoretically manage what i want on it. When i query it through the browser, i get the expected response with a json file containing everything its supposed to.


However, when Grafana queries the API, I get this error (taken from the logs of the unraid-api docker):


ERROR Unexpected token B in JSON at position 0

at JSON.parse (<anonymous>)
at default (api/getServers.js:30:43)
at call (node_modules/connect/index.js:239:7)
at next (node_modules/connect/index.js:183:5)
at next (node_modules/connect/index.js:161:14)
at next (node_modules/connect/index.js:161:14)
at SendStream.error (node_modules/serve-static/index.js:121:7)

at SendStream.emit (node:events:520:28)
at SendStream.emit (node:domain:475:12)
at SendStream.error (node_modules/send/index.js:270:17)


lowkey no idea how to fix that. Anyone got any ideas? At this point im willing to sacrafice a lesser animal.


EDIT: i also put the JSON i manually queried through a validator and it returned that the JSON is valid


Never seen this before. Since the release of Grafana 8.4, the dependent plugins for this portion of the UUD no longer work, so I was planning on deprecating the UNRAID API panels in UUD 1.7. Let us know if you figure it out.


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 5/20/2022 at 5:48 AM, falconexe said:


Never seen this before. Since the release of Grafana 8.4, the dependent plugins for this portion of the UUD no longer work, so I was planning on deprecating the UNRAID API panels in UUD 1.7. Let us know if you figure it out.


I am running Grafana 8.5.3 and UNRAID API mostly works.

  1. For some reason my Mover is ALWAYS running - Even Unraid API shows TRUE
  2. Image loading is painfully slow
    1. image.png.3a6661206c7d3e6b31b3f5308683b529.png


Otherwise it is still working an I would vouch for not deprecating it...







I am running GUS: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/96233-support-testdasi-repo/

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Hey, I saw talk about turning the project into a single container to rule them all. Obviously testdasi has done it, so it is possible. I felt like docker-compose was more appropriate for the use case, so I wrote up a compose file and guide on how to set it up on Unraid using the Docker Compose Manager plugin: https://github.com/HStep20/Ultimate-Unraid-Dashboard-Guid

I can't wait till they add native support, but this works great in the meantime.

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On 2/24/2022 at 9:37 AM, falconexe said:

Does anyone know of a way to backload ALL Historical Data from Tautulli into InfluxDB via Varken (or another API/plugin)? I have data going back years in Tautulli, and I would love to access it all through the UUD. I did some research and everything I have seen is no this is not possible. If you have seen this as a viable option, please let me know and I will add it.


If you haven't figured it out, I was able to backfill all of my Tautulli data into influxdb using their backfill script on the 'develop' tag. Unfortunately, it does have some side effects with what seems like data structure changes, but it fills out enough that its usable. I've mainly noticed some fields act up, like 'Time', 'Plex Version', and 'Stream Status'. Sometimes the 'Location' would show as 'None - None' as well, but it usually got it correctly.


To get started, change your varken container to the 'develop' tag. From there, open the console for it and run these commands:

This moves the script to a location it can recognize the varken python import from

mv /app/data/utilities/historical_tautulli_import.py /app


From there, run the script with a few arguments:

python3 /app/historical_tautulli_import.py -d '/config' -D 365

-d points to your appdata/varken.ini

-D is the number of days to run it for


That should backfill everything into your influxdb.


I tried to run this on the 'latest' tag, but unfortunately the script is broken in it, and doesn't fill any data, so you have to use the develop tag.

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On 5/19/2022 at 9:48 PM, falconexe said:


Never seen this before. Since the release of Grafana 8.4, the dependent plugins for this portion of the UUD no longer work, so I was planning on deprecating the UNRAID API panels in UUD 1.7. Let us know if you figure it out.




On 5/31/2022 at 4:23 AM, valiente said:

I am running Grafana 8.5.3 and UNRAID API mostly works.

Otherwise it is still working an I would vouch for not deprecating it...



I should have clarified. The Dynamic Image Panel plugin is not signed by Grafana. I also believe the JSON API one is also in the same boat. But if you got it working in 8.4+, then I take another look. Perhaps I just need to configure those as a known exception in Grafana and install anyway. Thanks for the feedback. I'll likely keep these then.

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On 5/31/2022 at 8:45 PM, Agent531C said:

Hey, I saw talk about turning the project into a single container to rule them all. Obviously testdasi has done it, so it is possible. I felt like docker-compose was more appropriate for the use case, so I wrote up a compose file and guide on how to set it up on Unraid using the Docker Compose Manager plugin: https://github.com/HStep20/Ultimate-Unraid-Dashboard-Guid

I can't wait till they add native support, but this works great in the meantime.



If you are down to help me, we can work together on getting this into all in one docker that is actually maintained and and updated regularly. I have zero experience with Docker development, but it seems pretty straight forward to do this with preconfigured config files. I looked at the GUS structure and schema and it seems like all I need is the tool/knowledge of how to build and publish the Docker. I setup GitHub so I am ready whenever. I'll start googling...


Thanks for putting this workaround together and linking back to this forum and recognizing the developer. I appreciate it.


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2 hours ago, Agent531C said:


If you haven't figured it out, I was able to backfill all of my Tautulli data into influxdb using their backfill script on the 'develop' tag. Unfortunately, it does have some side effects with what seems like data structure changes, but it fills out enough that its usable. I've mainly noticed some fields act up, like 'Time', 'Plex Version', and 'Stream Status'. Sometimes the 'Location' would show as 'None - None' as well, but it usually got it correctly.


To get started, change your varken container to the 'develop' tag. From there, open the console for it and run these commands:

This moves the script to a location it can recognize the varken python import from

mv /app/data/utilities/historical_tautulli_import.py /app


From there, run the script with a few arguments:

python3 /app/historical_tautulli_import.py -d '/config' -D 365

-d points to your appdata/varken.ini

-D is the number of days to run it for


That should backfill everything into your influxdb.


I tried to run this on the 'latest' tag, but unfortunately the script is broken in it, and doesn't fill any data, so you have to use the develop tag.



@Agent531C 😁 You are a freakin Wizard! I am excited to give this a shot. 🤛


So what happens to your existing data in Varken? Does it merge dupes, overwrite them, or replace the entire DB? Did you see any issues with your latest data having corruption or schema issues?


Did you lose any data? I really don't mind if old data doesn't match up exactly, I'm just trying to save my lengthy history and be able to see it in the UUD rather than Tautulli itself. I do care however that present data is presented accurately and normally in the UUD just like it is currently.


Finally, how does this play with Varken retention policies within InfluxDB? Any changes there? I set mine to retain the last 25 years, so I should be good backloading a few years with your method Thanks!!!


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46 minutes ago, falconexe said:



@Agent531C 😁 You are a freakin Wizard! I am excited to give this a shot. 🤛


So what happens to your existing data in Varken? Does it merge dupes, overwrite them, or replace the entire DB? Did you see any issues with your latest data having corruption or schema issues?


Did you lose any data? I really don't mind if old data doesn't match up exactly, I'm just trying to save my lengthy history and be able to see it in the UUD rather than Tautulli itself. I do care however that present data is presented accurately and normally in the UUD just like it is currently.


Finally, how does this play with Varken retention policies within InfluxDB? Any changes there? I set mine to retain the last 25 years, so I should be good backloading a few years with your method Thanks!!!


I didn't notice any data duplication, corruption, or schema issues since my total plays broken down by device looked similar to what I had in tautulli. Because of the discrepancies I had noticed, I actually ended up running it, and then deleting all the data from my influx to run it again 'fresh' in case of data duplication. I only had a couple days worth, since I set the retention policy after seeing your post on it. My numbers looked similar on the run + backfill as they did when I cleared out all of my data and backfilled it, so I don't think it duplicates things, but I don't want to say for sure.


I was definitely in the same boat of wanting all my data viewable in grafana, which is why I went looking. Worst comes to, you can always back up your DB and run it to see what happens.


As for building everything into a single container, Im not too sure about that. It seems like the GUS container used a lot of custom scripts to build/grab config files out that I don't have experience with. Id love to learn, and know some apps (like AzuraCast) have 'monolith' containers that have 5 services running in one. Its definitely possible, but I'd need to look deeper at it.

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23 hours ago, Agent531C said:

To get started, change your varken container to the 'develop' tag. From there, open the console for it and run these commands:

This moves the script to a location it can recognize the varken python import from

mv /app/data/utilities/historical_tautulli_import.py /app


From there, run the script with a few arguments:

python3 /app/historical_tautulli_import.py -d '/config' -D 365

-d points to your appdata/varken.ini

-D is the number of days to run it for


That should backfill everything into your influxdb.


I tried to run this on the 'latest' tag, but unfortunately the script is broken in it, and doesn't fill any data, so you have to use the develop tag.



So I am performing the data load now. I noticed that it did wipe the existing Varken DB content and reimports everything. I went back 10 years (not that I have that much, but I wanted an obtuse number just to be sure ha ha), so I used "-D 3650". I'm sure this will take a while so I'll let it run.


Once I've confirmed it is working, I plan on putting the docker back to the original tag. From what I can see, you only need the "develop" tag to get the script to run. Once the data is backloaded, it should work again on the latest tag. 


I'll report back in a few hours once this is done.


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3 hours ago, falconexe said:



So I am performing the data load now. I noticed that it did wipe the existing Varken DB content and reimports everything. I went back 10 years (not that I have that much, but I wanted an obtuse number just to be sure ha ha), so I used "-D 3650". I'm sure this will take a while so I'll let it run.


Once I've confirmed it is working, I plan on putting the docker back to the original tag. From what I can see, you only need the "develop" tag to get the script to run. Once the data is backloaded, it should work again on the latest tag. 


I'll report back in a few hours once this is done.



@Agent531C You are LEGEND! That worked. I changed the docker tag back to the default after the historical data load, and all is working great. AND everything flowed into the UUD 1.7 (In Development) perfectly! I can't thank you enough for this tip. I even added some new panels to UUD 1.7 because of this historical data ability that I am excited to share!


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8 hours ago, falconexe said:


@Agent531C You are LEGEND! That worked. I changed the docker tag back to the default after the historical data load, and all is working great. AND everything flowed into the UUD 1.7 (In Development) perfectly! I can't thank you enough for this tip. I even added some new panels to UUD 1.7 because of this historical data ability that I am excited to share!


Glad it worked out! I do wish it brought over some of the info it doesn't, but I only have about 9 months of tautulli data, so Im not super concerned about it.


Can't wait for 1.7, and to see what it has in store.

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It looks like some recent changes in the radarr api makes it so the :latest varken tag doesn't work. Ive switched over fully to develop, so it may be worth it to migrate now instead of later. Im not sure why they haven't pushed a single update to the main repo in 2 years, but the develop one has been moving strong with a lot of new features (like Overseerr support)

Edited by Agent531C
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5 hours ago, Agent531C said:

It looks like some recent changes in the radarr api makes it so the :latest varken tag doesn't work. Ive switched over fully to develop, so it may be worth it to migrate now instead of later. Im not sure why they haven't pushed a single update to the main repo in 2 years, but the develop one has been moving strong with a lot of new features (like Overseerr support)


Thanks for sharing this info. I don't use any of the "Arrs" but good to know. I'm sure they'll eventually push an update to main.

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On 6/9/2022 at 7:20 AM, Domotics said:

Is there anyway i can use the included influxDB in Grafana-Unraid-Stack for other purposes, for example with homeassistant ? i tried to open the influxdb with <ip>:8086 but i get 404 page not found error. 


<ip>:8086 is the API port.


I don't think GUS includes Chronograf, so there isn't a webGUI (normally on <ip>:8888) for Influxdb. You would need to use the cli to interact with influxdb for adding other databases and users.


Once you have that set up you should be able to point homeassistant to influx and then add that database to Grafana and use that new data to build dashboards.

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Hey Everyone!


New UUD user here and I have had a good bit of fun settings things up! Thank you so much to all the contributors in this thread and others.


@falconexe You are an amazing dev and looking at your announcement/documentation posts has been great!


I would like to add my two cents here for anyone else coming to this thread looking to set up their dashboards.


Quick specs: My TICK stack is hosted on a Ubuntu VM on a Mini PC separate from my Unraid Server.

  • InfluxDB 1.8
  • Grafana 8.5.2
  • Chronograf 1.9.1 ( not that it matters for this)
  • Unraid 6.10.2


1: Docker and VM icons - Part 1: Maybe I missed the documentation (if it isn't in the documentation could it be added?), but it took me forever looking through the forums to figure out this required a separate JSon API database to be configured in Grafana. This is in the same place you add the InfluxDB to Grafana. It was down at the bottom for me under (Others)

                                                                                         image.png.1c025caba5ccf84b80c782b6b23b7123.png                                  image.thumb.png.7c618677d7bbf97a6f93ec9098a549fb.png



2: Docker and VM icons - Part 2: For me, the icons were broken after I got the JSON API datasource configured. I could not right click on the broken images like a lot of other posters. What worked for me was adding the port number to the ip address of the panel settings. I am guessing I don't use HTTPS or SSL or TLS or whatever for my server so it worked.




3: Constantly Resetting Dashboard Variables - This one really really drove me nuts! I would set all the variables, save the dashboard, then I would exit out and after a reload all the variables would be back to defaults and the entire dashboard would be broken. Turns out....if you slow down and read, there is a nice little checkbox on the save dialog box asking if you want to "Save the current variable values as dashboard defaults." That one was crazy how simple it was and dumb I felt. Hope this helps someone.




4. VM Details - I think this is a "it's me not you" issue. Or at least maybe its a Unraid-API concern. For the VM details I get the "Table fields have different lengths" error. I tracked it down to this query $.['vm']['details'][*].hddAllocation.all.[?(@.interface== 'VirtIO')].path . Any time I put the hddAllocation queries in the panel it throws the error. HOWEVER, if I put the queries in their own panels it only pulls the info for my one Debian VM. My windows VM had a entire disk passed through for the OS. It doesn't use a VirtIO disk and I think that throws the query off. ALSO, if no VM's are started then the allocation query throws an error. I found this article about null values in JSON queries and it might be the problem.




5. I saw some rumblings about the Dynamic image panel being unsigned and therefore depreciated in UUD 1.7. I am running Grafana 8.5.2 and it does not show unsigned for me. 🤷‍♂️




This took longer than I thought to setup and write up so some of the points escaped from my brain, but in summary: This project is awesome and thank you so much for putting it together!


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11 hours ago, JudMeherg said:

Hey Everyone!


New UUD user here and I have had a good bit of fun settings things up! Thank you so much to all the contributors in this thread and others.


@falconexe You are an amazing dev and looking at your announcement/documentation posts has been great!


I would like to add my two cents here for anyone else coming to this thread looking to set up their dashboards.



Hey @JudMeherg I just wanted to personally say THANKS FOR YOUR DONATION and supporting the UUD. It's been a while ha ha. My new Wife thought that it was amazing that someone would actually pay me for my work on a side project. Looking back on this project, I have put in over 1,000 hours since September, 2020. This was never about money, but I sure do friggen appreciate kudos, compliments, and all around kind gestures. This is the type of stuff that keeps me going and keeps the fire burning. When you guys are enjoying it as much as I do, it is super fulfilling. The UUD is really a community project with many contributors, and I would not have been able to produce this monster if it wasn't for people who paved the way and continue to assist. THANKS AGAIN TO EVERYONE who has ever downloaded, used, shared, or contributed to the UUD!


Now, back to business... In the release notes post for UUD 1.6, I did mention adding the JSON API datasource (unless I'm completely losing my mind, but I'm almost positive it is out there). But thanks for pointing this out again.


Regarding the Grafana Image Plugin, it was unsigned at the time I wrote that, but it appears the dev got it updated and it is now signed. SO, this will no longer be deprecated in UUD 1.7! Thanks for update.


I'm almost finished with the UUD 1.7 update. I am trying to get one MAJOR addition in there. If I can't figure it out pretty soon, I'll push it to the UUD 1.8 update. I have made tons of changes, tweaks, added new panels and more fine tuning for 1.7.


What do you guys think? Should I just release what I have for 1.7? Maybe it's time LOL. Let me know!



Edited by falconexe
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11 hours ago, falconexe said:

Now, back to business... In the release notes post for UUD 1.6, I did mention adding the JSON API datasource (unless I'm completely losing my mind, but I'm almost positive it is out there). But thanks for pointing this out again.


Well butter my butt and call me a biscuit..... Page 34 release notes for 1.6 and there is the JSON datasource. Yep I missed that when I was just following the instructions on the first post in this thread. Just me being a bad user and not reading all the documentation.


As for 1.7, I just got 1.6 running and am still tweaking it for my system lol


I am sure the other users that have had it running for a while are looking for a new hit of the good stuff.


Thanks again for the work, and to everyone else that contributes. One day I hope to be a real contributor to projects like this.

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I followed the guides and looks like everything is talking to each other nicely, with a few exceptions. hopefully someone can set me straight on them, otherwise I'll trim some things down:

  1. Blank Docker queries: Dockers (ALL), Docker Details, Dockers Running, Dockers Stopped 
  2. Unassigned Devices lookup in header reverts to first disk in list immediately after I unselect it. There aren't any unassigned devices connected to my server
  3. Array Growth is blank, and what is "fB" unit? How can I change to GB?
  4. Plex History queries are all blank
  5. Array Status, Parity Status, Mover Running, Parity Check Running, Dockers Running, Dockers Stopped -- all are blank
  6. No temp or fan data anywhere. Sensors show as expected under IPMI in unRaid UI dashboard
  7. Where does the Sonarr/Radarr integration from Varken come into play?

Thanks in advance! I look forward to further tinkering with the dashboard and data!

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