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Ultimate UNRAID Dashboard (UUD)

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1 hour ago, shwa87 said:

Hey @falconexe.  First off - thanks for the lesson on doing the cpu information the "old" way.  I explored doing that, but then I took the time to dive into the regex and it was ridiculously simple.


I also finally got back to the UPS portion and I did figure some things out with the UPS stats.  It seems that any panel that utilizes a variable is not getting parsed.  The variable doesn't seem to get included in the query.. for example in this query:


SELECT last("load_percent") * .01 * $upsmaxwatt/1000 FROM "apcupsd" WHERE $timeFilter GROUP BY time($__interval)

the "$upsmaxwatt" isn't getting passed, the query inspector shows "error parsing query: found /, expected identifier, string, number, bool at line 1, char 37".  This error is happening with each variable and I cannot for the life of me figure out why the variable isn't getting passed - they are all filled out.


For giggles I installed a different panel that includes UPS stats (Unraid System Dashboard v2 from @GilbN) and the UPS data on his works out of the box, and other than the variable names they appear identical in query structure.


Thoughts?  Anything else I can supply or look at to help figure this out?



I'll look into it. I run the same code with those variables and my graphs display fine. It is possible that when I made the variable name change, there are lines of code remnants looking for the old variable. I am going to tear it down at the code level and look for anything weird in the JSON. I'll also branch this version and rename the variables and queries back to the original name to see if that solves it. Stay tuned.

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27 minutes ago, falconexe said:

I'll look into it. I run the same code with those variables and my graphs display fine. It is possible that when I made the variable name change, there are lines of code remnants looking for the old variable. I am going to tear it down at the code level and look for anything weird in the JSON. I'll also branch this version and rename the variables and queries back to the original name to see if that solves it. Stay tuned.


@shwa87 So I looked at the code, and everything looks perfect. Everything acts correctly. Can you try putting in a different value in to the UPS variables (MaxWatts and kWh)? Save the dashboard, and then refresh? If it works, put the values back and save again.


The only time I have ever seen this is if those 2 variables are not set.


If I empty those 2 variables, this is what I see.






If I put them back I get. 







If the issue persists, can you post a screenshot of your UPS section?

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47 minutes ago, falconexe said:


@shwa87 So I looked at the code, and everything looks perfect. Everything acts correctly. Can you try putting in a different value in to the UPS variables (MaxWatts and kWh)? Save the dashboard, and then refresh? If it works, put the values back and save again.


The only time I have ever seen this is if those 2 variables are not set.


If I empty those 2 variables, this is what I see.






If I put them back I get. 







If the issue persists, can you post a screenshot of your UPS section?

That did it. Changed values and it populated before I even saved.  I saved, then changed them back, and we're good.  THANK YOU!  Excellent product/design and amazing support.

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Awesome looking dashboard! I just downloaded the app, I'll try to figure out what all I need to do tomorrow to get it going.


On a side note, with CPU usage, is it possible to see what all is running and how much CPU each is using? (kind of like how Win task manager does). There are times where my CPU usage gets kind of high but I have a lot of things going and not sure which one is running up the resource usage.


Excited to get this setup, looks great! 

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I solved my UPS issue. I realized I had a comma instead of a dot in the energy cost.

This is the correct way to do it in France and I just pasted it from my utility supplier. Now that I fixed it from 0,1557 to 0.1557 I am good on that front. ;)

I am sharing in case it can help others.

Edited by ChatNoir
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Just now, ChatNoir said:

You solve UPS issue, I realized I had a comma instead of a dot in the energy cost.

This is the correct way to do it in France and I just pasted it from my utility supplier. Now that I fixed it 0,1557 to 0.1557 I am good on that front. ;)

I am sharing in case it can help others.


Cool. De rien!

  • Haha 1
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1 hour ago, SPOautos said:

Awesome looking dashboard! I just downloaded the app, I'll try to figure out what all I need to do tomorrow to get it going.


On a side note, with CPU usage, is it possible to see what all is running and how much CPU each is using? (kind of like how Win task manager does). There are times where my CPU usage gets kind of high but I have a lot of things going and not sure which one is running up the resource usage.


Excited to get this setup, looks great! 


That not I am aware of in Grafana. But what you are looking for is call HTOP. Click on the terminal and type it in.









And Here's a Bonus:


20 Command Line Tools to Monitor Linux Performance



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3 hours ago, shwa87 said:

That did it. Changed values and it populated before I even saved.  I saved, then changed them back, and we're good.  THANK YOU!  Excellent product/design and amazing support.

Thanks for the positive feedback. Don't forget to save one last time with the correct variables populated and working! 😉

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8 hours ago, falconexe said:



Please confirm that you restarted the Dockers in this order.


Stop: Grafana > Telefraf > InfluxDB

Start: InfluxDB > Telegraf > Grafana


Please also clear your browser history/cookies. Enough time should have pass by now for a few new datapoints to be inputted into the database, so I would expect all of these drives to have data in many of these fields. I built the query to retag NULL values as "N/A" as well, so even if some are missing, due to different drives technologies where some attributes do not apply, it won't break anything.


Finally, I cannot guarantee that something didn't change within the query and/or related settings (either intentionally or by accident). If all else fails, you can try loading the following JSON into just that panel to "reset" it back to the default that was released in version 1.3. I already provided those instructions on how to accomplish this above in past posts. They have also been posted numerous times within this topic (see page 10).


Drive S.M.A.R.T. Health Overview.txt 24.64 kB · 2 downloads


Once you do all of this, please post a screenshot of both the query raw data table and the actual panel again. And Report Back...



you were correct, I seem to have stopped the dockers in the incorrect order, when I used your order the values now have populated with all the drives. thanks again for the great assistance, much appreciated.

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On 9/25/2020 at 7:05 PM, falconexe said:

Plex/Varken is coming...  Possibly Planned For 1.5


On 9/25/2020 at 9:59 PM, Stupifier said:

yes man!!!! I gotta say....I very briefly tried setting up all this stuff up from scratch (telegraf, grafana, etc)....it was a headache and I just didn't have time to fumble around all the menus.

The UUD all-in-one docker container.....work of art! So simple...and I can tell you guys poured some time into this shit to make it ez for someone to just fire it up and go! Thank you


I've been working on both 1.4 and 1.5 simultaneously. They will still be released separately, but the code overlaps in some areas, so I had to figure some of it out now.


Goal is for a super clean and refined Varken/Tautulli/Plex Dash which will be integrated directly into UUD, sporting some of the same falconexe style/customizations (like working growth trending) found in the UUD.


@Stupifier Thought You Would Appreciate This Sneak Peek...





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4 hours ago, falconexe said:



I've been working on both 1.4 and 1.5 simultaneously. They will still be released separately, but the code overlaps in some areas, so I had to figure some of it out now.


Goal is for a super clean and refined Varken/Tautulli/Plex Dash which will be integrated directly into UUD, sporting some of the same falconexe style/customizations (like working growth trending) found in the UUD.


@Stupifier Thought You Would Appreciate This Sneak Peek...






Looks awesome man!!!!

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8 hours ago, falconexe said:



I've been working on both 1.4 and 1.5 simultaneously. They will still be released separately, but the code overlaps in some areas, so I had to figure some of it out now.


Goal is for a super clean and refined Varken/Tautulli/Plex Dash which will be integrated directly into UUD, sporting some of the same falconexe style/customizations (like working growth trending) found in the UUD.


@Stupifier Thought You Would Appreciate This Sneak Peek...





Wow it looks fantastic, great work :). You really are a Grafana Wizard with a sense of design.

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20 hours ago, falconexe said:



I've been working on both 1.4 and 1.5 simultaneously. They will still be released separately, but the code overlaps in some areas, so I had to figure some of it out now.


Goal is for a super clean and refined Varken/Tautulli/Plex Dash which will be integrated directly into UUD, sporting some of the same falconexe style/customizations (like working growth trending) found in the UUD.


@Stupifier Thought You Would Appreciate This Sneak Peek...





Really liking the way your going with this.  Can't wait to the final product.  I love all the growth trends for the media.


This week I've been messing around with mvantassel/deluge2influx and used dockerhub to automate a build of it. I used a local docker of deluge to remote to my seedbox and the deluge2influx points to the local instance. Learned of the trick to monitor a seedbox running deluge with a local instance from https://alexsguardian.net/2019/03/31/deluge-influxdb/ 

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27 minutes ago, Shbeda said:

Thanks. I have had Tautulli running for the past 3 years. Will look into what Varken is all about!

If you use the UUD, then you already have InfluxDB. Varken creates a new database within InfluxDB. Varken is to Plex/Tautulli what Telegraf is to UNRAID. It is an engine (middleware) that integrates both pieces by ingesting data from the source app and then inserting data into the database. Grafana then reads these databases and spits out pretty data visualizations so long as you know how to code them. That’s where we and the UUD come in. 

Edited by falconexe
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This is what I worked on tonight.


Fully Custom table displaying Plex streaming log every 10 minutes going back 1 week. Custom overrides, dynamic colors based on stream metrics, and much more. Want Unsecure Streams highlighted? Done. Want Relayed Streams brought to your attention? Done. You won't find this in any other Varken Dashboard!


All Available Timelines (Max Data-Points):


  • 1 Day Every 30 Seconds
  • 1 Week Every 1 Minutes
  • 1 Month Every 15 Minutes
  • 1 Year Every 2 Hours


Click the pic for high resolution. People, Places, and Things Redacted...😜




I'll also be adapting this to the CURRENT STREAMS table up in the top. This provides much more information, and again, is fully dynamic. That one will be updated every 30 Seconds, and will show only the last records for the current interval of 30 Seconds. AKA, only real time streaming info.

Edited by falconexe
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