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Everything posted by Squid

  1. The system will wind up blacklisting the app if the PluginURL on the xml and within the .plg don't match. Security measure to prevent an author from having the user install one plugin and then the author decides to have them install another one without the user's permission.
  2. The changes are fine. Current users will need to uninstall / reinstall in order to get onto the correct version. Other than that, there is no requirement that you have to switch the branch from master to main. Only newly created repositories have the branch listed as main. GitHub is not renaming any existing master branches.
  3. The integration of timing for containers was much nicer than my hacked system, even though it didn't have the conditionals. I have no regrets about deprecating that plugin.
  4. And the applicable xml file from /config/plugins/dockerMan/templates-user on the flash drive
  5. Seriously doubt it. The hardware lists were always maintained by the community, not by Limetech. It's impossible to keep track of every combination of hardware. My understanding is that onboard GPU transcoding or passthrough will be troublesome, but everything else should work perfectly. You're going to be best off with 6.9 beta series. As an aside, that's socket is what I'm going to be buying on the Boxing Week sales.
  6. In theory it has. However there still are sometimes for some users for some unknown reason that it doesnt work. Thus far no author has ever been able to state why.
  7. Edit the applicable xml file (/config/plugins/dockerMan/templates-user) and change the line that says <TemplateURL>......</TemplateURL> to be <TemplateURL>false</TemplateURL> and the items which are being re-added to the template during updates won't happen again, and FCP will also no longer complain. There is. Toss the templates into /boot/config/plugins/community.applications/private/nameOfRepo/appName.xml Now any custom templates etc will show up within a category (if they're set), or also within the Private category But, you'd still wind in with the same issue in FCP since it can't determine which you've installed, and assumes that linuxserver/mariadb is the template present in FCP without changing that line above
  8. Hit update on the plugin page. But my system may be flagging PHP warnings
  9. Different tests, hence the notification that shows that extended found something. But, I do suppose it is somewhat counter intuitive.
  10. Ah perfect... Now that people know how your setup is different a solution can be investigated.
  11. I've modified smb-extra.cfg to export /usr/local/emhttp/plugins over the network to simplify directly modifying the webGUI files from my Windows box.
  12. Strange. Works for me. (Also, my dismiss all button is up at the top of the list) - Clear Browser cache?
  13. When updating: Warning: Use of undefined constant cfgShutdown - assumed 'cfgShutdown' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/parity.check.tuning/parity.check.tuning.php on line 132
  14. If only to rule it out, what is the /config mapping set to? /mnt/cache/... or /mnt/user/...
  15. Assign all the drives as data drives and start the array. The drives that come up as unmountable are your parity drives. Stop the array and do a new config and assign the drives accordingly. If you have dual parity then you're odds on going to have to rebuild parity as drive order is important. If more drives come up as unmountable than you have parity drives then stop and post back here with your diagnostics and wait for assistance
  16. That is somewhat out of my hands, because the templates are stored on the flash drive which being FAT32 makes no differentiation between the two, so NEXTCLOUD.xml and nextcloud.xml are actually the same file
  17. the nVidia Driver plugin will work with Plex from linuxserver. But you need to be running 6.9.0-beta31+
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