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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Posting your diagnostics is the first step
  2. Like @trurl said, the reinstall fixed the problem temporarily. But it would help to solve the issue if we knew what was 50GB (there's 3 columns there) https://forums.unraid.net/topic/57181-real-docker-faq/#comment-564326
  3. Are you passing through the ssd, or have you simply created a vdisk on a dedicated ssd. Pausing *implies* that you sized the vdisk larger than the ssd
  4. The "info" button at top right of the GUI will tell you the current negotiated speed. There'll be the same thing on the source computer (ie: windows, network properties). If one or the other is at 100MB/s then try changing ports and cables.
  5. Try this https://forums.unraid.net/topic/46802-faq-for-unraid-v6/page/2/?tab=comments#comment-713741
  6. Probably not fixable, but that's @bonienl's problem lol
  7. See if disabling mobile enhancements in CA's settings makes a difference
  8. Just in case there's a bug in there, wasn't there a banner across the top stating that only plugins could be installed?
  9. Yeah, about once a year or so I take a break from CA to concentrate on RL. Fear not though, updates will begin to happen again shortly.
  10. Change it to /mnt/user/appdata You don't care (or shouldn't) about backing up the docker.img. It's too easy to recreate to even worry about creating a backup of it.
  11. You'll have to switch it to machine type q35-4.01
  12. I'm curious. Do you have any scripts via User Scripts set to start at Array Start? I only see the message not go away on my first start, never on a subsequent stop / start. And I have a script set to run at 1st array start only. Just haven't had time to investigate further.
  13. By leaving it on /mnt/disk1, you will get moderately better performance from your apps.
  14. It will if the source and destination are on the server. In that case, the data never actually traverses the network with SMB3
  15. No. It's a bug. System is supposed to clear the disk when adding a new one to an existing array in the background. Probably going to be fixed in -rc5
  16. It's something to do with Oct 31 19:45:10 unRAID kernel: Buffer I/O error on dev md23, logical block 4, async page read Oct 31 19:45:10 unRAID kernel: Buffer I/O error on dev md23, logical block 8, async page read Oct 31 19:45:10 unRAID kernel: Buffer I/O error on dev md23, logical block 16, async page read this that happens before the system tries to mount disk 23 I'm guessing that you're running into this issue: Since disk 23 is a new disk and the system has to clear it. If you downgrade to 6.7.2, it'll clear it in the background and your shares will be available.
  17. There's nothing "wrong" with downloading an app. It's what you do with the app that can get you into trouble. For downloaders, check out the binhex series of vpn apps.
  18. You would probably at least want to read the project thread (link in the OP/docker context menu/Apps tab) and go from there.
  19. Yeah, the system is only picking up the second append line ( you're also missing kvm-intel.nested=1 ). Combine both lines into a single one and get rid of the second.
  20. Actually, here's the easy way to tell if the two append lines are messing up the boot. What's the output of cat /proc/cmdline
  21. Click on the log button at top right for a tail of the unraid log, or each individual container also has a log button in its context menu Sent from my NSA monitored device
  22. It says that it's currently enabled. And on a reboot, it's still saying enabled? (And you are leaving the system to boot into GUI mode) Could be a bug in the detection because you've got 2 append lines (everything can go onto a single line), which may also mess up the boot and it's only doing the second line, not the first. (out of my control)
  23. Without looking up your CPU etc are you still running 6.8 or did you downgrade to 6.7
  24. With the docker run command for sab and sonarr along with the full error text
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