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Everything posted by itimpi

  1. That plugin does not reinstall docker container binaries - it just reinstalls the working set files for use with previously used containers. The binaries are re-installed via Apps->Previous Apps->Docker.
  2. Is it possible that somewhere along the line you have managed to recreate an empty docker.img file? If so then your container binaries are missing even though you might have the relevant appdata working set files. If it checks out fine then you can just follow the steps to reinstall any containers that are missing with previous settings intact.
  3. Is there any chance the files already exist on the array? Mover will never overwrite existing files.
  4. Is your cache drive working OK? Where is the docker.img file? It should be on the cache pool in the 'system' share. If it is missing and/or damaged then you are going to need to: Recreate the docker.img file Reinstall the docker containers with their settings intact
  5. You could first delete any existing partitions. This should be possible via Unassigned Devices. alternatively running a Preclear on a drive will erase any existing partitions.
  6. Did you get the automated response for any of them?
  7. Since the extended SMART test passed then it is likely that the drive is OK and the problem is something external to it such as the cabling and/or power. Would need the diagnostics to have any chance of seeing if it looks like this might be the case.
  8. You mention rebooting rather than crashing? Rebooting is almost invariably hardware - with most likely culprits being CPU cooling and/or PSU struggling.
  9. Looking at that SMART report and the syslog entries it looks likely that the drive really has failed. you could try and run an extended SMART test on it (possibly on another system) as if that fails it is normally enough to get a RMA (assuming the drive is still under warranty).
  10. Even 1 error is too many and can cause unpredictable effects. It might be worth doing the memtest again with less RAM modules plugged in. Sometimes the memory controller can struggle to handle all RAM modules so individual ones check out OK but you get errors with them all plugged in.
  11. If this happens the Manual installation method often still works OK. The creation utility seems to be a bit finicky at times.
  12. You need to follow the instructions in the provided links to recreate your docker.img file and reload the containers via Apps->Previous Apps.
  13. Worth pointing out that sometimes you get such errors because the memory controller is struggling to handle all modules and it works with less modules. Have you tried repeating the memtest on individual modules as it is very rare for multiple modules to fail at the same time?
  14. It sounds as if there is an issue with the cabling (or the router) ports. If a cable (or port) does not have all pins correctly connecting on a LAN cable then the connection speed automatically degrades to 100Mbps as that only uses half of the pins. Have you tried with different cables or ports?
  15. Have you tried with http:/ip_address (i.e. not https) for local availability?
  16. When you contact support you should get an automatic acknowledgement that they received your query. If not then it did not get through and you need to try again.
  17. Strange. Normally one would not attempt to select any drives in the Global Share Settings page. Almost sounds as if what was displayed in the GUI is not what was set underneath at the config level.
  18. As far as I know you cannot stop Unraid from using core 0 (and any hyper-threaded companion core). I think is is built into the Linux/kvm level.
  19. As long as you can get to the GUI you can change it to boot in Safe Mode even when headless by clicking on the boot drive on the Main tab; go to the syslinux configuration and change which menu option should be treated as the default.
  20. Probably not as all drives visible to Unraid count towards the licence limit (except for the boot flash drive) regardless of whether they are being used by Unraid or not.
  21. Those figures are meaningless in isolation. You would need to give some context (uptime, activities performed, etc) before any conclusion can be performed. you comment about earlier versions of Unraid having excessive I/O never referred to array drives anyway as far as I know.
  22. Probably worth checking how you have the timezone set at the BIOS level as well as the Unraid level. Not sure what happens if they are different.
  23. You probably have something explicitly mapped to disk1 causing the folder to be recreated on each boot. You probably want to disable the docker and VM services and reboot to clear this and then make sure the disk is formatted in Unraid before re-enabling those services.
  24. Doing this via Apps->Previous apps puts them back with previous settings intact.
  25. Not worked out from the diagnostics what the current issue is, but I do notice a few anomalies with your shares: Share that is anonymised as N-------d has files on disk1 and disk2 even though it has an Include setting for only disk2. That setting applies to new files, but I suspect at some time in the past disk1 was also allowed and those files are left there. You would need to manually move folder/files from disk1 to disk2 to tidy this up. The 'appdata' share has files on both cache and disk1 although it is now set to only use 'cache' pool for new files. With that setting any existing files on other drives are left there. You want the files on disk1 to be moved to cache for optimum performance and to take advantage of the 'appdata' share then becoming an Exclusive share for better performance (if you enable this under Settings->Global Share settings).
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