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Everything posted by itimpi

  1. If you do not want to try the 6.11 rc then use the Parity Check Tuning plugin to manage this instead as it will work on the Unraid release you are currently running. You also get additional functionality that you can invoke with the plugin that might be of use.
  2. The most likely cause of such symptoms is an issue with the permissions on the folders and/or files. Running Tools->New Permissions on the share in question is the way to fix permission issues.
  3. BTW: This behaviour is documented here in the online documentation accessible via the 'Manual' link at the bottom of the GUI.
  4. Have you got Docker or VMs support enabled under Settings? If so then these files will be kept open (and thus keep the drive spun up) even if you are not running any containers or VMs.
  5. It might be worth reading this section of the online documentations accessible via the ‘Manual’ link at the bottom of the GUI.
  6. Click on the pool name on the Main tab, and it is on the resulting dialog.
  7. No. This section of the online documentations accessible via the ‘Manual’ link at the bottom of the GUI covers what you need to do.
  8. I was thinking of a standard name for the case of simply changing a parity drive to a larger one (which was wanted here) when there is no data drive involved. It would be nice to also think of a better name to ‘Parity Swap’ for the current process to make it clearer when it is used but I could not think of one.
  9. Don’t remember that term. I would think the appropriate term is something like Parity Drive Upgrade.
  10. Just set them up ad a pool. The default format in Unraid for a pool is the BTRFS version of RAID1 (although you can switch to any of the other variants that BTRFS supports.
  11. There should be no problem redoing the permissions after rclone runs. The easiest way is to use the ‘newperms’ command on Unraid giving a path as a parameter and everything under that path gets the default Unraid permissions applied.
  12. Are you trying to ssh to the name of the server on your local LAN, or using the ip address assigned to the tunnel? Reason I am asking is that if doing the former and both client and server are on the same ip subnet (i.e. 192.168.0.?) then you may have a name resolution issue. I deliberately avoid using a subnet of the form 192.168.0.X or 192.168.1.X for my local LAN as a remote client is often on a subnet with that address range. Perhaps a screenshot of the WireGuard settings on Unraid for the tunnel you are using and the command you are trying to use to ssh would help clarify?
  13. If a file exists in multiple locations then Unraid will normally give one priority and ignore the others. I believe that the search order is pools (in alphabetical order) and then array drives in ascending drive slot order.
  14. The Share Minimum Free Space value is applied when selecting array drives, not when deciding if the cache pool should be used instead of going straight to the array. Looking at the diagnostics what you have NOT set is the Minimum Free Space value for the cache pool (it is currently set to,0). You get to this setting by clicking on the pool on the `main tab.
  15. This does not sound possible as you can never have an array drive that is bigger than either of the parity drives. I’m still confused
  16. Having a password on the root user is now mandatory for security reasons.
  17. It is only the automated licence transfer that is limited to once a year. If you have set up the MyServers plugin you can get a copy of your licence via that route. Alternatively email Limetech explaining this giving the details of the email used for the current licence and they will normally promptly email you back a copy of your licence.
  18. That indicates there is enough corruption that you are likely to end up with a lot of items in the lost+found folder because the names are lost. Make sure that you keep the ‘disabled’ disk intact as in such cases it you can get better data recovery off the physical drive as long it has not actually failed.
  19. Any UPS you get for Unraid needs to be sized to be able to handle this or it is not going to be of much use. It is also a reason why you must make sure that you do not continue running on the UPS too long after a power failure so the UPS is too depleted to handle this. Normally one should consider initiating the power down once power has been off for more than a few minutes as by then the interruption is more than just a blip.
  20. Reformatting an array drive is covered here in the online documentations accessible via the ‘Manual’ link at the bottom of the GUI.
  21. You are likely to get better informed feedback if you attach your system’s diagnostics zip file to your next post in this thread.
  22. Yes. The flash drive is in a standard FAT32 file system so easy to copy all the files off onto a location on the PC.
  23. Memtest is an option on the Unraid boot menu. The version supplied with Unraid only works if you are not boot img in UEFI mode and are not using EEC memory. If you want a version that works with UEFI boot mode and/or EEC memory you can download it from memtest86.com (for Licencing reasons that version is not included with Unraid).
  24. It should not be as that will be within the temperature range that the drives are rated for. However it could mean that thermal expansion is adversely affecting the SATA connections as it as notoriously fragile type of connector as far as good connection goes.
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