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Everything posted by itimpi

  1. rsync is a Linux command line utility and is included as standard with Unraid.
  2. Are you sure you are trying to do a pre-clear? This should not be allowed on a drive that has been assigned to the array regardless of the mode that it is running in.
  3. You should post your system diagnostics zip file (obtained via Tools -> Diagnostics) attached to your next post if you want any feedback that is not just a guess. What is the Use Cache setting for the share containing files you want to be moved? It needs to be set to “Yes” for files to be moved by mover from cache to array. Also any files that are open will not be moved.
  4. You might find this section of the online documentation to be useful in understanding the technology stack behind the Unraid VM support. Whether it will help you I am not sure. However as you will see QEMU is not a hypervisor but a resource managing component that runs under KVM.
  5. When setting up a new array Unraid will recognise if a data disk has been previously used by Unraid and will leave its contents intact when you start the array. the two points to keep in mind are: do not assign a disk to a parity slot unless you are SURE it is not a data drive as doing so will destroy its contents. There are techniques for identifying which drive(s) might be parity drives if you are not sure but in this case it seems that is not a concern. do NOT attempt to format a drive that should have data on it as doing so will erase its contents. if for any reason your drives do not come back with there data intact it is a good idea to ask in the forum what to do. The more experienced users will be able to provide guidance to help ensure you do not lose any data,
  6. Unraid never moves files within the array - you have to do this manually if you want it for any reason.
  7. The red ‘x’ does not necessarily mean a drive has failed - just that a write to it failed for some reason. If you attach your system’s diagnostic zip file (obtained via Tools -> Diagnostics) to your next post you will get more informed feedback. it a;ways takes manual action to clear the ‘disabled’ state. Details on this are covered in this section of the online documentation.
  8. There is no reason that the Docker containers should not be able to use the GPU for transcoding as well. What GPU do you have?
  9. You do not want to change the password this way as it will not survive a reboot. You need to do it via the webUI for it to be persistent. As you mentioned avoid using special characters (or ones that are language specific and not part of the standard English keyboard map). Quite why you can log in via the webUI and not by SSH I do not know.
  10. I've edited the Overview entry to say that 2GB is now the minimum for basic NAS services but that even for that 4GB is recommended. We will need to keep an eye on whether the new features coming with Unraid 6.9.0 will mean that 4GB becomes the minimum requirement even for basic NAS features.
  11. Memtest from the boot menu if you boot in legacy mode. if you boot in UEFI mode then you need to download the memtest version from the internet that is UEFI compatible and put that on a USB stick to run it. you cannot use a plugin as memtest takes over the whole machine while it is running.
  12. Did you gather diagnostics zip file (via tools -> Diagnostics) BEFORE you rebooted? We would need those to see what lead up to the event as the logs get reset on reboot unless you have enabled the syslog server (via Settings -> Syslog). If not then the current diagnostics might still give a clue. Note that a disk gets disabled when a write to it fails, and it takes manual intervention to get it back as discussed in this section of the online documentation. Do you have notifications enabled? If so you you should have been informed when the disk got disabled.
  13. Is it possible to create a 'dummy' language? This would help with testing to make sure that I have managed to get all the English translations for my plugins set up correctly as i could then put them into this dummy file to test that the translation file has entries for every English phrase the plugin will use.
  14. Unfortunately support for groups is not a feature supported by Unraid. i will be interested to see if anyone can come up with a suggestion to achieve the results you want in an easy to use way.
  15. That is a standard Linux utility, not something Limetech are involved in producing. The bit you highlight is not a typo. It is standard Linux-speak telling you to use the Linux built-in ‘man’ command (which gives details of any Linux command) to get more detail on the options.
  16. The key point is that there is no /boot mount point listed which means UnRAID did not locate the USB drive during the later stages of the boot process. As a result no settings were applied, and various drivers could not be loaded. Quite why I do not know not being an ESXi user, but that might at least give you a starting point for further investigation.
  17. I would suggest that an easy first step is to check would be to login at the console command and use the ‘df’ command to see if the Unraid USB drive is being mounted at /boot. If not then the problem is relayed to Unraid not being able to find and mount the USB drive during the boot process at the point when settings are loaded and applied.
  18. When you format a drive then space is used on the drive to hold the file system control structures.
  19. I did exactly that on my system some years ago to free up a slot and it was painless. You will find, though, that the 9201-16i card is almost certainly going to cost you more than 2 x 9201-8i cards but may be worth it to you because of the slot it frees up.
  20. Not sure why you say this. The licence model was in place long before Unassigned devices plugin existed. Also it is perfectly feasible to use Unraid without the UD plugin - just not as convenient.
  21. Yes. Release notes are included at the start of the thread here that announced the availability of the 6..9.0 beta 22 release.
  22. Yes - the only important rule is that no parity drive can be smaller than the largest parity dtive. You can have 0, 1 or 2 parity drives depending on whether you want level of protection you want against drive failure. Many like to go for dual parity so that they remain protected against another drive failing while rebuilding a failed drive, but that is purely a personal decision based on the importance of the data and the likelihood of that happening. Total space available is simply the sum of all the data drives. the total number of drives allowed in the system varies according to your licence - I assume your 11 data + 1 parity was based on the Plus licence which allows for up to 12 drives. Note that all drives in the system count against the licence limit even if they are not being used by Unraid.
  23. That is what I have on my system and I am not seeing the sort of problems you are reporting
  24. I don't know if it is relevant but why do you have bonding enabled if their is only one NIC defined?
  25. I think only shows up under Settings. It is up to the plugin author where it gets displayed.
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