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Everything posted by BRiT

  1. Your posted code is missing the build portion.
  2. Unpack onto cache drive then move final file to the drive. Unpacking is one of the worst case scenarios for shingled drives, way to many file modifications done.
  3. Ah, I see normal unRaid systems don't have their own tmpfs setup for the unRaid's own /tmp. They only have it setup for the following: /run, /dev/shm, /var/log. It would be nice if by default they also used it for /tmp.
  4. Why not map the existing unraid host /tmp to the dockers' /tmp?
  5. Ask your questions in that support thread.
  6. Post full Diagnostics zip file attached to your next post. You have some customization configured, maybe one of your own user scripts or a plugin.
  7. P and Q are the long standing names from the existing Mathematical Realm Algorithms for parity protection.
  8. Shouldn't the mapping be done using the Device ID and not Bus and Device Numbers? That's why I'm curious. Seems like the real issue is the USB disconnects, as if the controller is going to sleep or doesn't have enough power for all devices which causes them to cycle.
  9. Why does device number inside of the VM actually matter? You should be good as long as it's passed through and the vm can see it, no?
  10. Disable WSDD "solves" the issue.
  11. Make sure to look at all your extras and plugins on the flash as well as dockers to make sure its not self-reinstalling on shutdown or restarts.
  12. Answered earlier in the thread. In the past people may not have been exposing their server to the internet but now they may want the "My Servers" functionality so they tried to do something. They forwarded too many ports or DMZed their server and simply didn't secure it properly to start with. Nothing wrong with "My Servers", but it may have been the push for some to try out things they really shouldn't have. Humans are flawed. They tend to skip instructions or pick parts randomly to follow and ignore the rest.
  13. Just noting possible cause and effects -- why some may be opening up ports or putting servers into DMZ. It was asked "Why now and not before", well there's an answer. Never said anything was wrong with the implementation of "My Servers".
  14. More folks opening up ports for the early preview feature of "unraid.net" to link back to their own server?
  15. Exactly. Give us the ability to flat out ban connections from certain countries or white-list only certain countries. For a US server I would ban everything outside of North America (US and Canada). For Europe I would ban anything in China, Russia, India or other Hotspot hacker regions for a start.
  16. Other mentioned possibilities included from ( https://www.dslreports.com/forum/r32895609-AZ-New-Motorola-MB8600-Firmware-8600-19-3-11 ) Username: admin / Password: motorola Username: admin / Password: admin admin/password
  17. Is it your router or your Cable Modem? If its your cable modem, there is new firmware pushed because of California and other State Laws. The new firmware sets a default username password and forces a change after first login. My ISP has this documented in their online forums, but I saw my answer in DSLReport forums. For Motorola cable modems what you need to know is: Username: admin Password: last 8 of the Serial Number.
  18. On the right hand side at the bottom in all white is the ATX 24 Pin connection. Right above that is a single EPS connection (8 pin). A little bit above that one is the other EPS connection.
  19. They're saying your new motherboard requires it for power.
  20. Most likely its telegraf and how its "monitoring" drives. Pause/Stop that to see if the drives spin down in due time.
  21. This is why no one should set up their servers to be exposed to the internet.
  22. Step 1) Read the forum announcement thread to be aware of any special steps needed.
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