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Everything posted by JonathanM

  1. Don't do that unless you have bonded the UPS ground to earth through some other means. Any current imbalance between the equipment powered by the UPS and other equipment still grounded will travel through whatever connections are still there, probably your network at the very least. Turn off the circuit at the breaker, or temporarily plug the UPS into a switched outlet or power strip, but don't just yank the plug out of the wall.
  2. https://wiki.unraid.net/Unraid_6/Troubleshooting#Persistent_Logs
  3. Any drive that is removed without being replaced and rebuilt will lose the data that's on it. So, no not automatically. You could definitely copy the data from the 2TB to free space elsewhere on the array using any one of many available tools, and then rebuild parity without that drive. The number of drives spinning is a big factor in power consumption, so yes, fewer platters rotating = power saved. AFAIK costco doesn't private label drives, so I'm sure if you search for the brand, model number, disassembly instructions you will find an example on youtube.
  4. If the container is running an ssh daemon, and you have the port exposed in the container config, sure. That's probably not what you meant to ask though. Assuming most typical containers, when you are at an Unraid console of some sort you use "docker exec -ti <containername> /bin/bash"
  5. Should be enabled by default. That works too, ssh [email protected] or IP. However, https://www.ssh.com/ssh/putty/linux/ Putty works just fine in linux, and a little more easily configurable than ssh command.
  6. Perfectly normal. The only time I get concerned is if the overall load stays pinned at 100% for several minutes and I don't have any operation running that I am aware will cause that. When an application asks for CPU time, you want the CPU to give 100% to get the task done ASAP. The usage bars are average load over a short period, and you want 100% for short bursts. Some containers are meant to run 100% all the time, so if you are running one of those, you get concerned when the load drops. Information in context. What is bad some times is correct other times.
  7. Yeah, even a 50% failure rate means a very high number of good working drives remain in service. It's just... well... if I had a choice, I'd prefer to not use them.
  8. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ST3000DM001 One of the few (only?) drives to have a WIKI devoted to the abnormally high failure rate. So, your title of infamous applies to the drive as well as the red dot.
  9. There are a few reasons for current pending, most are fatal, especially in that quantity. However, it's a remote possibility that a poor power or other environmental factors could cause them, in which case a full write and a full smart scan with those factors corrected could enable the drive to see that those sectors really are ok. So, if you are keen on saving the drive or killing it permanently, run 3 or more full preclear cycles and see how it handles it. There is a remote possibility that the drive will recover and be all ok. More likely it will just get worse.
  10. Don't give a VM more than is absolutely necessary. They will perform better if you give them a bare minimum, and allow the host to speed up their "motherboard" using as much CPU and memory as it can. Keep in mind that a VM is running on emulated hardware, the faster the host can emulate it, the better. Don't cripple the host that provides all the I/O.
  11. On the docker tab advanced view you can force update any single container.
  12. I wouldn't count on that. This forum has a rather high percentage of 50+ The tone of this forum has a lot to do with the number of years of computer experience that are reflected here.
  13. Until the script actually HAS a log file, the buttons are hidden. Or are you saying the scripts seem to be running on schedule, but still no buttons?
  14. This support thread is for the LSIO image, I don't think the plex inc image has a support thread on this forum, you would need to use the plex inc forums.
  15. Try using UD to connect the pi4 share.
  16. Yep. All it needs to do is read the parity drives and verify they are all zero past the 6TB mark.
  17. Yes, it's in the magical place called Soon™.
  18. Sorry, I already readded all the subscriptions. I only have the default log level set, so I wasn't expecting much info there. When I went to the subs page, it displayed the same message of no items for both playlists and subscriptions, I've never put in any playlists, but the message was displayed for both. When I readded the subs, they showed up properly, both on the left column and the subs list. One anomaly to note is that even though adding the sub closes the add sub popup, the new sub doesn't show in the list until the browser is refreshed. At the moment I'm getting the 429 too many requests, so I've shut down the container until tomorrow, I'll post back. Prior to shutting down I added a cookie and a youtube API key and the 429's continued, but I don't know if that makes a difference once the 429 is already happening.
  19. Is it possible that some resource in the deleted snapshot was still being referenced? I'm not familiar with the inner workings of BTRFS snapshots, but I know in the past I've run into situations where a program kept a file open, but not locked, and when the file is deleted, it stuck around until the offending program was closed.
  20. As long as you have a gigabit network, you really won't gain much if any speed locally.
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