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Everything posted by JonathanM

  1. Perfectly reasonable. The example I quote is I think from Tom (Limetech) himself, where he had a server in an unheated garage, spun up the drives and a large number of them failed. I forget the details, but it demonstrates that spinning up a dead cold drive is not healthy for it. 30c is warmish, 35 is just a little more warmish, NOTHING compared to spinning up a drive at 5c. You didn't state the environment in which you keep the server, so I gave my best answer given limited info.
  2. Some drives report temps regardless of spin state, others don't. Your technique would work fine.
  3. Spin up / down is less of an issue than temperature shock. If the temperature difference between spun up and spun down is small, spin them down as soon as you can, assuming they won't get spun back up minutes later. If, on the other hand, you see a huge temperature swing every time the drives spin up, I'd be less likely to spin them down. Better to keep the drives warmer than ideal but at a steady temperature than to cool them way down only to heat them way up comparatively.
  4. If you do that, be aware macvlan causes crashes on some systems. This is the reason the default was changed to ipvlan.
  5. There is an entire sticky thread on the topic of file system conversions that answers most if not all of your questions.
  6. Doesn't matter much, whichever works best for you.
  7. If you don't have any hardware passed through to VMs, and both the old and new disk controllers are straight HBA IT mode, no RAID or IR, then changing everything over will just work. No changes needed. Unraid "installs" itself fresh and redetects the hardware on every boot anyway, so it's typically seamless to move all your drives and USB boot stick to new equipment.
  8. Keep in mind that the memory speed limitation may very well NOT be the memory DIMMs, it can be the memory controller on the CPU or the motherboard itself. Putting 200MPH rated tires on a toyota corolla is not going to allow the car to go that fast. All parts in the memory access path must be able to sustain the targeted speed. Run the system at stock speed (no XMP) and see how it behaves. Memtest can only prove the memory is bad, passing memtest doesn't mean the memory is working 100% under all conditions.
  9. Contact support with the email you used to purchase the license. Or, if you keep old emails, look back through them, the info should be there.
  10. Try a different USB stick. May also try reformatting the stick using RUFUS
  11. Attach diagnostics from the current session to your NEXT post in this thread.
  12. Block that IP range on your firewall. It's an automated hack attempt.
  13. Replace the failing memory. Don't try to use the machine until memtest passes at least 1 full pass, preferably let it run for 24 hours.
  14. Delete the network.cfg file completely. Unraid will generate a new copy with DHCP enabled when it starts.
  15. On your firewall where you have the VLAN routing set up? I'm probably not the best person to ask, I don't have much experience with VLANs.
  16. Add a firewall rule to pass port 123 UDP?
  17. Holy necro batman! 3 YEARS later? And a reply with only a quoted 10 year old post? This has to be some kind of record.
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