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Everything posted by wgstarks

  1. Is Deluge really showing no active torrents? My guess is that you are seeding. You can configure the bandwidth used for this in the app settings.
  2. Worked. Thanks for the speedy rebuild.
  3. I’m still seeing this as well. The “syncing—please wait” message doesn’t appear until after the sync has completed.
  4. It’s a problem with the naming of the file you downloaded (season 0). Select the icon of the person (next to the red X) to open the manual import dialog. Select move or copy, whichever you prefer, then select the file and then the manual import button if you’re sure this is the correct file.
  5. What does the “Activity” window in Sonarr show? This should give some sort of indication why the app was unable to move/copy the files along with an option to manually import.
  6. Just move them manually and refresh the listing in Sonarr.
  7. They both would be. /tmp should already exist in ram and is the location usually used for this. /TMP would be a directory that you are creating.
  8. As long as you’re sure you have the correct drive assigned as parity. If you’re not sure, it’s the only unformatted drive.
  9. And more nested features that are hard to find. Not the best solution.
  10. Will they be displayed anywhere with this update?
  11. I would leave the Unassigned Devices section. AFAIK it’s still needed.
  12. I think you are confusing container updates with application updates. Many LSIO containers update on a weekly basis (Fridays I think). When the update is installed whatever app version you have tagged will be pulled. If there has been an update to that version of the app then it will also be updated, but many times the container is updated without any change to the app.
  13. Mine took ~90 seconds right there. I think it was actually syncing but didn't display that until the sync had already completed.
  14. Yes. I have no problems mounting remote shares via SMB and reading/writing to them.
  15. Don’t have any VM’s installed but everything else seems to be working great with my iPhone and RC6.
  16. Did you install the plugin? https://forums.unraid.net/topic/51332-plugin-controlr/
  17. You won’t see UD shares on the “Shares” tab. Only the shares you configured in unraid. Assuming you are running Deluge on your server there isn’t any need to share the disk. Just add the path in the docker.
  18. If you do a google search you’ll see that this issue is somewhat common with time Machine. There are various convoluted methods for getting TM to work with this error. Perhaps at some point Apple will fix the problem.
  19. Just added a new SSD to my server (sdo) and I'm getting this notification from SSD Trim- fstrim: /mnt/disks/MKNSSDRE500GB_MK1901221004A0162: FITRIM ioctl failed: Remote I/O error brunnhilde-diagnostics-20190316-2006.zip
  20. Not sure if this is just a random artifact or if it's supposed to be there. Seeing it in Safari and Firefox.
  21. Feature Request- Add an option to pause parity checks if mover is running. I normally run mover on a cron schedule so it’s not too complicated to manipulate the schedules for mover and this plugin so that they don’t overlap, but since I use the mover tuning plugin there are times when mover is run outside of the cron schedule. When mover and parity are both running it tends to bring all other functions on my server to a complete standstill.
  22. Enter restricted tags in settings>indexers.
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