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[Plugin] CA Appdata Backup / Restore v2.5


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Hi @KluthR!

Thanks for your work on the new plugin.

I see a v3 is coming soon and could wait for that if thats best, or test it if you think what I'm about to bring up might already be addressed.

I have some containers that fail to restart after backup.
Frigate is one this happens with consistently. I believe this happens because of the extra options this container is started with.
The container starts with Extra Parameters: `--runtime=nvidia --shm-size=5G`, which, by itself is not to crazy. But it also has a coral AI/TPU (device) passed in.

The weird thing, is the backup thinks the container starts successfully from what I see.

[08.04.2023 03:00:13] Stopping frigate-nvidia... done! (took 4 seconds)
[08.04.2023 04:08:32] Starting frigate-nvidia... (try #1) done!

but the container just stops right after starting (In this case, I started it myself at 11:29):

[2023-04-08 04:08:36] frigate.app                    INFO    : Starting Frigate (0.10.1-83481af)
Starting migrations
[2023-04-08 04:08:36] peewee_migrate                 INFO    : Starting migrations
There is nothing to migrate
[2023-04-08 04:08:36] peewee_migrate                 INFO    : There is nothing to migrate
[2023-04-08 11:29:36] frigate.app                    INFO    : Starting Frigate (0.10.1-83481af)
23-04-08 11:29:36] peewee_migrate                 INFO    : There is nothing to migrate
[2023-04-08 11:29:36] frigate.app                    INFO    : Output process started: 227
[2023-04-08 11:29:36] ws4py                          INFO    : Using epoll

I really don't know why this is happening, but thought I would share some of the weird in case something jumps out, or someone else is experiencing the same issues.

Maybe causes: My DNS server (a container) might be down, maybe frigate is silently erroring trying to access cameras. 

If it is that the DNS server container has not started yet, is there a quick solution to this?
Like a pre start script that starts my DNS server container. I have not tried that since I thought the backup script would error trying to start the DNS server when it was already started.

Thanks for any thoughts or ideas, and the work to improve the backup plugin.

Edited by paperblankets
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Hi :)


1 hour ago, paperblankets said:

Maybe causes: My DNS server (a container) might be down, maybe frigate is silently erroring trying to access cameras.

Maybe Frigate has a verbose log option?


1 hour ago, paperblankets said:

If it is that the DNS server container has not started yet, is there a quick solution to this?

I dont think so. V3 gives a start order setting but the current version not.


1 hour ago, paperblankets said:

The weird thing, is the backup thinks the container starts successfully from what I see.

Well, it started correct actually. The docker daemon sends ok response. A „crash“ or error after start is not detected as error.


I would test frigates log option first.

  • Upvote 1
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1 hour ago, KluthR said:

Hi :)


Maybe Frigate has a verbose log option?


I dont think so. V3 gives a start order setting but the current version not.


Well, it started correct actually. The docker daemon sends ok response. A „crash“ or error after start is not detected as error.


I would test frigates log option first.

Based on that I think waiting for a stable 3.0 sounds reasonable even if that's a month out.


I can check for a more verbose error option in the container (I have a vague memory of a path flag that increases the verbosity of some of the service logging).

I could also go to static IPs to rule out DNS as well. That's maybe where I should start.

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Maybe someone already had this happen, I want to be able to backup to the cloud my backups, which granted i can simply tell the folder in duplicati backup /mnt/user/appdatabackup my problem is that i keep 3 copies and i only want to backup the last one which is 13gb. How can i go about doing that?

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12 hours ago, paperblankets said:

Based on that I think waiting for a stable 3.0 sounds reasonable even if that's a month out.

Depends. I publish the plugin as stable the next days, but only starting with 6.12. so it depends when Unraid 6.12 is finally published.

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17 hours ago, paperblankets said:

Based on that I think waiting for a stable 3.0 sounds reasonable even if that's a month out.


I can check for a more verbose error option in the container (I have a vague memory of a path flag that increases the verbosity of some of the service logging).

I could also go to static IPs to rule out DNS as well. That's maybe where I should start.

I have ruled out this being DNS related (at least internal DNS). Verbose logging it is.

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Hey all,

Today for the first time I woke to find backup had failed and I'm not sure why. This week I switched from docker img to directory. Could that be a problem?


[10.04.2023 03:00:01] Backup of appData starting. This may take awhile
[10.04.2023 03:00:01] Stopping adminer... done! (took 1 seconds)
[10.04.2023 03:00:02] Stopping ApacheGuacamole... done! (took 2 seconds)
[10.04.2023 03:00:04] Stopping audiobookshelf... done! (took 10 seconds)
[10.04.2023 03:00:14] Stopping Authelia... done! (took 0 seconds)
[10.04.2023 03:00:14] Stopping authentik... done! (took 0 seconds)
[10.04.2023 03:00:14] Stopping authentik-worker... done! (took 1 seconds)
[10.04.2023 03:00:15] Stopping authentik_ldap_outpost-authentik_ldap-1... done! (took 0 seconds)
[10.04.2023 03:00:15] Stopping bazarr... done! (took 5 seconds)
[10.04.2023 03:00:20] Stopping binhex-krusader... done! (took 1 seconds)
[10.04.2023 03:00:21] Stopping binhex-readarr... done! (took 1 seconds)
[10.04.2023 03:00:22] Stopping bookstack... done! (took 5 seconds)
[10.04.2023 03:00:27] Stopping calibre... done! (took 5 seconds)
[10.04.2023 03:00:32] Stopping calibre-web... done! (took 6 seconds)
[10.04.2023 03:00:38] Stopping Cloudflare-DDNS... done! (took 4 seconds)
[10.04.2023 03:00:42] Stopping code-server... done! (took 5 seconds)
[10.04.2023 03:00:47] Stopping Dozzle... done! (took 0 seconds)
[10.04.2023 03:00:47] Stopping emby... done! (took 11 seconds)
[10.04.2023 03:00:58] Stopping FileBrowser... done! (took 0 seconds)
[10.04.2023 03:00:58] Not stopping Firefox: Not started! [ / Created]
[10.04.2023 03:00:58] Stopping flaresolverr... done! (took 0 seconds)
[10.04.2023 03:00:58] Stopping gluetunvpn... done! (took 1 seconds)
[10.04.2023 03:00:59] Stopping GoAccess-NPM-Logs... done! (took 0 seconds)
[10.04.2023 03:00:59] Stopping jackett... done! (took 4 seconds)
[10.04.2023 03:01:03] Stopping jellyfin... done! (took 5 seconds)
[10.04.2023 03:01:08] Stopping Kavita... done! (took 10 seconds)
[10.04.2023 03:01:18] Stopping Komga... done! (took 1 seconds)
[10.04.2023 03:01:19] Stopping lidarr... done! (took 4 seconds)
[10.04.2023 03:01:23] Not stopping macinabox: Not started! [ / Exited (0) 2 days ago]
[10.04.2023 03:01:23] Stopping main-qbit... done! (took 1 seconds)
[10.04.2023 03:01:24] Stopping main-sabnzbd... done! (took 2 seconds)
[10.04.2023 03:01:26] Stopping mariadb... done! (took 4 seconds)
[10.04.2023 03:01:30] Not stopping MongoDB: Not started! [ / Exited (14) 3 days ago]
[10.04.2023 03:01:30] Stopping Monitorr... Error while stopping container! Code: Server error
[10.04.2023 03:01:54] Stopping mylar3... done! (took 9 seconds)
[10.04.2023 03:02:03] Stopping netdata-glibc... done! (took 3 seconds)
[10.04.2023 03:02:06] Stopping nextcloud... done! (took 5 seconds)
[10.04.2023 03:02:11] Stopping Nginx-Proxy-Manager-Official... done! (took 5 seconds)
[10.04.2023 03:02:16] Stopping Notifiarr... done! (took 0 seconds)
[10.04.2023 03:02:16] Stopping ombi... done! (took 4 seconds)
[10.04.2023 03:02:20] Stopping OnlyOfficeDocumentServer... done! (took 10 seconds)
[10.04.2023 03:02:30] Stopping organizrv2... done! (took 4 seconds)
[10.04.2023 03:02:34] Stopping overseerr... done! (took 4 seconds)
[10.04.2023 03:02:38] Stopping p-torrent... done! (took 1 seconds)
[10.04.2023 03:02:39] Not stopping p-usenet: Not started! [ / Created]
[10.04.2023 03:02:39] Stopping Pihole-DoT-DoH... done! (took 4 seconds)
[10.04.2023 03:02:43] Stopping plex... done! (took 5 seconds)
[10.04.2023 03:02:48] Stopping Portainer-Agent... done! (took 0 seconds)
[10.04.2023 03:02:48] Stopping Portainer-CE... done! (took 0 seconds)
[10.04.2023 03:02:48] Stopping postgresql14... done! (took 0 seconds)
[10.04.2023 03:02:48] Stopping prowlarr... done! (took 5 seconds)
[10.04.2023 03:02:53] Stopping PuTTY... done! (took 1 seconds)
[10.04.2023 03:02:54] Stopping radarr... done! (took 4 seconds)
[10.04.2023 03:02:58] Stopping readarr... done! (took 5 seconds)
[10.04.2023 03:03:03] Stopping Rebuild-DNDC... done! (took 10 seconds)
[10.04.2023 03:03:13] Stopping redis... done! (took 0 seconds)
[10.04.2023 03:03:13] Stopping scrutiny... Error while stopping container! Code: Server error
[10.04.2023 03:03:37] Stopping sonarr... done! (took 5 seconds)
[10.04.2023 03:03:42] Stopping stash... done! (took 4 seconds)
[10.04.2023 03:03:46] Stopping Tailscale... done! (took 10 seconds)
[10.04.2023 03:03:56] Stopping tautulli... done! (took 5 seconds)
[10.04.2023 03:04:01] Stopping Tor-Browser... Error while stopping container! Code: Container already started
[10.04.2023 03:04:01] Stopping ubooquity... done! (took 5 seconds)
[10.04.2023 03:04:06] Stopping unpackerr... done! (took 4 seconds)
[10.04.2023 03:04:10] Stopping vaultwarden... done! (took 0 seconds)
[10.04.2023 03:04:10] Not stopping vm_custom_icons: Not started! [ / Exited (0) 2 days ago]
[10.04.2023 03:04:10] Stopping whisparr... done! (took 6 seconds)
[10.04.2023 03:04:16] Not stopping xteve_dnsforge: Not started! [ / Created]
[10.04.2023 03:04:16] Backing Up appData from /mnt/user/appdata/ to /mnt/user/backups/appdatabackups/[email protected]
[10.04.2023 03:04:16] Separate archives enabled!
[10.04.2023 03:04:16] Ignoring: .
[10.04.2023 03:04:16] Ignoring: ..
[10.04.2023 03:04:16] Backing Up: ApacheGuacamole
[10.04.2023 03:04:17] Verifying Backup ApacheGuacamole
[10.04.2023 03:04:18] Backing Up: audiobookshelf
[10.04.2023 03:04:20] Verifying Backup audiobookshelf
[10.04.2023 03:04:21] Backing Up: Authelia
[10.04.2023 03:04:21] Verifying Backup Authelia
[10.04.2023 03:04:21] Backing Up: authentik
[10.04.2023 03:04:23] Verifying Backup authentik
[10.04.2023 03:04:23] Backing Up: bazarr
[10.04.2023 03:04:27] Verifying Backup bazarr
[10.04.2023 03:04:27] Backing Up: binhex-delugevpn
[10.04.2023 03:04:28] Verifying Backup binhex-delugevpn
[10.04.2023 03:04:28] Backing Up: binhex-krusader
[10.04.2023 03:04:40] Verifying Backup binhex-krusader
[10.04.2023 03:04:51] Backing Up: binhex-pqbittorrentvpn
/usr/bin/tar: binhex-pqbittorrentvpn/qBittorrent/config/ipc-socket: socket ignored
[10.04.2023 03:04:51] Verifying Backup binhex-pqbittorrentvpn
[10.04.2023 03:04:51] Backing Up: binhex-qbittorrentvpn
/usr/bin/tar: binhex-qbittorrentvpn/qBittorrent/config/ipc-socket: socket ignored
[10.04.2023 03:04:52] Verifying Backup binhex-qbittorrentvpn
[10.04.2023 03:04:52] Backing Up: binhex-qbittorrentvpn-1
/usr/bin/tar: binhex-qbittorrentvpn-1/qBittorrent/config/ipc-socket: socket ignored
[10.04.2023 03:04:52] Verifying Backup binhex-qbittorrentvpn-1
[10.04.2023 03:04:52] Backing Up: binhex-readarr
[10.04.2023 03:04:58] Verifying Backup binhex-readarr
[10.04.2023 03:04:59] Backing Up: binhex-sabnzbd
[10.04.2023 03:04:59] Verifying Backup binhex-sabnzbd
[10.04.2023 03:04:59] Backing Up: binhex-sabnzbdvpn
[10.04.2023 03:05:00] Verifying Backup binhex-sabnzbdvpn
[10.04.2023 03:05:00] Backing Up: binhex-sabnzbdvpn-1
[10.04.2023 03:05:00] Verifying Backup binhex-sabnzbdvpn-1
[10.04.2023 03:05:00] Backing Up: bookstack
[10.04.2023 03:05:00] Verifying Backup bookstack
[10.04.2023 03:05:00] Backing Up: calibre
[10.04.2023 03:05:01] Verifying Backup calibre
[10.04.2023 03:05:01] Backing Up: calibre-web
[10.04.2023 03:05:01] Verifying Backup calibre-web
[10.04.2023 03:05:01] Backing Up: channels-dvr
[10.04.2023 03:05:08] Verifying Backup channels-dvr
[10.04.2023 03:05:10] Backing Up: chrome
[10.04.2023 03:05:10] Verifying Backup chrome
[10.04.2023 03:05:10] Backing Up: code-server
[10.04.2023 03:05:10] Verifying Backup code-server
[10.04.2023 03:05:11] Backing Up: data
[10.04.2023 03:05:11] Verifying Backup data
[10.04.2023 03:05:11] Backing Up: emby
[10.04.2023 03:05:13] Verifying Backup emby
[10.04.2023 03:05:14] Backing Up: filebrowser
[10.04.2023 03:05:14] Verifying Backup filebrowser
[10.04.2023 03:05:14] Backing Up: Firefox
[10.04.2023 03:05:15] Verifying Backup Firefox
[10.04.2023 03:05:16] Backing Up: gluetun
[10.04.2023 03:05:16] Verifying Backup gluetun
[10.04.2023 03:05:16] Backing Up: goaccess
[10.04.2023 03:05:16] Verifying Backup goaccess
[10.04.2023 03:05:16] Backing Up: jackett
[10.04.2023 03:05:16] Verifying Backup jackett
[10.04.2023 03:05:16] Backing Up: jellyfin
[10.04.2023 03:05:19] Verifying Backup jellyfin
[10.04.2023 03:05:20] Backing Up: kavita
[10.04.2023 03:05:21] Verifying Backup kavita
[10.04.2023 03:05:21] Backing Up: komga
[10.04.2023 03:05:22] Verifying Backup komga
[10.04.2023 03:05:23] Backing Up: krusader
[10.04.2023 03:05:23] Verifying Backup krusader
[10.04.2023 03:05:23] Backing Up: lidarr
[10.04.2023 03:05:24] Verifying Backup lidarr
[10.04.2023 03:05:24] Backing Up: Logarr
[10.04.2023 03:05:24] Verifying Backup Logarr
[10.04.2023 03:05:24] Backing Up: macinabox
[10.04.2023 03:05:24] Verifying Backup macinabox
[10.04.2023 03:05:24] Backing Up: main-sabnzbd
[10.04.2023 03:05:24] Verifying Backup main-sabnzbd
[10.04.2023 03:05:25] Backing Up: mariadb
[10.04.2023 03:05:29] Verifying Backup mariadb
[10.04.2023 03:05:30] Backing Up: mongodb
[10.04.2023 03:06:09] Verifying Backup mongodb
[10.04.2023 03:06:17] Backing Up: mongodb.old
[10.04.2023 03:06:17] Verifying Backup mongodb.old
[10.04.2023 03:06:17] Backing Up: Monitorr
[10.04.2023 03:06:17] Verifying Backup Monitorr
[10.04.2023 03:06:17] Backing Up: mylar3
[10.04.2023 03:06:28] Verifying Backup mylar3
[10.04.2023 03:06:30] Backing Up: netdata
[10.04.2023 03:06:30] Verifying Backup netdata
[10.04.2023 03:06:30] Backing Up: nextcloud
[10.04.2023 03:07:28] Verifying Backup nextcloud
[10.04.2023 03:13:00] Backing Up: Nginx-Proxy-Manager-Official
[10.04.2023 03:16:41] Verifying Backup Nginx-Proxy-Manager-Official
[10.04.2023 03:20:35] Backing Up: Notifiarr
[10.04.2023 03:20:36] Verifying Backup Notifiarr
[10.04.2023 03:20:36] Backing Up: nzbgetvpn
[10.04.2023 03:20:36] Verifying Backup nzbgetvpn
[10.04.2023 03:20:36] Backing Up: ombi
[10.04.2023 03:20:36] Verifying Backup ombi
[10.04.2023 03:20:36] Backing Up: onlyofficeds
[10.04.2023 03:20:37] Verifying Backup onlyofficeds
[10.04.2023 03:20:39] Backing Up: organizrv2
[10.04.2023 03:20:45] Verifying Backup organizrv2
[10.04.2023 03:20:50] Backing Up: overseerr
[10.04.2023 03:20:50] Verifying Backup overseerr
[10.04.2023 03:20:50] Backing Up: P3R-Brave-Browser
[10.04.2023 03:20:50] Verifying Backup P3R-Brave-Browser
[10.04.2023 03:20:51] Backing Up: P3R-Firefox-Browser
[10.04.2023 03:20:52] Verifying Backup P3R-Firefox-Browser
[10.04.2023 03:20:53] Backing Up: P3R-OpenRGB
[10.04.2023 03:20:53] Verifying Backup P3R-OpenRGB
[10.04.2023 03:20:53] Backing Up: pihole-dot-doh
[10.04.2023 03:20:55] Verifying Backup pihole-dot-doh
[10.04.2023 03:20:56] Backing Up: plex
[10.04.2023 03:43:11] Verifying Backup plex
[10.04.2023 05:50:36] Backing Up: portainer-ce
[10.04.2023 05:50:36] Verifying Backup portainer-ce
[10.04.2023 05:50:36] Backing Up: postgresql14
[10.04.2023 05:50:40] Verifying Backup postgresql14
[10.04.2023 05:50:41] Backing Up: prowlarr
[10.04.2023 05:51:14] Verifying Backup prowlarr
[10.04.2023 05:51:27] Backing Up: PuTTY
[10.04.2023 05:51:27] Verifying Backup PuTTY
[10.04.2023 05:51:27] Backing Up: pwm
[10.04.2023 05:51:27] Verifying Backup pwm
[10.04.2023 05:51:28] Backing Up: pwm.old
[10.04.2023 05:51:34] Verifying Backup pwm.old
[10.04.2023 05:51:37] Backing Up: qbittorrent
[10.04.2023 05:51:38] Verifying Backup qbittorrent
[10.04.2023 05:51:38] Backing Up: qbittorrentvpn
[10.04.2023 05:51:38] Verifying Backup qbittorrentvpn
[10.04.2023 05:51:38] Backing Up: radarr
[10.04.2023 05:51:52] Verifying Backup radarr
[10.04.2023 05:51:59] Backing Up: readarr
[10.04.2023 05:52:03] Verifying Backup readarr
[10.04.2023 05:52:06] Backing Up: rebuild-dndc
[10.04.2023 05:52:06] Verifying Backup rebuild-dndc
[10.04.2023 05:52:06] Backing Up: redis
[10.04.2023 05:52:07] Verifying Backup redis
[10.04.2023 05:52:07] Backing Up: rocketchat
[10.04.2023 05:52:07] Verifying Backup rocketchat
[10.04.2023 05:52:07] Backing Up: sabnzbd
[10.04.2023 05:52:08] Verifying Backup sabnzbd
[10.04.2023 05:52:08] Backing Up: sonarr
[10.04.2023 05:52:15] Verifying Backup sonarr
[10.04.2023 05:52:18] Backing Up: stash
[10.04.2023 05:53:57] Verifying Backup stash
[10.04.2023 05:55:50] Backing Up: swag
[10.04.2023 05:55:50] Verifying Backup swag
[10.04.2023 05:55:51] Backing Up: tailscale
[10.04.2023 05:55:51] Verifying Backup tailscale
[10.04.2023 05:55:51] Backing Up: tautulli
[10.04.2023 05:55:57] Verifying Backup tautulli
[10.04.2023 05:56:00] Backing Up: torbrowser
[10.04.2023 05:56:03] Verifying Backup torbrowser
[10.04.2023 05:56:04] Backing Up: ubooquity
[10.04.2023 05:56:04] Verifying Backup ubooquity
[10.04.2023 05:56:05] Backing Up: unpackerr
[10.04.2023 05:56:05] Verifying Backup unpackerr
[10.04.2023 05:56:05] Backing Up: -usr-local-emhttp-webGui-scripts-run_cmd tail -f -n 90 -var-log-syslog (AvsHome).url
/usr/bin/tar: You may not specify more than one '-Acdtrux', '--delete' or '--test-label' option
Try '/usr/bin/tar --help' or '/usr/bin/tar --usage' for more information.
[10.04.2023 05:56:05] tar creation/extraction failed!
[10.04.2023 05:56:05] Verifying Backup -usr-local-emhttp-webGui-scripts-run_cmd tail -f -n 90 -var-log-syslog (AvsHome).url
/usr/bin/tar: /mnt/user/backups/appdatabackups/[email protected]/CA_backup_-usr-local-emhttp-webGui-scripts-run_cmd tail -f -n 90 -var-log-syslog (AvsHome).url.tar: Cannot open: No such file or directory
/usr/bin/tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
[10.04.2023 05:56:05] tar verify failed!
[10.04.2023 05:56:05] Backing Up: vaultwarden
[10.04.2023 05:56:05] Verifying Backup vaultwarden
[10.04.2023 05:56:05] Backing Up: vm_custom_icons
[10.04.2023 05:56:05] Verifying Backup vm_custom_icons
[10.04.2023 05:56:05] Backing Up: whisparr
[10.04.2023 05:56:07] Verifying Backup whisparr
[10.04.2023 05:56:08] Backing Up: xteve
[10.04.2023 05:56:11] Verifying Backup xteve
[10.04.2023 05:56:12] Backing Up: xteve_dnsforge
[10.04.2023 05:56:13] Verifying Backup xteve_dnsforge
[10.04.2023 05:56:14] done
[10.04.2023 05:56:14] Starting Cloudflare-DDNS... (try #1) done!
[10.04.2023 05:56:16] Starting Tailscale... (try #1) done!
[10.04.2023 05:56:18] Starting Pihole-DoT-DoH... (try #1) done!
[10.04.2023 05:56:21] Starting Nginx-Proxy-Manager-Official... (try #1) done!
[10.04.2023 05:56:23] Starting gluetunvpn... (try #1) done!
[10.04.2023 05:56:25] Starting Tor-Browser... (try #1) done!
[10.04.2023 05:56:27] Starting redis... (try #1) done!
[10.04.2023 05:56:30] Starting postgresql14... (try #1) done!
[10.04.2023 05:56:32] Starting mariadb... (try #1) done!
[10.04.2023 05:56:34] Starting adminer... (try #1) done!
[10.04.2023 05:56:37] Starting authentik-worker... (try #1) done!
[10.04.2023 05:56:39] Starting authentik_ldap_outpost-authentik_ldap-1... (try #1) done!
[10.04.2023 05:56:41] Starting authentik... (try #1) done!
[10.04.2023 05:56:43] Starting vaultwarden... (try #1) done!
[10.04.2023 05:56:46] Starting Authelia... (try #1) done!
[10.04.2023 05:56:48] Starting code-server... (try #1) done!
[10.04.2023 05:56:50] Starting unpackerr... (try #1) done!
[10.04.2023 05:56:53] Starting main-sabnzbd... (try #1) done!
[10.04.2023 05:56:55] Starting main-qbit... (try #1) done!
[10.04.2023 05:56:57] Starting p-torrent... (try #1) done!
[10.04.2023 05:56:59] Starting flaresolverr... (try #1) done!
[10.04.2023 05:57:02] Starting prowlarr... (try #1) done!
[10.04.2023 05:57:04] Starting jackett... (try #1) done!
[10.04.2023 05:57:06] Starting plex... (try #1) done!
[10.04.2023 05:57:09] Starting emby... (try #1) done!
[10.04.2023 05:57:12] Starting jellyfin... (try #1) done!
[10.04.2023 05:57:15] Starting tautulli... (try #1) done!
[10.04.2023 05:57:18] Starting sonarr... (try #1) done!
[10.04.2023 05:57:20] Starting radarr... (try #1) done!
[10.04.2023 05:57:22] Starting bazarr... (try #1) done!
[10.04.2023 05:57:25] Starting Notifiarr... (try #1) done!
[10.04.2023 05:57:27] Starting lidarr... (try #1) done!
[10.04.2023 05:57:29] Starting stash... (try #1) done!
[10.04.2023 05:57:32] Starting whisparr... (try #1) done!
[10.04.2023 05:57:34] Starting overseerr... (try #1) done!
[10.04.2023 05:57:36] Starting ombi... (try #1) done!
[10.04.2023 05:57:39] Starting Portainer-CE... (try #1) done!
[10.04.2023 05:57:41] Starting Portainer-Agent... (try #1) done!
[10.04.2023 05:57:43] Starting PuTTY... (try #1) done!
[10.04.2023 05:57:46] Starting audiobookshelf... (try #1) done!
[10.04.2023 05:57:48] Starting readarr... (try #1) done!
[10.04.2023 05:57:50] Starting ApacheGuacamole... (try #1) done!
[10.04.2023 05:57:53] Starting calibre... (try #1) done!
[10.04.2023 05:57:55] Starting calibre-web... (try #1) done!
[10.04.2023 05:57:57] Starting Komga... (try #1) done!
[10.04.2023 05:58:00] Starting Kavita... (try #1) done!
[10.04.2023 05:58:02] Starting ubooquity... (try #1) done!
[10.04.2023 05:58:04] Starting binhex-readarr... (try #1) done!
[10.04.2023 05:58:07] Starting mylar3... (try #1) done!
[10.04.2023 05:58:09] Starting scrutiny... (try #1) done!
[10.04.2023 05:58:12] Starting netdata-glibc... (try #1) done!
[10.04.2023 05:58:15] Starting Dozzle... (try #1) done!
[10.04.2023 05:58:17] Starting GoAccess-NPM-Logs... (try #1) done!
[10.04.2023 05:58:20] Starting Monitorr... (try #1) done!
[10.04.2023 05:58:22] Starting Rebuild-DNDC... (try #1) done!
[10.04.2023 05:58:25] Starting OnlyOfficeDocumentServer... (try #1) done!
[10.04.2023 05:58:27] Starting nextcloud... (try #1) done!
[10.04.2023 05:58:30] Starting FileBrowser... (try #1) done!
[10.04.2023 05:58:32] Starting binhex-krusader... (try #1) done!
[10.04.2023 05:58:35] Starting bookstack... (try #1) done!
[10.04.2023 05:58:37] Starting organizrv2... (try #1) done!
[10.04.2023 05:58:40] A error occurred somewhere. Not deleting old backup sets of appdata
[10.04.2023 05:58:40] Backup / Restore Completed


Link to comment
2 hours ago, KluthR said:

Could you share a directory listing of your configured source directory?


For the first time I've noticed a file in appdata with the name "-usr-local-emhttp-webGui-scripts-run_cmd tail -f -n 90 -var-log-syslog (AvsHome).url". Opening it opens a browser with the text:


Attempt to invoke interface method 'java.lang.String java.lang.CharSequence.toString()' on a null object reference


Any idea what that is?


Here's the entire directory. Some cleaning up of old folders needed:


ApacheGuacamole	nobody	drwxrwxrwx	<FOLDER>	2022-10-11 22:03	cache	...
audiobookshelf	nobody	drwxr-xr-x	<FOLDER>	2022-11-29 03:34	cache	...
Authelia	nobody	drwxrwxrwx	<FOLDER>	2022-05-01 13:09	cache	...
authentik	root	drwxrwxrwx	<FOLDER>	2022-11-11 01:14	cache	...
bazarr	nobody	drwxrwxrwx	<FOLDER>	2023-01-02 14:53	cache	...
binhex-delugevpn	nobody	drwxrwxr-x	<FOLDER>	2022-05-28 16:12	cache	...
binhex-krusader	nobody	drwxrwxrwx	<FOLDER>	2022-04-30 18:48	cache	...
binhex-pqbittorrentvpn	nobody	drwxrwxr-x	<FOLDER>	2022-05-26 01:04	cache	...
binhex-privoxyvpn	nobody	drwxrwxr-x	<FOLDER>	2023-04-10 11:31	cache	...
binhex-qbittorrentvpn	nobody	drwxrwxrwx	<FOLDER>	2022-04-29 23:47	cache	...
binhex-qbittorrentvpn-1	nobody	drwxrwxr-x	<FOLDER>	2022-05-28 15:54	cache	...
binhex-readarr	nobody	drwxrwxr-x	<FOLDER>	2023-04-11 07:08	cache	...
binhex-sabnzbd	nobody	drwxrwxr-x	<FOLDER>	2023-04-04 18:45	cache	...
binhex-sabnzbdvpn	nobody	drwxrwxr-x	<FOLDER>	2022-05-26 17:01	cache	...
binhex-sabnzbdvpn-1	nobody	drwxrwxr-x	<FOLDER>	2022-05-28 16:22	cache	...
bookstack	nobody	drwxr-xr-x	<FOLDER>	2022-11-25 17:42	cache	...
calibre	nobody	drwxrwxrwx	<FOLDER>	2023-04-09 03:45	cache	...
calibre-web	nobody	drwxrwxrwx	<FOLDER>	2023-04-11 04:00	cache	...
channels-dvr	nobody	drwxr-xr-x	<FOLDER>	2023-04-05 21:32	cache	...
chrome	nobody	drwxrwx---	<FOLDER>	2022-06-08 21:29	cache	...
code-server	root	drwxrwxrwx	<FOLDER>	2022-09-19 03:22	cache	...
data	nobody	drwxrwxrwx	<FOLDER>	2022-04-25 14:31	cache	...
emby	nobody	drwxr-xr-x	<FOLDER>	2023-04-06 09:55	cache	...
filebrowser	nobody	drwxr-xr-x	<FOLDER>	2022-06-09 15:08	cache	...
Firefox	nobody	drwxr-xr-x	<FOLDER>	2023-04-07 23:13	cache	...
gluetun	root	drwxr-xr-x	<FOLDER>	2023-04-11 06:51	cache	...
goaccess	nobody	drwxrwxrwx	<FOLDER>	2022-09-21 09:28	cache	...
jackett	nobody	drwxrwxrwx	<FOLDER>	2022-09-12 03:19	cache	...
jellyfin	nobody	drwxr-xr-x	<FOLDER>	2022-09-16 03:33	cache	...
kavita	chrisavs	drwxrwxrwx	<FOLDER>	2023-04-11 06:52	cache	...
komga	chrisavs	drwxrwxrwx	<FOLDER>	2023-04-11 05:59	cache	...
krusader	nobody	drwxrwx---	<FOLDER>	2022-06-09 11:23	cache	...
lidarr	nobody	drwxr-xr-x	<FOLDER>	2023-04-11 07:07	cache	...
Logarr	nobody	drwxrwxrwx	<FOLDER>	2022-06-07 23:15	cache	...
macinabox	nobody	drwxr-xr-x	<FOLDER>	2023-04-07 23:50	cache	...
main-sabnzbd	nobody	drwxrwx---	<FOLDER>	2023-04-07 21:10	cache	...
mariadb	nobody	drwxrwxrwx	<FOLDER>	2022-09-16 03:33	cache	...
mongodb	UNKNOWN	drwxrwxrwx	<FOLDER>	2022-11-29 14:43	cache	...
mongodb.old	root	drwxrwxrwx	<FOLDER>	2022-09-09 16:12	cache	...
Monitorr	nobody	drwxr-xr-x	<FOLDER>	2022-06-07 21:21	cache	...
mylar3	nobody	drwxrwxrwx	<FOLDER>	2022-09-21 03:35	cache	...
netdata	root	drwxr-xr-x	<FOLDER>	2022-09-20 23:13	cache	...
nextcloud	nobody	drwxrwxrwx	<FOLDER>	2022-11-17 11:47	cache	...
Nginx-Proxy-Manager-Official	nobody	drwxrwxrwx	<FOLDER>	2022-04-30 03:28	cache	...
Notifiarr	nobody	drwxr-xr-x	<FOLDER>	2022-12-06 22:04	cache	...
nzbgetvpn	nobody	drwxr-xr-x	<FOLDER>	2022-05-26 21:04	cache	...
ombi	nobody	drwxr-xr-x	<FOLDER>	2023-04-11 05:40	cache	...
onlyofficeds	root	drwxr-xr-x	<FOLDER>	2022-06-07 13:20	cache	...
organizrv2	nobody	drwxrwxrwx	<FOLDER>	2023-04-09 10:05	cache	...
overseerr	nobody	drwxrwxrwx	<FOLDER>	2022-09-20 03:33	cache	...
P3R-Brave-Browser	chrisavs	drwxr-xr-x	<FOLDER>	2022-06-08 21:15	cache	...
P3R-Firefox-Browser	chrisavs	drwxr-xr-x	<FOLDER>	2022-06-08 21:40	cache	...
P3R-OpenRGB	nobody	drwxrwxrwx	<FOLDER>	2022-04-27 23:12	cache	...
pihole-dot-doh	root	drwxr-xr-x	<FOLDER>	2022-09-21 21:40	cache	...
plex	nobody	drwxrwxrwx	<FOLDER>	2022-09-21 03:35	cache	...
portainer-ce	nobody	drwxr-xr-x	<FOLDER>	2022-11-01 03:34	cache	...
postgresql14	UNKNOWN	drwx------	<FOLDER>	2023-04-11 06:51	cache	...
prowlarr	nobody	drwxrwxr-x	<FOLDER>	2023-04-11 07:07	cache	...
PuTTY	nobody	drwxr-xr-x	<FOLDER>	2022-11-10 03:34	cache	...
pwm	root	drwxrwxrwx	<FOLDER>	2022-11-08 23:26	cache	...
pwm.old	nobody	drwxrwxrwx	<FOLDER>	2022-05-18 20:35	cache	...
qbittorrent	nobody	drwxrwxr-x	<FOLDER>	2023-04-05 00:21	cache	...
qbittorrentvpn	nobody	drwxr-xr-x	<FOLDER>	2022-05-26 01:11	cache	...
radarr	nobody	drwxrwxrwx	<FOLDER>	2023-04-11 07:07	cache	...
readarr	nobody	drwxrwxr-x	<FOLDER>	2023-04-11 07:08	cache	...
rebuild-dndc	nobody	drwxr-xr-x	<FOLDER>	2023-04-10 13:25	cache	...
redis	chrisavs	drwxrwxrwx	<FOLDER>	2022-05-01 12:52	cache	...
rocketchat	nobody	drwxr-xr-x	<FOLDER>	2022-09-17 01:42	cache	...
sabnzbd	nobody	drwxrwx---	<FOLDER>	2023-04-07 21:01	cache	...
sonarr	nobody	drwxrwxrwx	<FOLDER>	2023-04-11 06:52	cache	...
stash	nobody	drwxrwxr-x	<FOLDER>	2023-04-11 06:52	cache	...
swag	nobody	drwxrwxrwx	<FOLDER>	2022-04-25 13:28	cache	...
tailscale	nobody	drwxr-xr-x	<FOLDER>	2022-12-25 13:17	cache	...
tautulli	nobody	drwxrwxrwx	<FOLDER>	2023-04-11 07:08	cache	...
torbrowser	nobody	drwxrwx---	<FOLDER>	2023-04-11 07:08	cache	...
ubooquity	nobody	drwxrwxrwx	<FOLDER>	2022-05-09 22:29	cache	...
unpackerr	nobody	drwxrwxr-x	<FOLDER>	2022-04-27 20:03	cache	...
vaultwarden	nobody	drwxr-xr-x	<FOLDER>	2023-04-11 06:51	cache	...
vm_custom_icons	nobody	drwxrwxrwx	<FOLDER>	2022-10-06 17:13	cache	...
whisparr	nobody	drwxrwxr-x	<FOLDER>	2023-04-11 07:07	cache	...
xteve	nobody	drwxr-xr-x	<FOLDER>	2023-04-05 14:04	cache	...
xteve_dnsforge	UNKNOWN	drwxr-sr-x	<FOLDER>	2023-04-11 06:53	cache	...
-usr-local-emhttp-webGui-scripts-run_cmd tail -f -n 90 -var-log-syslog (AvsHome).url	chrisavs	-rw-rw-rw-	69.0 B	2023-04-04 22:55	cache	...
83 objects: 82 directories, 1 file (69.0 B total)


Edited by Avsynthe
Link to comment

No idea were the file comes from. Could you share its content? Open it with Notepad++ or Wordpad. Either the java text was directly inside it or its a url with a pointer to a website.


the filename is a script path to an unraid helper tool. I believe something placed it here. But what?


however: removing it should fix the issue.

Link to comment
2 hours ago, KluthR said:

No idea were the file comes from. Could you share its content? Open it with Notepad++ or Wordpad. Either the java text was directly inside it or its a url with a pointer to a website.


the filename is a script path to an unraid helper tool. I believe something placed it here. But what?


however: removing it should fix the issue.


The contents (sanitized):




SUPER weird. The URL when logged into unRAID returns a 502


What would the script even do? The new container editions this week have been:

Xteve (two distros from different authors for testing)




ChannelsDVR which is now removed

A multitude of different distros of sabNZBD to find some that allowed for app level/internal container port changes

Edited by Avsynthe
Link to comment
8 minutes ago, KluthR said:

Does any of your containers have access to the folder where the file is located at? I dont know if Unraid created it (seems so) or some container (via volume mapping)

I'll be looking over the volume mappings but I'm quite sure I've never accidentally mapped the base appdata folder for any container's /config directory. And if I had, there'd me a lot more in there.


The only script related item for this week was running this to check container and volume sizes within the docker img before i switched to using a directory.

du -ah /var/lib/docker/containers/ | grep -v "/$" | sort -rh | head -60 | grep .log


So strange. Anyways, i've backed it up and removed it. Can't imagine the file would be very functional to anything regardless.

Appreciate your help and prompt replies!


The only other thing I noticed in the backup logs was this:


[10.04.2023 03:04:16] Separate archives enabled!
[10.04.2023 03:04:16] Ignoring: .
[10.04.2023 03:04:16] Ignoring: ..


Is this ignoring the separate archives setting?

Edited by Avsynthe
Link to comment

Excuse the double post. Thought you might be interested in case you come across this again, or on the off chance someone else runs into this.


I believe it's linked to the unRAID MyServers feature.


I had neglected OS updates for a while and I was logged out of the service when unRAID overhauled the forums. I re-signed in that day from the server. It explains why my server name is written in the file title and may explain why it's a script. No idea why this happened but it seems like this was it.


Cheers again for your help!

Link to comment

I seem to be having an issue with entire appdata subfolders missing.


[03.04.2023 03:03:06] Stopping MS-SQL-Server...  done! (took 1 seconds)
[03.04.2023 03:12:40] Backing Up: ms-sql-server
[03.04.2023 03:13:38] Verifying Backup ms-sql-server
[03.04.2023 03:24:53] Starting MS-SQL-Server... (try #1)  done!


But inside the archive, there's no ms-sql-server\data folder, yet one exists on the filesystem and has the same permissions as ms-sql-server\log (which does get backed up in the archive properly)


drwxrwxr-x 1 root   root    28 Dec 12 14:30 ./
drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users 2076 Mar 10 15:46 ../
drwxrwxr-x 1 root   root   832 Mar 21 11:37 data/
drwxrwxr-x 1 root   root  5234 Apr 10 03:27 log/
drwxrwxr-x 1 root   root    22 Dec 12 14:30 secrets/





Any idea what's going on here?

Edited by tlrmcknz
Link to comment
On 3/27/2023 at 5:07 AM, ctrlaltd1337 said:


I have had my appdata backup run on Mondays at 4am for years, even with the recently deprecated plugin. It hadn't been giving me issues until recently and I had read that v2.5 was giving people errors so I stuck with the v2 until last week, but my issue still occurred with v2.5. The issue seems to only be affecting the Plex container, as all other containers backup properly and restart without issue. This obviously makes me think it's an issue with the container, but I've tried to completely re-install it and the same thing keeps happening.


The issue is that after the appdata backup, Plex does not restart, and whenever I try to start it I get greeted with "Error: Server Error" with no other information. I cannot start the container, delete the container, I can hardly do anything to it. The one thing I was able to do one time was rename it (I changed it from plex to plex2). I have tried turning the Docker service off and on, but I was unable to unmount my unassigned disk (appdata), so something was stuck. I still could not update, delete, anything. My solve was to set the container to not autostart, restart the server, and then all works as expected when I start it up manually.

I am having a very similar issue to this and have tried asking just about everywhere else, maybe someone here can help....


I have been running the appdata backup for several months without issue, but after my last backup, on 2nd April, my sonarr container just stops after 5 minutes. It is not set to auto-start. I start it, it works perfectly (as far as I can tell) for around 5 minutes then just stops. I've rebooted my server numerous times and it didn't help.


But eventually I realised that if I rename the container to "sonarr2", it was called "sonarr", it runs for days and never stops. Rename it to "sonarr" again and it stops after 5ish minutes every time.


Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I can get my container back to being called "sonarr"? (I have just realised that I have not rebooted the server since I renamed the container, might that be enough to "clear out" any wonky usages of the "sonarr" name?)

And how I might prevent this from happening again at the next backup?

Link to comment
On 1/11/2023 at 12:33 AM, CryPt00n said:

I´m thinking about using Duplicacy then afterwards. But the cycle of the plugin is great (stop & start running dockers, auto update) so i don't want to quit using it. Backing up to just folders would help here.

+1 for this- in order for Duplicacy to work efficiently, it needs to be able to access the individual files so it can avoid duplication of any files that it has already already backed up. With both of the current settings (.tar.gz/.tar) it is not able to do this as it does not have access to the individual files.

Could we please have a 3rd option to not have the files placed into an archive/ archives and just have them copied into an individual folder for each docker?


Many thanks


Link to comment
On 4/11/2023 at 11:49 AM, Avsynthe said:

I believe it's linked to the unRAID MyServers feature.

Hmm. If its coming from the MyServers plugin, it must be a bug then. Interesting.


10 hours ago, tlrmcknz said:

I seem to be having an issue with entire appdata subfolders missing.

How is your exclusion list configured?


8 hours ago, Stannis33 said:

The issue is that after the appdata backup, Plex does not restart, and whenever I try to start it I get greeted with "Error: Server Error" with no other information.

I seen some such things recently. Thr thing is: The backup plugin tells docker "Hey, could you please start (or stop) this container?". This mechanism is the SAME as you would click stop/start inside the docker overview page. The "Server Error" is an direct response from docker daemon.


It turns out, that in some cases:

  • the container was already running (seperate AutoUpdate plugin was in use and updated containers while they were being backed up)
  • Some leftover process was running in the name of the container.

The last one is being diagnosed automatically with the new Appdata.Backup plugin for Unraid 6.12+ - but only for file verification errors. (Maybe it should do diagnosis after failed starts as well - I put a note on that)


Not able to unmount your appdata (with all containers stopped) would speak for it as well (files in use).


8 hours ago, Stannis33 said:

Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I can get my container back to being called "sonarr"?

There is not much which would cause a name blocking issue.


Unraid stores all docker related infos directly inside the docker container meta infos (using labels). So, if you remove a container, there is nothing left from it (maybe the image but thats ok). What does a "docker ps -a" say? What does the container logs say?

8 hours ago, Stannis33 said:

I have just realised that I have not rebooted the server since I renamed the container

Maybe some leftovers here as well. Do you have the seperate AutoUpdate plugin installed as well?


8 hours ago, -C- said:

Could we please have a 3rd option to not have the files placed into an archive/ archives and just have them copied into an individual folder for each docker?

I will thinking about that. But IF this feature will come alive, only for the new Appdata.backup plugin.

Link to comment
31 minutes ago, Thx And Bye said:

I'm always getting a failed backup but none of the archives failes to validate.

Is any AutoUpdate plugin installed?


i saw this type of error once but I got bo idea what is causing it to fail with this image deletion error.. hmm


32 minutes ago, Thx And Bye said:

But a container not starting correctly shouldn't fail the backup, right?

Nice idea. It should not but currently it does (within appdata.backup as well). Maybe a container start after backup could be considered „nice to have but not a blocker“.

Link to comment

So I rebooted my server, changed the container name back to sonarr......and it stopped again. I named it sonarr2 again and it's been running again for 5 hours....


15 hours ago, KluthR said:

Unraid stores all docker related infos directly inside the docker container meta infos (using labels). So, if you remove a container, there is nothing left from it (maybe the image but thats ok). What does a "docker ps -a" say? What does the container logs say?


"docker ps -a" gives

After the "wonky" version had stopped (I can try to get it while still running if that  might help)

and I get this for the "working" version



When you  say the container logs do you mean the sonarr logs or some actual docker logs? The sonarr logs say nothing, even in debug mode, they just stop logging - even the sonarr forum says there's nothing weird in them.


Where might I find the "meta infos"? I tried looking in the sonarr appdata folder but there was no obvious candidate, at least to my very untrained eyes.


15 hours ago, KluthR said:

Do you have the seperate AutoUpdate plugin installed as well?

It seems I do.....it is set to run at 02:47 (I don't know why that time, I didn't set it up) and my appdata backup is set to run at 04:00 so it feels like they shouldn't collide. Although it did go wrong the day clocks went forward so I guess there could have been some timezone related screwup.


Edited by Stannis33
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10 hours ago, KluthR said:

Is any AutoUpdate plugin installed?


i saw this type of error once but I got bo idea what is causing it to fail with this image deletion error.. hmm


Yes I have CA Auto Update Applications installed. The error occurs on manual backups too though and the backup and auto update run at different times anyways. 

It's always the same container that has this problem (it starts just fine when doing so manually via the webUI). The container is part of a stack deployed via docker-compose (Compose Manager Plugin) and not touched by the auto update. 


I've also replaced my gzip with pigz for (much) faster compression, but it's likely unrelated as the creation and validation of the archives works just fine.

Edited by Thx And Bye
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