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Unraid API Error - CLOUD: Client Closed Connection

Go to solution Solved by MaxBth,

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The system had some small hiccups yesterday that may have disconnected you:

Also if your Internet drops or your modem reboots you will get disconnected. 


The api is intended to reconnect automatically when these types of things happen, but there are still issues. We have some fixes identified for the next plugin release.


In the meantime, `unraid-api restart` should get you back up running, just note that it can take some time for the api to reconnect.


More detail here: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/136219-unraid-api-error-cloud-client-closed-connection/#comment-1241122


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55 minutes ago, hawkcfa said:

same issue and restarting the API or unregistering and re-registering with unraid.net has not fixed it for me.

I just updated to Unraid 6.12.0-rc3 and im having this issue too. Never had it on 6.11 so not sure if its a 6.12 issue or a "My servers" issue

I have tried "unraid-api restart" multiple times without success and im on the google DNS servers. If i update my DNS server IP address between google and cloudflare it seems to work very briefly but then just goes back to not being able to connect with the same error as reported here.


@ljm42 Diags attached if it helps.


Edited by Titan84
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No, it happens here with 6.10.3 as well.


It is a bit disconcerting that this has been an issue that has prevailed for over a month and not been resolved.  Running unraid-api restart is not a solution, but is just a Band-Aid that resolves the immediate symptom.


My Servers has been sold to the Unraid community as one of the preferred secure methods of accessing a server remotely.  By using My Servers you are handing you trust to someone else that they are keeping you secure.  If this visible issue has been going on for a month, what else may be an unknown problem?



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Did you update the certificate url to myunraid.net ? They recently changed the name.

In Settings > Management Access You can see "update" button around Certificate URL.

Don't know if related, but it seems problem didn't return.

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